60 research outputs found

    A Serving Church:An Appraisal

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    Deaths of individuals aged 16-24 years in the UK after using mephedrone

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    Objective: Mephedrone is a stimulant drug chemically related to amphetamine, with effects similar to those of amphetamine and cocaine. This study aims to analyse fatalities following ingestion of mephedrone in the UK amongst 16-24 year olds in 2009-13, providing an update on data presented at the 2nd International Conference on Novel Psychoactive Substances. Methods: A literature search was undertaken to identify published information on pharmacology, toxicity, and fatalities associated with mephedrone. Fatalities involving mephedrone were extracted from the National Programme on Substance Abuse Deaths database, which receives information on drug-related deaths from Coroners in the UK and Islands and other data suppliers. Selection criteria: deceased aged 16-24 at time of death; mephedrone directly implicated in the cause of death and/or mentioned in the Coroner’s verdict. Results: Thirty cases met the study criteria and, when known, all were of White ethnicity, most (85%) had a history of drug use and 73% were male. Two-thirds (63%) were accidental poisonings. Mephedrone was used with other substances in most cases (87%); other substances were implicated in 60% of deaths. Conclusions: Mephedrone use can have potentially fatal consequences, especially in combination with other substances. Deaths in the 16-24 years age-group continue to occur from its use in the UK, despite it being a controlled drug. Health professionals and potential consumers should be alert to this risk.Peer reviewe

    Erratum to: 36th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

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    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1186/s13054-016-1208-6.]

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)

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    Identidad - Una mirada al nuevo decreto

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    El autor sitúa en la tensión de la vocación a la Compañía de Jesús: “La llamada a ser fiel de una manera creativa a las ‘polaridades ignacianas’, es el principal reto al que nos enfrenta este nuevo decreto. Es muy difícil ser contemplativo y activo al mismo tiempo, sin impulsar un aspecto más que el otro. Aquí, insiste el decreto, está el corazón de la identidad jesuita: estar siempre totalmente enraizado en Dios y simultáneamente inmerso en el mundo. Idealmente, los jesuitas viven de una gracia sobrecogedora que nos inclina a ver el mundo con los ojos de Cristo, amándolo con Su corazón y sirviéndole con Su compasión. No se trata de buscar las necesidades, o hacer el bien, o actuar de un modo justo, solos. Ni se trata de tener fe, orar, o vivir de un modo contemplativo, solos. Más bien se trata de hacerlo juntos. Tanto en los párrafos del decreto sobre las polaridades ignacianas, como en los párrafos que tratan explícitamente de seguir a Cristo, se muestra que, cuando estamos con ÉL, estamos activos en el mundo y que, cuando estamos activos en el mundo, estamos con ÉL. El reto es no dejar nunca que se disuelva esta unión creativa entre la oración y el servicio”