1,635 research outputs found

    The State of Organizational Reform in European Firms: Evidence from a Comparative Overview of Ten EU Countries

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    Based on some recent surveys, the paper is intended to offer an overview of the diffusion of organisational change in European firms and their effects in terms of performance and impact on employment. Taking into account the differences in national industrial relation systems in which the changes have taken place, contrasted "national" trajectories are exhibited. Three "models" of diffusion are thus highlighted. The main conclusion of the paper is that - in spite of positive effects in terms of performance - the process of organizational change in the European firms is still timid and carried on under strict managerial control.

    Avances en experiencias de cálculo mental

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    La conferencia se caracteriza por un formato tipo taller, en el que se prioriza la participación activa de los asistentes. Los contenidos tratados en una sesión de 3 horas en el horario y en la fecha que figuran en el cartel de difusión pública del evento, que se adjunta al presente documento, son los siguientes: - Idea de la aritmética rápida - Actividades de suma, resta, multiplicación y división rápidas - Estimación y resultado exacto - Aritmética rápida y pre-álgebra - Aritmética rápida y… Suma Resta Multiplicación (un poco) DivisiónDepartamento de Didáctica de la Matemática, de las Ciencias Sociales y de las Ciencias Experimentales. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Chapter 9 The interplay between policy and funding

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    Whilst there are many common features in doctoral training across the world, there is considerable variation in how training is delivered, funded and supported. Approaches vary depending on the nature of the degree, on policies set at the national, institution and funder level and according to the nature of the financial support available. How then can we look at the interplay between funding and policy? This chapter sets out some of the issues affecting the current research system. Using the case study of Wellcome’s 2017 review of doctoral training, I explain how taking a systemic view can provide insight into the culture of the research system overall. I explain how the review enabled Wellcome to deliberatively design policy and practice with an explicit intent to support a more positive culture for PhD training. I reflect on how, using a social sciences approach, this experimental approach will help evolve our understanding of how such changes in policy and practice are experienced

    Systematic spectral analysis of GX 339-4: influence of Galactic background and reflection models

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    Black hole X-ray binaries display large outbursts, during which their properties are strongly variable. We develop a systematic spectral analysis of the 3-40 keV RXTE/PCA data in order to study the evolution of these systems and apply it to GX 339-4. Using the low count rate observations, we provide a precise model of the Galactic background at GX 339-4's location and discuss its possible impact on the source spectral parameters. At higher fluxes, the use of a Gaussian line to model the reflection component can lead to the detection of a high-temperature disk, in particular in the high-hard state. We demonstrate that this component is an artifact arising from an incomplete modeling of the reflection spectrum.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Proceeding of the XMM-Newton 2015 Science Workshop 'The Extremes of Black Hole Accretion', Accepted for publication in Astronomical Note

    Representación de los números reales en la recta

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    We state and justify a conjecture concerning the comparative complexity of the representation of real numbers on the line versus other representations. The Introduction provides the setting of the subject and states the conjecture. Part 1 deals with the controversial line's «nature» and depicts several interpretations of the straight line. Part 2 analyses the particular phenomenology related to the assignment of real numbers to the line's points, in order to extract some limitations of such an assignment. Part 3 compares several representations of real numbers with the representation on the line, and presents a set of distinctive features for the latter. This paper, theoretically oriented, comes from a broader research work addressed to uncover epistemological obstacles related to the representation of real numbers on the straight line. We are doing a work field, involving students of several levels, on this subject

    : Deux formes de résistance et d'alternative à l'exclusivisme propriétaire

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    Cet article porte sur les liens entre le mouvement du logiciel libre, les juristes anglo-saxons défendant le domaine public (Lessig, Boyle, Benkler,etc.) et la théorie des communs de l'économiste Elinor Ostrom. Il retrace l'histoire de la rencontre entre ces différents acteurs et analyse les enjeux soulevés en matière de propriété intellectuelle. À partir des exemples de la licence GPL et des Creative Commons, il montre l'intérêt d'une approche de la propriété en termes de bundle of rights (faisceaux de droits) afin de penser des alternatives à la propriété exclusive

    Intellectual Property Right Regimes, Firms and the Commodification of Knowledge

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the evolution of the intellectual property regime, and more precisely the patent regime, in the USA, since the 19th century. To do so, we shall consider intellectual property within the context of general transformations in capitalism, focusing on two main historical phases. Firstly, the period covering the formation and development of \u27corporate capitalism\u27 dominated by large corporations. And then the new phase, which opened up in the 1980s, marked by the rise to power of finance. From a perspective of institutional complementarities, we seek to show how the characteristics and implications of IPR regimes can only be understood in relation to transformations in the main institutional forms of capitalism: forms of the firm, the status of labour (the \u27wage-labour nexus\u27), and market forms