1,017 research outputs found

    Modulation of stem cell adhesion and morphology via facile control over surface presentation of cell adhesion molecules

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    To encourage cell adhesion on biomaterial surfaces in a more facile, safe, and low-cost fashion, we have demonstrated a noncovalent approach to spatially conjugate β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) modified peptide sequences onto self-assembled adamantane-terminated polystyrene-b-poly(ethylene oxide) (PS-PEO-Ada) films through inclusion complexing interactions between β-CDs and adamantane. By simply blending various ratios of unmodified PS-PEO with a newly synthesized PS-PEO-Ada, we produced PS polymer films that displayed well-organized adamantine-decorated cylindrical PEO domains with varying average interdomain spacings ranging from 29 to 47 nm. The presence of the adamantane moiety at the terminal end of the PEO chain permitted rapid, and importantly, oriented attachment of β-CD functionalized peptides onto these surfaces. This one-step process not only converted these proven nonadherent PS-PEO surfaces into adherent surfaces, but also permitted precisely controlled presentation and surface distribution of the conjugated peptides. The utility of these surfaces as cell culture substrates was confirmed with human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). We observed that with increasing PS-PEO-Ada content in the PEO cylindrical domains, these novel polymer films displayed improved cell attachment and spreading, with notable differences in hMSC morphology. We further confirmed that this novel PS-PEO-Ada surface provides a flexible platform for facile conjugation of mixtures of β-CDs functionalized with different peptides, specifically RGD and IKVAV peptides. The cell adhesion and spreading assays on these surfaces indicated that the morphologies of hMSCs can be easily manipulated, while no significant changes in cell attachment were observed. The lock-and-key peptide conjugation technique presented in this work is applicable to any substrate that incorporates a moiety capable of forming inclusion complexes with α-, β-, and γ-CDs, providing a facile and flexible method by which to construct peptide-conjugated biomaterial substrates for a multitude of applications in fields ranging from cell bioprocessing and regenerative medicine to cell-based assays

    Modulation of anabolic and catabolic responses via a porous polymer scaffold manufactured using thermally induced phase separation

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    We describe two studies encompassing the iterative refinement of a polymer-based rhBMP-2 delivery system for bone tissue engineering. Firstly, we compared the boneforming capacity of porous poly(D,L-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) scaffolds produced by thermally induced phase separation (TIPS) with non-porous solvent cast poly(D,L-lactic acid) (PDLLA) used previously. Secondly, we examined the potential synergy between rhBMP-2 and local bisphosphonate in the PLGA scaffold system. In vivo ectopic bone formation studies were performed in C57BL6/J mice. Polymer scaffolds containing 0, 5, 10 or 20 μg rhBMP-2 were inserted into the dorsal musculature. At all rhBMP-2 doses, porous PLGA produced significantly higher bone volume (BV, mm) than the solid PDLLA scaffolds. Next, porous PLGA scaffolds containing 10μg rhBMP-2 ±0.2, or 2μg zoledronic acid (ZA) were inserted into the hind-limb musculature. Co-delivery of local 10μg rhBMP-2/2μg ZA significantly augmented bone formation compared with rhBMP-2 alone (400 % BV increase, p < 0.01). Hydroxyapatite microparticle (HAp) addition (2% w/w) to the 10μg rhBMP-2/0.2μg ZA group increased BV (200 %, p < 0.01). We propose that this was due to controlled ZA release of HAp-bound ZA. Consistent with this, elution analyses showed that HAp addition did not alter the rhBMP-2 elution, but delayed ZA release. Moreover, 2 % w/w HAp addition reduced the scaffold's compressive properties, but did not alter ease of surgical handling. In summary, our data show that refinement of the polymer selection and scaffold fabrication can enhance rhBMP-2 induced bone formation in our bone tissue engineering implant, and this can be further optimised by the local co-delivery of ZA/HAp

    Transgenic human ES and iPS reporter cell lines for identification and selection of pluripotent stem cells in vitro

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    Optimization of pluripotent stem cell expansion and differentiation is facilitated by biological tools that permit non-invasive and dynamic monitoring of pluripotency, and the ability to select for an undifferentiated input cell population. Here we report on the generation and characterisation of clonal human embryonic stem (HES3, H9) and human induced pluripotent stem cell lines (UQEW01i-epifibC11) that have been stably modified with an artificial EOS(C3+) promoter driving expression of EGFP and puromycin resistance-conferring proteins. We show that EGFP expression faithfully reports on the pluripotency status of the cells in these lines and that antibiotic selection allows for an efficient elimination of differentiated cells from the cultures. We demonstrate that the extinction of the expression of the pluripotency reporter during differentiation closely correlates with the decrease in expression of conventional pluripotency markers, such as OCT4 (POU5F1), TRA-1-60 and SSEA4 when screening across conditions with various levels of pluripotency-maintaining or differentiation-inducing signals. We further illustrate the utility of these lines for real-time monitoring of pluripotency in embryoid bodies and microfluidic bioreactors. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B. V

    Isolation of contractile cardiomyocytes from human pluripotent stem-cell-derived cardiomyogenic cultures using a human NCX1-EGFP reporter

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    The prospective isolation of defined contractile human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-derived cardiomyocytes is advantageous for regenerative medicine and drug screening applications. Currently, enrichment of cardiomyocyte populations from such cultures can be achieved by combinations of cell surface markers or the labor-intensive genetic modification of cardiac developmental genes, such as NKX2.5 or MYH6, with fluorescent reporters. To create a facile, portable method for the isolation of contractile cardiomyocytes from cardiomyogenic hPSC cultures, we employed a highly conserved cardiac enhancer sequence in the SLC8A1 (NCX1) gene to generate a lentivirally deliverable, antibiotic-selectable NCX1cp-EGFP reporter. We show that human embryonic stem cells (and induced pluripotent stem cells) transduced with the NCX1cp-EGFP reporter cassette exhibit enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) expression in cardiac progenitors from 5 days into the directed cardiac hPSC differentiation protocol, with all reporter-positive cells transitioning to spontaneously contracting foci 3 days later. In subsequent stages of cardiomyocyte maturation, NCX1cp-EGFP expression was exclusively limited to contractile cells expressing high levels of cardiac troponin T (CTNT), MLC2a/v, and alpha-actinin proteins, and was not present in CD90/THY1(+) cardiac stromal cells or CD31/PECAM(+) endothelial cells. Flow-assisted cytometrically sorted EGFP(+) fractions of differentiated cultures were highly enriched in both early (NKX2.5 and TBX5) and late (CTNT/TNNI2, MYH6, MYH7, NPPA, and MYL2) cardiomyocyte markers, with a significant proportion of cells displaying a ventricular-like action potential pattern in patch-clamp recordings. We conclude that the use of the cardiac-specific promoter of the human SLC8A1(NCX1) gene is an effective strategy to isolate contractile cardiac cells and their progenitors from hPSC-derived cardiomyogenic cultures

    Data fusion for a multi-scale model of a wheat leaf surface: a unifying approach using a radial basis function partition of unity method

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    Realistic digital models of plant leaves are crucial to fluid dynamics simulations of droplets for optimising agrochemical spray technologies. The presence and nature of small features (on the order of 100μm\mathrm{\mu m}) such as ridges and hairs on the surface have been shown to significantly affect the droplet evaporation, and thus the leaf's potential uptake of active ingredients. We show that these microstructures can be captured by implicit radial basis function partition of unity (RBFPU) surface reconstructions from micro-CT scan datasets. However, scanning a whole leaf (20cm220\mathrm{cm^2}) at micron resolutions is infeasible due to both extremely large data storage requirements and scanner time constraints. Instead, we micro-CT scan only a small segment of a wheat leaf (4mm24\mathrm{mm^2}). We fit a RBFPU implicit surface to this segment, and an explicit RBFPU surface to a lower resolution laser scan of the whole leaf. Parameterising the leaf using a locally orthogonal coordinate system, we then replicate the now resolved microstructure many times across a larger, coarser, representation of the leaf surface that captures important macroscale features, such as its size, shape, and orientation. The edge of one segment of the microstructure model is blended into its neighbour naturally by the partition of unity method. The result is one implicit surface reconstruction that captures the wheat leaf's features at both the micro- and macro-scales.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure

    Spatial control of bone formation using a porous polymer scaffold co-delivering anabolic RHBMP-2 and anti-resorptive agents

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    Current clinical delivery of recombinant human bone morphogenetic proteins (rhBMPs) utilises freeze-dried collagen. Despite effective new bone generation, rhBMP via collagen can be limited by significant complications due to inflammation and uncontrolled bone formation. This study aimed to produce an alternative rhBMP local delivery system to permit more controllable and superior rhBMP-induced bone formation. Cylindrical porous poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) scaffolds were manufactured by thermally-induced phase separation. Scaffolds were encapsulated with anabolic rhBMP-2 (20 μg) ± anti-resorptive agents: zoledronic acid (5 μg ZA), ZA pre-adsorbed onto hydroxyapatite microparticles, (5 μg ZA/2 % HA) or IkappaB kinase (IKK) inhibitor (10 μg PS-1145). Scaffolds were inserted in a 6-mm critical-sized femoral defect in Wistar rats, and compared against rhBMP-2 via collagen. The regenerate region was examined at 6 weeks by 3D microCT and descriptive histology. MicroCT and histology revealed rhBMP-induced bone was more restricted in the PLGA scaffolds than collagen scaffolds (-92.3 % TV, p < 0.01). The regenerate formed by PLGA + rhBMP-2/ZA/HA showed comparable bone volume to rhBMP-2 via collagen, and bone mineral density was +9.1 % higher (p < 0.01). Local adjunct ZA/HA or PS-1145 significantly enhanced PLGA + rhBMP-induced bone formation by +78.2 % and +52.0 %, respectively (p ≤ 0.01). Mechanistically, MG-63 human osteoblast-like cells showed cellular invasion and proliferation within PLGA scaffolds. In conclusion, PLGA scaffolds enabled superior spatial control of rhBMP-induced bone formation over clinically-used collagen. The PLGA scaffold has the potential to avoid uncontrollable bone formation-related safety issues and to customise bone shape by scaffold design. Moreover, local treatment with anti-resorptive agents incorporated within the scaffold further augmented rhBMP-induced bone formation

    Characterisation of osteogenic and vascular responses of hMSCs to Ti-Co doped phosphate glass microspheres using a microfluidic perfusion platform

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    Using microspherical scaffolds as building blocks to repair bone defects of specific size and shape has been proposed as a tissue engineering strategy. Here, phosphate glass (PG) microcarriers doped with 5 mol % TiO2 and either 0 mol % CoO (CoO 0%) or 2 mol % CoO (CoO 2%) were investigated for their ability to support osteogenic and vascular responses of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). Together with standard culture techniques, cell-material interactions were studied using a novel perfusion microfluidic bioreactor that enabled cell culture on microspheres, along with automated processing and screening of culture variables. While titanium doping was found to support hMSCs expansion and differentiation, as well as endothelial cell-derived vessel formation, additional doping with cobalt did not improve the functionality of the microspheres. Furthermore, the microfluidic bioreactor enabled screening of culture parameters for cell culture on microspheres that could be potentially translated to a scaled-up system for tissue-engineered bone manufacturing

    Analysis of the extreme diversity of salivary alpha-amylase isoforms generated by physiological proteolysis using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

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    Saliva is a crucial biofluid for oral health and is also of increasing importance as a non-invasive source of disease biomarkers. Salivary alpha-amylase is an abundant protein in saliva, and changes in amylase expression have been previously associated with a variety of diseases and conditions. Salivary alpha-amylase is subject to a high diversity of post-translational modifications, including physiological proteolysis in the oral cavity. Here we developed methodology for rapid sample preparation and non-targeted LC-ESI-MS/MS analysis of saliva from healthy subjects and observed an extreme diversity of alpha-amylase proteolytic isoforms. Our results emphasize the importance of consideration of post-translational events such as proteolysis in proteomic studies, biomarker discovery and validation, particularly in saliva

    The Inertio-Elastic Planar Entry Flow of Low-Viscosity Elastic Fluids in Micro-fabricated Geometries

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    The non-Newtonian flow of dilute aqueous polyethylene oxide (PEO) solutions through microfabricated planar abrupt contraction-expansions is investigated. The contraction geometries are fabricated from a high-resolution chrome mask and cross-linked PDMS gels using the tools of soft-lithography. The small length scales and high deformation rates in the contraction throat lead to significant extensional flow effects even with dilute polymer solutions having time constants on the order of milliseconds. The dimensionless extra pressure drop across the contraction increases by more than 200% and is accompanied by significant upstream vortex growth. Streak photography and videomicroscopy using epifluorescent particles shows that the flow ultimately becomes unstable and three-dimensional. The moderate Reynolds numbers (0.03 ⤠Re ⤠44) associated with these high Deborah number (0 ⤠De ⤠600) microfluidic flows results in the exploration of new regions of the Re-De parameter space in which the effects of both elasticity and inertia can be observed. Understanding such interactions will be increasingly important in microfluidic applications involving complex fluids and can best be interpreted in terms of the elasticity number, El = De/Re, which is independent of the flow kinematics and depends only on the fluid rheology and the characteristic size of the device.NS

    Non-fibrillar components of amyloid deposits mediate the self-association and tangling of amyloid fibrils

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    Amyloid deposits are proteinaceous extra-cellular aggregates associated with a diverse range of disease states. These deposits are composed predominantly of amyloid fibrils, the unbranched, beta-sheet rich structures that result from the misfolding and subsequent aggregation of many proteins. In addition, amyloid deposits contain a number of non-fibrillar components that interact with amyloid fibrils and are incorporated into the deposits in their native folded state. The influence of a number of the non-fibrillar components in amyloid-related diseases is well established; however, the mechanisms underlying these effects are poorly understood. Here we describe the effect of two of the most important non-fibrillar components, serum amyloid P component and apolipoprotein E, upon the solution behavior of amyloid fibrils in an in vitro model system. Using analytical ultracentrifugation, electron microscopy, and rheological measurements, we demonstrate that these non-fibrillar components cause soluble fibrils to condense into localized fibrillar aggregates with a greatly enhanced local density of fibril entanglements. These results suggest a possible mechanism for the observed role of non-fibrillar components as mediators of amyloid deposition and deposit stability
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