55 research outputs found

    Hipertensión arterial y estilos de vida en adultos mayores que acuden al servicio de emergencias del Hospital Regional Guillermo Díaz De La Vega Abancay 2023

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    Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo: determinar la relación entre la hipertensión arterial y estilos de vida en adultos mayores que acuden al servicio de emergencias del Hospital Regional Guillermo Díaz de la Vega Abancay 2023. Esta investigación es tipo aplicada, enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental transversal, correcional descriptivo. Resultados: se encontró que el 66,33% (65) de los pacientes tiene hipertensión arterial normal, mientras que el 33,7% (33) hipertensión arterial moderada. Y en relación con los estilos de vida se encontró que el 85,71% (84) de los pacientes son desordenados con su estilo de vida, mientras que el 14,29% (14) tienen un estilo de vida muy ordenado. Se concluye que existe relación entre la hipertensión y los estilos de vida de los pacientes

    Spatial and temporal dispersion of Doryctobracon areolatus (Szépligeti) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in orchards infested with Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae).

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    Doryctobracon areolatus (Szépligeti) is an endoparasitoid and promising fruit fly control agent. The objective of the study was to determine the spatial (horizontal and vertical) and temporal dispersion of D. areolatus in the field. To evaluate the horizontal and temporal dispersion, two peach orchards were selected. In each orchard, 50 points were marked at different distances from the central point, from where 4,100 couples of D. areolatus were released. Four hours after release, parasitism units (PU) (3 per point) were fixed to the trees at a height of 1.5 m from the ground. The PUs were composed of ripe apples artificially infested with second instar larvae of Anastrepha fraterculus (30 larvae/fruit). For the evaluation of vertical dispersion, in an olive orchard six points were selected (trees of ≈4 m in height). Each tree was divided into three heights in relation to the ground (1.17, 2.34, and 3.51 m). Doryctobracon areolatus was able to disperse horizontally at a distance >60 m from the release point. However, the highest parasitism rates [15–45% (area 1); 15–27% (area 2)] were observed up to 25 m. Higher percentages of parasitism and of recovered offspring occur in the first days after the release of the parasitoid (2 DAR). As for vertical dispersion, D. areolatus parasitized A. fraterculus larvae up to the highest attachment height of the evaluated PUs (3.51). The results showed the potential use of D. areolatus in the management of fruit flies in the field.Online first. Accepted on 1 June 2023

    International Variation in Severe Exacerbation Rates in Patients With Severe Asthma.

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    BACKGROUND: Exacerbation frequency strongly influences treatment choices in patients with severe asthma. RESEARCH QUESTION: What is the extent of the variability of exacerbations rate across countries and its implications in disease management? STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: We retrieved data from the International Severe Asthma Registry, an international observational cohort of patients with a clinical diagnosis of severe asthma. We identified patients ≥ 18 years of age who did not initiate any biologics prior to baseline visit. A severe exacerbation was defined as the use of oral corticosteroids for ≥ 3 days or asthma-related hospitalization/ED visit. A series of negative binomial models were applied to estimate country-specific severe exacerbation rates during 365 days of follow-up, starting from a naïve model with country as the only variable to an adjusted model with country as a random-effect term and patient and disease characteristics as independent variables. RESULTS: The final sample included 7,510 patients from 17 countries (56% from the United States), contributing to 1,939 severe exacerbations (0.27/person-year). There was large between-country variation in observed severe exacerbation rate (minimum, 0.04 [Argentina]; maximum, 0.88 [Saudi Arabia]; interquartile range, 0.13-0.54), which remained substantial after adjusting for patient characteristics and sampling variability (interquartile range, 0.16-0.39). INTERPRETATION: Individuals with similar patient characteristics but coming from different jurisdictions have varied severe exacerbation risks, even after controlling for patient and disease characteristics. This suggests unknown patient factors or system-level variations at play. Disease management guidelines should recognize such between-country variability. Risk prediction models that are calibrated for each jurisdiction will be needed to optimize treatment strategies

    Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) climate zones and its associated agrobiodiversity in Arauca, Colombia

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    Cacao (Theobroma cacao L) is one of the most relevant crops in terms of economy and social rural development in Colombia. Cacao is also an important crop due to its potential to replace illicit crops and it is related to less deforestation and preserves the biodiversity. There are several cacao districts in Colombia, one of these being Arauca. The Department of Arauca is the second largest cocoa producing region in Colombia; however, it is heavily affected by armed conflict. To raise the knowledge and technology available in the region, integrating data on the occurrence of cacao farms with climatic variables becomes a powerful socioeconomic mapping tool for maintaining agrobiodiversity and food security in the region. Consequently, this type of agrodiversity data and agroclimatic approaches help to better manage agrobiodiversity, as in the cacao region of Arauca. These tools are even more relevant in biodiverse regions, such as flooded savannahs and tropical forest ecosystems, which are currently undergoing drastic changes due to agricultural expansion and climate change. One of the knowledge gaps in Colombia´s cacao regions is that there are currently no agroclimatic maps made with a social and scientific approach. This study aimed to provide a database of the spatial distribution of cacao farms in Arauca, as well as agroclimatic maps that identify and locate cacao climate regions in Arauca. We also present a presence-only matrix consisting of twenty-six tree species, or agrobiodiversity, distributed across the study region and specifically associated with the cacao forestry systems in Arauca.We present the first database of both climate and agrobiodiversity data related to cacao farms in Arauca, developed with a research and socioeconomic vision that generated a novel approach for the agroclimatic zoning of cocoa in the Arauca Region and Colombia. Using 1,538 cacao farms at the regional scale, we identified two national and six regional-scale climate and soil regions. The selection at the local scale allowed us to classify 180 cacao farms comprising nine agroclimatic clusters in Arauca. We found twenty-six tree species distributed across the cacao climate zones. This dataset and its related maps also represent the agrobiodiversity of cultivated cacao locally. This is the most complete climate and agrobiodiversity dataset of cacao farms distribution in one of the top cocoa-producing regions in the country. These outputs are crucial because they constitute a baseline for developing research in the biodiversity of agroforestry systems, pests and diseases, pollutant presence, genetics, post-harvest processing and cocoa quality and safety

    Development of a Tool to Measure the Clinical Response to Biologic Therapy in Uncontrolled Severe Asthma: The FEV1, Exacerbations, Oral Corticosteroids, Symptoms Score

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    Background: There is a lack of tools to quantify the response to monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) holistically in severe uncontrolled asthma patients. Objective: To develop a valid score to assist specialists in this clinical context. Methods: The score was developed in four subsequent phases: (1) elaboration of the theoretical model of the construct intended to be measured (response to mAbs); (2) definition and selection of items and measurement instruments by Delphi survey; (3) weight assignment of the selected items by multicriteria decision analysis using the Potentially All Pairwise RanKings of All Possible Alternatives methodology using the 1000minds software; and (4) face validity assessment of the obtained score. Results: Four core items, with different levels of response for each, were selected: severe exacerbations, oral corticosteroid use, symptoms (evaluated by Asthma Control Test), and bronchial obstruction (assessed by FEV1 percent predicted). Severe exacerbations and oral corticosteroid maintenance dose were weighted most heavily (38% each), followed by symptoms (13%) and FEV1 (11%). Higher scores in the weighted system indicate a better response and the range of responses runs from 0 (worsening) to 100 (best possible response). Face validity was high (intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.86). Conclusions: The FEV1, exacerbations, oral corticosteroids, symptoms score allows clinicians to quantify response in severe uncontrolled asthma patients who are being treated with mAbs

    Digital platform and open resources on restorative justice

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    Se explica la elaboración de una plataforma digital sobre justicia restaurativa de la UCM, continuando los Proyectos de Innovación precedentes sobre la misma temática y con el fin de digitalizar el contenido precedente. El proyecto posee en dos dimensiones: de un lado, la formativa, que ha consistido en asegurar la formación teórico-práctica de los alumnos en materia de justicia restaurativa a través de la estrategia Aprendizaje y Servicio y contando con la red de contactos que hemos confeccionado a lo largo de estos años, apostando por la enseñanza virtual y la internacionalización. Por otro lado, se encuentra la dimensión estrictamente innovadora, pues el proyecto implica apostar por innovación de recursos en abierto y enseñanza virtual, confeccionando la plataforma digital sobre el tema que ha vertebrado sobre dos iniciativas: la creación de un MOOC por parte de alumnos y profesores y la puesta en marcha de una Web dentro de la UCM con material disponible y publico sobre esta dimensión tan importante de la justicia, enmarcándola dentro de todos los programas universitarios centrados en la Agenda 2030.The development of a digital platform on restorative justice of the UCM is explained, continuing the preceding Innovation Projects on the same theme and aiming to digitize the preceding content. The project possesses two dimensions: on the one hand, the formative, which has consisted of ensuring the theoretical-practical training of pupils in restorative justice through the Learning and Service strategy and counting on the network of contacts we have made throughout these years, betting on virtual teaching and internationalization. On the other hand, the strictly innovative dimension is found, as the project involves betting on open resource innovation and virtual teaching, making the digital platform on the theme that has vertebrated on two initiatives: the creation of a MOOC by students and professors and the launch of a Web site within UCM with available and public material on this so important dimension of justice, framing it within all university programs centered on the 2030 Agenda.Depto. de Derecho Internacional, Eclesiástico y Filosofía del DerechoFac. de DerechoFALSEsubmitte

    Bottom-up construction of complex biomolecular systems with cell-free synthetic biology

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    Cell-free systems offer a promising approach to engineer biology since their open nature allows for well-controlled and characterized reaction conditions. In this review, we discuss the history and recent developments in engineering recombinant and crude extract systems, as well as breakthroughs in enabling technologies, that have facilitated increased throughput, compartmentalization, and spatial control of cell-free protein synthesis reactions. Combined with a deeper understanding of the cell-free systems themselves, these advances improve our ability to address a range of scientific questions. By mastering control of the cell-free platform, we will be in a position to construct increasingly complex biomolecular systems, and approach natural biological complexity in a bottom-up manner