3,639 research outputs found

    The recess school space and time as an opportunity healthy

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    El propósito de nuestro estudio piloto fue medir de forma objetiva la AF saludable de la población infantil a lo largo de una semana e identificar cuanta de la misma se realizaba dentro del tiempo dedicado al recreo escolar. La muestra estaba compuesta por 36 niños de 11 a 12 años de una escuela de la provincia de Toledo en España. El instrumento utilizado fue el acelerómetro. La mayoría de los niños y niñas no cumplían las recomendaciones de AF saludable. En relación a la cantidad de AF saludable realizada en los recreos durante la semana, ésta presentó un peso importanteThe purpose of our pilot study was to measure objectively the amount of moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA) children engaged over a week and to identify how much of it was carried out during recess time. The sample comprised 36 children aged 11 to 12 from a school in the province of Toledo in Spain. PA was measured with the accelerometer GT1M. Most of the children did not meet the PA recommendations for health. In relation to the amount of MVPA achieved during recess time, our study suggests that recess time represents an important load of the total amount of children’s MVPA registered per da

    Generación de piloto automático difuso para maniobras de embarcaciones

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    This paper introduces a method to generate autopilots for ship headings by using issues from the observation of control actions performed by human operators. The controller is designed based on fuzzy logic and uses triangular membership functions for the antecedent and consequent functions for Singleton type. For an automatic adjustment of the consequential, the recursive least squares method was used. This method is used to generate and validate the course driver of a 350-m tanker, at different load conditions.Este documento presenta un método para generar pilotos automáticos para rumbo de embarcación mediante el uso de asuntos provenientes de la observación de acciones de control realizadas por operadores humanos. El controlador está diseñado basado en lógica difusa (fuzzy logic) y utiliza funciones de pertenencia triangular para las funciones antecedentes y consecuentes para tipo Singleton. Para un ajuste automático de la consecuente, se utilizó el método de mínimos cuadrados recursivos. Este método es utilizado para generar y validar el conductor de curso de un buque cisterna de 350 m, en diferentes condiciones de carga

    Role of climate variability on deep-water dynamics and deoxygenation during sapropel deposition: New insights from a palaeoceanographic empirical approach

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    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111601Modern marine settings are experiencing rapid deoxygenation mainly forced by global warming and anthropogenic eutrophication. Therefore, studies that assess the role of climate variability in large spatiotemporal deoxygenations during past climate changes are needed to better comprehend the consequences of the current global warming and ocean deoxygenation. In this respect, deep marine sediments associated to past oxic-toanoxic transitions are useful palaeoarchives for understanding the interplay between climate variability, deepwater dynamics and large-scale deoxygenation. Moreover, they can offer long-term perspectives to modern marine settings that are suffering oxygen depletion due to climate change and anthropogenic pressure. In particular, sapropel layers from the Middle Pleistocene to the Holocene are excellent palaeoarchives of past large-scale deoxygenation events, since (i) they occurred during a similar Mediterranean hydrogeographic configuration to the present, (ii) have a robust chronological control, and (iii) previous studies have reconstructed the climate conditions that ruled during their deposition. In this work, we have applied empirical palaeoceanographic conceptual models to five sapropels (S1, S5, S6, S7 and S8) in three Eastern Mediterranean (EM) settings. The models suggest that the hydrographic regimes of all studied sapropels can be considered as analogues to those observed in certain modern marine restricted settings. The results obtained support the idea that climate and the degree of surface-water freshening are the primary factors that influence deep-water dynamics in marine restricted settings, that in turn control the frequency and intensity of bottom-water deoxygenation and the stability and depth of the chemocline. The deepest EM sites are the most vulnerable locations to develop bottom-water restriction and deoxygenation. Local hydrogeographic factors play an essential role in the extent and frequency of bottom-water deoxygenation. Particulate shuttling was very intense during sapropel deposition and water-mass exchange between EM and Western Mediterranean controlled the intensity of the basin reservoir effect and Mo budget in EM.Grants PID2019-104624RB-I00, PID2019-104625RB-100TED2021-131697B-C22 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/5011000110 33,Grants FEDER/Junta de Andalucía P18-RT-3804P18-RT- 4074Groups RNM-179RNM-178 funded by Junta de AndalucaLausanne University (Switzerland) for Rock-eval analyses and TOC measurementsCenter for Scientific Instrumentation (CIC, University of Granada)XRF Unit of the IACT (CSIC-UGR) for the ICP and XRF analyse

    Emotion detection through biomedical signals: A pilot study

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    Emotions are affective states accompanied by physiological reactions that affect cognition processes such as decision making, perception, and learning. Emotion detection can be helpful in fields like education, sports and accident prevention. In this pilot study, we used biosensors to measure heart rate and galvanic skin response of twenty-eight volunteers (fourteen male, fourteen female). They were asked to watch video clips to elicit two target emotions: Amusement and anger. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between mean values of biosignals and emotional states (including amusement, anger and neutral state). From the analysis of variance, Fisher least significant difference and Multiple Range test, it was observed that emotions elicited with video clips influence mean values and other features of physiological signals with a confidence level of 90%. © SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only

    Physical Examination Tests for Screening and Diagnosis of Cervicogenic Headache: A Systematic Review

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    It has been suggested that differential diagnosis of headaches should consist of a robust subjective ex-amination and a detailed physical examination of the cervical spine. Cervicogenic headache (CGH) is a form of headache that involves referred pain from the neck. To our knowledge, no studies have sum-marized the reliability and diagnostic accuracy of physical examination tests for CGH. The aim of this study was to summarize the reliability and diagnostic accuracy of physical examination tests used to diagnose CGH. A systematic review following PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines was performed in four electronic databases (MEDLINE, Web of Science, Embase and Scopus). Full text reports concerning physical tests for the diagnosis of CGH which reported the clinometric properties for assessment of CGH, were included and screened for methodological quality. Quality Appraisal for Reliability Studies (QAREL) and Quality Assessment of Studies of Diagnostic Accuracy (QUADAS-2) scores were completed to assess article quality. Eight articles were retrieved for quality assessment and data extraction. Studies investigating diagnostic reliability of physical exami-nation tests for CGH scored poorer on methodological quality (higher risk of bias) than those of diag-nostic accuracy. There is sufficient evidence showing high levels of reliability and diagnostic accuracy of the selected physical examination tests for the diagnosis of CGH. The cervical flexion-rotation test (CFRT) exhibited both the highest reliability and the strongest diagnostic accuracy for the diagnosis of CGH

    Antioxidant Profile of Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Fruits Containing Diverse Levels of Capsaicinoids

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    Capsicum is the genus where a number of species and varieties have pungent features due to the exclusive content of capsaicinoids such as capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin. In this work, the main enzymatic and non-enzymatic systems in pepper fruits from four varieties with different pungent capacity have been investigated at two ripening stages. Thus, a sweet pepper variety (Melchor) from California-type fruits and three autochthonous Spanish varieties which have different pungency levels were used, including Piquillo, Padrón and Alegría riojana. The capsaicinoids contents were determined in the pericarp and placenta from fruits, showing that these phenyl-propanoids were mainly localized in placenta. The activity profiles of catalase, total and isoenzymatic superoxide dismutase (SOD), the enzymes of the ascorbate–glutathione cycle (AGC) and four NADP-dehydrogenases indicate that some interaction with capsaicinoid metabolism seems to occur. Among the results obtained on enzymatic antioxidants, the role of Fe-SOD and the glutathione reductase from the AGC is highlighted. Additionally, it was found that ascorbate and glutathione contents were higher in those pepper fruits which displayed the greater contents of capsaicinoids. Taken together, all these data indicate that antioxidants may contribute to preserve capsaicinoids metabolism to maintain their functionality in a framework where NADPH is perhaps playing an essential role

    Stability of selected enzymes in saliva of pigs under different storage conditions : a pilot study

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    Stability of α-amylase (α-A), butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), lipase, adenosine deaminase (ADA) and total esterase activity (TEA) in two pools of porcine saliva was studied after 1 and 4 days at 4°C, and after 30, 90 and 360 days at −20° and −80°C. At 4°C, BChE, lipase and TEA were stable less than 1 day, α-A less than 4 days and ADA for up to 4 days. At −20°C, BChE and TEA were stable less than 30 days, α-A and lipase less than 90 days and ADA up to 360 days. At −80°C, TEA was stable less than 30 days, α-A and lipase less than 360 days, and BChE and ADA for up to 360 days

    Fragment Dissolved molecular dynamics: A systematic and efficient method to locate binding sites.

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    Fragment-based drug discovery (FBDD) has been popular in the last decade, but some drawbacks, such as protein denaturation or ligand aggregation, have not yet clearly overcome in the framework of biomolecular simulations. In this work a systematic and semi-automatic method is presented as a novel proposal, named fragment dissolved Molecular Dynamics (fdMD), to improve research in future FBDD projects. Our method employs simulation boxes of solvated small fragments, adding a repulsive Lennard-Jones potential term to avoid aggregation, which can be easily used to solvate the object of interest. This method has the advantage of solvating the target with a low number of ligands, thus preventing this way denaturation of the target, while simultaneously generating a database of ligand-solvated boxes that can be used with other targets. A number of scripts are made available to analyze the results and obtain the descriptors proposed as a means of trustfully discard spurious binding sites. To test our method, four sets of different complexity have been solvated with ligand boxes and four molecular dynamics runs of 200 ns length have been run for each system, which have been extended up to 1 μs when needed. The reported results point that the selected number of replicas are enough to identify the correct binding sites irrespective of the initial structure, even in the case of proteins having several close binding sites for the same ligand. Among the proposed descriptors, average MMGBSA and average KDEEP energies emerge as the most robust ones

    Long-range pollution transport during the MILAGRO-2006 campaign: a case study of a major Mexico City outflow event using free-floating altitude-controlled balloons

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    One of the major objectives of the Megacities Initiative: Local And Global Research Observations (MILAGRO-2006) campaign was to investigate the long-range transport of polluted Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA) outflow and determine its downwind impacts on air quality and climate. Six research aircraft, including the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) C-130, made extensive chemical, aerosol, and radiation measurements above MCMA and more than 1000 km downwind in order to characterize the evolution of the outflow as it aged and dispersed over the Mesa Alta, Sierra Madre Oriental, Coastal Plain, and Gulf of Mexico. As part of this effort, free-floating Controlled-Meteorological (CMET) balloons, commanded to change altitude via satellite, made repeated profile measurements of winds and state variables within the advecting outflow. In this paper, we present an analysis of the data from two CMET balloons that were launched near Mexico City on the afternoon of 18 March 2006 and floated downwind with the MCMA pollution for nearly 30 h. The repeating profile measurements show the evolving structure of the outflow in considerable detail: its stability and stratification, interaction with other air masses, mixing episodes, and dispersion into the regional background. Air parcel trajectories, computed directly from the balloon wind profiles, show three transport pathways on 18–19 March: (a) high-altitude advection of the top of the MCMA mixed layer, (b) mid-level outflow over the Sierra Madre Oriental followed by decoupling and isolated transport over the Gulf of Mexico, and (c) low-level outflow with entrainment into a cleaner northwesterly jet above the Coastal Plain. The C-130 aircraft intercepted the balloon-based trajectories three times on 19 March, once along each of these pathways; in all three cases, peaks in urban tracer concentrations and LIDAR backscatter are consistent with MCMA pollution. In comparison with the transport models used in the campaign, the balloon-based trajectories appear to shear the outflow far more uniformly and decouple it from the surface, thus forming a thin but expansive polluted layer over the Gulf of Mexico that is well aligned with the aircraft observations. These results provide critical context for the extensive aircraft measurements made during the 18–19 March MCMA outflow event and may have broader implications for modelling and understanding long-range transport

    Effects of drying and pretreatment on the nutritional and functional quality of raisins

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    The close relationship between the consumption of fruits and health status stems from the nutritional and non-nutritional compounds found in fruits which play a key role in the prevention of different diseases. However, fruit processing and storage greatly affect fruit compounds. The aim of the present work was to study the influence of processing on the stability of macro and micronutrients present in grapes, with a view to recommending products that provide the highest nutritional quality and the best health conditions. The study focused on fruit dehydration treatments. Conventional and microwave-assisted air-drying processes were used to obtain raisins. Dehydration caused a decrease of all grape compounds studied excluding total phenols. Moreover, compared to conventional processing, microwave-assisted drying produced greater losses of ascorbic acid in the grape and increased pectin solubilization with a consequent change in texture. However the microwave-dehydrated samples showed higher antioxidant activity. © 2011 The Institution of Chemical Engineers.The translation of this paper was funded by the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia.Carranza Concha, J.; Benlloch Tinoco, M.; Camacho Vidal, MM.; Martínez Navarrete, N. (2012). Effects of drying and pretreatment on the nutritional and functional quality of raisins. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 90(2):243-248. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fbp.2011.04.002S24324890