2,935 research outputs found

    Domínguez Ortiz y la historiografía sobre judeo-conversos

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    Valoración de la obra de A. Dominguez Ortiz "La clase social de los conversos en la Edad moderna" (1958). Se la sitúa en relación con los estudios anteriores del mismo tema, y se consideran sus aportaciones, a la luz de las investigaciones contemporáneas y posteriores, en tres aspectos: el carácter de clase social del grupo de los conversos; la delimitación de un mundo especificamente converso; y la naturaleza combiante y aculturada del mundo converso.This article constitutes a valuation of an A. Dominguez Ortiz's work entitled "La clase social de los conversos en la Edad Moderna" [the social class of converted in the Modern Age] and dated in i958. This work is compared to some previous studies centred on the sume subject and three of its own achievements are revised following the contributions of some other contemporary and later researches: the character of social class of the converted group, the bounds of a specifically converted world and the mutable and acculturated nature of that one

    Cosmic web alignments with the shape, angular momentum and peculiar velocities of dark matter haloes

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    We study the alignment of dark matter haloes with the cosmic web characterized by the tidal and velocity shear fields. We focus on the alignment of their shape, angular momentum and peculiar velocities. We use a cosmological N-body simulation that allows to study dark matter halos spanning almost five orders of magnitude in mass (10910^{9}-101410^{14}) h1h^{-1}MM_{\odot} and spatial scales of (0.5(0.5-1.0)1.0) h1h^{-1} Mpc to define the cosmic web. We find that the halo shape presents the strongest alignment along the smallest tidal eigenvector, e.g. along filaments and walls, with a signal that gets stronger as the halo mass increases. In the case of the velocity shear field only massive halos >1012>10^{12} h1h^{-1}MM_{\odot} tend to have their shapes aligned along the largest tidal eigenvector; that is, perpendicular to filaments and walls. For the angular momentum we find alignment signals only for halos more massive than 101210^{12} h1h^{-1}MM_{\odot} both in the tidal and velocity shear webs where the preferences are for it to be parallel to the middle eigenvector; perpendicular to filaments and parallel to walls. Finally, the peculiar velocities show a strong alignment along the smallest tidal eigenvector for all halo masses; halos move along filaments and walls. In the velocity shear the same alignment is present but weaker and only for haloes less massive than 101210^{12} h1h^{-1}MM_{\odot}. Our results clearly show that the two different algorithms we used to define the cosmic web describe different physical aspects of non-linear collapse and should be used in a complementary way to understand the effect of the cosmic web on galaxy evolution.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Presupuesto para muro en gavión a gravedad para protección de la rivera del río Magdalena en el corregimiento de Puerto Bogotá, municipio de Guaduas, Cundinamarca

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónEste proyecto busca elaborar el presupuesto para los muros de protección a gravedad en la ribera afectada del Rió Magdalena en el corregimiento de Puerto Bogotá, municipio de Guaduas, Cundinamarca, población afectada debido a que la calle donde viven fue dañada por la avalancha de Armero, la vía se derrumbó, quedando expuesta al agua y al viento.1. INTRODUCCIÓN 2. MUROS EN GAVIONES 3. APU Y PRESUPUESTO DEL DISEÑO DE LA OBRA 4. LOCALIZACIÓN GENERAL DEL PROYECTO 5. SECCIÓN TIPICA DEL MURO 6. DATOS RELEVANTES DEL ESTUDIO DE SUELOS CONCLUSIONES BIBLIOGRAFIA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Civi

    Actualización académica y profesionalización docente

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    Conflicto armado en Colombia posible fin de una era

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    This project called "Armed conflict in Colombia: End of an Era" is the study of history and the causes that led to the creation of armed conflict in Colombia. Aims to understand the context in which manner, in away you can distinguish several features where you can find strength sand weaknesses to determine the situation that was in its early years and the situation that is currently. This paper begins with a review of historical data and representative where clarify the mechanisms they use these groups to achieve their goals, to then make a review to help us understand why the weakening of the armed groups in recent years. Based on this weakness, by the comparison and contrast of the conflict’s history, I seek to have a clear idea of the possible future of conflict or show any differences in the coming years in the case has not ended.Este proyecto denominado “Conflicto armado en Colombia: Fin de una Era”, es el estudio de la historia y las causas que originaron la creación del conflicto armado en Colombia. Tiene como objetivo entender el contexto en el que se desarrolla, de una manera en la que se pueda distinguir varias características donde pueda encontrar fortalezas y debilidades para determinar la situación en la que se encontraba en sus primeros años y la situación en la que se encuentra actualmente. Este trabajo empieza con el repaso de los datos históricos y representativos donde se aclaran los mecanismos que usan estos grupos para poder lograr sus objetivos, para posteriormente, hacer un repaso que nos ayude a comprender el porqué del debilitamiento de los grupos armados en los últimos años. En base a este debilitamiento, mediante la comparación y contraste con los datos históricos, busco poder tener una idea clara del posible futuro del conflicto o las diferencias que pueda mostrar en los próximos años en el caso de que no haya llegado a su fin

    Corporate governance – demutualization of stock exchanges: an analysis of its benefits

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    JEL Classification: G15, N20The stock exchange reality of today is very different to that one our ancestors experienced. Today, due to a variety of reasons, such as competitive pressures, stock exchanges are no longer structured as cooperative venues. Instead, today, trading venues are for-profit enterprises, whose capital is detained by external ownership. This new structure is a result of demutualization. Demutualization consists of the introduction of a residual claimant into the exchange – which maximizes the venues’ value. Furthermore, demutualization is aligned with a structure change, which brings into the exchange a governing board and a separation of ownership and membership rights. Due to an exponential growth of this structure change in the mid 1990s, I was intrigued and, consequently, analysed the benefits of demutualization. Through an analysis of four distinct exchanges: two from Europe, one from North America and one from Asia, I objectively analyse a set of financial and volume indicators, and the evolution of ownership. Through this analysis, I conclude that demutualization is valueenhancing, in the sense that revenues increase, costs become efficient, and the overall performances of the sample exchanges seemingly improve. Moreover, I conclude that competitive pressures tend to reduce the volumes of listed companies in the exchange and, given demutualization, the trend is reversed. Through the analyses of the structure of ownership, I positively correlate the growth of the shareholder base to improved performances. Lastly, I link demutualization with mergers and acquisitions.A realidade bolsista a que hoje assistimos é distinta daquela presenciada noutros tempos. Hoje, resultantes de inúmeros factores, dos quais enalteço o crescimento da concorrência, as bolsas de valores já não são estruturadas como entidades cooperativas. Presentemente, as bolsas são empresas que procuram e lucro e cujo capital é detido por accionistas. Esta nova estrutura veio como consequência do processo de desmutualização. Este processo mais não é que a introdução de um agente que maximiza valor. Há a introdução de um órgão governativo dentro da bolsa, assim como uma separação dos direitos de membros e accionistas. Desde a última década do século passado, o mundo económico tem presenciado um forte crescimento do processo de desmutualização, pelo que, intrigado, tentei analisar o cerne da questão e os seus benefícios. Para examinar, escolhi analisar quatro bolsas de realidades distintas: duas entidades Europeias, uma bolsa Norte Americana e outra Asiática. Após a análise, concluí que esta mudança de estrutura é promotora de valor, uma vez que, após a desmutualização, as receitas crescem, os custos tornam-se eficientes e, na generalidade, há um melhor desempenho geral de cada bolsa. Concluí também, que o efeito concorrência é negativo para o número de empresas listadas em cada bolsa. Contudo, após a desmutualização, esta tendência inverte-se. Outra das minhas conclusões prende-se com o facto de haver uma relação positiva entre melhores desempenhos da bolsa e maior volume the accionistas. Por último, concluí que o processo de desmutualização está também ligado a associações e aquisições entre bolsas

    Inquisición: ¿auge o crisis?. realmente "otra" inquisición

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    El 14 de marzo de 1518, cuatro meses después de la muerte de Cisneros, el Papa León X nombraba al preceptor de Carlos, el Cardenal Adriano, como Inquisidor General para los reinos de la Corona de Castilla y para los reinos de la Corona de Aragón. Puede que aquel nombramiento no haya sido considerado suficientemente, sin embargo, tuvo mucha importancia porque con él se superaba al menos institucionalmente una de las más significadas crisis que el famoso Tribunal tuvo que soportar en el transcurso de su secular trayectoria. Globalmente puede afirmarse que aquella crisis se debía, esencialmente, a las inadecuaciones socio-institucionales que presentaba el diseño original con que fue concebido el Tribunal. Diseño referido, naturalmente, en relación con el orden constitucional de los reinos