100 research outputs found

    Development of scientific skills through a strategy of teaching and learning by research

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    La enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las ciencias sustentadas en el modelo de aprendizaje por investigación permite a estudiantes y docentes aproximarse al conocimiento de la misma manera que lo hacen los científicos. Cuando metodológicamente se planea esta estrategia es posible establecer objetivos y metas mucho más claras y viables que facilitaran el desarrollo de competencias científicas. Las competencias científicas se potencian cuando docentes y estudiantes abordan el conocimiento desde la perspectiva de un proyecto de investigación en donde interactúan con situaciones inherentes al ambiente científico (toma de decisiones, innovación, comunicación de resultados, entre otras). Este tipo de estrategia potencia el desarrollo de competencias científicas y ofrece al estudiante un horizonte mucho más significativo para su futura vida profesional a la vez que realiza la profesión y el papel docenteThe teach-learning of science based on the model of learning research offers students and teachers closer to knowledge as do scientists and methodologically when it is planned to establish objectives and goals much more clear and workable to facilitate the development of what that this work is called scientific skill. These scientific skills are enhanced when teachers and students deal with the knowledge from the perspective of a research project in which they interact with situations inherent in scientific environments (decision-making, innovation, communication of results, among others

    Topical application of TGF-β-activating peptide, KRFK, prevents inflammatory manifestations in the TSP-1-deficient mouse model of chronic ocular inflammation

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    Producción CientíficaChronic inflammation of the ocular surface poses a risk of vision impairment. The understanding of the molecular mechanisms that are involved in the inflammatory response is critical to identify novel molecular targets. Recently, thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) has emerged as a key player in ocular surface homeostasis that efficiently activates the TGF-β2 isoform that is predominantly expressed in the ocular mucosa. Here, the potential of the peptide derived from TSP-1 (KRFK), that can activate TGF-β, is proposed as a potentially applicable therapeutic for chronic ocular surface inflammatory disorders. Our in vitro results confirm that the chosen peptide activates TGF-β, reducing the expression of co-stimulatory molecules on dendritic cells, driving them towards a tolerogenic phenotype. For the in vivo studies, the TSP-1−/− mouse is used as a pre-clinical model of chronic ocular inflammation. We observe that the topical application of KRFK alters the peripheral balance of effectors by reducing the proportion of pathogenic Th1 and Th17 cells while increasing Treg cell proportion in cervical lymph nodes. In line with these findings, the development of chronic ocular surface inflammation is significantly prevented in KRFK-treated TSP-1−/− mice, as assessed by clinical parameters and inflammatory cytokine expression in conjunctival and lacrimal gland tissues. Together, our results identify the KRFK peptide as a novel therapeutic option to prevent the development of chronic inflammatory manifestations of the ocular surface.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (FEDER-CICYT grant MAT2013-47501-C02-1-R)Massachusetts Lions Eye Research Fund (MLERF, S.M.) and NEI grant EY015472 (S.M.)Junta de Castilla y León - Fondo Social Europeo (project VA098-12

    Attachment patterns related to protective factors and psychosocial risk in pregnant women.

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    Objetivo: Relacionar los patrones de apego materno y paterno del adulto, con los factores protectores y de riesgo psicosociales, presentes en embarazadas de tres centros de atención primaria de una provincia del sur de Chile, durante el año 2020.Metodología: Estudio de corte transversal, correlacional. Con una muestra de 106 gestantes controladas, entre los meses de abril a octubre del año 2020. Las variables en estudio fueron: antecedentes bio-sociodemográficos, obstétricos, funcionamiento familiar, consumo de sustancias, violencia o abuso y riesgo de depresión, junto al patrón de apego parental materno y paterno. Se aplicó análisis uni y bivariado, considerando una relación significativa un p valor < de 0,05, Test exacto de Fisher. La investigación fue aprobada por los comités de éticas de las instituciones involucradas. Resultados: El vínculo óptimo fue un 0,9 % para apego materno y 6,6 % para apego paterno. Predomina el patrón control sin afecto en el apego materno y paterno, existiendo coincidencia entre ambos padres, mientras que el vínculo óptimo en el apego paterno está relacionado con la presencia de vínculo débil en el apego materno. Ambos resultados fueron estadísticamente significativos. No se observó relación entre los patrones de apego y factores protectores o de riesgo psicosocial. Conclusiones: Los patrones de apego en el adulto son independientes de los factores protectores y de riesgo. El tipo de patrón predominante es control sin afecto. Se sugiere ampliar las investigaciones en el futuro, especialmente en el vínculo paterno ya que es escasa la información disponible.Objective: To relate adult patterns of maternal and parental bonding with protective factors and psychosocial risk present in pregnant women from three primary health care centers of a Chilean southern province during year 2020. Methodology: Cross-sectional correlation study; sample composed of 106 controlled pregnant women from April to October 2020. The studied variables were as follows: bio-sociodemographic background, obstetric history, family functioning, substances consumption, violence or abuse and risk of depression along with parental and maternal adult bonding pattern. Univariate and bivariate analyses were applied, considering a significant relationship p value< 0,05, Fisher exact tests. The research work was approved by the ethics committees of the institutions involved. Results: The optimal link was 0,9 % for the maternal attachment and 6,6 % for the parental attachment. Control with no affection prevails in maternal and parental bonding with coincidences in both parents, whereas the optimal link in paternal attachment is related to the presence of a weak link in the maternal attachment. Both results were statistically significant. No relationship between attachment patterns and protective factors or psychosocial risk was observed. Conclusions: Adult attachment patterns are independent from protective and risk factors. Prevailing pattern type is control with no affection, which should be examined in future research studies

    Alcances y viabilidad del Derecho Tributario Sancionador con relación a la evasión de impuestos con respecto a los administrados.

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    Es de gran importancia realizar un estudio de la efectividad de los alcances del Derecho Tributario en virtud de que, la creación de las normas tributarias debe ser respetando las normas constitucionales, y los principios tributarios, siendo así la única vía posible de garantizar que, no existirán violaciones a derechos fundamentales de la población y que se evitarán las desigualdades al momento de la recaudación. Los contribuyentes deben ser concientizados sobre la importancia que implica la responsabilidad fiscal, ya sea en calidad de contribuyente o en calidad de responsable; así como la necesidad de la recaudación de los tributos, por parte del Estado, debiéndose vislumbrar que gran parte de los ingresos monetarios de nuestro país son mediante los impuestos. En El Salvador, la recaudación de impuestos, y la falta de mecanismos de control aptos para velar por el cumplimiento de las formalidades de los contribuyentes, constituyen problemas vitales para el funcionamiento del aparataje estatal. Al realizar un estudio de la realidad jurídica, que permita al sistema de recolección tributario comprender fenómenos de la época tal como la evasión fiscal y otras defraudaciones al fisco; se busca contar con una base que contribuya a la implementación de medidas y acciones políticas, técnicas e institucionales efectivas encaminadas a la erradicación de dichos fenómenos coyunturales

    Detection and enumeration of viable Listeria monocytogenes cells from ready-to-eat and processed vegetable foods by culture and DVC-FISH

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    Listeria monocytogenes is an important agent of foodborne disease, showing low prevalence but high mortality. There is evidence that vegetables are important vehicles of transmission, especially those minimally processed (fresh, fresh-cut vegetables under modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) or frozen) and directly exposed to consumers. The aim of this work was to detect and enumerate viable . L. . monocytogenes cells by culture and molecular methods from vegetable foods.A total of 191 vegetable samples (fresh, frozen and fresh-cut under modified atmosphere packaging) were studied. . L. monocytogenes was detected and identified by selective plating, PCR and DVC-FISH.An isolation rate of 4.19% was obtained by culture, with a higher incidence in frozen vegetables. Six isolates belonged to serotype 1/2a and 2 to 4b. Counts were below <100 cfu/g for the eight positive samples, according to the food safety criteria established for the RTE by Commission Regulation EC No 1441/2007.Multiplex PCR method yielded a greater number of positive samples (10.47%). DVC-FISH technique determined that viable cells of L. monocytogenes were present in 32.98% of the samples, containing up to 4.97 log 10 viable cells/g. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.This work was supported by the grant AGL2008-05275-C03-02 (national and FEDER funds) from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, Spain.Moreno Trigos, MY.; Sánchez Contreras, J.; Montes Estellés, RM.; García Hernández, J.; Ballesteros, L.; Ferrús Pérez, MA. (2012). Detection and enumeration of viable Listeria monocytogenes cells from ready-to-eat and processed vegetable foods by culture and DVC-FISH. Food Control. 27(2):374-379. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2012.04.01737437927

    Valoración del modelo de educación a distancia de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León a partir de la percepción de sus egresados: una aproximación a la identifcación de competencias desarrolladas

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    En este trabajo se reportan los resultados obtenidos en la aplicación piloto del instrumento diseñado para el seguimiento de egresados, del bachillerato a distancia de la Universidad Autó- noma de Nuevo León. La investigación pretende identificar las competencias desarrolladas por los estudiantes del bachillerato a distancia a fin de caracterizar sus estrategias de éxito académico en el modelo y en su posterior inserción al ámbito educativo y laboral

    Prácticas inclusivas de docentes de escuelas consideradas como exitosas en la implementación de la inclusión

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    This research assesses the inclusive practices of 61 basic education teachers from Colima, Sonora and San Luis Potosí who worked in urban and rural schools in Mexico nominated as successful. Several instruments were applied, such as the GEPIA, the SACIE, the TEIP, the Mitchell Learning Questionnaire and the CODCA Protocol.En la presente investigación se valoran las prácticas inclusivas de 61 docentes de educación básica de Colima, Sonora y San Luis Potosí adscritos a escuelas urbanas y rurales de México nominadas como exitosas. Se aplicaron varios instrumentos, como la GEPIA, la SACIE, el TEIP, el Cuestionario para Favorecer los Aprendizajes de Mitchell y el Protocolo CODCA

    Qigong for Muscle Strength and Static Postural Control in Middle-Aged and Older Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    In the present study, we aimed to determine the effects of a Qigong exercise program on the muscle strength and postural control in middle-aged and older postmenopausal women. This is a randomized clinical trial (https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/ NCT03989453)& nbsp;conducted on 125 women who were initially assigned to either an experimental group (n = 63) that performed a Qigong exercise program for 12 weeks or to a control group (n = 62) that did not receive any intervention. Muscle strength (dynamometer) and postural control (stabilometric platform) were evaluated before and immediately after an intervention period. The main findings of this study suggest that the women in the experimental group had improvements in muscle strength, mean velocity of the displacement of the center of pressure (CoP) with both eyes open and closed, and the surface sway area covered by the CoP, as well as the mediolateral and anteroposterior oscillations of the CoP, only with eyes open. The results of the present study determined that a 12 week Qigong exercise program has beneficial effects on muscle strength and postural control of middle-aged and older postmenopausal Spanish wo

    Impact of genotype, body weight and sex on the prenatal muscle transcriptome of Iberian pigs

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    Growth is dependent on genotype and diet, even at early developmental stages. In this study, we investigated the effects of genotype, sex, and body weight on the fetal muscle transcriptome of purebred Iberian and crossbred Iberian x Large White pigs sharing the same uterine environment. RNA sequencing was performed on 16 purebred and crossbred fetuses with high body weight (340±14g and 415±14g, respectively) and 16 with low body weight (246±14g and 311±14g, respectively), on gestational day 77. Genotype had the greatest effect on gene expression, with 645 genes identified as differentially expressed (DE) between purebred and crossbred animals. Functional analysis showed differential regulation of pathways involved in energy and lipid metabolism, muscle development, and tissue disorders. In purebred animals, fetal body weight was associated with 35 DE genes involved in development, lipid metabolism and adipogenesis. In crossbred animals, fetal body weight was associated with 60 DE genes involved in muscle development, viability, and immunity. Interestingly, the results suggested an interaction genotype∗weight for some DE genes. Fetal sex had only a modest effect on gene expression. This study allowed the identification of genes, metabolic pathways, biological functions and regulators related to fetal genotype, weight and sex, in animals sharing the same uterine environment. Our findings contribute to a better understanding of the molecular events that influence prenatal muscle development and highlight the complex interactions affecting transcriptional regulation during development.</p