158 research outputs found

    Viability of Strongly-Coupled Scenarios with a Light Higgs-like Boson

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    We present a one-loop calculation of the oblique S and T parameters within strongly coupled models of electroweak symmetry breaking with a light Higgs-like boson. We use a general effective Lagrangian, implementing the chiral symmetry breaking SU(2)(L) circle times SU(2)(R) -> SU(2)(L+R) with Goldstone bosons, gauge bosons, the Higgs-like scalar, and one multiplet of vector and axial-vector massive resonance states. Using a dispersive representation and imposing a proper ultraviolet behavior, we obtain S and T at the next-to-leading order in terms of a few resonance parameters. The experimentally allowed range forces the vector and axial-vector states to be heavy, with masses above the TeV scale, and suggests that the Higgs-like scalar should have a WW coupling close to the standard model one. Our conclusions are generic and apply to more specific scenarios such as the minimal SO(5)/SO(4) composite Higgs model

    Tecnologia educacional: apoio à representação do professor de Ciência e Tecnologia e instrumento de estudo para o aluno

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    O artigo discute a necessidade de desenvolver, junto aos professores de Ciência e Tecnologia, a capacidade de representação dos conteúdos que ministram, em múltiplaslinguagens, apoiadas em diferentes meios de comunicação, ou tecnologias educacionais, sejam elas interativas ou convencionais, como forma de agregar valor ao seu próprio trabalho, qualificando o produto de sua pesquisa. Mesmo que a transmissão de conhecimento não seja considerada como a atividade preponderante do contexto da relação professor-aluno, educadores não devem descuidar do planejamento de elementos destinados a enriquecer a exposição de conteúdos, nos momentos em que isto se fizer necessário, seja em atividades presenciais ou à distância. Necessitam, para tanto, desenvolver habilidades específicas para conhecer e exploraras linguagens e os recursos tecnológicos oferecidos pelos ambientes de produção e disponibilização de multimídia, bem como de mídias convencionais, como as apresentaçõesorais, os livros ou mesmo o quadro (negro, verde ou branco). Além da reflexão sobre a importância de diferentes tecnologias educacionais na atividade docente, bem como no suportedo estudo dos alunos, serão relatadas experiências de produção de três CDs didáticos e de uma série de vídeos destinados, as quais descrevem objetivos, dificuldades e potencialidades desse tipo de mídia

    Roles of Tumor-Educated Platelets (TEPs) in the biology of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): A systematic review. “Re-discovering the neglected biosources of the liquid biopsy family”

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    Due to their interactions with the neoplasm, platelets undergo various proteomic and transcriptomic modifications, resulting in the development of what is known as the “Tumor-Educated Platelets (TEPs) phenotype”. Consequently, in addition to their suitability for Liquid Biopsy (LB) applications, they play a pivotal role in the malignancy by communicating with Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs), Tumor Microenvironment (TME), and the tumor itself through multiple mechanisms and at multiple levels, ultimately promoting the metastasis of cancer. Therefore, this Systematic Review of MEDLINE and the Cochrane Library present in-depth insights into these phenomena, with the aim of enhancing the understanding of the complex interplay between TEPs and Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). This endeavor serves to provide context and drive medical research efforts, which are increasingly focused on developing novel diagnostic and therapeutic technologies that leverage the specific binding of these platelets to the disease

    Grand Unification in RS1

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    We study unification in the Randall-Sundrum scenario for solving the hierarchy problem, with gauge fields and fermions in the bulk. We calculate the one-loop corrected low-energy effective gauge couplings in a unified theory, broken at the scale M_GUT in the bulk. We find that, although this scenario has an extra dimension, there is a robust (calculable in the effective field theory) logarithmic dependence on M_GUT, strongly suggestive of high-scale unification, very much as in the (4D) Standard Model. Moreover, bulk threshold effects are naturally small, but volume-enhanced, so that we can accommodate the measured gauge couplings. We show in detail how excessive proton decay is forbidden by an extra U(1) bulk gauge symmetry. This mechanism requires us to further break the unified group using boundary conditions. A 4D dual interpretation, in the sense of the AdS/CFT correspondence, is provided for all our results. Our results show that an attractive unification mechanism can combine with a non-supersymmetric solution to the hierarchy problem.Comment: Latex, 23 pages. In the revised version, Eq. (3.3) has been modified with no change in the central result of the paper and a reference has been adde

    Myc Promoter-Binding Protein-1 (MBP-1) Is a Novel Potential Prognostic Marker in Invasive Ductal Breast Carcinoma

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    Background Alpha-enolase is a glycolytic enzyme that catalyses the formation of phosphoenolpyruvate in the cell cytoplasm. \u3b1-Enolase and the predominantly nuclear Myc promoter-binding protein-1 (MBP-1) originate from a single gene through the alternative use of translational starting sites. MBP-1 binds to the P2 c-myc promoter and competes with TATA-box binding protein (TBP) to suppress gene transcription. Although several studies have shown an antiproliferative effect of MBP-1 overexpression on several human cancer cells, to date detailed observations of \u3b1-enolase and MBP-1 relative expression in primary tumors versus normal tissues and their correlation with clinicopathological features have not been undertaken. Methodology and Findings We analyzed \u3b1-enolase and MBP-1 expression in normal breast epithelium and primary invasive ductal breast carcinoma (IDC) from 177 patients by Western blot and immunohistochemical analyses, using highly specific anti-\u3b1-enolase monoclonal antibodies. A significant increase in the expression of cytoplasmic \u3b1-enolase was observed in 98% of the tumors analysed, compared to normal tissues. Nuclear MBP-1 was found in almost all the normal tissues while its expression was retained in only 35% of the tumors. Statistically significant associations were observed among the nuclear expression of MBP-1 and ErbB2 status, Ki-67 expression, node status and tumor grade. Furthermore MBP-1 expression was associated with good survival of patients with IDC. Conclusions MBP-1 functions in repressing c-myc gene expression and the results presented indicate that the loss of nuclear MBP-1 expression in a large number of IDC may be a critical step in the development and progression of breast cancer and a predictor of adverse outcome. Nuclear MBP-1 appears to be a novel and valuable histochemical marker with potential prognostic value in breast cancer

    Induced expression of P-gp and BCRP transporters on brain endothelial cells using transferrin functionalized nanostructured lipid carriers:A first step of a potential strategy for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease

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    P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP) are two transporters expressed in human neural stem/progenitor cells and at the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) level with decreased activity in the early stage of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Both proteins, have a protective role for the embryonic stem cells in the early developmental step, maintaining them in an undifferentiated state, and limit the access of exogenous and endogenous agents to the brain. Recently, MC111 selected from a P-gp/BCRP ligands library was investigated as multitarget strategy for AD treatment, considering its ability to induce the expression and activity of both proteins. However, MC111 clinical use could be limited for the ubiquitous physiological expression of efflux transporters and its moderate toxicity towards endothelial cells. Therefore, a selective MC111 delivery system based on nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) functionalized with transferrin were developed. The results proved the formation of NLC with average size about 120 nm and high drug encapsulation efficiency (EE% greater than 50). In vitro studies on hCMEC/D3 cells revealed that the MC111 was selectively released by NLC at BBB level and then inducing the activity and expression of BCRP and P-gp, involved in the clearance of amyloid p peptide on brain endothelial cells

    RS1, Custodial Isospin and Precision Tests

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    We study precision electroweak constraints within a RS1 model with gauge fields and fermions in the bulk. The electroweak gauge symmetry is enhanced to SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R \times U(1)_{B-L}, thereby providing a custodial isospin symmetry sufficient to suppress excessive contributions to the T parameter. We then construct complete models, complying with all electroweak constraints, for solving the hierarchy problem, without supersymmetry or large hierarchies in the fundamental couplings. Using the AdS/CFT correspondence our models can be interpreted as dual to a strongly coupled conformal Higgs sector with global custodial symmetry, gauge and fermionic matter being fundamental fields external to the CFT. This scenario has interesting collider signals, distinct from other RS models in the literature.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures, latex2e, minor changes, references adde

    Produção e Validação de Aula em Vídeo como Objeto de Ensino para o Curso de Medicina

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    Este trabalho apresenta o processo de produção e validação de um vídeo educacional, planejado para apoio à disciplina de Farmacologia I, do curso de Medicina, da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Descreve a atividade desenvolvida durante a produção, incluindo recursos técnicos e humanos. Aponta para a busca de apoio em metodologia científica para a elaboração de experimento de validação do uso do referido vídeo, seja em aulas presenciais, ou à distância