134 research outputs found

    Dimensiones de identidad social en jóvenes sordos

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    En este articulo, desde una metodologia basada fundamentalmente en el escalamiento multidimensional, se analizan los procesos de identidad social en los jóvenes sordos severos y profundos prelocutivos. Para ello, se adopta la Teoria de la Categorización-Identidad-Comparación social (CIC) propuesta por Tajfel y Turner. Esto es así, porque se estima que la pertenencia a un grupo diferenciado como el de los sordos configurará de manera relevante su Identidad Social. Igualmente se trata de comprobar si, al objeto de obtener una identidad social positiva, también se producen sesgos endogrupales dentro de una población asociada a una minusvalíaThe article analyzes processes of social identity in young deaf peopleffom a multidimensional perspective, using Tajfel and Turner's Social Categorization-Identity-Comparison Theory. Our hypothesis is that the fact of belonging to a differentiated social group, such as the deafpopulation, has a marked effect on social identity. In addition, the authors examine whether intragroup bias emerges insid a disabledpopulation as a result of attempts to obtain a positive social identityS

    A new Colombian pest species of the genus \u3ci\u3ePoecilocloeus\u3c/i\u3e Bruner (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Proctolabinae) on coffee, with a key to the Neotropical species

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    A remarkable new species of Poecilocloeus (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Proctolabinae) found damaging coffee plantations in the Western Andes of Colombia is described and named P. coffeaphilus n. sp. This new species is part of a distinct and colorful group of Proctolabinae grasshoppers, with most species found at low altitudes in the rainforest of the Amazon basin. In contrast, the new species is found at elevations of 1600 to 1800 m in the canopy of dense cloud forests, in the southwestern part of the department of Antioquia (Western Cordillera, Colombian Andes). Information about the natural history, behavior, natural enemies and control strategies in coffee plantations is given for this new species of masked grasshopper. A key to the Neotropical species of the fruticolus species group is presented. Una nueva y notable especie de Poecilocloeus (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Proctolabinae) encontrada afectando plantaciones de café en la cordillera occidental de Colombia es descrita y nombrada como P. coffeaphilus. La nueva especie hace parte de un grupo distintivo y colorido de saltamontes de la subfamilia Proctolabinae, con la mayoría de especies distribuidas a bajas altitudes en las selvas lluviosas de la cuenca amazónica. Por el contrario, la nueva especie se encuentra a altitudes entre 1.600 a 1.800 m en el dosel del bosque nublado, en el suroeste del departamento de Antioquia (Andes colombianos, Cordillera Occidental). Se da información acerca de la historia natural, comportamiento, enemigos naturales y estrategias de control de esta nueva especie de saltamonte enmascarado en cultivos de café. Se presenta una clave para las especies del grupo fruticolus de la región Neotropical

    Description of a new species of coffee stem and root borer of the genus Plagiohammus Dillon and Dillon from Colombia (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae), with a key to the Neotropical species

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    A new species of coffee stem and root borer from Colombia is described: Plagiohammus colombiensis, sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae). The new species differs from other species of the genus Plagiohammus Dillon and Dillon by the yellow pattern of spots on the elytra, the morphology of the antenna and pronotum as well as characters of the male genitalia. A key to species of Plagiohammus is provided. This study examines the current situation of the new species of coffee stem and root borer in Colombia. Information on its biology and damage to the coffee plantations is presented

    Mortality and Causes of Death After Liver Transplantation: Analysis of Sex Differences in a Large Nationwide Cohort

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    In the last few years, several studies have analyzed sex and gender differences in liver transplantation (LT), but none have performed a disaggregated analysis of both mortality and causes of death. Data from 15,998 patients, 11,914 (74.5%) males and 4,069 (25.5%) females, transplanted between 2000 and 2016 were obtained from the Liver Transplantation Spanish Registry. Survival analysis was applied to explore recipient sex as a risk factor for death. The causes of death at different follow-up duration were disaggregated by recipient sex for analysis. Short-term survival was higher in males, whereas long-term survival was higher in females. Survival at 1, 5 and 10 years post-transplant was 87.43%, 73.83%, and 61.23%, respectively, in males and 86.28%, 74.19%, and 65.10%, respectively, in females (p = 0.05). Post-LT mortality related to previous liver disease also presented sex differences. Males had 37% increased overall mortality from acute liver failure (p = 0.035) and 37% from HCV-negative cirrhosis (p < 0.001). Females had approximately 16% increased mortality when the liver disease was HCV-positive cirrhosis (p = 0.003). Regarding causes of death, non-malignancy HCV+ recurrence (6.3% vs. 3.9% of patients; p < 0.001), was more frequently reported in females. By contrast, death because of malignancy recurrence (3.9% vs. 2.2% of patients; p = 0.003) and de novo malignancy (4.8% vs. 2.5% of patients; p < 0.001) were significantly more frequent in male recipients. Cardiovascular disease, renal failure, and surgical complications were similar in both. In summary, male patients have lower short-term mortality than females but higher long-term and overall mortality. In addition, the post-LT mortality risk related to previous liver disease and the causes of mortality differ between males and females

    Contribution to the knowledge of the genus Euselasia Hübner [1819] in Colombia with description of new taxa (lepidoptera: riodinidae: nemeobiinae)

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo hacer una revisión de las especies y subespecies incluidasen el género Euselasia Hübner [1819] que habitan Colombia. Como Metodología, por larevisión de ejemplares depositados en varias colecciones nacionales de diversas institucionesy privadas. Como resultado se registran 105 taxa y en alcance se describen como nuevas a:Euselasia mystica caucaensis ssp.n., E. mystica pseudomazaca ssp.n., E. urites litoralis ssp. n., E.gyda sticheli ssp. n., E. gradata gonzaloi ssp. n., E. opalescens nielseni ssp. n., E. eugeon gorgoniensisssp. n., E. rava albomarginata ssp. n., E. mutator huilensis ssp. n., E. amblypodia funebris ssp.n., E. teleclus maculata ssp. n, E. misteriosa sp. n. Lo anterior permite concluir que Colombiaes uno de los países mas ricos en especies del género en cuestión.The objective of this work is a review of the species and subspecies belonging to the genusEuselasia Hübner [1819] that inhabit Colombia. A results and scope records are given of 105entities and the following new taxa are described: Euselasia mystica caucaensis n. ssp., E. mysticapseudomazaca n. ssp., E. urites litoralis n. ssp., E. gyda sticheli n. ssp., E. gradata gonzaloi n.ssp., E. opalescens nielseni n. ssp., E. eugeon gorgoniensis n. ssp., E. rava albomarginata n. ssp., E.mutator huilensis n. ssp, E. amblypodia funebris n. ssp., E. teleclus maculata n. ssp, E. misteriosan. sp. For instance, Colombia is a country very richest in species of the genus in question

    Short-term effects of four tillage practices on soil physical properties, soil water potential, and maize yield

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    The area cultivated using conservation tillage has recently increased in central Spain. However, soil compaction and water retention with conservation tillage still remains a genuine concern for landowners in this region be- cause of its potential effect on the crop growth and yield. The aim of this research is to determine the short- term influences of four tillage treatments on soil physical properties. In the experiment, bulk density, cone index, soil water potential, soil temperature and maize (Zea mays L.) productivity have been measured. A field experiment was established in spring of 2013 on a loamy soil. The experiment compared four tillage methods (zero tillage, ZT; reservoir tillage, RT; minimum tillage, MT; and conventional tillage, CT). Soil bulk density and soil cone index were measured during maize growing season and at harvesting time. Furthermore, the soil water potential was monitored by using a wireless sensors network with sensors at 20 and 40 cm depths. Also, soil temperatures were registered at depths of 5 and 12 cm. Results indicated that there were significant differ- ences between soil bulk density and cone index of ZT method and those of RT, MT, and CT, during the growing season; although, this difference was not significant at the time of harvesting in some soil layers. Overall, in most soil layers, tillage practice affected bulk density and cone index in the order: ZT N RT N MT N CT. Regardless oftheentireobservationperiod,results exhibited that soils under ZT and RT treatments usually resulted in higher water potential and lower soil temperature than the other two treatments at both soil depths. In addition, clear differences in maize grain yield were observed between ZT and CT treatments, with a grain yield (up to 15.4%) increase with the CT treatment. On the other hand, no significant differences among (RT, MT, and CT) on maizeyieldwerefound.Inconclusion,the impact of soil compaction increase and soil temperature decrease,pro- duced by ZT treatment is a potential reason for maize yield reduction in this tillage method. We found that RT could be certainly a viable option for farmers incentral Spain,particularly when switching to conservation tillage from conventional tillage. This technique showed a moderate and positive effect on soil physical properties and increased maize yields compared to ZT and MT, and provides an opportunity to stabilize maize yields compared to CT

    Predictors of gaming disorder in children and adolescents : a school-based study

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    Objective: To determine whether psychiatric and gaming pattern variables are associated with gaming disorder in a school-based sample. Methods: We analyzed data from the Brazilian High-Risk Cohort for Psychiatric Disorders, a community sample aged 10 to 18, using questionnaires on gaming use patterns. We applied the Gaming Addiction Scale to diagnose gaming disorder and the Development and Well-Being Behavior Assessment for other diagnoses. Results: Out of 407 subjects, 83 (20.4%) fulfilled the criteria for gaming disorder. More role-playing game players were diagnosed with gaming disorder that any other genre. Gaming disorder rates increased proportionally to the number of genres played. Playing online, being diagnosed with a mental disorder, and more hours of non-stop gaming were associated with higher rates of gaming disorder. When all variables (including age and gender) were considered in a logistic regression model, the number of genres played, the number of non-stop hours, the proportion of online games, and having a diagnosed mental disorder emerged as significant predictors of gaming disorder. Conclusion: Each variable seems to add further risk of gaming disorder among children and adolescents. Monitoring the length of gaming sessions, the number and type of genres played, time spent gaming online, and behavior changes may help parents or guardians identify unhealthy patterns of gaming behavior

    Evolución de Galaxias y QSOs. Modelo evolutivo-explosivo-compuesto: fase final de galaxias y origen explosivo de galaxias enanas

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    En este trabajo presentamos nuevos resultados de nuestro modelo evolutivo-explosivo-compuesto de Galaxias, Cuásares y AGNs. En particular: explicamos el concepto de fase final de una galaxia y el hecho de que al menos una fracción de las galaxias enanas pueden ser explicadas con este modelo. También sugerimos que el prototipo de galaxia starburst M82 puede ser una galaxia enana en la fase previa a la final. Además comentamos nuevas observaciones Gemini de BAL+FeII+IR QSOs a medio-alto redshift. Para poder interpretar estos resultados en un contexto más amplio hemos realizado una introducción a nuestro modelo y algunos de los resultados previos más relevantes, entre ellos: (i) Diagrama de Evolución de Galaxias, QSOs, y AGNs; (ii) NuestroModelo Evolutivo-Explosivo-Compuesto explica en un mismo proceso: la interacción de ?Starburst? y los Agujeros Negros supermasivos que generan HiperNovas, el Origen de los Rayos Cósmicos Ultra-Energéticos y la Materia Oscura. (iii) Observación y Teoría de la Formación y de la fase final de Galaxias, via Explosión de HiperNovas en QSOs y AGNs.We present new results of our evolutionary-explosive- composite model of Galaxies, Quasars and AGNs. In particular: we explain the concept of final phase of a galaxy and the fact that at least a fraction of dwarf galaxies can be explained by this model (as a stage prior to the final). In addition, we explain that the prototype of the starburst galaxy M82 could be a dwarf galaxy previous to the final phase. Also, we discuss new Gemini observations BAL + FeII + IR medium-high redshift QSOs. To interpret these results we performed an introduction to our model and some of the most previous relevant results, including: (i) Evolution Diagram of Galaxies, QSOs and AGNs; (ii) Our Evolutionary-Explosive-Compound Model explains in the same process: the interaction of “Starburst” and Supermassive black holes that generate hypernova, the Origin of Ultra Energetic Cosmic Rays and Dark Matter. (iii) Observation and Theory of Formation and Final Phase of Galaxies via hypernova explosions in QSOs and AGNs.Fil: Lipari, Sebastian Luis. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Terlevich, R.J.. University of Cambridge; Reino UnidoFil: Taniguchi, Y.. Eihme University; JapónFil: Mediavilla, E.. Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias; EspañaFil: Bergmann, M.. Gemini Observatory; ChileFil: García Lorenzo, B.. Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias; EspañaFil: Sánchez, S.F.. Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica; MéxicoFil: Zheng, W.. John Hopkins University; Estados UnidosFil: Punsly, B.. International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network; ItaliaFil: Merlo, David Constantino. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba; Argentin

    Pancreatic metastases from renal cell carcinoma. Postoperative outcome after surgical treatment in a Spanish multicenter study (PANMEKID)

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    Background: Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) occasionally spreads to the pancreas. The purpose of our study is to evaluate the short and long-term results of a multicenter series in order to determine the effect of surgical treatment on the prognosis of these patients. Methods: Multicenter retrospective study of patients undergoing surgery for RCC pancreatic metastases, from January 2010 to May 2020. Variables related to the primary tumor, demographics, clinical characteristics of metastasis, location in the pancreas, type of pancreatic resection performed and data on short and long-term evolution after pancreatic resection were collected. Results: The study included 116 patients. The mean time between nephrectomy and pancreatic metastases' resection was 87.35 months (ICR: 1.51-332.55). Distal pancreatectomy was the most performed technique employed (50 %). Postoperative morbidity was observed in 60.9 % of cases (Clavien-Dindo greater than IIIa in 14 %). The median follow-up time was 43 months (13-78). Overall survival (OS) rates at 1, 3, and 5 years were 96 %, 88 %, and 83 %, respectively. The disease-free survival (DFS) rate at 1, 3, and 5 years was 73 %, 49 %, and 35 %, respectively. Significant prognostic factors of relapse were a disease free interval of less than 10 years (2.05 [1.13-3.72], p 0.02) and a history of previous extrapancreatic metastasis (2.44 [1.22-4.86], p 0.01). Conclusions: Pancreatic resection if metastatic RCC is found in the pancreas is warranted to achieve higher overall survival and disease-free survival, even if extrapancreatic metastases were previously removed. The existence of intrapancreatic multifocal compromise does not always warrant the performance of a total pancreatectomy in order to improve survival. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Repeated pancreatic resection for pancreatic metastases from renal cell Carcinoma: A Spanish multicenter study (PANMEKID)

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    Background and objectives: Recurrent isolated pancreatic metastasis from Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) after pancreatic resection is rare. The purpose of our study is to describe a series of cases of relapse of pancreatic metastasis from renal cancer in the pancreatic remnant and its surgical treatment with a repeated pancreatic resection, and to analyse the results of both overall and disease -free survival. Methods: Multicenter retrospective study of patients undergoing pancreatic resection for RCC pancreatic metastases, from January 2010 to May 2020. Patients were grouped into two groups depending on whether they received a single pancreatic resection (SPS) or iterative pancreatic resection. Data on short and long-term outcome after pancreatic resection were collected. Results: The study included 131 pancreatic resections performed in 116 patients. Thus, iterative pancreatic surgery (IPS) was performed in 15 patients. The mean length of time between the first pancreatic surgery and the second was 48.9 months (95 % CI: 22.2-56.9). There were no differences in the rate of postoperative complications. The DFS rates at 1, 3 and 5 years were 86 %, 78 % and 78 % vs 75 %, 50 % and 37 % in the IPS and SPS group respectively (p = 0.179). OS rates at 1, 3, 5 and 7 years were 100 %, 100 %, 100 % and 75 % in the IPS group vs 95 %, 85 %, 80 % and 68 % in the SPS group (p = 0.895). Conclusion: Repeated pancreatic resection in case of relapse of pancreatic metastasis of RCC in the pancreatic remnant is justified, since it achieves OS results similar to those obtained after the first resection