5,320 research outputs found

    A Qualitative Study of Spatial Strategies in Blind and Low Vision Individuals

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    Spatial ability is an intelligence that has been strongly correlated with success in engineering, science, math, and technology fields. Studies have shown that individuals demonstrating high spatial ability perform at a higher level than their peers in academia as well as in STEM careers. Past studies have demonstrated that spatial ability can be learned and maintained through spatial interventions. The creation of effective spatial interventions depends on a clear understanding of spatial strategies. One group that has been largely underrepresented in STEM fields is the blind and low vision (BLV) community, likely due to the lack of spatial interventions and accessible instruments for measuring spatial thinking. This research team has previously adapted a spatial ability assessment and developed the tactile mental cutting test (T-MCT). The T-MCT allows researchers to reliably assess spatial ability in BLV populations. This study seeks to qualitatively identify spatial strategies used by blind and low vision high school students in a case study conducted at a National Federation of the Blind (NFB) Engineering Quotient program. An understanding of spatial strategies employed by BLV populations will not only aid in creating more effective non-visual spatial interventions, but will also identify non-visual cognitive elements of spatial ability that may enhance spatial ability interventions for sighted populations.Presentation Time: Wednesday, 3-4 p.m

    Modular invariance, lattice field theories and finite size corrections

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    We give a lattice theory treatment of certain one and two dimensional quantum field theories. In one dimension we construct a combinatorial version of a non-trivial field theory on the circle which is of some independent interest in itself while in two dimensions we consider a field theory on a toroidal triangular lattice. We take a continuous spin Gaussian model on a toroidal triangular lattice with periods L0L_0 and L1L_1 where the spins carry a representation of the fundamental group of the torus labeled by phases u0u_0 and u1u_1. We compute the {\it exact finite size and lattice corrections}, to the partition function ZZ, for arbitrary mass mm and phases uiu_i. Summing Z1/2Z^{-1/2} over a specified set of phases gives the corresponding result for the Ising model on a torus. An interesting property of the model is that the limits m0m\rightarrow0 and ui0u_i\rightarrow0 do not commute. Also when m=0m=0 the model exhibits a {\it vortex critical phase} when at least one of the uiu_i is non-zero. In the continuum or scaling limit, for arbitrary mm, the finite size corrections to lnZ-\ln Z are {\it modular invariant} and for the critical phase are given by elliptic theta functions. In the cylinder limit L1L_1\rightarrow\infty the ``cylinder charge'' c(u0,m2L02)c(u_0,m^2L_0^2) is a non-monotonic function of mm that ranges from 2(1+6u0(u01))2(1+6u_0(u_0-1)) for m=0m=0 to zero for mm\rightarrow\infty but from which one can determine the central charge cc. The study of the continuum limit of these field theories provides a kind of quantum theoretic analog of the link between certain combinatorial and analytic topological quantities.Comment: 25 pages Plain Te

    A qualitative evaluation to explore the suitability, feasibility and acceptability of using a 'celebration card' intervention in primary care to improve the uptake of childhood vaccinations.

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    BACKGROUND: Childhood vaccination remains a primary mechanism for reducing the burden of infectious disease. In the United Kingdom, as in many countries, a sustained effort is required to ensure that vaccination targets are met to afford protection to the whole population from vaccine preventable disease. The Celebrate and Protect programme is a collaborative partnership developed to improve the uptake of childhood vaccination across a number of boroughs within London through the use of a celebration card to encourage attendance for vaccination and enhance relationships between general practices and the parents/carers of children. METHODS: This study was undertaken to assess the suitability, feasibility and acceptability of the Celebrate and Protect programme across nine boroughs in London. Data were collected either from telephone interviews (n = 24) or from focus groups (n = 31). A total of 55 key informants were included in the study, representing strategic, commissioning or policy leads, healthcare professionals and primary care teams delivering vaccinations and parents/carers of children under five. RESULTS: The analysis of data identified that whilst parents/carers saw the celebration card positively this raised the issue of 'vaccine hesitancy' and the lack of information that parents/carers have to make informed decisions about vaccination. Similarly, healthcare professionals viewed the programme positively and felt that it was deliverable within existing resources although they raised wider questions about on-going sustainability and about quantitative data collection. In relation to the collaboration between primary care and a pharmaceutical company in developing the Celebrate and Protect programme, it was generally felt that, provided appropriate governance is in place, it was a pragmatic approach in which the benefits outweighed any perceived disadvantages. DISCUSSION: The Celebrate and Protect programme was seen as an innovative collaborative programme to engage with parents and carers of children in order to improve relationships between service users and providers and subsequently increase vaccination uptake. The analysis demonstrates that that the celebration card is suitable for its purpose, acceptable to both healthcare professionals and to parents/carers of children and the Celebrate and Protect programme has been able to deliver its aims. CONCLUSION: Whilst the delivery of the 'celebration card' intervention in primary met its objectives there are some outstanding issues in terms of the sustainability of the initiative and the ability to demonstrate quantitative improvements in vaccination uptake rates

    Convolutional Embedding of Attributed Molecular Graphs for Physical Property Prediction

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    The task of learning an expressive molecular representation is central to developing quantitative structure–activity and property relationships. Traditional approaches rely on group additivity rules, empirical measurements or parameters, or generation of thousands of descriptors. In this paper, we employ a convolutional neural network for this embedding task by treating molecules as undirected graphs with attributed nodes and edges. Simple atom and bond attributes are used to construct atom-specific feature vectors that take into account the local chemical environment using different neighborhood radii. By working directly with the full molecular graph, there is a greater opportunity for models to identify important features relevant to a prediction task. Unlike other graph-based approaches, our atom featurization preserves molecule-level spatial information that significantly enhances model performance. Our models learn to identify important features of atom clusters for the prediction of aqueous solubility, octanol solubility, melting point, and toxicity. Extensions and limitations of this strategy are discussed

    Can behaviour during immunisation be used to identify attachment patterns? A feasibility study

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    <b>Background</b> Infant attachment is a strong predictor of mental health, and current measures involve placing children into a stressful situation in order to observe how the child uses their primary caregiver to assuage their distress.<p></p> <b>Objectives</b> This study aimed to explore observational correlates of attachment patterns during immunisation.<p></p> <b>Participants and setting</b> 18 parent–child pairs were included in the study. They were all recruited through a single general medical practice.<p></p> <b>Methods</b> Infant immunisation videos were observed and coded for parenting behaviours as well as pain promoting and pain reducing strategies. Results were compared between different attachment groups, as measured with the Manchester Child Attachment Story Task. <p></p> <b>Results</b> Parents of securely attached children scored higher on positive Mellow Parenting Observational System behaviours, but not at a statistically significant level. Parents of securely attached children were also significantly more likely to engage in pain reducing behaviours (p <0.01) than parents of insecurely attached children.<p></p> <b>Conclusions</b> Robust composite measures for attachment informative behaviours in the immunisation situation should be developed and tested in a fully powered study

    Initial Impact of the Gabíkovo Hydroelectric Scheme on the Species Richness and Composition of 0+ Fish Assemblages in the Slovak Flood Plain, River Danube

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    Relatively little information exists on the effects of hydroelectric schemes on 0+ fish composition in large European rivers because few or no pre-impact data exist. We compared 0+ fish species richness and composition, relative density, fish size as well as available and used habitat using data from 12 floodplain sites sampled just prior to (1992) and four years after (1996) the start of operations of the Gabíkovo hydropower station on the River Danube (Slovakia). We also used modelling techniques to assess the change in species richness and habitat use and to predict 1996 occurrences from the 1992 data set. The floodplain was greatly modified by the hydroscheme. Only 12 of 27 sites sampled in August 1992 were extant in August 1996. Therefore, all four channel types identified (flowing, abandoned, weir, wing-dam) were more lentic in 1996 than in 1992, with increased width, smaller-sized sediment (silt, clay) and greater amounts of macrophytes. After the operations of the hydroscheme, the overall relative density of fishes (individuals per surface area) of all ages decreased, with the exception of 0+ fishes, despite a slight reduction in 0+ fish density in all channel types except weirs. Species number increased from 25 to 28, although in all channel types there was a change in the composition of the 0+ fish assemblages, with rheophiles generally replaced by limnophiles and migrants from the lower Danube. The two most important microhabitat variables were the proportion of macrophytes and gravel, the latter being the factor distinguishing 0+ fish microhabitat use in 1992 (preferences) and 1996 (indifference or avoidance). Species richness and 0+ fish density in 1996 could be predicted from the 1992 data using simple log-linear models (density, richness, sample number). Species-specific occurrence in 1996 could not be predicted using environmental/fish data from 1992 with multiple regression or generalized additive models (GAM). However, the overall GAM from 1992 could predict overall fish occurrence in 1996