2,959 research outputs found

    Improving the accuracy of wood moisture content estimation in four European softwoods from Spain

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    Aim of study: To obtain improved models to predict, with an error of less than ± 2.0%, the gravimetric moisture content in four different softwoods commonly present in the Spanish and European markets, based on electrical resistance measurements. This improved moisture content estimation is useful not only for assessing the quality of wood products, especially in the case of laminated products, during the transformation and delivery process, but also for accurately monitoring the evolution of moisture in wood present in bridges and buildings, which is of great importance for its maintenance and service life improvement.Area of study: The study was carried out on samples of Scots, laricio, radiata and  maritime pines of Spanish provenances.Material and methods: On 50x50x20 mm3 solid wood samples (36 per species, 9 per condition), conditioned at 20ºC (±05ºC) and 40±5%, 65±5%, 80±5% or 90±5% Relative Humidity (RH), electrical resistance and oven-dry moisture content was measured. The Samuelsson's model was fitted to data to explain the relationship between the two variables. The accuracy of the model was evaluated by the use of an external sample.Main results: With the proposed mathematical functions the wood moisture content can be estimated with an error of ±0.9% in the four species, confirming the effectiveness of this nondestructive methodology for accurate estimation and monitoring of moisture content.Research highlights: our results allow the improvement of the moisture content estimation technique by resistance-type methodologies.Keywords: Resistance-type moisture meter; species correction.Abbreviations used: MC: Moisture content; RH: relative Humidity; R: electrical resistance; RP: wood electrical resistance measured parallel to the grain; RT: electrical resistance measured perpendicular (transversally) to the grain; GM-MC: gravimetrically measured moisture content

    Informational Literacy And Information And Communication Technologies Use By Secondary Education Students In Spain: A Descriptive Study

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    Informational literacy and the use of technologies by Secondary Education students in Spain: A descriptive study. The development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), together with their application to research carried out on educational areas, are factors which contribute to the promotion of a new educative model constructed on literacy-based competences and skills, and which sets technologies as essential tools for a life-long learning process (Unesco, 2005). This is the framework where we can insert the research that we are currently carrying out, funded by the research Program I+D+I of the Spanish Ministry of Education, and in the frame of which we are developing a diagnostic assessment of informational literacy competence in students between 14 and 16 years (Secondary Education), based on the fact that one of the main aspects in knowledge generation and acquisition is the capacity to use information extracted from documents and electronic resources, available in informational networks in a correct way. In this paper we present the results obtained from evidences on the contrast existing between the level of use of technologies (videogames, social networks...) and the level of informational literacy shown by students. The data were gathered from a sample of more than 1000 Secondary Education students who are around 15 years old

    The effect of therapeutic listening on anxiety and fear among surgical patients: randomized controlled trial

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    Objective: To investigate the effect of therapeutic listening on state anxiety and surgical fears in preoperative colorectal cancer patients. Method: A randomized controlled trial with 50 patients randomly allocated in the intervention group (therapeutic listening) (n = 25) or in the control group (n = 25). The study evaluated the changes in the variables state anxiety, surgical fears and physiological variables (salivary alpha-amylase, salivary cortisol, heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure). Results: In the comparison of the variables in the control and intervention groups in pre- and post-intervention, differences between the two periods for the variables cortisol (p=0.043), heart rate (p=0.034) and surgical fears (p=0.030) were found in the control group, which presented reduction in the values of these variables. Conclusion: There was no reduction in the levels of the variables state anxiety and surgical fears resulting from the therapeutic listening intervention, either through the physiological or psychological indicators. However, the contact with the researcher during data collection, without stimulus to reflect on the situation, may have generated the results of the control group.Paper extracted from doctoral dissertation "The influence of therapeutic listening on anxiety and fears related to surgery in patients in the preoperative to colorectal surgery: randomized clinical trial", presented to Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirao Preto, Universidade de Sao Paulo, PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing Research Development, Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil. Supported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq), Brazil, grant # 305531/2013-1

    Yearly evolution of organ damage markers in diabetes or metabolic syndrome: data from the LOD-DIABETES study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cardiovascular disease morbidity-mortality is greater in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus or metabolic syndrome. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the yearly evolution of organ damage markers in diabetes or metabolic syndrome, and to analyze the associated factors.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An observational prospective study was carried out in the primary care setting, involving 112 patients: 68 diabetics and 44 subjects with metabolic syndrome, subjected to 12 months of follow-up. Measurements: traditional cardiovascular risk factors (blood pressure, blood glucose, lipids, smoking, body mass index (BMI) and) and non-traditional risk factors (waist circumference, hsC Reactive Protein and fibrinogen); subclinical vascular (carotid intima-media thickness, pulse wave velocity and ankle/brachial index), cardiac (Cornell voltage-duration product), renal organ damage (creatinine, glomerular filtration and albumin/creatinine index), and antihypertensive and lipid-lowering drugs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At baseline, the diabetics presented a mean age of 59.9 years, versus 55.2 years in the subjects with metabolic syndrome (p = 0.03). Diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol were lower among the patients with diabetes, while blood glucose and HbA1c, as well as antihypertensive and lipid-lowering drug use, were greater. At evaluation after one year, the diabetics showed a decrease in BMI (-0.39), diastolic blood pressure (-3.59), and an increase in fibrinogen (30.23 mg/dL), ankle/brachial index (0.07) and the number of patients with ankle/brachial index pathologic decreased in 6. In turn, the patients with metabolic syndrome showed an increase in HDL-cholesterol (1-91 mg/dL), fibrinogen (25.54 mg/dL), Cornell voltage-duration product (184.22 mm/ms), ankle/brachial index (0.05) and the use of antihypertensive and lipid-lowering drugs, and a reduction in serum glucose (3.74 mg/dL), HOMA, systolic (-6.76 mmHg), diastolic blood pressure (-3.29 mmHg), and pulse wave velocity (-0.72 m/s). The variable that best predicted a decrease in pulse wave velocity in subjects with metabolic syndrome was seen to be an increase in antihypertensive drug use.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The annual assessment of cardiovascular risk factors and the decrease in pulse wave velocity was more favorable in the patients with metabolic syndrome, probably influenced by the increased percentage of subjects treated with antihypertensive and lipid lowering drugs in this group.</p


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    Objetivo: Efectuar la adaptación cultural y la validación semántica del Standard PrecautionsQuestionnaire para profesionales de salud brasileños.Método: Estudio desarrollado entre 2017 y 2018, en Río de Janeiro. La adaptación culturalcomprendió: traducción, consenso sobre la versión en portugués, evaluación de expertos,retrotraducción, consenso y comparación con la versión original, evaluación semántica yvalidación semántica. Se respetaron todos los aspectos éticos.Resultados: Para la validación de contenido, las puntuaciones oscilaron entre 0,60 y 1,00 yel puntaje fue de 0,96, indicando que los ítems son muy representativos. En la evaluaciónsemántica, 22 (80%) ítems fueron considerados relevantes y 24 (100%) ítems fueronconsiderados claros y comprensibles por todos los profesionales.Conclusión: Los ítems de la versión brasileña del instrumento fueron representativos, relevantesen la práctica clínica del profesional de salud para evaluar los obstáculos de adhesión a lasprecauciones estándar. Serán necesarios estudios evaluando las propiedades psicométricasdel instrumento.Objective: to accomplish the cultural adaptation and semantic validation of the StandardPrecautions Questionnaire for Brazilian health professionals.Method: study developed between 2017 and 2018, in Rio de Janeiro. The cultural adaptationincluded translation, consensus on the Portuguese version, evaluation by experts, backtranslation,consensus and comparison with the original version, semantic evaluation andsemantic validation. All ethical aspects were respected.Results: for the content validation, the scores ranged from 0.60 to 1.00 and the score was0.96, indicating that the items are very representative. In the semantic evaluation, 22 (80%)of the items were considered relevant and 24 (100%) of the items were considered clear andunderstandable by all professionals.Conclusion: the items of the Brazilian version of the instrument were representative, relevantfor the clinical practice of health professionals in assessing the obstacles to adhere to standardprecautions. Studies are needed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the instrument.Objetivo: realizar a adaptação cultural e a validação semântica do Standard Precautions Questionnairepara profissionais de saúde brasileiros.Métodos: estudo desenvolvido entre 2017 e 2018 no Rio de Janeiro. A adaptação cultural incluiu atradução, o consenso sobre a versão em português, a avaliação por especialistas, a retrotradução,o consenso e a comparação com a versão original, a avaliação semântica e a validação semântica.Todos os aspectos éticos foram respeitados.Resultados: na validação de conteúdo, as pontuações variaram de 0.60 a 1.00 e a pontuação foiigual a 0.96, indicando que os itens são muito representativos. Na avaliação semântica, 22 (80%)itens foram considerados relevantes e 24 (100%) itens foram considerados claros e compreensíveispor todos os profissionais.Conclusão: os itens da versão brasileira do instrumento foram representativos e relevantes paraa prática clínica de profissionais de saúde na avaliação dos obstáculos para aderir a precauçõespadrão. Estudos são necessários para avaliar as propriedades psicométricas do instrumento

    Qüestionaris d'autoavaluació de coneixements: Participació dels estudiants, incidència en el rendiment acadèmic i valoració.

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    Projecte: 2014PID-UB/042Durant el curs 2015-2016, en assignatures de Psicologia del Desenvolupament, es va oferir als estudiants la possibilitat de respondre, a través de Moodle, qüestionaris d’autoavaluació amb feedback sobre els continguts d’aprenentatge. Es van organitzar per temes i eren actius durant el període en que es treballava el corresponent tema a l’aula. Es presenta l’anàlisi del seguiment de la proposta per part dels estudiants, de la incidència en el rendiment acadèmic i de la valoració de l’experiència

    Informe final del projecte “Qüestionaris d’autoavaluació de coneixements: incidència en el rendiment acadèmic; seguiment i valoració per part dels estudiants"

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    2014PID-UB/042L’experiència s’ha realitzat durant els cursos 2014-2015 i 2015-2016, en quatre assignatures de l’àmbit de la Psicologia del Desenvolupament, en els graus de Psicologia i d’Educació Social. Ha consistit en posar a disposició dels estudiants, a través de Moodle, qüestionaris d’autoavaluació amb feedback sobre els continguts d‘aprenentatge, amb els següents objectius: a) donar suport als estudiants durant l’aprenentatge; b) promoure l’estudi continuat al llarg del curs i c) millorar el rendiment en les proves d’avaluació tipus test. Els qüestionaris inclouen preguntes d’alternativa múltiple amb una única opció de resposta vàlida. Cada resposta rep un feedback que, en cas d’error, orienta la reflexió o la revisió de determinats conceptes o idees. S’ha dut a terme l’anàlisi de la participació, les puntuacions obtingudes, la valoració de l’experiència per part dels estudiants i la incidència del projecte sobre les qualificacions en les proves finals d’avaluació. Els estudiants han valorat molt positivament l’experiència, la participació ha estat moderada i les qualificacions obtingudes en les proves finals han estat significativament més altes per part dels estudiants que han respost qüestionaris. No obstant, per comparació amb cursos anteriors, no s’ha produït una millora significativa en els resultats globals dels grups-classe en les proves finals

    The impact of physical, psychological, and sexual intimate partner violence on women's mental health: depressive symptoms, posttraumatic stress disorder, state anxiety, and suicide

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    Objective: This study aimed to determine the impact of lifetime physical, psychological, and sexual intimate male partner violence (IPV) on the mental health of women, after controlling for the contribution of lifetime victimization. The comorbidity of depressive symptoms and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and their relation to state anxiety and suicide were also assessed. Methods: Physically/psychologically (n 75) and psychologically abused women (n 55) were compared with nonabused control women (n 52). Information about sociodemographic characteristics, lifetime victimization, and mental health status (depressive and state anxiety symptoms, PTSD, and suicide) was obtained through face-to-face structured interviews. Results: Women exposed to physical/psychological and psychological IPV had a higher incidence and severity of depressive and anxiety symptoms, PTSD, and thoughts of suicide than control women, with no differences between the two abused groups. The concomitance of sexual violence was associated with a higher severity of depressive symptoms in both abused groups and a higher incidence of suicide attempts in the physically/psychologically abused group. The incidence of PTSD alone was very rare, and depressive symptoms were either alone or comorbid with PTSD. The severity of state anxiety was higher in abused women with depressive symptoms or comorbidity, as was the incidence of suicidal thoughts in the physically/psychologically abused group. Lifetime victimization was not a predictor of the deterioration of mental health in this study. Conclusions: These findings indicate that psychological IPV is as detrimental as physical IPV, with the exception of effects on suicidality, which emphasizes that psychological IPV should be considered a major type of violence by all professionals involved.Este es un artículo ampliamente citado internacionalmente respeto a violencia de pareja y consecuencias en la salud de las mujeres

    Mitochondrial GSH determines the toxic or therapeutic potential of superoxide scavenging in steatohepatitis

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Steatohepatitis (SH) is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and excessive production of superoxide, which can then be converted into H(2)O(2) by SOD2. Since mitochondrial GSH (mGSH) plays a critical role in H(2)O(2) reduction, we explored the interplay between superoxide, H(2)O(2), and mGSH in nutritional and genetic models of SH, which exhibit mGSH depletion. METHODS: We used isolated mitochondria and primary hepatocytes, as well as in vivo SH models showing mGSH depletion to test the consequences of superoxide scavenging. RESULTS: In isolated mitochondria and primary hepatocytes, superoxide scavenging by SOD mimetics or purified SOD decreased superoxide and peroxynitrite generation but increased H(2)O(2) following mGSH depletion, despite mitochondrial peroxiredoxin/thioredoxin defense. Selective mGSH depletion sensitized hepatocytes to cell death induced by SOD mimetics, and this was prevented by RIP1 kinase inhibition with necrostatin-1 or GSH repletion with GSH ethyl ester (GSHee). Mice fed the methionine-choline deficient (MCD) diet or MAT1A(-/-) mice exhibited reduced SOD2 activity; in vivo treatment with SOD mimetics increased liver damage, inflammation, and fibrosis, despite a decreased superoxide and 3-nitrotyrosine immunoreactivity, effects that were ameliorated by mGSH replenishment with GSHee, but not NAC. As a proof-of-principle of the detrimental role of superoxide scavenging when mGSH was depleted transgenic mice overexpressing SOD2 exhibited enhanced susceptibility to MCD-mediated SH. CONCLUSIONS: These findings underscore a critical role for mGSH in the therapeutic potential of superoxide scavenging in SH, and suggest that the combined approach of superoxide scavenging with mGSH replenishment may be important in SH