462 research outputs found

    Determinants of major choice and academic expectations: Testing a prediction model across gender

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    With this study, we aim to test the predictive relationships between determinants of major choice (DMC) and academic expectations (AEs) and analyse gender differences, using six items of the Determinants of Major Choice Scale and the Academic Perceptions Questionnaire to assess AEs. A convenience sample of Portuguese (n = 839) and Spanish (n = 1001) first-year students (age-range = 17-23 years), most composed by women (56.9%, n = 1047), was selected from two public universities. The invariance of the multivariate regression model with latent variables of the effect of DMC on AEs, with intrinsic determinants (IDs; e.g., personal characteristics) and mediating agents (MAs; e.g., parents) as AE’s predictors, was tested across gender in LISREL. The invariance test of the multivariate regression model across gender was well fitted to data and revealed an equivalence of slopes between women and men, which allows a unique interpretation of the model’s predictive relationships for both genders. We also found statistically significant predictive relationships of IDs on six factors AEs and MAs on five factors AEs. The results showed, at a theoretical level, relationships with the self-determination theory. At a practical level, they pointed out the importance of IDs and MAs to conceive AEs intervention programs in Higher Education institutions

    Family context and preschool learning

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    "The main goal of this investigation was to determine the influence of the family contextual variables on children's basic learning skills. Basic abilities tests for children's academic learning were administered to a sample of 447 children aged three, four, and five years in preschool education. The parents completed the questionnaire, which collected data about the structural variables of the family context: family structure, educational level, occupational activity, cultural resources available in the home, and monthly family income. Univariate analyses of variance were performed. The parents' educational level and some of the variables of cultural resources, such as access to the Internet, influence the basic abilities of the participants. This study indicates that structural variables condition family resources of a dynamic nature, and these are significant variables for academic achievement." (author's abstract

    Evolución de los estereotipos femeninos en la publicidad televisiva en España (1950-2002)

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    Actas del Décimo Coloquio Internacional de la Asociación Española de Investigación de Historia de las Mujeres (AEIHM) celebrado del 17 al 19 de abril de 2002 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPublicad

    Hakai reduces cell-substratum adhesion and increases epithelial cell invasion

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    BACKGROUND: The dynamic regulation of cell-cell adhesions is crucial for developmental processes, including tissue formation, differentiation and motility. Adherens junctions are important components of the junctional complex between cells and are necessary for maintaining cell homeostasis and normal tissue architecture. E-cadherin is the prototype and best-characterized protein member of adherens junctions in mammalian epithelial cells. Regarded as a tumour suppressor, E-cadherin loss is associated with poor prognosis in carcinoma. The E3 ubiquitin-ligase Hakai was the first reported posttranslational regulator of the E-cadherin complex. Hakai specifically targetted E-cadherin for internalization and degradation and thereby lowered epithelial cell-cell contact. Hakai was also implicated in controlling proliferation, and promoted cancer-related gene expression by increasing the binding of RNA-binding protein PSF to RNAs encoding oncogenic proteins. We sought to investigate the possible implication of Hakai in cell-substratum adhesions and invasion in epithelial cells. METHODS: Parental MDCK cells and MDCK cells stably overexpressing Hakai were used to analyse cell-substratum adhesion and invasion capabilities. Western blot and immunofluoresecence analyses were performed to assess the roles of Paxillin, FAK and Vinculin in cell-substratum adhesion. The role of the proteasome in controlling cell-substratum adhesion was studied using two proteasome inhibitors, lactacystin and MG132. To study the molecular mechanisms controlling Paxillin expression, MDCK cells expressing E-cadherin shRNA in a tetracycline-inducible manner was employed. RESULTS: Here, we present evidence that implicate Hakai in reducing cell-substratum adhesion and increasing epithelial cell invasion, two hallmark features of cancer progression and metastasis. Paxillin, an important protein component of the cell-matrix adhesion, was completely absent from focal adhesions and focal contacts in Hakai-overexpressing MDCK cells. The expression of Paxillin was found to be regulated by a proteasome-independent mechanism, possibly due to the decreased abundance of E-cadherin. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, these results suggest that Hakai may be involved in two hallmark aspects of tumour progression, the lowering cell-substratum adhesion and the enhancement of cell invasion

    Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa productora de velas aromatizadas en la ciudad de Neiva Departamento del Huila

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    El objetivo general del presente proyecto es realizar el estudio de factibilidad para la implementación de una empresa productora y comercializadora de Velas aromatizadas, en la ciudad de Neiva, Departamento del Huila. El producto a ofrecer es LA VELA AROMATIZADA es un producto de adquisición masiva, por habitantes de los estratos 2,3,4, los cuales tienen gustos y preferencias por la decoración. Sus formas son variadas: cuadradas, redondas, triangulares etc. El proyecto se ubicará en la zona oriente baja del municipio de Neiva, específicamente en el Barrio Altico. Las características estructurales, la demografía, las características y condiciones culturales, lo hacen un proyecto de gran aceptación en el mercado regional y local. Teniendo en cuenta que toda la población se incrementa de acuerdo al índice de crecimiento poblacional, la proyección de la demanda se establecerá con la aplicación de la fórmula de mínimos cuadrados. La oferta se establecerá de acuerdo a las condiciones de demanda del usuario o consumidor. El mercado potencial a atender es el de todas las personas que gustan de artículos decorativos, esotéricos y que ven en la técnica de la relajación aromatizante, la mejor herramienta para mejorar las condiciones físicas. Analizadas las variables que determinan el tamaño del proyecto, se estableció que la empresa alcanza a producir con un mínimo de 2 operarios 17 velas diarias, por lo cual su producción anual se ha estimado en 6.000 unidades anuales, lo que esperamos incrementar con estrategias de mercadeo y ventas. Entre las principales inversiones a realizar y el monto de los mismos se encuentran los siguientes: INVERSIÓN: ACTIVOS FIJOS............................................................................ 3.686.000MaquinariaMueblesACTIVOSDIFERIDOS..................................................................659.000CAPITALDETRABAJO................................................................6.576.960TOTALDEINVERSIOˊN..................................................................3.686.000 Maquinaria Muebles ACTIVOS DIFERIDOS.................................................................. 659.000 CAPITAL DE TRABAJO................................................................ 6.576.960 TOTAL DE INVERSIÓN ..................................................................10.921.960 Para la realización de este proyecto se utilizaron fuentes de recursos propios, debido a que la inversión es pequeña se hace el requerimiento de los aportes sociales. Los resultados del Valor Presente Neto muestran que el proyecto financieramente es atractivo porque sus valores fueron positivos, así como los arrojados por la TIR siendo ésta superior a la tasa del mercado que es del 11%. La relación beneficio costo también resultó favorable hacia la elaboración del proyecto. En cuanto al estudio de sensibilidad se puede comprobar que la empresa debe establecer herramientas de tipo estratégico, a fin de alcanzar mayor rentabilidad, porque si se presentan variaciones de tipo operacional, el proyecto no tendría factibilidad puesto que sus resultados serían negativosThe general objective of the present project is to carry out the study of feasibility for the implementation of a company producer and comercializadora of perfumed Candles, in the city of Neiva, Department of the Huila. The product to offer is THE PERFUMED CANDLE it is a product of massive acquisition, for inhabitants of the strata 2,3,4, which have likes and preferences for the decoration. Their forms are varied: square, round, triangular etc. The project will be located in the area it guides it gets off the municipality of Neiva, specifically in the Neighborhood Altico. The structural characteristics, the demography, the characteristics and cultural conditions, they make it a project of great acceptance in the regional and local market. Keeping in mind that the whole population is increased according to the index of populational growth, the projection of the demand will settle down with the application of the formula of square minima. The offer will settle down according to the conditions of the user's demand or consumer. The potential market to assist is that of all the people that you/they like of ornamental, occult articles and that they come in the technique of the perfuming relaxation, the best tool to improve the physical conditions. Analyzed the variables that determine the size of the project, settled down that the company reaches to take place with a minimum of 2 operatives 17 daily candles, reason why its annual production has been considered in 6.000 annual units, what we hope to increase with marketing strategies and sales. Among the main investments to carry out and the one mounts of the same ones they are the following ones: INVESTMENT: ACTIVE FIXED............................................................................ 3.686.000MachineryFurnitureDIFFEREDASSETS..................................................................659.000CAPITALOFWORK................................................................6.576.960TOTALOFINVESTMENT...........................................................3.686.000 Machinery Furniture DIFFERED ASSETS.................................................................. 659.000 CAPITAL OF WORK............................................................... . 6.576.960 TOTAL OF INVESTMENT........................................................... 10.921.960 For the realization of this project sources of own resources were used, because the investment is small the requirement of the social contributions is made. The results of the Net Present Value show that the project financially is attractive because their values were positive, as well as the heady ones for the TIR being this superior to the rate of the market that is of 11%. The relationship benefits cost it was also favorable toward the elaboration of the project. As for the study of sensibility it can be proven that the company should establish tools of strategic type, in order to reach bigger profitability, because if variations of operational type are presented, the project would not have feasibility since their results would be negativ

    Expectativas, según sexo, de los estudiantes españoles de primer año de Enseñanza Superior tras sus primeras experiencias

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    Las expectativas académicas recogen la confianza en aquello que, según la experiencia previa, se considera que es más probable que ocurra. Constituyen una interpretación y predicción sobre lo que ha de suceder en la Enseñanza Superior (ES) en función de la experiencia vivida. La confrontación con el primer semestre lectivo conduce, muchas veces, a una reevaluación y modificación de las expectativas iniciales. Este estudio se realizó con el objetivo de comprobar si se produce un cambio en las puntuaciones de expectativas de los estudiantes, según su sexo, desde que se inician por primera vez en la Universidad hasta que finalizan el primer semestre académico. La muestra estuvo formada por 223 estudiantes de la Universidad de Vigo-Campus Ourense, con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y los 39 años de edad (M=19,8; Mdn= 19). El 68% era de sexo femenino y el 32% de sexo masculino. Se utilizó para la medida inicial y semestral de las expectativas el Cuestionario de Percepciones Académicas (CPA). Los resultados, indicaron que las mujeres obtuvieron inicialmente puntuaciones más altas que los hombres en sus expectativas de Formación empleo/carrera, Desarrollo personal y social, Movilidad estudiantil, Participación político/ciudadana y Presión social. Al finalizar el primer semestre, ese patrón de puntuaciones se invirtió obteniendo los hombres puntuaciones más elevadas en dichas dimensiones de expectativas. Los resultados se interpretan en el sentido de que las mujeres ajustan en mayor medida que los hombres sus expectativas en función de las experiencias universitarias vividas en ese período de tiempo, suponiéndose una mejor adaptación de las estudiantes a la Universidad.Academic expectations reflected confidence in that which, according to previous experience, is considered to be more likely to occur. They are an interpretation and prediction about what will happen in Higher Education (ES) based on the experience. The confrontation with the first school semester leads, often, to a reevaluation and modification of initial expectations. This study was conducted to see whether a change in the scores of student expectations occurs, by sex, since they was first start in college until complete it the first semester. The sample consisted of 223 students from the University of Vigo, Ourense Campus, aged between 18 and 39 years (M = 19.8, Mdn = 19 ). 68% were female and 32% male. Was used for initial and semiannual measure Academic Perceptions Questionnaire (CPA). The results indicated that initially, women, scored higher than men in their expectations of training employment/career, personal and social development, student mobility, political/citizenship implication and social pressure. At the end of the first semester, that pattern was reversed, the men got higher scores on these dimensions of expectations. The results are interpreted to mean that women conform to a greater extent than men based on their expectations of university experiences in that time period, assuming a better adjustment of women students to college.peerReviewe

    Role of the microtubule-targeting drug vinflunine on cell-cell adhesions in bladder epithelial tumour cells

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    Background: Vinflunine (VFL) is a microtubule-targeting drug that suppresses microtubule dynamics, showing anti-metastatic properties both in vitro and in living cancer cells. An increasing body of evidence underlines the influence of the microtubules dynamics on the cadherin-dependent cell-cell adhesions. E-cadherin is a marker of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and a tumour suppressor; its reduced levels in carcinoma are associated with poor prognosis. In this report, we investigate the role of VFL on cell-cell adhesions in bladder epithelial tumour cells. Methods: Human bladder epithelial tumour cell lines HT1376, 5637, SW780, T24 and UMUC3 were used to analyse cadherin-dependent cell-cell adhesions under VFL treatment. VFL effect on growth inhibition was measured by using a MTT colorimetric cell viability assay. Western blot, immunofluorescence and transmission electron microscopy analyses were performed to assess the roles of VFL effect on cell-cell adhesions, epithelial-to-mesenchymal markers and apoptosis. The role of the proteasome in controlling cell-cell adhesion was studied using the proteasome inhibitor MG132. Results: We show that VFL induces cell death in bladder cancer cells and activates epithelial differentiation of the remaining living cells, leading to an increase of E-cadherin-dependent cell-cell adhesion and a reduction of mesenchymal markers, such as N-cadherin or vimentin. Moreover, while E-cadherin is increased, the levels of Hakai, an E3 ubiquitin-ligase for E-cadherin, were significantly reduced in presence of VFL. In 5637, this reduction on Hakai expression was blocked by MG132 proteasome inhibitor, indicating that the proteasome pathway could be one of the molecular mechanisms involved in its degradation. Conclusions: Our findings underscore a critical function for VFL in cell-cell adhesions of epithelial bladder tumour cells, suggesting a novel molecular mechanism by which VFL may impact upon EMT and metastasis

    Teachers' ICT-related self-efficacy, job resources, and positive emotions: Their structural relations with autonomous motivation and work engagement

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    Different variables related to information and communication technologies (ICT), such as digital self-efficacy for teaching, perceived institutional support for innovation, ICT positive emotions, and satisfaction with institutional support, are key factors in the teaching-learning process. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the structural relationships of these constructs with teachers' autonomous motivation and work engagement. Data were collected from 350 in-service secondary education teachers through a self-report questionnaire and were analyzed using a two-step Structural Equation Model (SEM) approach. After testing the adequacy of the measurement model, the structural model showed that all ICT-related variables significantly predicted autonomous motivation, with 26% of explained variance. ICT-related variables and autonomous motivation explained 69% of the variance of work engagement. Emotional variables also were predicted by digital self-efficacy and institutional support. Autonomous motivation and emotional variables mediated the effects of digital self-efficacy and support for innovation on work engagement. These results shed light on the critical role of these ICT-related variables for teachers’ work motivation and engagement

    Formato televisivo y proyección en Twitter de las elecciones en Andalucía

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    Los resultados de las elecciones celebradas en Andalucía (2D) han sorprendido a vencedores y vencidos. Ni las encuestas, ni los debates ni las propias redes sociales vaticinaban el vuelco electoral provocado por la irrupción en el Parlamento de Vox, un partido definido como “ultraderecha” que ahora es “llave del cambio”, tras casi cuarenta años de Gobierno Socialista. En este contexto, el “debate televisado”, previo a las elecciones, se pone en entredicho. Políticos, medios y audiencias cuestionan un formato, sometido a un tiempo y a un espacio rígido, que limitan el proceso de información, comunicación y captación del interés público. Un modelo lento y distante, comparado con la velocidad e interacción de los mensajes en red. Investigar en qué medida los debates emitidos durante la campaña de las elecciones andaluzas (Canal Sur y TVE), suponen una fuente de información electoral relevante, analizar las estrategias de comunicación verbal de los candidatos y comprobar el seguimiento de usuarios en Twitter, son objetivos del estudio. Sobre una muestra que recoge las fechas de ambos debates (19 y 26 N) se aplica una metodología triangulada de análisis de contenido comparado (nivel cuantitativo, cualitativo y discursivo). Las variables diseñadas miden los temas tratados por los candidatos de los partidos con representación parlamentaria (PSOE, PP, Ciudadanos y Adelante Andalucía), así como la proyección que los debates televisados alcanzan en la red (métricas de usuarios en cada una de las cuentas personales de los políticos) y la posible relación de equivalencia con el número de votos en los comicios. Además, se analiza el perfil de Vox en Andalucía, un partido que, sin representación parlamentaria, alcanza protagonismo mediático -y sobre todo digital- con viralización máxima del mensaje del candidato, siendo foco de atención del debate televisado. Los resultados invitan a reflexionar sobre un modelo desfasado, minutado, centrado en el “y tú más” y en visualizar las tendencias populistas e independentistas y el pacto electoral, como claves de confrontación del discurso. Frente a la capacidad de los nuevos formatos digitales para configurar, a golpe de tuit, el nuevo mapa político de la comunidad, los políticos han protagonizado un discurso más proyectado hacia las elecciones generales que a los temas de interés público para Andalucía, sin programa ni propuestas para los ciudadanos. Sólo un punto en común: el discurso de lo fake y la desinformación como emblema de una sociedad que se denomina “avanzada

    Linking climate, annual growth and competition in a Mediterranean forest: Pinus pinea in the Spanish Northern Plateau

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    Climate, competition and site conditions are the main drivers controlling annual secondary growth in tree species. These factors do no act independently on tree growth, but by means of interactions, resulting in mediated interactive effects. For example, the stress gradient hypothesis postulates alleviated interspecific competition under limiting spatial (site) or temporal (climate) resources. According to this, models predicting annual growth and yield for a given forest should consider these issues in their formulation. In this study, we present a modelling approach based on using data from permanent plots and dendrochronological analysis in order to describe annual tree growth in pure, even-aged stands of Pinus pinea L. in the Spanish Northern Plateau, a highly limiting environment due to its Mediterranean continental climate. Our method is based on identifying the different sources of variability by means of a multilevel linear mixed model, and thereby identifying the potential covariates explaining observed variability at the different spatiotemporal scales. Our results indicate that site related factors such as site index or dominant height exert a greater influence on annual secondary growth than size-symmetric competition. In addition, we found that the controlling influence of water stress is greater than that of temperatures on tree growth. Furthermore, our results allow evidence to be identified for the stress gradient hypothesis in temporal intraspecific interactions, since trees exposed to a higher degree of competition tend to grow more than expected in dry periods. In contrast, the effect of competition on growth, on average, tends to be aggravated at very poor sites. Finally, our modelling approach allows us to conduct growth and yield simulations under different climate scenarios at different spatial scales, providing results which point to significant decreases in timber and cone production under the more severe scenarios, which can be alleviated through more intensive silviculture.This work has been carried out under the financial and functional framework of the National Projects RTA-2013-00011.C2.1, PCIN-2014-138 INFORMED, AGL-2017-83828-C2.1 and the PROPINEA agreement between INIA, ITACYL and Deputation of Valladolid. Authors wish to thank Forest Service of Valladolid for their permanent support with the inventory and maintenance of the experimental trials