288 research outputs found

    Eficiência de produtos alternativos no controle da Cochonilha-do-Carmim (Dactylopius opuntiae) em palma forrageira.

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    A cochonilha-do-carmimc a principal praga da palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica) no semi-árido nordestino.Resumo 1034-1

    Democracia, desenvolvimento capitalista e as lutas dos trabalhadores no Brasil (2013/2014)

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    Anais das IV Jornadas Internacionais de Problemas Latino-Americanos: Lutas, Experiências e Debates na América Latina - ISBN 978-950-793-223-6 - Orgs. Paulo Renato da Silva ; Mario Ayala ; Fabricio Pereira da Silva ; Fernando José MartinsPartindo da compreensão das desigualdades históricas que presidem o processo de desen- volvimento do capitalismo no Brasil e da feição antidemocrática assumida pela revolução burgue- sa, a pesquisa busca investigar a relação entre a construção da democracia e as transformações societárias engendradas pelo atual estágio de desenvolvimento do capitalismo, resgatando as pos- sibilidades de reflexão mediante as particularidades da formação histórica brasileira e os processos de resistência e luta dos trabalhadores pela construção de um espaço efetivamente público e de- mocrático em nossa sociedade. A análise se fundamenta através do mapeamento dos conflitos so- ciais brasileiros ocorridos no período de 2013/2014, a partir do acompanhamento e seleção de no- tícias divulgadas em mídias impressa e digital que tratem dos desafios às lutas dos trabalhadores no conjunto de restrições democráticas e da negação da organização social para a defesa e amplia- ção de direitos.PPG – IELA – UNIL

    Indicadores educacionais e a ideia da integração do ensino: o ensino médio na Amazônia sob análise

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    O trabalho analisa alguns indicadores educacionais do ensino médio em municípios da Amazônia brasileira, observando as variáveis reprovação, aprovação, abandono e distorção idade-série. A partir de dados do INEP, e sob abordagens quantitativa e qualitativa foram feitas análises referentes aos anos de 2002, 2007 e 2012, com destaque aos espaços rurais e urbanos. Os dados revelam a configuração atual de um ensino médio problemático nos centros urbanos, com a piora dos índices de fluxo na zona rural da Amazônia. O Pará e o Tocantins apresentam altos índices de reprovação em municípios longínquos dos centros urbanos e, portanto, distantes de um relativo desenvolvimento econômico. É imperiosa a necessidade de políticas públicas que permitam uma formação integrada em correlação às ações que impeçam a juventude em idade escolar entrar precocemente no trabalho, privando-a de uma formação totalizante e ampliada

    ANÁLISE DA INFLUÊNCIA DOS GRÃOS FINOS NOS PARÂMETROS DE CONSISTÊNCIA, CONSOLIDAÇÃO E PERMEABILIDADE DO SOLO: Analysis of the influence of fine grains in the parameters of consistency, consolidation and permeability of the soil

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    Clay soils are frequently used in Geotechnical Engineering applications. This fact makes relevant the expansion of knowledge about the factors that influence on its parameters of engineering. In this sense, the present study aimed to evaluate the influence of the percentage of fine grains on the parameters of consistency, consolidation, and permeability of compacted soil samples. Were analyzed the mixtures with 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, and 80% by mass of fines. The results show a direct influence of fine grains on the parameters analyzed. There was a progressive increase in Atterberg’s limits in relation to the increase in fines, with a discrete variation in the plasticity limit. The void rate and the permeability coefficient suffered successive decreases with the increase in the fines content, presenting a decreasing rate of variation throughout the consolidation. The void rate and the permeability coefficient decreased with the increase in fines, with a decreasing rate of variation throughout consolidation. The consolidation coefficients were obtained through two different methodologies, by the Taylor method and by the mathematical correlation of Terzaghi, which pointed to the successive decrease of this parameter along the fine increases in the mixture. However, the Taylor method yielded a set of values ​​with the lowest correlation coefficients, with greater deviations. Keywords: Consolidation, Fine soil, Consistency, Compressibility, Permeability.Os solos argilosos são frequentemente usados em aplicações de Engenharia Geotécnica. Esse fato torna relevante a ampliação do conhecimento sobre os fatores que influenciam em seus parâmetros de engenharia. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo visou avaliar a influência do percentual de grãos finos sobre os parâmetros de consistência, consolidação e permeabilidade de amostras de solo compactadas. Foram analisadas as misturas com 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75 e 80%, em massa de finos. Os resultados apontaram para a influência direta dos grãos finos sobre os parâmetros analisados. Houve um aumento progressivo nos limites de Atterberg em relação ao aumento dos finos, com variação discreta do limite de plasticidade. O índice de vazios e o coeficiente de permeabilidade decaíram com o incremento de finos, apresentando uma taxa de variação decrescente ao longo da consolidação. Os Coeficientes de Consolidação foram obtidos através de duas metodologias distintas, pelo método de Taylor e pela correlação matemática de Terzaghi, que apontaram para o decréscimo sucessivo desse parâmetro ao longo do aumento finos na mistura. Contudo, o método de Taylor rendeu um conjunto de valores com os menores coeficientes de correlação, apresentando maiores desvios. Palavras-chave: Consolidação, Solo fino, Consistência, Compressibilidade, Permeabilidade


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    Los estudios de posgrado se han convertido, a lo largo de los años, en una de las principales actividades de los docentes de las instituciones federales de educación superior en Brasil. Sin embargo, esta actividad, como todas las actividades humanas, está subsumida en procesos de determinación social, con su origen en un modelo social basado en la acumulación financiera. Estos procesos actúan y transforman el posgrado y sus actores, imponiendo un modelo de producción científica cuantitativo, competitivo y productivista. En este artículo analizamos los datos sobre el trabajo en los programas de posgrado y la salud del profesor, extraídos de una investigación sobre la salud de profesores realizada por la Sección del Sindicato de Profesores de la Universidad Federal del Paraná. El marco teórico de la investigación es la Epidemiología Crítica de la Determinación Social de la Salud. En el artículo también se presenta una breve revisión bibliográfica de este tema. Algunos resultados de la investigación son discutidos. Los objetivos de este artículo son establecer relaciones entre el trabajo en el posgrado y la salud del profesor y, principalmente, construir una matriz de procesos críticos basada en esta actividad, para apoyar al movimiento de profesores en sus agendas de lucha.Graduate programs have become, over the years, one of the main activities of teachers of public universities in Brazil. This activity, like all human activities, however, is subsumed by processes of social determination that have their origin in a social model based mainly on capital accumulation. These processes act and transform graduate programs and its actors, imposing a quantitative, competitive and productivist scientific production model. In this article we compare and analyze the relationship between the work in graduate programs and teachers health, from the results of a survey on teaching health. This survey was conducted by the Teachers Union of Federal University of Paraná, Brazil. The theoretical framework of the research is the Critical Epidemiology and Social Determination of Health. In the article is also presented a brief bibliographical review of this theme. Some preliminary results are presented and discussed. The objectives of this work are to establish relationships between postgraduate work and teaching health and, mainly, to build a matrix of critical processes in this activity, to support the teaching movement in their claims and demands.Programmes d'études supérieures sont devenus, au fil des ans, l'une des principales activités des enseignants des universités publiques brésiliennes. Cette activité, comme toutes activités humaines, est cependant englobée par des processus de détermination sociale qui trouvent leur origine dans modèle social basé principalement sur l'accumulation de capital. Ces processus agissent et transforment programmes de recherche et d'études supérieures et leurs acteurs en imposant modèle de production scientifique quantitatif, compétitif et productif. Dans cet article, nous comparons et analysons relation entre travail dans ces programmes et santé des enseignants, à partir des résultats d'une enquête sur la santé des enseignements. Cette enquête a été réalisée par le Syndicat des Enseignants de l'Université Fédérale de Paraná, au Brésil. Le cadre théorique de la recherche est l’Épidémiologie Critique et la Détermination Sociale de la Santé. Dans cet article est également présenté un brève étude bibliographique de ce thème. Quelques résultats préliminaires sont présentés et discutés. Objectifs de ce travail sont d’établir des relations entre le travail de recherche dans les programmes d'études supérieures et la santé des enseignants et, principalement, de construire une matrice de processus critiques de cette activité, afin de soutenir le mouvement des enseignants dans ses revendications et ses luttes.A participação em programas de pós-graduação se tornou, ao longo dos anos, uma das principais atividades dos docentes das universidades federais brasileiras. Esta atividade, assim como todas as atividades humanas está subsumida a processos de determinação social que têm sua origem em um modelo societário baseado sobretudo na acumulação financeira. Estes processos atuaram e transformaram a pós-graduação e seus atores, impondo um modelo de produção científica quantitativo, competitivo e produtivista. O marco teórico da pesquisa aqui apresentada é a Epidemiologia Crítica e a Determinação Social da Saúde.  Os objetivos do trabalho consistem em estabelecer relações entre o trabalho na pós-graduação e a saúde docente e, principalmente, identificar os principais processos críticos relacionados a esta atividade. Neste artigo foram analisados os dados extraídos de uma pesquisa realizada entre julho de 2014 e julho de 2015. Conclui-se que atividade de pesquisa e pós-graduação se constitui um espaço dialético, em que estão presentes tanto processos críticos protetores quanto destrutivos, pois, de um lado, esta atividade permite aos docentes exprimir sua criatividade na pesquisa e na formação de novos pesquisadores, mas, por outro lado, está submetida a um modelo de avaliação produtivista, competitivo, meritocrático, que implica estresse e sobrecarga de trabalho

    Antibody response to different COVID-19 vaccine regimes: a review

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    COVID-19 pandemic initiated a race for the development of vaccines. Different technologies have been used to produce them, including inactivated whole-virus, nucleic acid, and adenovirus vector platforms. COVID-19 vaccination was initiated with two doses called “primary vaccination” which can be homologous (the same vaccine used in the first and second dose) or heterologous (different vaccines used in the first and second dose). Waning of vaccine-induced antibodies over time combined with the emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VOCs) suggested the importance and necessity of a “booster shot” of the vaccine. The additional dose can be done with the same vaccine used in the primary vaccination (homologous booster) or vaccines can be mix-and-match (heterologous booster). Immune escape of VOCs raises the question of which is the best combination of COVID-19 vaccines. Therefore, this review summarizes the main findings of humoral response to different SARS-CoV-2 vaccination regimens


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    Glaucoma is an irreversible pathology, generated by increased intraocular pressure. Early detection is critical and can pre- vent total vision loss. Clinical examinations are commonly used to detect the disease. Still, the time and cost of identi- fication is quite high. This paper presents a computational methodology that aims to assist specialists in the discov- ery of glaucoma through Computer Vision techniques. The proposed methodology consists in the application of several texture descriptors combined with a parameter optimiza- tion done through Grid search with the XGBoost classifier. A result was obtained with accuracy of 82.37% and ROC of 82.08%

    The acts of representational speak in day-to-day man's penectomized: amputation, religiosity and family

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    Objective: To identify and analyze the social representations of patients after radical penectomy due to penile cancer and its implications for health. Method: This is a qualitative study, which uses the descriptive method in the form of case study and theoretical approach of social representations. The study included 30 patients, who were followed between the months of May to October 2011. The analysis of the findings occurred through the technique of discourse analysis. Results: the main findings of the study were the discussion about the amputation, religiosity and family facing this cancer. Conclusion: It came evidenced that penile cancer is a dreaded disease among men, holding a biological and symbolical representation, which controls the individual and the environment where he lives

    Assessment of the culinary behavior of puerpera in a university hospital: Avaliação do comportamento culinário de puérperas em um hospital universitário

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    In the food context, mothers are often associated with the responsibility of transmitting information about food, as well as food practices, from one generation to the next. In addition, children's food preferences can be influenced by parents' food preferences and by the accessibility of food at home, making the family system a determining factor in food education. Considering the scarcity of studies that assess the interference of mothers' cooking skills in the feeding of their children, this study aims to evaluate the knowledge of mothers who were hospitalized at the Lauro Wanderley University Hospital (HULW) about cooking skills, and more specifically, to assess whether postpartum women have culinary skills, to analyze the culinary attitude and the index of culinary skills. This is a cross-sectional study with the participation of 311 postpartum women admitted to a university hospital. Culinary skills were measured in the form of scores. The puerperal women were classified into three strata. According to the scores obtained, three categories were defined, considering the values ​​of the 25th and 75th percentiles as lower limits (low cooking skills) and upper limits (high cooking skills), respectively. The study population showed a high index of culinary skills, as well as a high culinary attitude. The present study advances in the research and deepening of the theme, enabling one of the first approximations with the Brazilian reality, especially with regard to puerperal women. It is believed that, even being a first exploratory study on the culinary skills of puerperal women treated at a university hospital in northeastern Brazil, this study presents findings that can be used as a starting point for future research directions

    Assessment of knowledge and self-efficiency for the use of basic culinary techniques in puerpera in a university hospital: Avaliação do conhecimento e da autoeficácia para o uso de técnicas culinárias básicas em puérperas em um hospital universitário

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    The healthy and diversified food introduction represents an opportunity for the child to be exposed to the wide variety of foods that will form the basis for future healthy eating habits. In view of the scarcity of studies that correlate the introduction of complementary foods from the child's six months of life onwards with maternal cooking skills, the present study aims to verify whether there is pre-existence to the puerperium of the mother's cooking skills and, more specifically, to assess whether postpartum women have culinary skills; assess self-efficacy for using basic cooking techniques as well as the cooking skills index. This is a cross-sectional study, which had the participation of 311 postpartum women admitted to a university hospital. Cooking skills were measured in the form of scores. The puerperal women were classified into three strata, according to the scores obtained, three categories were defined, considering the values of the 25th and 75th percentiles as lower limits (low cooking skill) and upper limits (high cooking skill), respectively. The study population showed a high index of cooking skills, as well as a high effectiveness for the use of basic cooking techniques. This study advances in the exploration of the theme, enabling one of the first approaches to the Brazilian reality, especially about postpartum women. It is believed that, even though it is a first exploratory study on the culinary skills of postpartum women attended at a university hospital in northeastern Brazil, its findings can be used as a starting point for future research directions