558 research outputs found

    Investigation of the RTN Distribution of nanoscale MOS devices from subthreshold to on-state

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    This letter presents a numerical investigation of the statistical distribution of the random telegraph noise (RTN) amplitude in nanoscale MOS devices, focusing on the change of its main features when moving from the subthreshold to the on-state conduction regime. Results show that while the distribution can be well approximated by an exponential behavior in subthreshold, large deviations from this behavior appear when moving toward the on-state regime, despite a low probability exponential tail at high RTN amplitudes being preserved. The average value of the distribution is shown to keep an inverse proportionality to channel area, while the slope of the high-amplitude exponential tail changes its dependence on device width, length, and doping when moving from subthreshold to on-state

    Antioxidant effect of lutein protects against oxidative damage to porcine spermatozoa

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    <p Boar sperm is especially susceptible to peroxidative damage generated by reactive oxygen species (ROS). Chemiluminescence was initiated by incubating porcine semen in an in vitro ascorbate-Fe++ system, a technique that allows the evaluation of oxidative stress in these cells. Lutein is known for its antioxidant effects, chemically it is a dihydric derivative of α-carotene and belongs to the group of xanthophylls. The main objective of this study was to investigate the antioxidant effect of lutein on boar spermatozoa. The effect of lutein was analyzed by two methods: 1) by adding lutein: the sperm samples were placed in an in vitro ascorbate- Fe++ system, during 120 min at 37°C adding increasing amounts of lutein (50, 150 and 250 μg) per mg of protein and 2) by incubation with lutein in an in vitro ascorbate-Fe+2 system, for 120 min at 37°C, using spermatozoa obtained from porcine semen samples previously incubated with lutein (0.15 and 0.25 mg/ml) during 24 h at 15°C. In both methods a control group (without lutein) was used. Peroxidation was measured by chemiluminescence using a liquid scintillation counter, the light emission being quantified in cpm (counts per minute). Analyzing the effect of lutein by the two methods, it was observed that the total amount of cpm/mg of protein originated by chemiluminescence was lower in samples obtained from the lutein group than in the control group (without lutein). Total chemiluminescence (cpm total) was lower in samples obtained from the lutein group than in the control group (without lutein), with a significance of p<0.005. Percent inhibition of peroxidation was not concentration dependent. These results would demonstrate that lutein could act as an antioxidant that would protect the membranes of the sperm from oxidative damage.p>Boar sperm is especially susceptible to peroxidative damage generated by reactive oxygen species (ROS). Chemiluminescence was initiated by incubating porcine semen in an in vitro ascorbate-Fe++ system, a technique that allows the evaluation of oxidative stress in these cells. Lutein is known for its antioxidant effects, chemically it is a dihydric derivative of α-carotene and belongs to the group of xanthophylls. The main objective of this study was to investigate the antioxidant effect of lutein on boar spermatozoa. The effect of lutein was analyzed by two methods: 1) by adding lutein: the sperm samples were placed in an in vitro ascorbate-Fe++ system, during 120 min at 37°C adding increasing amounts of lutein (50, 150 and 250 μg) per mg of protein and 2) by incubation with lutein in an in vitro ascorbate-Fe+2 system, for 120 min at 37°C, using spermatozoa obtained from porcine semen samples previously incubated with lutein (0.15 and 0.25 mg/ml) during 24 h at 15°C. In both methods a control group (without lutein) was used. Peroxidation was measured by chemiluminescence using a liquid scintillation counter, the light emission being quantified in cpm (counts per minute). Analyzing the effect of lutein by the two methods, it was observed that the total amount of cpm/mg of protein originated by chemiluminescence was lower in samples obtained from the lutein group than in the control group (without lutein). Total chemiluminescence (cpm total) was lower in samples obtained from the lutein group than in the control group (without lutein), with a significance of p<0.005. Percent inhibition of peroxidation was not concentration dependent. These results would demonstrate that lutein could act as an antioxidant that would protect the membranes of the sperm from oxidative damage

    Time Dynamics of the Down-Coupling Phenomenon in 3-D NAND Strings

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    We present a detailed analysis of the time dynamics of the down-coupling phenomenon (DCP) in 3-D NAND Flash memory strings. The transient time dynamics of the channel potential following the wordline (WL) bias transition fromthe pass voltage to zero is studied via numerical simulation, highlighting the existence of three temporal regimes controlledby different physical processes: electron emission from traps, hole injection from the string edges followed by capture, and propagation along the string. The impact of these processes is separately studied, followed by an analysis of the dependence of the DCP recovery time on architectural parameters. Results highlight the relevant physics and can be used as a design guideline for NAND strings with reduced sensitivity to the DCP

    Variation in sexual dimorphism in a wind-pollinated plant: The influence of geographical context and life-cycle dynamics

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    Understanding the mechanisms causing phenotypic differences between females and males has long fascinated evolutionary biologists. An extensive literature exists on animal sexual dimorphism but less information is known about sex differences in plants, particularly the extent of geographical variation in sexual dimorphism and its life‐cycle dynamics. Here, we investigated patterns of genetically based sexual dimorphism in vegetative and reproductive traits of a wind‐pollinated dioecious plant, Rumex hastatulus, across three life‐cycle stages using open‐pollinated families from 30 populations spanning the geographic range and chromosomal variation (XY and XY1Y2) of the species. The direction and degree of sexual dimorphism was highly variable among populations and life‐cycle stages. Sex‐specific differences in reproductive function explained a significant amount of temporal change in sexual dimorphism. For several traits, geographical variation in sexual dimorphism was associated with bioclimatic parameters, likely due to the differential responses of the sexes to climate. We found no systematic differences in sexual dimorphism between chromosome races. Sex‐specific trait differences in dioecious plants largely result from a balance between sexual and natural selection on resource allocation. Our results indicate that abiotic factors associated with geographical context also play a role in modifying sexual dimorphism during the plant life‐cycle

    Ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in the magnesite + aragonite stability field: evidence from two impure marbles from the Dabie-Sulu UHPM belt.

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    Two magnesite-bearing impure dolomitic marbles from the DabieSulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) region have been investigated to clarify if they had actually attained PT conditions outside the dolomite stability field, limited by the reaction dolomite = aragonite + magnesite, and to test their potential for recording (U)HP conditions. In both cases, the silicate mineral assemblage records conditions around the terminal amphibole breakdown reaction: amphibole + aragonite +/- quartz = clinopyroxene + talc, which is a good geobarometer between at least 2.0 and 2.6 GPa. At higher pressures, the terminal breakdown of talc to clinopyroxene + coesite is the last PT milestone below 4 GPa recordable by the silicate assemblage, but evidence of former coesite is ambiguous. The dolomite dissociation curve becomes strongly divariant in Fe-bearing marbles and may thus be attainable during cold subduction near the 5 degrees C km-1geotherm. At least one of the samples (from Xinyan village, near Taihu, Dabie Shan) preserved relicts of both magnesite and aragonite and most likely attained conditions within the aragonite + magnesite stability field. For the second sample from Sanqingge village in the Sulu terrane, no certain evidence has been found in this study. Impure dolomitic marbles have considerable potential to preserve (ultra)high-pressure relicts. Particularly, massive impure marbles that have not been pervasively infiltrated by fluids during exhumation are considered to preserve high-pressure relicts better than metapelites, paragneisses and orthogneisses, and perhaps almost as well as eclogites or metaperidotites. The inconspicuous mineral assemblage clinopyroxene + talc or quartz (after former coesite) may in fact record UHP conditions.GeologySCI(E)EI8ARTICLE135-483

    Transient currents in HfO2 and their impact on circuit and memory applications

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    We investigate transient currents in HfO2 dielectrics, considering their dependence on electric field, temperature and gate stack composition. We show that transient currents remain an issue even at very low temperatures and irrespective of the HfO2/SiO2 bilayer properties. Finally, we assess their impact on the reliability of precision circuit and memory applications Transient currents in HfO2 and their impact on circuit and memory applications (PDF Download Available). Available from: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/224672970_Transient_currents_in_HfO2_and_their_impact_on_circuit_and_memory_applications [accessed Oct 22, 2015]

    Correlation between local amplification effects and damage mechanism for monumental buildings

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    The damage and vulnerability survey of the monumental buildings, damaged by the 2002 earthquake in the Molise Region, has allowed singling out of a correlation between the observed damage of the churches and their morphological site conditions. The vulnerability model connected to the survey methodology provides an evaluation of the expected mean damage. Comparison with the observed damage determined the introduction of a local morphological behaviour modifier, able to take into account the vulnerability increase due to the site effects. In order to validate the previous results, a numerical 2-D analysis of the seismic local response has been performed. In particular, a numerical code, working with boundary elements, has been applied to the analyzed situations. The results, in terms of pseudo-acceleration response spectra and amplification factors, allow one to compare the numerical and the observed analyses. This comparison shows good agreement and allows one to find some correlations between the geometric characteristics of the sites, the values of the amplification coefficients and the damage mechanism activated