378 research outputs found

    Afrontamiento de situaciones de hostilidad y desempeño de la función directiva : planteamientos y reflexiones a raíz de una actividad de formación permanente de directivos de centros educativos de titularidad pública

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    La intervención ante los conflictos organizativos y, particularmente, el afrontamiento de las situaciones de hostilidad (caracterizadas por la alteración emocional, la tensión, la agresividad verbal, etc.) constituye uno de los aspectos que más preocupa a los directivos de centros educativos y, por tanto, debe otorgársele una atención prioritaria en la formación inicial y permanente para el ejercicio de cargos de dirección y coordinación. El texto recoge algunos aspectos a tener en cuenta en el desarrollo de tales habilidades directivas: a) se establecen las características distintivas; b) se da respuesta al dilema en torno a la existencia de posibilidades de mejora; c) se pone de manifiesto la necesidad de partir de la motivación y la participación activa de los directivos en su propio desarrollo personal y, finalmente, d) se aporta el diseño de un actividad formativa de desarrollo de competencias de afrontamiento de situaciones de hostilidad, dirigida a directivos de centros de educación primaria y secundaria, que se llevó a cabo en Girona, en noviembre de 2005.____________________________________The intervention in the organized conflicts and, particularly, the confrontation of hostile situations (based on the emotional alteration, the strain, the verbal aggressiveness, etc) is one of the aspects that worry the principals of the educative centres and, therefore, a main attention must be given to the initial and permanent training to have managing duties. Throughout the text we take some aspects into account in the development of these managing skills:a) we set the distinctive features; b) we answer to the dilemma about the existence of improvement possibilities; c) we state the need to star from the motivation and the active participation of the principals in their own personal development and, finally, d) we contribute with the design of a training activity to develop skills to confront hostile situations, addressed to the principals of primary and secondary schools, that was done in Girona, in November 2005

    Disseny d’un espai físic i versàtil per a emprenedors

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    El present treball pretén dissenyar un producte que cobreixi una necessitat existent en el mercat. L’objectiu és donar suport a emprenedors que basen el seu model de negoci en el comerç online i volen aprofitar els beneficis d’una plataforma física de manera temporal. El projecte neix del concepte del ‘Pop-up Store’, no gaire present en l’àrea metropolitana de Barcelona, on s’ha situat l’estudi per tel de simplificar el gran nombre de conceptes burocràtics que suposa un projecte d’aquestes característiques. Aquesta plataforma física consisteix en un estand prou versàtil i mòbil com perquè sigui atractiu pels usuaris descrits. Per una banda, la versatilitat es veu reflectida, sobretot en un terra tècnic que permet connectivitat elèctrica en tota la superfície de l’estand, maximitzant així els tipus de configuracions possibles. Pel que fa a la mobilitat, el punt clau és l’emmagatzematge: tots els components de l’estand es poden emmagatzemar sobre un palet europeu, que després s’integra en el muntatge de l’espai. Per tal de dur a terme el millor disseny s’han considerat totes les etapes en la gestió de projectes, així com algunes eines per optimitzar el seguiment. Així, per començar s’ha hagut de fer un estudi de l’estat de la tècnica exhaustiu i una definició del context històric i social i tecnològic, seguit del pertinent anàlisi d’usuaris, i priorització de funcionalitats. Un cop dins la fase de disseny ha calgut considerar diferents alternatives, per finalment estudiar la mecànica i el comportament del producte davant les situacions més exigents. A totes aquestes fases se li afegeixen les normatives corresponents, que proporcionen al producte la solidesa necessària. Finalment, en l’estudi de viabilitat econòmica es recapitula per a comparar costos amb productes vistos en l’estat de la tècnica els qual es posicionarien com a competència directa, si més no a nivell de producte i sense tenir en compte la disponibilitat geogràfica. El present document inclou en detall tota la documentació usada i desenvolupada per a dur a terme les fases descrites del projecte

    Una escuela gratuita de diseño: La LLotja

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    Modulation of Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Signaling by Medicinal Cannabinoids

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    Medical marijuana is increasingly prescribed as an analgesic for a growing number of indications, amongst which terminal cancer and multiple sclerosis. However, the mechanistic aspects and properties of cannabis remain remarkably poorly characterized. In this study we aimed to investigate the immune-cell modulatory properties of medical cannabis. Healthy volunteers were asked to ingest medical cannabis, and kinome profiling was used to generate comprehensive descriptions of the cannabis challenge on inflammatory signal transduction in the peripheral blood of these volunteers. Results were related to both short term and long term effects in patients experimentally treated with a medical marijuana preparation for suffering from abdominal pain as a result of chronic pancreatitis or other causes. The results reveal an immunosuppressive effect of cannabinoid preparations via deactivation of signaling through the pro-inflammatory p38 MAP kinase and mTOR pathways and a concomitant deactivation of the pro-mitogenic ERK pathway. However, long term cannabis exposure in two patients resulted in reversal of this effect. While these data provide a powerful mechanistic rationale for the clinical use of medical marijuana in inflammatory and oncological disease, caution may be advised with sustained use of such preparations

    Modulation of human peripheral blood mononuclear cell signaling by medicinal cannabinoids

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    Medical marijuana is increasingly prescribed as an analgesic for a growing number of indications, amongst which terminal cancer and multiple sclerosis. However, the mechanistic aspects and properties of cannabis remain remarkably poorly characterized. In this study we aimed to investigate the immune-cell modulatory properties of medical cannabis. Healthy volunteers were asked to ingest medical cannabis, and kinome profiling was used to generate comprehensive descriptions of the cannabis challenge on inflammatory signal transduction in the peripheral blood of these volunteers. Results were related to both short term and long term effects in patients experimentally treated with a medical marijuana preparation for suffering from abdominal pain as a result of chronic pancreatitis or other causes. The results reveal an immunosuppressive effect of cannabinoid preparations via deactivation of signaling through the pro-inflammatory p38 MAP kinase and mTOR pathways and a concomitant deactivation of the pro-mitogenic ERK pathway. However, long term cannabis exposure in two patients resulted in reversal of this effect. While these data provide a powerful mechanistic rationale for the clinical use of medical marijuana in inflammatory and oncological disease, caution may be advised with sustained use of such preparations

    Lipopolysaccharide-induced apoptosis of macrophages determines the up-regulation of concentrative nucleoside transporters Cnt1 and Cnt2 through tumor necrosis factor-alpha-dependent and -independent mechanisms

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    In murine bone marrow macrophages, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induces apoptosis through the autocrine production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), as demonstrated by the fact that macrophages from TNF-alpha receptor I knock-out mice did not undergo early apoptosis. In these conditions LPS up-regulated the two concentrative high affinity nucleoside transporters here shown to be expressed in murine bone marrow macrophages, concentrative nucleoside transporter (CNT) 1 and 2, in a rapid manner that is nevertheless consistent with the de novo synthesis of carrier proteins. This effect was not dependent on the presence of macrophage colony-stimulating factor, although LPS blocked the macrophage colony-stimulating factor-mediated up-regulation of the equilibrative nucleoside transport system es. TNF-alpha mimicked the regulatory response of nucleoside transporters triggered by LPS, but macrophages isolated from TNF-alpha receptor I knock-out mice similarly up-regulated nucleoside transport after LPS treatment. Although NO is produced by macrophages after LPS treatment, NO is not involved in these regulatory responses because LPS up-regulated CNT1 and CNT2 transport activity and expression in macrophages from inducible nitric oxide synthase and cationic amino acid transporter (CAT) 2 knock-out mice, both of which lack inducible nitric oxide synthesis. These data indicate that the early proapoptotic responses of macrophages, involving the up-regulation of CNT transporters, follow redundant regulatory pathways in which TNF-alpha-dependent- and -independent mechanisms are involved. These observations also support a role for CNT transporters in determining extracellular nucleoside availability and modulating macrophage apoptosis