1,598 research outputs found

    Market Interdependence In The Pacific Basin Region: Internal Drives And External Influences

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    This paper examines equity market linkages in the Pacific Basin (PB) region and their relations to other mature markets and also assesses the response of these markets to major global events. Results from weekly data for market pairs and for the region as a whole consistently suggest that markets in the PB region are internally interdependent and exhibit significant external relations mainly with the US (rather than Japan). The presence of potent market linkages seems inconsistent with market efficiency provided that implied trading rules yield risk-adjusted excess returns. However, the results further indicate that PB market linkages, both internally within the region and externally with the US, have endured considerable weaknesses particularly since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. Such recent weakening of equity market linkages may have strengthened diversification benefits available to US investors from investing in the PB region. We also obtain evidence indicating that three main factors significantly explain the differing degrees of market linkages across countries in the PB region; namely, exchange-rate volatility, equity market volatility and money-market interlink

    Electronic, vibrational and magnetic properties of a novel C_{48}N_{12} aza-fullerene

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    We study the structural, electronic, vibrational and magnetic properties of a novel C48N12{\rm C}_{48}{\rm N}_{12} aza-fullerene using density functional theory and restricted Hartree-Fock theory. Optimized geometries and total energy of this fullerene have been calculated. We find that for C48N12{\rm C}_{48}{\rm N}_{12} the total ground state energy is about -67617 eV, the HOMO-LUMO gap is about 1.9 eV, five strong IR spectral lines are located at the vibrational frequencies, 461.5 cm1{\rm cm}^{-1}, 568.4 cm1{\rm cm}^{-1}, 579.3 cm1{\rm cm}^{-1}, 1236.1 cm1{\rm cm}^{-1}, 1338.9 cm1{\rm cm}^{-1}, the Raman scattering activities and depolarization ratios are zero, and 10 NMR spectral signals are predicted. Calculations of diamagnetic shielding factor, static dipole polarizabilities and hyperpolarizabilities of C48N12{\rm C}_{48}{\rm N}_{12} are performed and discussed.Comment: published in Chem.Phys.Let

    Publish or Perish: Barriers faced by Early Career Academics trying to find an outlet for their voice

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    Within academia a culture of ‘publish or perish’ can place pressure on lecturers, often resulting in poor research practices, as an emphasis of ‘quantity over quality’ presides (Richards et al., 2021, p.8). As Kelly (2022) argues, this has resulted in a surge in competition, exacerbated by the increasing number of early career academics (ECAs) and early career researchers (ECRs) entering Higher Education (HE). As the arena to disseminate research widens, the opportunities for ECAs to share their ideas should become more accessible. However, this is not always the case. This short piece explores why disseminating research is so important in the context of HE, as well as identifying some of the barriers faced, with a particular focus on those working as ECAs in post-92 universities. The aim in this piece is to empower new academics to contribute to this ever-growing wealth of knowledge, with some practical guidance and words of support

    Synthesis and characterization of grafted polystyrene with acrylonitrile using gamma-irradiation

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    Polystyrene grafted with acrylonitrile using gamma-irradiation technique was successfully synthesized. This process was carried out at various gamma dose (0.2-1.5 Mrad). The new grafted polymer was characterized and its properties were investigated. The results indicate that best grafting percentage ratio could be revealed when the concentration of the catalyst Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate (FAS) is about 2% and the monomer concentration is 90%, at 1.25 Mrad dose. The new grafted polymer was proved by FTIR, TGA and Viscosity techniques, which was analyzed and studied with a suggested presented mechanism. The adding of acrylonitrile to polystyrene improved the physical properties of polystyren

    Following Enzyme Activity with Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy provides a direct, “on-line” monitor of enzymatic reactions. Measurement of enzymatic activity is based on the fact that the infrared spectra of reactants and products of an enzymatic reaction are usually different. Several examples are given using the enzymes pyruvate kinase, fumarase and alcohol dehydrogenase. The main advantage of the infrared method is that it observes the reaction of interest directly, i.e., no activity assay is required to convert the progress of the reaction into an observable quantity

    Pseudopolymorphic transitions of niclosamide monitored by Raman spectroscopy

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    Niclosamide suffers pseudopolymorphic transformations when exposed to different ambient conditions, which can lead to changes in its bioavailability. In this study, the kinetics of the pseudopolymorphic transitions of niclosamide crystals are characterized. FT-Raman spectroscopy is used to quantify the anhydrate and hydrate forms of niclosamide crystals, mostly because of its high sensitivity to the strong intermolecular interactions present in these systems. The samples are exposed to well-characterized relative humidity (RH) conditions during different periods of time and both water diffusion and polymorphic changes are monitored from the corresponding changes observed in the vibrational spectra. Both hydration and dehydration were found to be single-step processes, with a half-life time of ca. 142 and 63 h, respectively, at 24 °C. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    High-resolution dielectric characterization of minerals: a step towards understanding the basic interactions between microwaves and rocks

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    Microwave energy was demonstrated to be potentially beneficial for reducing the cost of several steps of the mining process. Significant literature was developed about this topic but few studies are focused on understanding the interaction between microwaves and minerals at a fundamental level in order to elucidate the underlying physical processes that control the observed phenomena. This is ascribed to the complexity of such phenomena, related to chemical and physical transformations, where electrical, thermal and mechanical forces play concurrent roles. In this work a new characterization method for the dielectric properties of mineral samples at microwave frequencies is presented. The method is based upon the scanning microwave microscopy technique that enables measurement of the dielectric constant, loss factor and conductivity with extremely high spatial resolution and accuracy. As opposed to conventional dielectric techniques, the scanning microwave microscope can then access and measure the dielectric properties of micrometric-sized mineral inclusions within a complex structure of natural rock. In this work two micrometric hematite inclusions were characterized at a microwave frequency of 3 GHz. Scanning electron microscopy/energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy and confocal micro-Raman spectroscopy were used to determine the structural details and chemical and elemental composition of mineral sample on similar scale

    Estímulo no crescimento e na hidrólise de atp em raízes de alface tratadas com humatos de vermicomposto: ii - efeito da fonte de vermicomposto.

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    Um dos fatores mais limitantes para a produção de vermicomposto é a disponibilidade de esterco. Neste trabalho, foi avaliado o efeito da substituição parcial do esterco por bagaço de cana e por resíduos de leguminosa (Gliricidia sepium) na vermicompostagem sobre a qualidade do vermicomposto e sobre a bioatividade dos humatos, avaliadas por meio da análise do crescimento radicular e da atividade das bombas de H+ isoladas de raízes de alface. A substituição do esterco por bagaço de cana e por resíduos de leguminosas não acarretou prejuízo às características químicas dos vermicompostos. No entanto, os humatos isolados dos diferentes vermicompostos apresentaram características químicas distintas,tais como: acidez e propriedades óticas distintas. Os humatos produzidos a partir de esterco de bovino e da mistura esterco bovino + bagaço proporcionaram maiores estímulos no crescimento radicular das plantas de alface, sendo os mais indicados para uso na forma solúvel. A inclusão de resíduos de leguminosas no processo de vermicompostagem produziu humatos sem efeito sobre o desenvolvimento das raízes de alface