12,965 research outputs found

    On totally geodesic submanifolds in the Jacobian locus

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    We study submanifolds of A_g that are totally geodesic for the locally symmetric metric and which are contained in the closure of the Jacobian locus but not in its boundary. In the first section we recall a formula for the second fundamental form of the period map due to Pirola, Tortora and the first author. We show that this result can be stated quite neatly using a line bundle over the product of the curve with itself. We give an upper bound for the dimension of a germ of a totally geodesic submanifold passing through [C] in M_g in terms of the gonality of C. This yields an upper bound for the dimension of a germ of a totally geodesic submanifold contained in the Jacobian locus, which only depends on the genus. We also study the submanifolds of A_g obtained from cyclic covers of the projective line. These have been studied by various authors. Moonen determined which of them are Shimura varieties using deep results in positive characteristic. Using our methods we show that many of the submanifolds which are not Shimura varieties are not even totally geodesic.Comment: To appear on International Journal of Mathematic

    Boundary interpolation for slice hyperholomorphic Schur functions

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    A boundary Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problem is posed and solved in the quaternionic setting. Given nonnegative real numbers κ1,,κN\kappa_1, \ldots, \kappa_N, quaternions p1,,pNp_1, \ldots, p_N all of modulus 11, so that the 22-spheres determined by each point do not intersect and pu1p_u \neq 1 for u=1,,Nu = 1,\ldots, N, and quaternions s1,,sNs_1, \ldots, s_N, we wish to find a slice hyperholomorphic Schur function ss so that limr1r(0,1)s(rpu)=suforu=1,,N,\lim_{\substack{r\rightarrow 1\\ r\in(0,1)}} s(r p_u) = s_u\quad {\rm for} \quad u=1,\ldots, N, and limr1r(0,1)1s(rpu)su1rκu,foru=1,,N.\lim_{\substack{r\rightarrow 1\\ r\in(0,1)}}\frac{1-s(rp_u)\overline{s_u}}{1-r}\le\kappa_u,\quad {\rm for} \quad u=1,\ldots, N. Our arguments relies on the theory of slice hyperholomorphic functions and reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces

    Optimized Large-Scale CMB Likelihood And Quadratic Maximum Likelihood Power Spectrum Estimation

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    We revisit the problem of exact CMB likelihood and power spectrum estimation with the goal of minimizing computational cost through linear compression. This idea was originally proposed for CMB purposes by Tegmark et al.\ (1997), and here we develop it into a fully working computational framework for large-scale polarization analysis, adopting \WMAP\ as a worked example. We compare five different linear bases (pixel space, harmonic space, noise covariance eigenvectors, signal-to-noise covariance eigenvectors and signal-plus-noise covariance eigenvectors) in terms of compression efficiency, and find that the computationally most efficient basis is the signal-to-noise eigenvector basis, which is closely related to the Karhunen-Loeve and Principal Component transforms, in agreement with previous suggestions. For this basis, the information in 6836 unmasked \WMAP\ sky map pixels can be compressed into a smaller set of 3102 modes, with a maximum error increase of any single multipole of 3.8\% at 32\ell\le32, and a maximum shift in the mean values of a joint distribution of an amplitude--tilt model of 0.006σ\sigma. This compression reduces the computational cost of a single likelihood evaluation by a factor of 5, from 38 to 7.5 CPU seconds, and it also results in a more robust likelihood by implicitly regularizing nearly degenerate modes. Finally, we use the same compression framework to formulate a numerically stable and computationally efficient variation of the Quadratic Maximum Likelihood implementation that requires less than 3 GB of memory and 2 CPU minutes per iteration for 32\ell \le 32, rendering low-\ell QML CMB power spectrum analysis fully tractable on a standard laptop.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, accepted by ApJ

    On some differential-geometric aspects of the Torelli map

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    In this note we survey recent results on the extrinsic geometry of the Jacobian locus inside Ag\mathsf{A}_g. We describe the second fundamental form of the Torelli map as a multiplication map, recall the relation between totally geodesic subvarieties and Hodge loci and survey various results related to totally geodesic subvarieties and the Jacobian locus.Comment: To appear on Boll. UMI, special volume in memory of Paolo de Bartolomei

    Eliciting public preferences for managing the public rights of way

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    Public Rights of Way (PROW) in England and Wales, provides a wide range of social and economic benefits to those other than owners of land. The protection and extension of PROW are an important way of encouraging people to engage in informal enjoyment of urban and rural areas, with beneficial consequences for health and welfare. In urban areas they provide networks of mobility and interaction for people at the community level, helping to reduce reliance on motorised transport. In the rural context they define access to the countryside, critically linked to recreation and tourism, as well as providing mobility networks for local residents. This study describes the use of a Choice Experiment (CE) to derive monetary estimates the social benefits of PROW in an English county.Choice Experiments, Public Rights of Way, Willingness to Pay, Land Economics/Use, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Acquisitions of small high-tech firms as a mechanism for external knowledge sourcing: the integration-autonomy dilemma

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    Acquisitions of small high-tech firms by large incumbents are a prominent mechanism for external knowledge sourcing, whose success strictly depends on the choice of a wise post-acquisition implementation strategy. This paper theoretically discusses and empirically documents - on a sample of 458 deals in the 2001–2005 period - the antecedents of this choice by focusing on the integration-autonomy dilemma. Specifically, we jointly consider two main dimensions of the post-acquisition implementation: whether the acquiring firm absorbs the acquired one into its organization or keeps it separate as an autonomous subsidiary/business unit and whether the acquired CEO is replaced or retained. Separation with CEO retention corresponds to the minimum level of integration (and the maximum level of autonomy), whereas absorption with CEO replacement corresponds to the maximum level of integration (and the minimum level of autonomy.) We hypothesize that the acquiring firm chooses an implementation strategy with high level of integration when the acquired firm produces a component technology or operates in a related market. Indeed, in both cases, the interdependency between the two firms is high and thus the benefits of integration likely exceed the costs of the loss of autonomy. However, this positive association is weaker when the acquiring and acquired firms have common ground, originating from technological relatedness or prior alliances, which acts as a low-cost coordination mechanism. Results of econometric estimates largely confirm our hypotheses

    Dancing with Strangers? Initial Trust and the Formation of Initial Ties Between New Ventures and Corporate Venture Capitalists

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    This study proposes a hybrid model of initial trust formation that highlights the role of social categorization and its interplay with both institutional trust and the individuating information about the party. Using data on 1,474 corporate venture capital (CVC) investments in European ventures and a case-control research design, we find that ventures more likely form initial CVC ties with investors whose parent companies are located in countries considered more trustworthy. This effect is weaker but does not disappear when social defenses safeguard ventures from misplacing trust and when there are social ties between CVC investors and ventures' independent VC investors

    Hyperbolic Balance Laws with a Non Local Source

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    This paper is devoted to hyperbolic systems of balance laws with non local source terms. The existence, uniqueness and Lipschitz dependence proved here comprise previous results in the literature and can be applied to physical models, such as Euler system for a radiating gas and Rosenau regularization of the Chapman-Enskog expansion.Comment: 26 page