7 research outputs found

    “Corsica Boswell”: Ignominious Peace and Honourable War

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    The so-called Macaulayan formulation which turned James Boswell into “Corsica Boswell” has left its imprint in the realm of literary criticism. The label characterizes the author of An Account of Corsica, the Journal of a Tour to That lsland; and Memoirs of Pascal Paoli, published in 1768, as a somewhat histrionic, over-sensitive defender not only of the Corsican revolution of 1768-69 but of all preceding Corsican revolutions. Frederick A. Pottle, Boswell’s renowned biographer, defines such a..

    James Boswell, the historian and publicist of Corsica. A critical edition of the translation of "British Essays in Favour of the Brave Corsicans by several hands. Collected and Published by James Boswell,Esq." (1769)

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    La Corse est une île qui symbolise la résistance à la tyrannie. Son histoire est faite d'une succession de révolutions (1729-69) contre les occupations génoise et française dont les périodiques britanniques se sont fait l'écho. James Boswell (1740-95), lors de son Grand Tour (1763-66), rencontre le père de la nation corse, Pascal Paoli (1725-1807), à la tête des rebelles. Il devient le chantre de la liberté pour ceux qui sont, aux yeux de l'Europe éclairée, de braves insulaires. Il commence une campagne de presse effrénée afin de faire intervenir la Grande-Bretagne dans un conflit qui n'est pas le sien. Le volume d'essais que James Boswell a édité, n'a jamais été traduit. L'étude porte sur le texte de "British Essays" et sur son contexte. La traduction et l'appareil critique concernent les vingt essais qui composent le volume. La circulation des idées et des hommes facilitent l'intérêt pour les nouvelles venant de l'étranger dans une société britannique où l'histoire est un genre noble et où la presse se développe dans ces nouveaux lieux de sociabilité que sont les cafés. On s'y adonne à la conversation, art que chacun croit maîtriser et la politique est de tous les débats.The island of Corsica has always been the symbol of resistance to tyranny.Its history was made up of a series of revolutions against the Genoese and French settlements which made the news in the British periodicals.James Boswell(1740-95), while on his Grand Tour(1763-66), met the father of the Corsican nation, Pascal Paoli( 1725-1807), at the head of the rebels.Boswell championed the cause of liberty on behalf of those who were regarded as brave islanders by the enlightened conscience of Europe.He started a frantic press campaign so that Great Britain would interfere in a conflict it did not want to enter. The volume of essays James Boswell published has never been translated. This study is concerned with both the text of *British Essays* and its context.The translation and the critical apparatus bear on the twenty essays which make up the volume. The circulation of ideas and men fuelled the interest in foreign news in the British society where history was a lofty genre and where the press flourished in coffee-houses, those new types of places of sociability. Patrons took pleasure in conversations, an art everyone thought they mastered and politics was on everyone's lips

    Religiosités comtemporaines

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    Ce dixième numéro de « Socio-anthropologie », coordonnée par Sylvie Pédron-Colombani (Université de Paris X-Nanterre), s'attache à diverses expressions des religiosités contemporaines : rationnelles et symboliques, éthiques et techniques. L'anthropologie, la sociologie, la socio-anthropologie sont mises à contribution

    Guerres et paix

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    En cent-quarante ans, de 1660 à 1800, la Grande-Bretagne a été en guerre pendant quatre-vingt six ans. Les deux tomes de cet ouvrage étudient les conséquences de cet état de fait sur la société, la vie et les arts. Le premier tome rassemble, outre une préface par Paul-Gabriel Boucé, quatorze articles. Ils analysent, sur l'horizon des lumières britanniques et européennes, les composantes historiques et sociales du phénomène (première partie : « Hommes, conflits, événements ») et l’émergence de concepts nouveaux (deuxième partie : « Guerres et Paix : Histoire des idées et idées de l’Histoire »). Le second tome de Guerres et paix examine les avatars littéraires de la dynamique dialectique engendrée par l’alternance de la guerre et de la paix. Defoe, Pope, Swift, Gay, Lillo, Haendel, Smollett, Sterne, Johnson, Cowper, Ann Radcliffe, Jane Austen apparaissent sous un jour nouveau. C’est l’occasion de bousculer un certain nombre de clichés, parfois encore solidement ancrés dans la critique contemporaine.Pour Hélène, qui comme toujours a été largement mise à contribution. PG

    Rilpivirine in HIV-1-positive women initiating pregnancy: to switch or not to switch?

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    International audienceBackgroundSafety data about rilpivirine use during pregnancy remain scarce, and rilpivirine plasma concentrations are reduced during second/third trimesters, with a potential risk of viral breakthroughs. Thus, French guidelines recommend switching to rilpivirine-free combinations (RFCs) during pregnancy.ObjectivesTo describe the characteristics of women initiating pregnancy while on rilpivirine and to compare the outcomes for virologically suppressed subjects continuing rilpivirine until delivery versus switching to an RFC.MethodsIn the ANRS-EPF French Perinatal cohort, we included women on rilpivirine at conception in 2010–18. Pregnancy outcomes were compared between patients continuing versus interrupting rilpivirine. In women with documented viral suppression (<50 copies/mL) before 14 weeks of gestation (WG) while on rilpivirine, we compared the probability of viral rebound (≥50 copies/mL) during pregnancy between subjects continuing rilpivirine versus those switching to RFC.ResultsAmong 247 women included, 88.7% had viral suppression at the beginning of pregnancy. Overall, 184 women (74.5%) switched to an RFC (mostly PI/ritonavir-based regimens) at a median gestational age of 8.0 WG. Plasma HIV-1 RNA nearest delivery was <50 copies/mL in 95.6% of women. Among 69 women with documented viral suppression before 14 WG, the risk of viral rebound was higher when switching to RFCs than when continuing rilpivirine (20.0% versus 0.0%, P = 0.046). Delivery outcomes were similar between groups (overall birth defects, 3.8/100 live births; pregnancy losses, 2.0%; preterm deliveries, 10.6%). No HIV transmission occurred.ConclusionsIn virologically suppressed women initiating pregnancy, continuing rilpivirine was associated with better virological outcome than changing regimen. We did not observe a higher risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes

    Clinical features and prognostic factors of listeriosis: the MONALISA national prospective cohort study

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