350 research outputs found

    Functional neurorehabilitation in dogs with an incomplete recovery 3 months following intervertebral disc surgery : a case series

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    Research Areas: Agriculture ; Veterinary Sciences: This case series study aimed to evaluate the safety, feasibility, and positive outcome of the neurorehabilitation multimodal protocol (NRMP) in 16 chronic post-surgical IVDD Hansen type I dogs, with OFS 0/DPP− (n = 9) and OFS 1/DPP+ (n = 7). All were enrolled in the NRMP for a maximum of 90 days and were clinically discharged after achieving ambulation. The NRMP was based on locomotor training, functional electrical stimulation, transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation, and 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) pharmacological management. In the Deep Pain Perception (DPP)+ dogs, 100% recovered ambulation within a mean period of 47 days, reaching OFS ≥11, which suggests that a longer period of time is needed for recovery. At follow-up, all dogs presented a positive evolution with voluntary micturition. Of the DPP− dogs admitted, all achieved a flexion/extension locomotor pattern within 30 days, and after starting the 4-AP, two dogs were discharged at outcome day 45, with 78% obtaining Spinal Reflex Locomotion (SRL) and automatic micturition within a mean period of 62 days. At follow-up, all dogs maintained their neurological status. After the NRMP, ambulatory status was achieved in 88% (14/16) of dogs, without concurrent events. Thus, an NRMP may be an important therapeutic option to reduce the need for euthanasia in the clinical setting.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Objetivo: estimar o nível de conhecimento sobre asma de servidores técnico-administrativos do curso de graduação e pós-graduação em Enfermagem de uma universidade pública em Salvador, Bahia. Método: estudo transversal, realizado com 18 servidores técnico-administrativos de uma universidade pública. A coleta de dados foi realizada mediante envio de e-mail com links do formulário no Google Forms, entre janeiro e maio de 2021. Os dados foram analisados por meio da estatística descritiva com uso do software SPSS, 28.0. Resultados: encontrou-se predominância do sexo feminino 77,8% (n=14), média de idade 42,11±10,98 anos. Verificou-se que 55,6% (n=10) da amostra apresentou conhecimento insatisfatório sobre asma na análise por domínio e pela média de acertos (X±DP=22,6±7,5 acertos). O tratamento da asma foi a temática mais desconhecida pela amostra (X±DP=2,77±1,73 acertos). Conclusão: o nível de conhecimento sobre asma dos servidores técnico-administrativos foi insatisfatório na maioria da amostra investigada. Descritores: Asma. Conhecimento. Pessoal Administrativo. Universidades. Educação em Saúde

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in systemic inflammatory response syndrome

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    Research Areas: Veterinary Sciences(1) Background: Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) can occur due to a large number of traumatic or non-traumatic diseases. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) may be used as a main or adjuvant treatment for inflammation, leading to the main aim of this study, which was to verify the applicability of HBOT as a safe and tolerable tool in SIRS-positive dogs. (2) Methods: This prospective cohort study included 49 dogs who showed two or more parameters of SIRS, divided into the Traumatic Study Group (n = 32) and the Non-Traumatic Study Group (n = 17). All dogs were submitted to HBOT for 60–90 min sessions, with 2.4–2.8 ATA. (3) Results: This study revealed that 73.5% (36/49) of dogs showed improvement, and the minimum number of HBOT sessions was two, with a mean of 12.73. The number of days between diagnosis and the beginning of HBOT showed statistical significance (p = 0.031) relative to the clinical outcome. No dogs showed any major side effects. (4) Conclusions: We concluded that HBOT may be safe and tolerable for SIRS-positive dogs, and that it should be applied as early as possible.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Educational interventions in relation to the level of physical activities for police officers: a systematic literature review

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    To systematically review literature in relation to the effects of health education interventions on the level of physical activities for police officers. A systematic review of controlled clinical trials, real-life experiences, quasi-experimental and observational studies investigating the effects of health education interventions in relation to the level of physical activities for police officers. The following electronic data-bases were adopted: Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Education Resources Information Center and Plataforma Rede Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde do Trabalhador. Data collection was carried out in accordance with the main items for systematic reviews. Five articles were selected (N=1302 participants). Improvements to primary and secondary outcomes in the interventions performed in groups or individually, in person and with long-term monitoring, were observed. With reference to the outcomes, educational interventions enabled the improvement, in a statistically significant manner, of the level of physical activities (60% of the studies), reduce body mass index (60% of the studies) and reduce arterial blood pressure (20% of the studies). Educational interventions are capable of improving the level of physical activities, body mass index and arterial blood pressure for police officers

    Comparative Study Between Low Level Laser and Therapeutic Ultrasound in Second Intention Ulcers Repair in Mice

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    Introduction: An ulcer is an injury that affects the skin and has many causes. Healing is a way of protecting the body against any infectious agent that tries to infect you through the wound. Low level laser (LLL) in the treatment of ulcers, aims at maintaining the stability of the physiological process of tissue repair and ultrasound (US) acts by increasing the elasticity of tissue and scarring. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of LLL and US in wound healing of ulcers induced in mice.Methods: In this experimental study, a sample of 36 guinea pigs was divided into 6 groups of 6 mice, 2 groups as control (C7) and (C14), 2 treated with laser (GL7) and (GL14) and the others 2 treated with ultrasound (GU7) and (GU14). The ulcer was induced and after 7 days, 6 mice from each group were sacrificed to obtain the histological sections for analysis, and the remaining 6 mice from each group continued under treatment and in day 14, they were sacrificed to obtain histologic specimens while macroscopic image was also carried out.Results: Three aspects were analyzed, the percentage of wound regression where it was observed that there was a significant difference in the first 7 days. Regarding the inflammatory process, it was observed that in the first 7 days GL7 and GU7 improved significantly and within 14 days of the experimental period GU14 showed a significant difference when compared to C14. The number of fibroblasts present in the GL at 7 days showed a significant difference compared to the others, and at 14 days, the US group had a significant difference compared to the other groups.Conclusion: Thus, it was evident that the US had more effective results with anti-inflammatory action, better organization and increased deposition of collagen and fibroblasts. Therefore, it can be concluded that other studies are consistent with this taking into account the laser must be used during the early days of the initial healing process and the US during the end of this process

    Precarización del trabajo de enfermeras, técnicas y auxiliares de enfermería en los hospitales públicos

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    Objective: To identify the contribution of all the dimensions involved in job insecurity among nursing professionals in Brazilian state public hospitals. Method: This was a quantitative descriptive study conducted between March 2015 and February 2016, with nurses, nursing technicians and nursing aides. The data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis. Results: The sample consisted of 265 nurses (n=161 with job security and n=104 outsourced) and 810 nursing technicians and nursing aides (n=597 with job security and n=213 outsourced). Among the nurses, “Working conditions” accounted for 46.8% of their job insecurity. Among nursing technicians and nursing aides “intensity of work due to work process organization” best explained the construct of job insecurity (51.2%). Conclusion: Job insecurity is expressed differently depending on the type of nursing professional. The difference in the distribution of the dimensions showed that job insecurity is related to the hierarchical position of each nursing professional in the technical division of nursing work and the role of each professional in the work process

    La comunicación terapéutica entre profesionales y pacientes en la atención en diabetes mellitus

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    Objetivou-se, por este estudo transversal, analisar as técnicas de comunicação terapêutica entre profissionais e pacientes na atenção em diabetes mellitus. Os dados foram coletados em uma instituição pública de um município no interior do Ceará, Brasil, em 2010, por meio de equipamentos de vídeo e observação direta. Os resultados mostraram que as técnicas do grupo de expressão mais utilizadas foram: fazer perguntas, verbalizar interesse e usar frases descritivas. Quanto às do grupo de clarificação, sobressaiu solicitar ao paciente que precise o agente da ação. Em relação às de validação, apenas foi utilizada a técnica de sumarizar o conteúdo da interação. Conclui-se que, apesar do emprego de técnicas comunicacionais pelos profissionais, ainda é preocupante a lacuna referente à habilidade em comunicação, a qual deve ser aliada à competência técnica, para assim propiciar o cuidado qualificado às pessoas com diabetes mellitus.Este estudio transversal tuvo como objetivo analizar las técnicas de comunicación terapéutica entre profesionales y pacientes en la atención en diabetes mellitus. Los datos se recogieron en una institución pública de Ceará-Brasil, en 2010, con equipos de video y observación directa. Los resultados mostraron que las técnicas del grupo de expresión más utilizadas fueron: hacer preguntas, expresar interés y usar frases descriptivas. Con relación a las del grupo de clarificación sobresalió solicitar al paciente que necesite el agente de la acción. Con relación a las de validación, apenas se utilizó las de organizar el contenido de la interacción. Se concluye que a pesar del uso de técnicas de comunicación por los profesionales, aun es preocupante la laguna con relación a la habilidad en comunicación, que debe ser aliada a la capacidad técnica, para así propiciar el cuidado calificado a las personas con diabetes mellitus.The objective of this cross-sectional study was to analyze therapeutic communication techniques used by health workers with patients under care for diabetes mellitus. Data were collected in 2010 in a public facility in the interior of Ceará, Brazil using video camera equipment and direct observation. Results showed that the most frequently used techniques within the "expression" group were: asking questions, voicing interest, and using descriptive phrases. The most frequently used technique within the "clarification" group was: asking the patient to specify the agent of action. Finally, in regard to the "validation" group, only the technique "summarizing content of the interaction" was employed. The conclusion is that despite the use of communication techniques on the part of professionals, there is still an alarming gap concerning communication skills. Such skills should be allied with technical expertise to enable the delivery of qualified care to individuals with diabetes mellitus

    Nutritional Interventions In The Treatment Of Acne Vulgaris: A Systematic Review Of Clinical Trials / Intervenções Nutricionais No Tratamento Da Acne Vulgaris: Uma Revisão Sistemática Dos Ensaios Clínicos

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    The aim of this study is to review the literature about dietary interventions on acne vulgaris in order to support the development of more effective treatments in clinical practice. A systematic review of the literature, from clinical trials over the last five years, available in Pub Med and SciELO. The selected articles were analyzed according to the Jadad scale, CONSORT and risk of bias using the Cochrane protocol. CONSORT indicated that most of the evidence score was attributed in the titles, abstracts and some of the methods. In particular, the methods of the studies evaluated, when lacking detail, received lower scores, among the evidence, expressed as a percentage. The results, after using the Jadad scale, indicated a similar profile to that obtained with the CONSORT protocol. However, this tool is limited with regard to randomization and blinding. Using the Cochrane method, the risk of bias was evaluated. Results corroborated the evaluations by CONSORT and Jadad scale. Supplementation with n-3 fatty acids, Camellia sinensis, Berberis vulgaris, chromium, selenium and probiotics were significant, but results were limited for the treatment of acne vulgaris. Consumption of foods with increased glycemic load and chocolate indicated a correlation with an increase in acneiform lesions. Changes in nutritional status of alfa-tocopherol, cobalamin and folic acid were associated with the use of isotretinoin. There is a need to increase the quantity and quality of scientific evidence on the nutritional treatment of acne vulgaris in order to more effectively and safely guide the nutritional actions of clinical practice today

    Omentalização prostática em cães

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    A próstata é a única glândula sexual nos cães e, embora seja encontrada em todos os mamíferos, sua importância clínica é maior no homem e nesta espécie animal devido à quantidade de afecções que os acometem. Diversas técnicas cirúrgicas têm sido utilizadas para o tratamento de cistos e abscessos prostáticos em cães, e há alguns anos foi relatado o primeiro uso da técnica de omentalização prostática para o tratamento de cistos e abscessos, com sucesso efetivo, e até o momento, não há informações de seu emprego no Brasil. Sendo assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a recuperação e o período pós-operatório de animais submetidos a esta técnica, durante o período de 2002 a 2004. Foram estudados 17 machos, sendo 11 com cistos prostáticos, 4 com abscesso e 2 com cisto paraprostático. Quinze se recuperaram sem complicações, enquanto um apresentou incontinência urinária por dois dias após a cirurgia. Um animal veio a óbito em decorrência de septicemia preexistente. A baixa incidência de complicações e o curto período de hospitalização fazem da omentalização a cirurgia de escolha para o tratamento de abscessos e cistos prostáticos em cães.The prostate is the only acessory sex gland in the male dog and, although the prostate is found in all mammals, it has a great importance in men and dogs due to the frequency of disorders. Several techniques have been employed for the treatment of prostatic cysts and abscesses and, a few years ago, it was successfully described the use of prostatic omentalisation for this purpose; until now, there are no data about this surgery in Brazil. So, the aim of this study was to evaluate the animal recovery, as well as the post operative period of dogs that underwent prostatic omentalisation, from 2002 to 2004. It was evaluated 11 dogs with prostatic cysts, 4 dogs with prostatic abscesses and 2 with paraprostatic cysts. Fifteen dogs had an uneventful recovery while one dog had a minor incontinence for two days. One dog died due to a previous long term sepsis. The low incidence of post operative complications and brief hospitalization period make omentalisation the surgery of choice for the treatment of prostatic cysts and abscess