6,769 research outputs found

    A contribution to the discussion on the safety of air weapons

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    Firearms legislation in the UK stems from the Firearms Act 1968 with its definition of a firearm as a lethal barrelled weapon of any description. The Act allows certain exceptions to be held without licence, most notably air weapons although these are limited by The Firearms (Dangerous Air Weapons) Rules 1969 and related regulations to below 12 ft lb (16.3 J) for air rifles and below 6 ft lb (8.1 J) for air pistols. Despite this there are occasional fatalities, typically 1 or 2 each year in the UK, from legally owned air weapons. In the USA there are over 20,000 visits each year to emergency departments due to injuries from air weapons and paintball guns. Despite this, limited research appears to have been carried out into the safety of air weapons and the present study tries to address this.Fresh samples of animal tissue were obtained from an abattoir or butcher and were embedded in ballistic gelatin. Pig heart, lung, liver and shoulder were used. By firing pellets into gelatin alone and into the combination of the gelatin and animal tissue it was possible to compare gelatin as a model for these tissues. The depth of penetration was similar but the residual track appeared to remain more open in the animal tissue. Pellets penetrated completely through the organ, with total penetration of gelatin and organ being typically around 10–15 cm.Samples of pig, cow and chicken skin were placed in contact with the gelatin or embedded in the gelatin to simulate the effect of skin on penetration into a body. Chicken skin had no effect, pig skin stopped the pellet and cow skin was perforated by the pellet. If cow skin was embedded in the gelatin there was little effect on the total amount of penetration, but cow skin on the front surface of the gelatin reduced penetration by about 30%.Computed tomography was used to examine the pellet track and to calculate the volume of damage produced. However, due to the similar densities of gelatin and organ a technique had to be developed to differentiate phases. A barium salt paste was applied to outer surfaces and iodine solution or barium nitrate solution containing red food colouring was injected into the pellet track to enhance the contrast of the track. The track through the gelatin tended to enclose itself whereas the track through the organ remained more open, presumably due to the inhomogeneity of the fibrous nature of the tissue.Pellets were also fired at construction materials (wood, plasterboard and brick) and computed tomography used to determine the volume of damage created. Pellets perforated single layers of wood and plasterboard and would embed in a second layer. However, if the two layers were in contact the pellet did not penetrate the first layer. An air rifle pellet could therefore perforate house construction materials, although the resultant kinetic energy would be low and further damage would be limited.Some of the possible physical parameters are discussed that might help predict the degree of damage caused, but from this study it is not possible to define a limit which could be proposed as safe

    Hybrid upper surface blown flap propulsive-lift concept for the quiet short-haul research aircraft

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    The hybrid upper surface blowing concept consists of wing-mounted turbofan engines with a major portion of the fan exhaust directed over the wing upper surface to provide high levels of propulsive lift, but with a portion of the fan airflow directed over selected portions of the airframe to provide boundary layer control. NASA-sponsored preliminary design studies identified the hybrid upper surface blowing concept as the best propulsive lift concept to be applied to the Quiet Short-Haul Research Aircraft (QSRA) that is planned as a flight facility to conduct flight research at low noise levels high approach lift coefficients, and steep approaches. Data from NASA in-house and NASA-sponsored small and large-scale wind tunnel tests of various configurations using this concept are presented

    Wind data from the 250-foot /76.2-meter/ tower at Wallops Island, Virginia

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    Statistical evaluation of sampled wind data from anemometers mounted on meteorological tower on Wallops Islan


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    The peri-urban area of Accra is experiencing a rapid transformation. A robust urban and agricultural land market has emerged, characterized by purchases, rapidly rising real land prices, and outsiders from Accra acquiring agricultural holdings for residential and commercial use. The fact that residences are being built, commercial firms are being established, and large firms are acquiring land for commercial interests attests to the ability of the customary system to enable transfers for productive activity. Nevertheless, limited or uncertain property rights increase investment costs and differential access to information in the land market affects equity. This paper seeks to better understand: (a) the land market in peri-urban Accra, (b) the process by which land held by indigenous communities is transferred to outsiders enabling the conversion of unoccupied or agricultural land into residential or commercial uses, and (c) the contradictions and frictions that exist at the interface of land transfers under customary and statutory systems. It further seeks to examine the possibility that uncertain property rights and high litigation costs are constraining commercial and agricultural investment, and to identify the economic and social factors that determine levels of premiums associated with transactions, and the duration of the customary allocation.Land tenure -- Ghana -- Accra Region, Land tenure -- Law and legislation - -Ghana, Land use, urban -- Ghana -- Accra Region, Real property -- Ghana -- Accra Region, Land reform -- Law and legislation -- Ghana, Land markets -- Ghana, Land tenure, urban -- Ghana, Land administration -- Law and legislation -- Ghana, Tenure types, Traditional -- Ghana, Research methods, Land Economics/Use,

    Marine Benthic Habitat Mapping of Muir Inlet, Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska With an Evaluation of the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard III

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    Seafloor geology and potential benthic habitats were mapped in Muir Inlet, Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska, using multibeam sonar, ground-truth information, and geological interpretations. Muir Inlet is a recently deglaciated fjord that is under the influence of glacial and paraglacial marine processes. High glacially derived sediment and meltwater fluxes, slope instabilities, and variable bathymetry result in a highly dynamic estuarine environment and benthic ecosystem. We characterize the fjord seafloor and potential benthic habitats using the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) recently developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and NatureServe. Substrates within Muir Inlet are dominated by mud, derived from the high glacial debris flux. Water-column characteristics are derived from a combination of conductivity temperature depth (CTD) measurements and circulation-model results. We also present modern glaciomarine sediment accumulation data from quantitative differential bathymetry. These data show Muir Inlet is divided into two contrasting environments: a dynamic upper fjord and a relatively static lower fjord. The accompanying maps represent the first publicly available high-resolution bathymetric surveys of Muir Inlet. The results of these analyses serve as a test of the CMECS and as a baseline for continued mapping and correlations among seafloor substrate, benthic habitats, and glaciomarine processes

    The effect of temperature and gas flow on the physical vapour growth of mm-scale rubrene crystals for organic FETs

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    There has recently been significant interest in rubrene single-crystals grown using physical vapour transport techniques due to their application in high-mobility organic field-effect transistor (OFET) devices. Despite numerous studies of the electrical properties of such crystals, there has only been one study to date focussing on characterising and optimising the crystal growth as a function of the relevant growth parameters. Here we present a study of the dependence of the yield of useful crystals (defined as crystals with at least one dimension of order 1 mm) on the temperature and volume flow of carrier gas used in the physical vapour growth process.Comment: Submitted for Proceedings of SPIE Microelectronics, MEMS and Nanotechnology Conference, Canberra, Australia, 4-7 Dec. 07. 8 Page

    Using ultra-thin parylene films as an organic gate insulator in nanowire field-effect transistors

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    We report the development of nanowire field-effect transistors featuring an ultra-thin parylene film as a polymer gate insulator. The room temperature, gas-phase deposition of parylene is an attractive alternative to oxide insulators prepared at high temperatures using atomic layer deposition. We discuss our custom-built parylene deposition system, which is designed for reliable and controlled deposition of <100 nm thick parylene films on III-V nanowires standing vertically on a growth substrate or horizontally on a device substrate. The former case gives conformally-coated nanowires, which we used to produce functional Ω\Omega-gate and gate-all-around structures. These give sub-threshold swings as low as 140 mV/dec and on/off ratios exceeding 10310^3 at room temperature. For the gate-all-around structure, we developed a novel fabrication strategy that overcomes some of the limitations with previous lateral wrap-gate nanowire transistors. Finally, we show that parylene can be deposited over chemically-treated nanowire surfaces; a feature generally not possible with oxides produced by atomic layer deposition due to the surface `self-cleaning' effect. Our results highlight the potential for parylene as an alternative ultra-thin insulator in nanoscale electronic devices more broadly, with potential applications extending into nanobioelectronics due to parylene's well-established biocompatible properties

    Gastric ulcers: malignancy yield and risk stratification for follow-up endoscopy

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    Background and study aim: Malignant change can occur in gastric ulcer but guideline recommendations for follow-endoscopy (FU-OGD) are conflicting. This study aims to determine rate of malignancy and need for follow-up for gastric ulcers. Patients and methods: Patients with a first diagnosis of gastric ulcer between January 2012 and September 2013 were studied by analyzing endoscopic assessments, dysplasia, and malignancy yield and the influence of risk factors on the likelihood of benign disease. Results: In a cohort of 432 patients with gastric ulcer (53 % male, mean age 65 years) dysplasia or neoplasia were found in 27 (19 adenocarcinomas, 2 cases of dysplasia, 5 lymphomas, 1 melanoma; malignancy yield 6 %). Twenty-five (93 %) cases were diagnosed on first biopsy. The cancer yield of FU-OGD after initially benign biopsy was 0.9 %. Binary logistic regression analysis revealed that endoscopically benign appearance (odds ratio 0.004 95 % CI 0 – 0.576; P = 0.029), benign histology on first biopsy (odds ratio 0 95 % CI 0 – 0.39; P = 0.011) and lower number of ulcers (odds ratio 0.22 (95 % CI 0.05 – 0.99); P = 0.049) were independent predictors of benign disease. All dysplastic and neoplastic cases would have been identified by a combination of initial biopsies plus repeat endoscopy with further biopsies for endoscopically suspicious appearances. Conclusions: In this large cohort 6 % of gastric ulcers were found to be malignant, highlighting the need for all gastric ulcers to be biopsied. The cancer yield of FU-OGD after benign biopsies was low. We have demonstrated that the combination of benign index histology and no endoscopic suspicion of malignancy can predict benign disease. We recommend that all gastric ulcers to be biopsied. Risk stratification could potentially reduce need for FU-OGD

    Influence of near-surface stratigraphy on coastal landslides at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Lake Michigan, USA

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    This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. The definitive version was published in Journal of Coastal Research 20 (2004): 510-522, doi:10.2112/1551-5036(2004)020[0510:IONSOC]2.0.CO;2.Lake-level change and landslides are primary controls on the development of coastal environments along the coast of northeastern Lake Michigan. The late Quaternary geology of Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore was examined with high-resolution seismic reflection profiles, ground-penetrating radar (GPR), and boreholes. Based on sequence-stratigraphic principles, this study recognizes ten stratigraphic units and three major unconformities that were formed by late Pleistocene glaciation and postglacial lake-level changes. Locally high sediment supply, and reworking by two regressions and a transgression have produced a complex stratigraphy that is prone to episodic failure. In 1995, a large landslide deposited approximately 1 million m3 of sediment on the lake floor. The highly deformed landslide deposits, up to 18 m thick, extend 3–4 km offshore and unconformably overlie well-stratified glacial and lacustrine sediment. The landslide-prone bluff is underlain by channel-fill deposits that are oriented nearly perpendicular to the shoreline. The paleochannels are at least 10 m deep and 400 m wide and probably represent stream incision during a lake-level lowstand about 10.3 ka B.P. The channels filled with sediment during the subsequent transgression and lake-level highstand, which climaxed about 4.5 ka B.P. As lake level fell from the highstand, the formation of beach ridges and sand dunes sealed off the channel and isolated a small inland lake (Glen Lake), which lies 5 m above the level of Lake Michigan and may be a source of piped groundwater. Our hypothesis is that the paleochannels act as conduits for pore water flow, and thereby locally reduce soil strength and promote slope failure.Generous support for this project was provided by Max Holden and Steve Yancho of Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore

    Use of modified U1 snRNAs to inhibit HIV-1 replication

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    Control of RNA processing plays a central role in regulating the replication of HIV-1, in particular the 3′ polyadenylation of viral RNA. Based on the demonstration that polyadenylation of mRNAs can be disrupted by the targeted binding of modified U1 snRNA, we examined whether binding of U1 snRNAs to conserved 10 nt regions within the terminal exon of HIV-1 was able to inhibit viral structural protein expression. In this report, we demonstrate that U1 snRNAs complementary to 5 of the 15 regions targeted result in significant suppression of HIV-1 protein expression and viral replication coincident with loss of viral RNA. Suppression of viral gene expression is dependent upon appropriate assembly of a U1 snRNP particle as mutations of U1 snRNA that affect binding of U1 70K or Sm proteins significantly reduced efficacy. However, constructs lacking U1A binding sites retained significant anti-viral activity. This finding suggests a role for these mutants in situations where the wild-type constructs cause toxic effects. The conserved nature of the sequences targeted and the high efficacy of the constructs suggests that this strategy has significant potential as an HIV therapeutic