270 research outputs found

    Understanding the Academic Achievement of African American Scholars: An Intrinsic Case Study of an Urban High School

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    This qualitative intrinsic case study focused on the academic achievement and success of African American alumni students in an urban school district in New York City. The researcher sought to answer the following research questions: (a) How do urban, African American high school alumni perceive and describe the quality of education they received as impacting their studies and their success?; (b) How do alumni describe the social and cultural factors that contributed to and influenced the quality of education they received?; and (c) How do social and cultural factors influence their trajectory towards high academic achievement and/or success? Data were gathered utilizing three sources: semistructured interviews with eight alumni students from 2007 to 2016, high school transcripts, and personal artifacts that were impacted by the students’ experience at Woodbine Academy High School (WAHS), a pseudonym approved to maintain the confidentiality of the alumni and the institution used in the study. Information was gathered to determine the social and cultural factors that contributed to the high success rates of African Americans as lived and experienced by the alumni. Data analysis captured and documented the alumni participants’ voices, which presented the counter-narrative to the deficit model. This descriptive case study of eight alumni participants revealed four themes that resonated throughout the data analysis. Alumni participants perceived the social and cultural factors that impacted their success were passion as reflected by the teachers’ content knowledge and interaction, belonging, access and opportunity, and expectations

    Hospital costs and random demand

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsThis research note’s primary objective is to assert for the impact of random demand for emergencies in Portuguese hospital costs. In order to do so, three different estimation methods are applied: Pooled OLS, Fixed-effects and Stochastic Frontier Analysis. Some conclusions of this note point out that dispersion measures of demand for emergencies are not significant in explaining total costs for the preferred models. Moreover, following Battese and Corra (1977), 58% of the total variance of the disturbance is due to the inefficiency term. Finally, predicting Coelli’s cost efficiency (1996), Portuguese hospitals have shown not to be far from the efficiency frontier

    O ministério público na hora da globalização : o presente e o futuro

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    Traz reflexão acerca das funções, responsabilidades, legitimidade social e institucional e os limites da intervenção processual que cabem em cada sistema de Justiça ao Ministério Público, apresentando também estudo comparado das funções previstas constitucionalmente no Brasil, Portugal, Itália e França

    História das ideias

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    A proposta que me lançaram, no sentido de escrever um texto para uma revista de homenagem a Zília Osório de Castro, fez-me hesitar entre a realiza­ção um estudo de natureza académica, repescado e reelaborado a partir de papéis e notas entretanto postos à margem pelas contingências da vida profis­sional, ou a escrita de uma simples evocação, de tudo aquilo que vivenciámos, enquanto equipa de investigação. Ao dar-me conta que quinze anos haviam passado, desde que o primeiro Seminário Livre de H..

    Farmers, Monks and Aristocrats

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    The environmental archaeological evidence from the site of Flixborough (in particular the animal bone assemblage) provides a series of unique insights into Anglo-Saxon life in England during the 8th to 10th centuries. The research reveals detailed evidence for the local and regional environment, many aspects of the local and regional agricultural economy, changing resource exploitation strategies and the extent of possible trade and exchange networks. Perhaps the most important conclusions have been gleaned from the synthesis of these various lines of evidence, viewed in a broader archaeological context. Thus, bioarchaeological data from Flixborough have documented for the first time, in a detailed and systematic way, the significant shift in social and economic aspects of wider Anglo-Saxon life during the 9th century AD., and comment on the possible role of external factors such as the arrival of Scandinavians in the life and development of the settlement

    A biometric study of equids in the Roman world

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Implementación del proceso de pruebas para API REST aplicado a un proyecto de software de una entidad bancaria

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    Desarrolla la definición e implementación de cada etapa del proceso de pruebas de la API REST, y de esta manera asegurar la calidad de estos componentes y por ende del producto final desarrollado en el proyecto Contratación de Multiproductos. Estas definiciones se basan en los conceptos, procedimientos y metodología desarrollada en ISTQB Foundation e ISTQB Agile Tester y el proyecto de software se desarrolla bajo los lineamientos de la metodología Scrum. Así mismo, se implementa la automatización de las pruebas de regresión, porque en esta entidad bancaria, cualquier aplicación o canal digital se comunica con el backend a través de la API, lo que genera un incremento en los reúsos de estos componentes y, por tanto, una constante ejecución de pruebas de regresión

    Estudo exploratório dos padrões epigenómicos associados ao envelhecimento

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    Mestrado em Biotecnologia MolecularSabe-se hoje que o genoma humano, para além da sua sequencia nucleotídica, revela várias alterações químicas no DNA, nomeadamente metilações das citosinas. Estas modificações estabelecem padrões específicos que podem ser transmitidos de uma geração para a seguinte e exercem controlo sobre os genes que são expressos a cada momento nas células, tecidos ou orgãos. Esta tese teve como objectivos: explorar as principais bases de dados que contêm dados epigenómicos relevantes; obter ficheiros fastq de bibliotecas bisulfite-seq aplicando métodos de data mining a dados reais de bases de dados públicas de sequenciação de segunda geração; alinhar e mapear estes ficheiros usando software adequado (Methy-Pipe); fazer uma análise comparative por forma obter características associadas ao envelhecimento saudável de indivíduos e á evolução do epigenoma ao longo da vida; finalmente é esperado que, após atingidos os objectivos anteriores, se perceba o contributo do epienoma no envelhecimento saudável das populações .It is already known today, that the human genome, in addition to its nucleotide sequence, shows multiple chemical modifications at the DNA level, namely cytosine methylations. These modifications changes establish specific patterns that can be transmitted from generation to generation and exercise control over the genes that are expressed at every moment in the life of the cells / tissues / organs. This thesis aimed to: understand the contribution of the epigenome to a healthy lifestyle; to explore the main databases containing relevant epigenomic data; to obtain fastq files of bisulfite-seq libraries by applying data mining methods to real data from next generation public databases; to align and map these files using adequate software (Methy Pipe); to do a comparative analysis in order to identify features associable to a healthy aging of individuals and the evolution of the epigenome in humans throughout life.In doing so, it is expected that this work will contribute to the understanding of the contribution of the epigenome to a healthy lifestyle

    Evolution of Innovation Development of the Republic of Belarus

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    This article reflects the approach to the assessment of the level of innovative development of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of the Global Index of innovative development indicators in comparison with indicative indicators of innovation development of the State Program on Development for 2016–2020, approved at a meeting of the Council of Ministers Presidium, September 22, 2015

    Evolution of Innovation Development of the Republic of Belarus

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    This article reflects the approach to the assessment of the level of innovative development of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of the Global Index of innovative development indicators in comparison with indicative indicators of innovation development of the State Program on Development for 2016–2020, approved at a meeting of the Council of Ministers Presidium, September 22, 2015