769 research outputs found

    The assessment of pain in older people

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    Pain is under-recognised and under-treated in older people. It is a subjective, personal experience, only known to the person who suffers. The assessment of pain is particularly challenging in the presence of severe cognitive impairment, communication difficulties or language and cultural barriers. These guidelines set out the key components of assessing pain in older people, together with a variety of practical scales that may be used with different groups, including those with varying levels of cognitive or communication impairment. The purpose is to provide professionals with a set of practical skills to assess pain as the first step towards its effective management. The guidance has implications for all healthcare and social care staff and can be applied in all settings, including the older person’s own home, in care homes, and in hospital

    P2519: The Impact of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation on Quality of Life: A Mixed Methods Study

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    Objective: To provide an in-depth understanding of patients' views about the impact of transcatheter aortic valve implantation on self-reported quality of life. Background: Transcatheter aortic valve implantation is considered to be the gold standard of care for inoperable patients diagnosed with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis. Mid- to long-term clinical outcomes are favourable and questionnaire data indicates improvements in quality of life but an in-depth understanding of how quality of life is altered by the intervention is missing. Methods: A mixed methods study design with a total of 89 in-depth qualitative interviews conducted with participants (39% male; mean age 81.7 years), 1 and 3 months post TAVI, recruited from a regional centre in England. Data were triangulated with questionnaire data (SF-36 and EQ5D-VAS) collected, pre, 1 and 3 months post implantation. Results: Participants' accounts were characterised by four key themes; shortened life, extended life, limited life and changed life. Quality of life was changed through two mechanisms. Most participants reported a reduced symptom burden and all explained that their life expectancy was improved. Questionnaire data supported interview data with gradual improvements in mean EQ-5D scores and SF-36 physical and mental domain scores at 1 and 3 months compared to baseline. Conclusion: Findings suggest that TAVI was of variable benefit, producing considerable improvements in either mental or physical health in many participants, while a smaller proportion continued to deteriorate

    Pain assessment for people with dementia: a systematic review of systematic reviews of pain assessment tools.

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    BACKGROUND: There is evidence of under-detection and poor management of pain in patients with dementia, in both long-term and acute care. Accurate assessment of pain in people with dementia is challenging and pain assessment tools have received considerable attention over the years, with an increasing number of tools made available. Systematic reviews on the evidence of their validity and utility mostly compare different sets of tools. This review of systematic reviews analyses and summarises evidence concerning the psychometric properties and clinical utility of pain assessment tools in adults with dementia or cognitive impairment. METHODS: We searched for systematic reviews of pain assessment tools providing evidence of reliability, validity and clinical utility. Two reviewers independently assessed each review and extracted data from them, with a third reviewer mediating when consensus was not reached. Analysis of the data was carried out collaboratively. The reviews were synthesised using a narrative synthesis approach. RESULTS: We retrieved 441 potentially eligible reviews, 23 met the criteria for inclusion and 8 provided data for extraction. Each review evaluated between 8 and 13 tools, in aggregate providing evidence on a total of 28 tools. The quality of the reviews varied and the reporting often lacked sufficient methodological detail for quality assessment. The 28 tools appear to have been studied in a variety of settings and with varied types of patients. The reviews identified several methodological limitations across the original studies. The lack of a 'gold standard' significantly hinders the evaluation of tools' validity. Most importantly, the samples were small providing limited evidence for use of any of the tools across settings or populations. CONCLUSIONS: There are a considerable number of pain assessment tools available for use with the elderly cognitive impaired population. However there is limited evidence about their reliability, validity and clinical utility. On the basis of this review no one tool can be recommended given the existing evidence

    Quantum physics meets biology

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    Quantum physics and biology have long been regarded as unrelated disciplines, describing nature at the inanimate microlevel on the one hand and living species on the other hand. Over the last decades the life sciences have succeeded in providing ever more and refined explanations of macroscopic phenomena that were based on an improved understanding of molecular structures and mechanisms. Simultaneously, quantum physics, originally rooted in a world view of quantum coherences, entanglement and other non-classical effects, has been heading towards systems of increasing complexity. The present perspective article shall serve as a pedestrian guide to the growing interconnections between the two fields. We recapitulate the generic and sometimes unintuitive characteristics of quantum physics and point to a number of applications in the life sciences. We discuss our criteria for a future quantum biology, its current status, recent experimental progress and also the restrictions that nature imposes on bold extrapolations of quantum theory to macroscopic phenomena.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures, Perspective article for the HFSP Journa

    The solid-state photo-CIDNP effect

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    The solid-state photo-CIDNP effect is the occurrence of a non-Boltzmann nuclear spin polarization in rigid samples upon illumination. For solid-state NMR, which can detect this enhanced nuclear polarization as a strong modification of signal intensity, the effect allows for new classes of experiments. Currently, the photo- and spin-chemical machinery of various RCs is studied by photo-CIDNP MAS NMR in detail. Until now, the effect has only been observed at high magnetic fields with 13C and 15N MAS NMR and in natural photosynthetic RC preparations in which blocking of the acceptor leads to cyclic electron transfer. In terms of irreversible thermodynamics, the high-order spin structure of the initial radical pair can be considered as a transient order phenomenon emerging under non-equilibrium conditions and as a first manifestation of order in the photosynthetic process. The solid-state photo-CIDNP effect appears to be an intrinsic property of natural RCs. The conditions of its occurrence seem to be conserved in evolution. The effect may be based on the same fundamental principles as the highly optimized electron transfer. Hence, the effect may allow for guiding artificial photosynthesis

    Improving the management of pain from advanced cancer in the community: study protocol for a pragmatic multi-centre randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction: For patients with advanced cancer, research shows that pain is frequent, burdensome and undertreated. Evidence-based approaches to support cancer pain management have been developed but have not been implemented within the context of the UK National Health Service. This protocol is for a pragmatic multi-centre randomised controlled trial to assess feasibility, acceptability, effectiveness and cost effectiveness for a multi-component intervention for pain management in patients with advanced cancer. Methods and Analysis: This trial will assess the feasibility of implementation and uptake of evidence based interventions, developed and piloted as part of the IMPACCT Programme grant, into routine clinical practice and determine whether there are potential differences with respect to patient rated pain, patient pain knowledge and experience, healthcare use, quality of life, and cost effectiveness. 160 patients will receive either the intervention (usual care plus supported self-management) delivered within the oncology clinic and palliative care services by locally assigned community palliative care nurses, consisting of a self-management educational intervention and eHealth intervention for routine pain assessment and monitoring; or usual care. The primary outcomes are to assess implementation and uptake of the interventions, and differences in terms of pain severity. Secondary outcomes include pain interference, participant pain knowledge and experience, and cost effectiveness. Outcome assessment will be blinded and patient reported outcome measures collected via post at 6 and 12 weeks following randomisation. Ethics and Dissemination: This RCT has the potential to significantly influence NHS service delivery to community based patients with pain from advanced cancer. We aim to provide definitive evidence of whether two simple interventions delivered by community palliative care nurse in palliative care that support-self-management are clinically and cost effective additions to standard community palliative care

    Managing lifestyle change to reduce coronary risk: a synthesis of qualitative research on peoples’ experiences

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    Background Coronary heart disease is an incurable condition. The only approach known to slow its progression is healthy lifestyle change and concordance with cardio-protective medicines. Few people fully succeed in these daily activities so potential health improvements are not fully realised. Little is known about peoples’ experiences of managing lifestyle change. The aim of this study was to synthesise qualitative research to explain how participants make lifestyle change after a cardiac event and explore this within the wider illness experience. Methods A qualitative synthesis was conducted drawing upon the principles of meta-ethnography. Qualitative studies were identified through a systematic search of 7 databases using explicit criteria. Key concepts were identified and translated across studies. Findings were discussed and diagrammed during a series of audiotaped meetings. Results The final synthesis is grounded in findings from 27 studies, with over 500 participants (56% male) across 8 countries. All participants experienced a change in their self-identity from what was ‘familiar’ to ‘unfamiliar’. The transition process involved ‘finding new limits and a life worth living’ , ‘finding support for self’ and ‘finding a new normal’. Analyses of these concepts led to the generation of a third order construct, namely an ongoing process of ‘reassessing past, present and future lives’ as participants considered their changed identity. Participants experienced a strong urge to get back to ‘normal’. Support from family and friends could enable or constrain life change and lifestyle changes. Lifestyle change was but one small part of a wider ‘life’ change that occurred. Conclusions The final synthesis presents an interpretation, not evident in the primary studies, of a person-centred model to explain how lifestyle change is situated within ‘wider’ life changes. The magnitude of individual responses to a changed health status varied. Participants experienced distress as their notion of self identity shifted and emotions that reflected the various stages of the grief process were evident in participants’ accounts. The process of self-managing lifestyle took place through experiential learning; the level of engagement with lifestyle change reflected an individual’s unique view of the balance needed to manage ‘realistic change’ whilst leading to a life that was perceived as ‘worth living’. Findings highlight the importance of providing person centred care that aligns with both psychological and physical dimensions of recovery which are inextricably linked

    Validation of Doloplus-2 among nonverbal nursing home patients - an evaluation of Doloplus-2 in a clinical setting

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    In the present study, more patients were categorized as having pain while using Doloplus-2 compared with nurses' estimation of pain without using any tools. The fact that nurses could not report if the patients were in pain in one third of the patients supports the claim that Doloplus-2 is a useful supplement for estimating pain in this population. However, nurses must use their clinical experience in addition to the use of Doloplus-2, as behaviour can have different meaning for different patients. Further research is still needed about the use of Doloplus-2 in patients not able to self-report their pain.THE WORK (AS DEFINED BELOW) IS PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS BIOMED CENTRAL OPEN ACCESS LICENSE ("LICENSE"). THE WORK IS PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT AND/OR OTHER APPLICABLE LAW. ANY USE OF THE WORK OTHER THAN AS AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS LICENSE IS PROHIBITED.BY EXERCISING ANY RIGHTS TO THE WORK PROVIDED HERE, YOU ACCEPT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE. THE LICENSOR GRANTS YOU THE RIGHTS CONTAINED HERE IN CONSIDERATION OF YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF SUCH TERMS AND CONDITIONS