1,041 research outputs found

    Thin film thermoelectric devices as thermal control coatings: A study

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    Peltier effect, Thomson effect, and Seeback effect are utilized in design of thermal control coating that serves as versatile means for controlling heat absorbed and radiated by surface. Coatings may be useful in extreme temperature environment enclosures or as heat shields

    Effects of Heat Treatments on Steels for Bearing Applications

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    AISI 52 100, 440C, REX20, and Crucible CRU80 steel samples were exposed to 16 different heat treatments to vary the levels of retained austenite. Rockwell C hardness measurements, optical microscopy, and compression testing were used to compare the properties of the different steels

    Modeling and Simulation of Coating Growth on Nanofibers

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    This work presents modeling and simulation results of a procedure to coat nanofibers and core-clad nanostructures with thin film materials using plasma enhanced physical vapor deposition. In the experimental effort that motivates the modeling, electrospun polymer nanofibers are coated with metallic materials under different operating conditions to observe changes in the coating morphology. The modeling effort focuses on linking simple models at the reactor, nanofiber, and atomic levels to form a comprehensive model. Numerical simulations that link the concentration field with the evolution of the coating free surface predict that as the Damkohler number is increased the coating morphology changes from a wavy to a nodular to a dendritic needle-type form as observed experimentally

    Modeling, Simulation, and Experiments of Coating Growth on Nanofibers

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    This work is a comparison of modeling and simulation results with experiments for an integrated experimental/modeling investigation of a procedure to coat nanofibers and core-clad nanostructures with thin film materials using plasma enhanced physical vapor deposition. In the experimental effort, electrospun polymer nanofibers are coated with metallic materials under different operating conditions to observe changes in the coating morphology. The modeling effort focuses on linking simple models at the reactor level, nanofiber level and atomic level to form a comprehensive model. The comprehensive model leads to the definition of an evolution equation for the coating free surface around an isolated nanofiber. This evolution equation was previously derived and solved under conditions of a nearly circular coating, with a concentration field that was only radially dependent and that was independent of the location of the coating free surface. These assumptions permitted the development of analytical expressions for the concentration field. The present work does not impose the above-mentioned conditions and considers numerical simulations of the concentration field that couple with level set simulations of the evolution equation for the coating free surface. Further, the cases of coating an isolated fiber as well as a multiple fiber mat are considered. Simulation results are compared with experimental results as the reactor pressure and power, as well as the nanofiber mat porosity, are varied. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics

    Assigning stranded bottlenose dolphins to source stocks using stable isotope ratios following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill

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    The potential for stranded dolphins to serve as a tool for monitoring free-ranging populations would be enhanced if their stocks of origin were known. We used stable isotopes of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur from skin to assign stranded bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus to different habitats, as a proxy for stocks (demographically independent populations), following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Model results from biopsy samples collected from dolphins from known habitats (n = 205) resulted in an 80.5% probability of correct assignment. These results were applied to data from stranded dolphins (n = 217), resulting in predicted assignment probabilities of 0.473, 0.172, and 0.355 to Estuarine, Barrier Island (BI), and Coastal stocks, respectively. Differences were found west and east of the Mississippi River, with more Coastal dolphins stranding in western Louisiana and more Estuarine dolphins stranding in Mississippi. Within the Estuarine East Stock, 2 groups were identified, one predominantly associated with Mississippi and Alabama estuaries and another with western Florida. δ15N values were higher in stranded samples for both Estuarine and BI stocks, potentially indicating nutritional stress. High probabilities of correct assignment of the biopsy samples indicate predictable variation in stable isotopes and fidelity to habitat. The power of δ34S to discriminate habitats relative to salinity was essential. Stable isotopes may provide guidance regarding where additional testing is warranted to confirm demographic independence and aid in determining the source habitat of stranded dolphins, thus increasing the value of biological data collected from stranded individuals.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Multiscale Modeling, Simulations, and Experiments of Coating Growth on Nanofibers. Part Ii. Deposition

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    This work is Part II of an integrated experimental/modeling investigation of a procedure to coat nanofibers and core-clad nanostructures with thin-film materials using plasma-enhanced physical vapor deposition. In the experimental effort, electrospun polymer nanofibers are coated with aluminum materials under different operating conditions to observe changes in the coating morphology. This procedure begins with the sputtering of the coating material from a target. Part I [J. Appl. Phys. 98, 044303 (2005)] focused on the sputtering aspect and transport of the sputtered material through the reactor. That reactor level model determines the concentration field of the coating material. This field serves as input into the present species transport and deposition model for the region surrounding an individual nanofiber. The interrelationships among processing factors for the transport and deposition are investigated here from a detailed modeling approach that includes the salient physical and chemical phenomena. Solution strategies that couple continuum and atomistic models are used. At the continuum scale, transport dynamics near the nanofiber are described. At the atomic level, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are used to study the deposition and sputtering mechanisms at the coating surface. Ion kinetic energies and fluxes are passed from the continuum sheath model to the MD simulations. These simulations calculate sputtering and sticking probabilities that in turn are used to calculate parameters for the continuum transport model. The continuum transport model leads to the definition of an evolution equation for the coating-free surface. This equation is solved using boundary perturbation and level set methods to determine the coating morphology as a function of operating conditions. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics

    Chemogenomic library design strategies for precision oncology, applied to phenotypic profiling of glioblastoma patient cells

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    Summary: Designing a targeted screening library of bioactive small molecules is a challenging task since most compounds modulate their effects through multiple protein targets with varying degrees of potency and selectivity. We implemented analytic procedures for designing anticancer compound libraries adjusted for library size, cellular activity, chemical diversity and availability, and target selectivity. The resulting compound collections cover a wide range of protein targets and biological pathways implicated in various cancers, making them widely applicable to precision oncology. We characterized the compound and target spaces of the virtual libraries, in comparison with a minimal screening library of 1,211 compounds for targeting 1,386 anticancer proteins. In a pilot screening study, we identified patient-specific vulnerabilities by imaging glioma stem cells from patients with glioblastoma (GBM), using a physical library of 789 compounds that cover 1,320 of the anticancer targets. The cell survival profiling revealed highly heterogeneous phenotypic responses across the patients and GBM subtypes

    Multiscale Modeling, Simulations, and Experiments of Coating Growth on Nanofibers. Part I. Sputtering

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    This paper is Part I of an integrated experimental/modeling investigation of a procedure to coat nanofibers and core-clad nanostructures with thin-film materials using plasma-enhanced physical vapor deposition. In the experimental effort, electrospun polymer nanofibers are coated with aluminum under varying operating conditions to observe changes in the coating morphology. This procedure begins with the sputtering of the coating material from a target. This paper focuses on the sputtering process and transport of the sputtered material through the reactor. The interrelationships among the processing factors for the sputtering and transport are investigated from a detailed modeling approach that describes the salient physical and chemical phenomena. Solution strategies that couple continuum and atomistic models are used. At the continuum scale, the sheath region and the reactor dynamics near the target surface are described. At the atomic level, molecular-dynamics (MD) simulations are used to study the sputtering and deposition mechanisms. Ion kinetic energies and fluxes are passed from the continuum sheath model to the MD simulations. These simulations calculate sputtering and sticking probabilities that in turn are used to calculate parameters for the continuum reactor model. The reactor model determines the concentration field of the coating material. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics

    Preparation and Use of a Yeast shRNA Delivery System for Gene Silencing in Mosquito Larvae

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    The mosquito genome projects facilitated research in new facets of mosquito biology, including functional genetic studies in the dengue and Zika virus vector Aedes aegypti and the primary African malaria vector Anopheles gambiae. RNA interference (RNAi) has facilitated gene silencing experiments in both of these disease vector mosquito species and could one day be applied as a new method of vector control. Here, we describe a procedure for the genetic engineering of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker’s yeast) that express short hairpin RNA (shRNA) corresponding to mosquito target genes of interest. Following cultivation, which facilitates inexpensive propagation of shRNA, the yeast is inactivated and prepared in a ready-to-use dry tablet formulation that is fed to mosquito larvae. Ingestion of the yeast tablets results in effective larval target gene silencing. This technically straightforward and affordable technique may be applicable to a wide variety of mosquito species and potentially to other arthropods that feed on yeast
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