4,590 research outputs found

    Feasible database querying using a visual end-user approach

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    This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1822018.1822047Querying databases is a common daily task carried out by a great deal of end-users who do not have specific skills in SQL language. Today, most of the database interaction is achieved by means of query interfaces provided by the database environment. However, most of these interfaces suffer from expressive limitations, since they are mostly based on metaphors that drastically restrict the expressiveness of the SQL language that is generated and executed in the background. In this paper, we present a visual interaction language and tool focused on easily querying databases by end-users. We make no assumption on the level of the user's experience with query languages, as our visual metaphor is intended for querying databases by unskilled end-users and also leveraging the restriction on the expressiveness of the queries created by them. We also report on some late braking results obtained by an experiment carried out with real users.The work reported in this paper is being partially supported by the founded projects TIN2008-02081/TIN and S2009/TIC-1650

    Facilitating the interaction with data warehouse schemas through a visual web-based approach

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    In most respects, there are implicit drawbacks concerning representation and interaction with data in relational-database applications. On the one hand, there is a lack of expressiveness and ease of use in the user interfaces that handle such data. On the other hand, there is an implicit need for interactive end-user visual tools to query data and avoid dependency on programming languages. The main aim of this work is to study the problem of database interaction and usability, comparing existing solutions and providing a new approach that overcomes existing problems. We propose a web-based tool that manipulates Data Warehouse schemas by using a visual language to represent the database structure and providing several visualization techniques that facilitate the interaction and creation of queries involving different levels of complexity. We based our research on an End-User Development approach that has been evaluated to obtain some initial usability indicators

    Fluctuating surface pressure characteristics on slender cones in subsonic, supersonic, and hypersonic Mach-number flow

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    A program is presented to determine the flow-induced unsteady aerodynamic loads on space-shuttle orbiter configurations in the early reentry phase. Experiments on 8 degree half-angle cone/flat-base configurations were conducted at free-stream Mach numbers of 6 and 15 and Reynolds numbers corresponding to shuttle reentry. Data are available at free-stream Mach-numbers of 0.67, 2.5, 3, 4, 6, 15, and 22. It is shown that empirical expressions could be developed for the Mach-number dependence of the overall fluctuation pressure under an attached turbulent boundary layer and under a separated base-flow region

    Statistics and Nos\'e formalism for Ehrenfest dynamics

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    Quantum dynamics (i.e., the Schr\"odinger equation) and classical dynamics (i.e., Hamilton equations) can both be formulated in equal geometric terms: a Poisson bracket defined on a manifold. In this paper we first show that the hybrid quantum-classical dynamics prescribed by the Ehrenfest equations can also be formulated within this general framework, what has been used in the literature to construct propagation schemes for Ehrenfest dynamics. Then, the existence of a well defined Poisson bracket allows to arrive to a Liouville equation for a statistical ensemble of Ehrenfest systems. The study of a generic toy model shows that the evolution produced by Ehrenfest dynamics is ergodic and therefore the only constants of motion are functions of the Hamiltonian. The emergence of the canonical ensemble characterized by the Boltzmann distribution follows after an appropriate application of the principle of equal a priori probabilities to this case. Once we know the canonical distribution of a Ehrenfest system, it is straightforward to extend the formalism of Nos\'e (invented to do constant temperature Molecular Dynamics by a non-stochastic method) to our Ehrenfest formalism. This work also provides the basis for extending stochastic methods to Ehrenfest dynamics.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figure. Published version. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1010.149

    Using step width to compare locomotor biomechanics between extinct, non-avian theropod dinosaurs and modern obligate bipeds

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    How extinct, non-avian theropod dinosaurs locomoted is a subject of considerable interest, as is the manner in which it evolved on the line leading to birds. Fossil footprints provide the most direct evidence for answering these questions. In this study, step width—the mediolateral (transverse) distance between successive footfalls—was investigated with respect to speed (stride length) in non-avian theropod trackways of Late Triassic age. Comparable kinematic data were also collected for humans and 11 species of ground-dwelling birds. Permutation tests of the slope on a plot of step width against stride length showed that step width decreased continuously with increasing speed in the extinct theropods (p < 0.001), as well as the five tallest bird species studied (p < 0.01). Humans, by contrast, showed an abrupt decrease in step width at the walk–run transition. In the modern bipeds, these patterns reflect the use of either a discontinuous locomotor repertoire, characterized by distinct gaits (humans), or a continuous locomotor repertoire, where walking smoothly transitions into running (birds). The non-avian theropods are consequently inferred to have had a continuous locomotor repertoire, possibly including grounded running. Thus, features that characterize avian terrestrial locomotion had begun to evolve early in theropod history

    Timed Multiparty Session Types

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    We propose a typing theory, based on multiparty session types, for modular verification of real-time choreographic interactions. To model real-time implementations, we introduce a simple calculus with delays and a decidable static proof system. The proof system ensures type safety and time-error freedom, namely processes respect the prescribed timing and causalities between interactions. A decidable condition on timed global types guarantees time-progress for validated processes with delays, and gives a sound and complete characterisation of a new class of CTAs with general topologies that enjoys progress and liveness

    Microfinanzas y políticas públicas: desempeño y propuestas para la acción en la República Bolivariana de Venezuela

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    Incluye BibliografíaLas IMF vienen en una variedad de formas, en diferentes entornos legales, y con estructuras legales, metodologías de préstamos, gama de productos y clientelas beneficiarias diferentes. Con el auge en la popularidad de los microcréditos, la situación se complica más todavía, de hecho, muchas instituciones han decidido unirse al movimiento, y proclaman ser IMF aunque no necesariamente son instituciones que dirigen su atención hacia la población de bajos recursos, con la intención de ofrecerles servicios financieros responsables y a precios accesibles. Como ejemplos típicos, podríamos mencionar a los usureros, montes de piedad o no-bancos que se dedican a otorgar préstamos a los consumidores. No hay cifras acerca del número de IMF que existen en el mundo, pero un estimado generalmente aceptado es que hay alrededor de 10.000. De este universo grande, más de 1.100 IMF presentan información acerca de sus datos financieros y de cartera en el MixMarket, una plataforma de información sobre microfinanzas en la Web apoyada por el CGAP (Grupo Consultivo de Ayuda a la Población más Pobre). La gran mayoría de las IMF operan en ambientes difíciles, típicos de los países de mercados emergentes. Además, las IMF buscan operar en aquellas regiones donde la inclusión financiera es más baja y, por ende, van a áreas rurales o remotas donde la infraestructura y medios de transporte son limitados. Algunas IMF tienen la carga adicional de tener que lidiar con temas de salud de gran envergadura entre su base de clientes, o trabajan en áreas propensas a sufrir desastres naturales

    Reduction Procedures in Classical and Quantum Mechanics

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    We present, in a pedagogical style, many instances of reduction procedures appearing in a variety of physical situations, both classical and quantum. We concentrate on the essential aspects of any reduction procedure, both in the algebraic and geometrical setting, elucidating the analogies and the differences between the classical and the quantum situations.Comment: AMS-LaTeX, 35 pages. Expanded version of the Invited review talk delivered by G. Marmo at XXIst International Workshop On Differential Geometric Methods In Theoretical Mechanics, Madrid (Spain), 2006. To appear in Int. J. Geom. Methods in Modern Physic

    Fast and simple assessment of surface contamination in operations involving nanomaterials

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    The deposition of airborne nanosized matter onto surfaces could pose a potential risk in occupational and environmental scenarios. The incorporation of fluorescent labels, namely fluorescein isotiocyanate (FITC) or tris-1, 3-phenanthroline ruthenium (II) chloride (Ru(phen)3Cl2), into spherical 80-nm silica nanoparticles allowed the detection after the illumination with LED light of suitable wavelength (365 or 405 nm respectively). Monodisperse nanoparticle aerosols from fluorescently labeled nanoparticles were produced under safe conditions using powder generators and the deposition was tested into different surfaces and filtering media. The contamination of gloves and work surfaces that was demonstrated by sampling and SEM analysis becomes immediately clear under laser or LED illumination. Furthermore, nanoparticle aerosols of about 105 nanoparticles/cm3 were alternatively fed through a glass pipe and personal protective masks to identify the presence of trapped nanoparticles under 405 nm or 365 nm LED light. This testing procedure allowed a fast and reliable estimation of the contamination of surfaces with nanosized matter, with a limit of detection based on the fluorescence emission of the accumulated solid nanoparticles of 40 ng of Ru(phen)3@SiO2 of silica per mg of non-fluorescent matter

    Hepatocellular adenoma: An unsolved diagnostic enigma

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    Hepatocellular adenoma (HCA) is a rare benign liver tumour associated with the use of oral contraceptives or other steroid medications which occurs predominantly in young and middle-aged women. Unlike other benign liver tumours, an HCA may be complicated by bleeding and malignant transformation. HCAs have been divided into four subtypes based on molecular and pathological features: hepatocyte nuclear factor 1\u3b1-mutated HCA, inflammatory HCA, \u3b2-catenin-mutated HCA, and unclassified HCA. \u3b2-catenin-mutated HCA has the highest risk of haemorrhage or malignant transformation. In the latest upgrade of the guidelines regarding the management of benign liver tumours published in 2016 by the European Association for the Study of the Liver, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was recognized to be superior to all other imaging modalities in detecting HCAs and in being able to subtype HCAs up to 80%, with positive identification of 1\u3b1-mutated HCA or inflammatory HCA achievable with &gt; 90% specificity. This review analyzed the imaging features of HCA using MRI with hepato-specific contrast agents, focusing on the limitations in the HCA characterization