318 research outputs found
Supervision in the Trade Business Area
Import 22/07/2015Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou živnostenské kontroly.
Úvodem jsou vymezeny základní právní aspekty kontroly, stručně srovnán zákon o státní kontrole s nynějším zákonem o kontrole, který nabyl účinnosti 1. 1. 2014 a přiblíženy orgány státní správy (živnostenské úřady), které zajišťují kontrolu podnikatelů a jejich dodržování právních předpisů dle živnostenského zákona.
Stěžejní část bakalářské práce je věnována procesu výkonu kontroly od samotného zahájení, průběhu a ukončení živnostenské kontroly. V závěrečné části jsou popsány jak přestupky a správní delikty, tak i jednotlivé druhy sankcí, které jsou důsledkem protiprávního jednání podnikatelů.
Cílem této práce je poskytnout ucelené informace, které se týkají živnostenské kontroly, porovnání dané problematiky s praxí, i z pohledu pracovníků živnostenského úřadu Magistrátu města Ostravy, kteří živnostenskou kontrolu provádějí a zjistit pociťované nedostatky či pozitiva nového zákona o kontrole.This bachelor thesis deals with trade business area and its control. Introduction part presents the basic legal aspects of control; the law on state control is compared to the current law being valid since 1st January, 2014; civil service providing control of the entrepreneurs (whether they are following the trade law) is introduced.
The main part of this bachelor thesis is focused on control performance starting with beginning, the process itself up to the end of such control.
In the final part, there are described both the offences and administration delicts and sanctions resulting from the entrepreneurs’ illegal acting.
The aim of this thesis is to provide with comprehensive information involving trade control, comparison of given topic to the practice as well as to show the point of view of the trade office workers of Statutory City of Ostrava (who provide the control). In addition, I would like to identify perceived weaknesses or strengths of the new law on the control.152 - Katedra podnikohospodářskádobř
The Impact of Chosen Factors on Mutual Fund Performance
Diplomová práce se zabývá vlivem vybraných proměnných na průměrnou výnosnost pěti komoditních fondů v letech 2013-2017.
Hlavním cílem diplomové práce je nalezení a posouzení vlivu vybraných faktorů na výnosnost komoditních fondů a sestavení statisticky významného lineárního regresního modelu metodou nejmenších čtverců. Vedlejším cílem je i seznámit čtenáře s kolektivním investováním, specificky pak s problematikou alternativního investování. V diplomové práci jsou využita veřejně dostupná data, ze kterých je odhadnut lineární regresní model pro ekonometrickou analýzu. Vysvětlujícími proměnnými v modelu jsou cena ropy, míra nezaměstnanosti, S&P komoditní index a futures kontrakty na zlato. Z metodologických postupů jsou aplikovány lineární regrese metodou nejmenších čtverců, grafická analýza a statistické testy. Analýzou časových řad byla zjištěna nestacionarita vysvětlujících proměnných, která byla zmírněna mírou ekonomického růstu. Na základě křížové korelace bylo dále zjištěno časové zpoždění většiny vysvětlujících proměnných vůči vysvětlované proměnné. Z toho důvodu byla vysvětlovaná proměnná zpožděna o jedno období. Z ekonometrických jevů je v modelu analyzována autokorelace, heteroskedasticita, multikolinearita, specifikace modelu a normalita reziduí.
V modelu byla rozpoznána slabá heteroskedasticita a také multikolinearita mezi proměnnými cena ropy a S&P komoditní index. Byla také provedena predikce vysvětlované proměnné pro následující tři období.
Díky transformaci proměnných byl vzájemný vliv, který se z počátku zdál jako nevýznamný, prokázán a byl sestaven lineární model s vypovídací schopností 87,3 % a se statisticky významnými regresními koeficienty.This master thesis deals with the influence of selected variables on average performance of five commodity funds in 2013 - 2017.
The main aim of the thesis is to find and evaluate the impact of selected factors on the performance of commodity funds and to find a statistically meaningful least squares linear regression model. The secondary aim is to apprise readers of collective investment, specifically with the issue of alternative investment. The thesis uses publicly available data from which a linear regression model for econometric analysis is estimated. The explanatory variables in the model are oil prices, unemployment rate, S&P commodity index and gold futures contracts. Least squares linear regression, graphical analysis and statistical tests are applied for methodological procedures. The analysis of the time series revealed non-stationarity of the explanatory variables, which was softened by the rate of economic growth. Furthermore, the time delay of most of the explanatory variables to the explained variable was determined by cross-correlation. Therefore, the explained variable was delayed by one period. From the econometric phenomena autocorrelation, heteroscedasticity, multicollinearity, model specification and normality of residuals are analyzed in the model.
The model showed weak heteroscedasticity as well as multicolinearity between oil prices and S&P commodity index. The explained variable was also predicted for the next three periods.
Thanks to the transformation of the variables, the mutual influence, which initially seemed insignificant, was proven and a linear model was set with an explanatory power of 87.3% with statistically significant regression coefficients.154 - Katedra financívelmi dobř
Clínica de Animais Exóticos
O presente relatório de estágio foi elaborado no culminar de cinco meses de estágio curricular no Centro Veterinário de Exóticos do Porto, com início no dia 2 de Outubro de 2017 e termo no dia 28 de Fevereiro de 2018.
Este relatório encontra-se dividido em duas partes: na primeira estão descritas todas as atividades que foram desenvolvidas ao longo dos cinco meses de estágio; e na segunda parte foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema “Patologias clínicas mais frequentes em canários”.
Os canários são aves cada vez mais procuradas como animais de companhia e as pessoas preocupam-se cada vez mais com o seu estado de saúde e bem-estar. Em consequência, ocorre um aumento no número de canários apresentados em consulta, e, daí ser importante que os médicos veterinários actualizem o conhecimento sobre as patologias mais frequentes nestas aves. No final, serão apresentados dois casos clínicos referentes a duas patologias observadas durante o estágio
Ley 30313 ¿una desnaturalización a la esencia del procedimiento registral?
Grandes fraudes inmobiliarios se venían dando en el país debido a que una organización delictiva basándose en los vacíos legales los utilizo con el fin de apropiarse de manera ilegal de predios tanto públicos como privados. Ante esta realidad, la Ley 30313 fue la respuesta inmediata del estado para paralizar dichos actos, pero no previno lo que generaría a futuro esta ley ya que las distintas modificatorias de la misma cambiaron de manera sustancial la actividad registral y el procedimiento el cual fue, a todas luces, desnaturalizado.Trabajo académic
O tamanho e forma das sombras dos objetos acompanham as horas das rotinas das crianças no jardim de infância
A área de principal interesse desta investigação é a Área do Conhecimento do Mundo, existindo, também, uma articulação com a Área de Expressão e Comunicação. Este estudo foi realizado com um grupo de 24 crianças (15 do sexo masculino e 9 do sexo feminino), com idades compreendidas entre os 5 e 6 anos.
O projeto foi elaborado para explorar o conceito de sombra, assente na metodologia IBSE (Inquiry-Based Science Education), tendo-se usado como estratégias pedagógicas de intervenção educativa a realização de atividades dirigidas. Para despertar o interesse do grupo de crianças para o tema, foi lida uma história em que o narrador era visível como uma sombra. Numa segunda atividade, ofereceu-se a possibilidade a cada uma das crianças de criarem uma maquete de um teatro de sombras, desafiando-as a selecionarem o material que consideravam necessário e mais eficaz para o efeito. Esta atividade teve como objetivo saber qual era a conceção de sombra das crianças e ajudá-las a manipular e organizar os objetos necessários para criar sombras. A terceira e última atividade realizou-se no exterior, onde as crianças observaram, em grupos, as sombras criadas pela incidência da luz solar em três sólidos geométricos diferentes, ao longo do dia, em momentos coincidentes com atividades de rotina das crianças.
A conceção da maquete do teatro de sombras mostrou ser muito apelativa para as crianças e potenciadora do desenvolvimento de várias competências relacionadas com o conceito de sombra, mas, também, com o conceito de comunicação representada por imagens. O protagonismo das crianças como responsáveis pelo seu próprio teatro e pelo sucesso de criação das sombras também constituiu um fator positivo.
As atividades desenvolvidas no jardim com registo dos contornos das sombras dos objetos, a diferentes horas do dia, foram essenciais para ajudar a compreender as modificações das sombras de um objeto, sofridas ao longo do dia. As previsões das sombras dos sólidos geométricos melhoraram com a observação do fenómeno real.The main interest area of this research is the World Knowledge Area, with a close connection and articulation with the Expression and Communication Area. This study was conducted with a 24 children group (15 male and 9 female), with an age range between 5 and 6 years old. The project was designed to explore the shadow concept, based on the Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE) methodology, and being used as pedagogical strategies for educational intervention to conduct oriented activities. To light up the interest of this children group to the theme, a story was read in which the narrator was visible as a shadow. In a second activity, each child was offered the opportunity to create a model of a shadow theatre, challenging them to select the material they deemed necessary and most effective for that purpose. The purpose of this activity was to know what’s the children's concept of shadow and help them out in the object manipulation needed to create shadows. The third and last activity took place outside, where the children observed, in groups, the shadows created by the sunlight position incident on three different geometric solids throughout the day, at times when usually children's routine activities took place. The design of the shadow theatre model has been very appealing to children and enhances the development of various skills related to the concept of shadow, but also the concept of communication represented by images. The children’s main role as responsible for their own theatre and the success of shadow creation was also a positive factor. Garden activities that recorded the shadow objects contours at different times of the day were essential in helping to understand the changes in a object shadow throughout the day. The predictions of the shadows of the geometric solids improved with the observation of the real phenomenon
Do pianists play with their Teeth?
The aim of this study was to find out whether the masticatory and postural muscles are used by pianists during their music performances. The study also aimed to ascertain whether the complex neuromuscular activity involved in the act of playing the piano also encourages hyperactivity in terms of the masticatory muscles. The bio-electric potentials of the masticatory and postural muscles of 20 pianists were recorded. The electromyographical figures obtained from regarding the temporal and masseter muscles are much higher than those recorded when in the resting position. These registrations, which are not the same as those obtained, for example, when the individuals are chewing hard food such as a carrot, are nonetheless indicative of daily parafunctional activity in musicians who often study for as much as 7 hours per day
Clínica de animais exóticos
O presente relatório de estágio foi elaborado no culminar de cinco meses de estágio curricular no Centro Veterinário de Exóticos do Porto, com início no dia 2 de Outubro de 2017 e termo no dia 28 de Fevereiro de 2018.
Este relatório encontra-se dividido em duas partes: na primeira estão descritas todas as atividades que foram desenvolvidas ao longo dos cinco meses de estágio; e na segunda parte foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema “Patologias clínicas mais frequentes em canários”.
Os canários são aves cada vez mais procuradas como animais de companhia e as pessoas preocupam-se cada vez mais com o seu estado de saúde e bem-estar. Em consequência, ocorre um aumento no número de canários apresentados em consulta, e, daí ser importante que os médicos veterinários actualizem o conhecimento sobre as patologias mais frequentes nestas aves. No final, serão apresentados dois casos clínicos referentes a duas patologias observadas durante o estágio; Abstract: Veterinary practice of our exotic companions
This report was written after five months of traineeship in “Centro Veterinário de Exóticos do Porto”. The traineeship began on October 2nd, 2017 and ended in February 28th, 2018.
This report is divided in two parts: in the first part, all the activities witnessed along the five months are described; and in the second part a bibliographic review of the matter “the most frequent clinical pathologies in canaries”. Canaries are increasingly searched as pets by people which are more and more concerned about their state of health and well-being. As a result of the increasing number of canaries presented in the clinic on a day-to-day basis, it is important that veterinarians have some knowledge about the most frequent pathologies in these birds. At the end, two clinical cases will be presented concerning two pathologies observed during the traineeship
Inflammatory myofibroblastic lung tumor: its birth, its bleeding growth, its difficult diagnosis and its surgical end in a child
The diagnosis of inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor is based on radiology and histology. The treatment is surgical, and the prognosis is good. For this reason, although this lung disease is rare, when a child show up at hospital with an unknown hemoptysis, this medical condition should not be underestimated
Massive thymic hyperplasia in a 15-month-old boy: Case report and literature review
Key Clinical Message A surgical approach is the choice in young infants with MTH, who are furthest from the time of physiological involution of the thymus, and when the thymus achieves the largest relative size, a surgical approach is the choice. Steroid therapy has been shown to be ineffective (4, 9, 16, 18-20). No surgical complications have been reported, and the outcome is excellent. Recurrence has been seen in only one case
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