99 research outputs found

    Proposal for the Expansion of the Light Rail Vehicle Network

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    The objective of this study is to present a preliminary study to demonstrate the importance of expanding the Light Rail Vehicle (LRV) in the city of João Pessoa. This would ensure the best level of operational comfort, safety, social inclusion, and sustainability with the existing transport network in the city. The methodology used began with the collection of data provided by public agencies that regulate urban transport modes in the city and other technical sources that report on the feasibility of implementing the LRV. Then the main bus routes used by the population were analyzed (in relation to passenger volume) and how these routes could be improved if LRV could be inserted as a viable option. With the study, it was realized that there is no possibility of replacing one mode of transportation with another to drive all passengers. The optimal solution is to make expansions in the system that can make LRV an affordable and quality alternative for people to move around the city. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-10-014 Full Text: PD

    New insight on the solidification path of an alloy 625 weld overlay

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    AbstractNi-based alloys are a special class of engineering material with excellent corrosion resistance in harsh environments. However, microstructural changes due to the solidification, may result in solidification cracks and reduction in the corrosion resistance. Knowing the microchemical and microstructural evolutions during the solidification of these alloys is essential for the understanding of the relationship between the metallurgical aspects and the properties. This research presents a new insight on the solidification path of alloy 625 weld metals deposited by the TIG cold wire process on the C–Mn steel plates. After the welding, samples having been extracted and evaluated by the scanning electron microscope, transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy techniques. The results showed the presence of two types of secondary phases, identified as Laves phase and complex nitride/carbide particles. Due to the presence of nitrides particles, stable in the solid state during the melting of the alloy, during the solidification it is noted the occurrence of a complex nitride/carbide precipitation. This implies in a new route to explain the solidification of the aforementioned alloy


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    This study was conducted to investigate the potential of organic acids and bioactive compounds present in rawbeans to differentiate the sensory quality of coffee from different genotypes and processing methods. During the 2010, 2011 and 2012 crop seasons, beverage quality was analyzed, as well as the profile of organic acids and bioactive compounds caffeine, trigonelline and chlorogenic acids (3,4 and 5-CQA) in raw coffee beans from genotypes Bourbon Amarelo and Acaiá. The samples were collected in commercial fields with altitudes ranging from 932 to 1391 m, in the municipality of Carmo de Minas, MG, Brazil. Two processing methods were adopted: dry process (natural) and wet process (mechanically pulped and demucilaged coffee). All harvest and post-harvest procedures were carried out according to the main technologies for the production of specialty coffees. The sensory analysis was performed using the methodology proposed by the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA). Chemical analyses were performed by High performance liquid chromatography. Data were investigated using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The variations in the contents of organic acids and bioactive compounds were due to the coffee processing method. For genotypes Bourbon Amarelo and Acaiá, the differences in the organic acid profile, associated with caffeine, trigonelline and chlorogenic acids (3,4 and 5-CQA), were essential to differentiate the quality of mechanically pulped and demucilaged coffee. No significant differences were observed in the sensory quality of natural coffee due to the analysis of organic acids and bioactive compounds.This study was conducted to investigate the potential of organic acids and bioactive compounds present in rawbeans to differentiate the sensory quality of coffee from different genotypes and processing methods. During the 2010, 2011 and 2012 crop seasons, beverage quality was analyzed, as well as the profile of organic acids and bioactive compounds caffeine, trigonelline and chlorogenic acids (3,4 and 5-CQA) in raw coffee beans from genotypes Bourbon Amarelo and Acaiá. The samples were collected in commercial fields with altitudes ranging from 932 to 1391 m, in the municipality of Carmo de Minas, MG, Brazil. Two processing methods were adopted: dry process (natural) and wet process (mechanically pulped and demucilaged coffee). All harvest and post-harvest procedures were carried out according to the main technologies for the production of specialty coffees. The sensory analysis was performed using the methodology proposed by the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA). Chemical analyses were performed by High performance liquid chromatography. Data were investigated using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The variations in the contents of organic acids and bioactive compounds were due to the coffee processing method. For genotypes Bourbon Amarelo and Acaiá, the differences in the organic acid profile, associated with caffeine, trigonelline and chlorogenic acids (3,4 and 5-CQA), were essential to differentiate the quality of mechanically pulped and demucilaged coffee. No significant differences were observed in the sensory quality of natural coffee due to the analysis of organic acids and bioactive compounds

    Quality of minimally processed table cassava cultivated in southeastern Pará, brazilian Amazonian / Qualidade da mandioca de mesa minimamente processada cultivada no sudeste do Pará, Amazônia brasileira

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    This paper aimed to assess the quality of the cassava roots of the variety Cacau minimally processed. Physical characterization of 100 root samples was carried out by measuring the weight of roots, weight of roots without bark, weight of bark, root yield, length and diameter. The following treatments were performed: T1: roots was washed in running water; T2: sanitized roots (150 mg. L-1); T3: sanitized roots (150 mg. L-1) and acidified roots (1% citric acid) and T4: sanitized roots (150 mg. L-1) and bleached (55ºC/10 min). The physicochemical characterization of leaves, stems and roots were performed through the analysis of pH, total titratable acidity (TTA), moisture, ashes, protein content, lipids, carbohydrates and total energy value (TEV). For the variables of plant growth, the number of roots (9.10 units) and dry matter of the roots (1312.15 g), in addition the yield of the unshelled root (80.95 kg or 61.80 %) was close to the values reported in the literature. As for the physicochemical parameters of minimally processed cassava roots, they were in accordance with those established by the Brazilian Table Food Composition. These parameters are considered the most important for the industry, so they explain the reasons for the agroindustrial potential this feedstoock. 

    Achados tomográficos de osteocondrossarcoma multilobular craniano em cão: relato de caso

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    O osteocondrossarcoma multilobular é uma neoplasia incomum em cães que costuma ocorrer nos ossos planos do crânio, apresentando-se comumente como uma massa fixa e de consistência firme. No presente estudo relata-se o caso de uma cadela de 13 anos de idade, sem raça definida com histórico de aumento de volume craniano progressivo. Após análise clínica sugeriu-se a avaliação tomográfica complementar do crânio. O exame foi realizado antes e após a administração de contraste iodado intravenoso e as imagens demonstraram extensas lesões líticas e proliferativas em osso frontal e parietal bilateralmente com aspecto de “bola de pipoca” promovendo compressão e deslocamento do parênquima cerebral, meninges e globo ocular esquerdo. Os achados tomográficos foram compatíveis com osteocondrossarcoma multilobular, sendo sugerida a remoção cirúrgica da massa. A excisão cirúrgica foi considerada inviável tendo em vista a agressividade das lesões e o estado geral do paciente, sendo instituído tratamento paliativo. Devido a evolução dos sinais clínicos, o médico veterinário responsável optou pela eutanásia. Análise histopatológica pós-morte de fragmentos da lesão confirmaram a suspeita clínica de osteocondrossarcoma multilobular. Ressalta-se o incomum achado desta neoplasia na espécie canina e a contribuição do exame tomográfico para melhor caracterização e estadiamento da doença, sendo o diagnóstico precoce importante para instalação do protocolo terapêutico adequado e melhora do prognóstico

    Foliar water uptake in Amazonian trees: evidence and consequences

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this recordThe absorption of atmospheric water directly into leaves enables plants to alleviate the water stress caused by low soil moisture, hydraulic resistance in the xylem and the effect of gravity on the water column, while enabling plants to scavenge small inputs of water from leaf-wetting events. By increasing the availability of water, and supplying it from the top of the canopy (in a direction facilitated by gravity), foliar uptake (FU) may be a significant process in determining how forests interact with climate, and could alter our interpretation of current metrics for hydraulic stress and sensitivity. FU has not been reported for lowland tropical rainforests; we test whether FU occurs in six common Amazonian tree genera in lowland Amazônia, and make a first estimation of its contribution to canopy–atmosphere water exchange. We demonstrate that FU occurs in all six genera and that dew-derived water may therefore be used to “pay” for some morning transpiration in the dry season. Using meteorological and canopy wetness data, coupled with empirically derived estimates of leaf conductance to FU (kfu), we estimate that the contribution by FU to annual transpiration at this site has a median value of 8.2% (103 mm/year) and an interquartile range of 3.4%–15.3%, with the biggest sources of uncertainty being kfu and the proportion of time the canopy is wet. Our results indicate that FU is likely to be a common strategy and may have significant implications for the Amazon carbon budget. The process of foliar water uptake may also have a profound impact on the drought tolerance of individual Amazonian trees and tree species, and on the cycling of water and carbon, regionally and globally.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)Australian Research Council (ARC)CNPQEuropean Union FP7Royal SocietyCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior—Brasil (CAPES


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    The purpose of the study was to verify the weight and type of bag and how it is transported by students of the 5th grade of a school in Petrolina-PE who leave their books at school and only transport the remaining material. The evaluation of the type of bag and how it is transported was conducted through questionnaire BackPEI. The weight of the student and the school material was determined using analog and digital balances, respectively. It was possible to note that almost half of the students carried a weight above the tolerable limit and it was also found a higher frequency of using of the backpack with two straps. Among students who used backpack with two shoulder straps, 82.4% carried the backpack supported on both shoulders. The study shows that, although the school already has a strategy to reduce the weight of school material, other strategies are required.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/2236583413077 O objetivo do estudo foi verificar o peso e o tipo de mochila (ou de bolsa) e como a mesma é carregada por alunos do 5º ano de uma escola municipal de Petrolina-PE que deixam seus livros na escola e só carregam o restante do material necessário. A avaliação do tipo de bolsa e de como a mesma é carregada foi realizada por meio do questionário BackPEI. O peso do aluno e do material escolar foi determinado usando uma balança digital e uma balança analógica, respectivamente. Foi possível observar que quase a metade dos alunos carregava um peso acima do limite tolerável e que predominava o uso da mochila com duas alças. Entre os alunos que usavam mochila com duas alças, 82,4% a carregavam apoiada nos dois ombros. O estudo demonstra que, embora a escola já tenha uma estratégia para reduzir o peso do material escolar, outras medidas são necessárias

    Valores Pessoais Envolvidos na Escolha de um Curso Superior: Análise Utilizando a Abordagem Meio-Fim

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    The investigation the reasons for choice of products and services by consumers stands out as relevant in the area of ​​market studies, as well as notes management for any organization. Through the Theory of Means-End Chain proposed by Gutman (1982), which relates the "means" (attributes and benefits) linked to the consumption of products or services with the "ends" in terms of personal values ​​achieved, it is possible understand of the meanings that consumers attribute the choice of products and services in a more abstract level. Thus, the objective of this study is to understand what aspects, considering attributes, consequences and personal values ​​guide the behavior of students in choosing the nursing course at a private institution of higher education. Based on the theory mentioned it was adopted the technique laddering, in-depth interview and analysis methodology and representation of the hierarchical value map, which was interpreted and analyzed in order to understand the cognitive structure of students’ choice.The analysis of the results indicate that students are guided primarily by hedonistic values​​ of happiness itself the choice of nursing in college studied.A investigação dos motivos da escolha por produtos e serviços pelos consumidores destaca-se como relevante na área de estudos mercadológicos, bem como de apontamentos gerenciais para qualquer organização. Por meio da Teoria da Cadeia Meios-Fins proposta por Gutman (1982), a qual relaciona os “meios” (atributos e benefícios) ligados ao consumo de produtos ou serviços com os “fins” em termos de valores pessoais alcançados, é possível compreender melhor os significados que os consumidores atribuem durante a escolha de produtos e serviços em um nível mais abstrato. Desse modo, o objetivo deste estudo foi compreender que aspectos, considerando atributos, consequências e valores pessoais, norteiam o comportamento de estudantes no momento da escolha do curso de Enfermagem em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior privada. Tomando como base a teoria mencionada, adotou-se a técnica de entrevista em profundidade laddering e a metodologia de análise e representação do mapa hierárquico de valores, o qual foi interpretado e analisado visando compreender a estrutura cognitiva da escolha dos estudantes. As análises dos resultados indicam que os estudantes se pautaram, principalmente, por valores hedônicos de felicidade própria para a escolha do curso de Enfermagem na faculdade estudada.

    Comportamento corrosivo de aços inoxidáveis utilizados como revestimentos em refinarias de petróleo.

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    In the petroleum processing industries we use different chemical, physical or biological process and break them down into a serie of separate and distinct steps called unit operations. The most important method of separating petroleum is distillation, and hence the products should be compared with one another in the order of their boiling ranges. Corrosion cost refiners thousands of dollars each year. Sulfide and acid corrosion, atmospheric oxidation, naphtenic acids, and high temperature oxidation are the principal mechanisms involved in the corrosion process. Stainless steels are commonly used in high temperature applications in order to exploit the economic advantages they offer, together with their generally good oxidation resistance. This work depicts results the corrosion resistance of AISI 444 stainless steel in national heavy crude oil. The nature of the corrosion was analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and X-ray dispersion(EDAX).Várias são as operações unitárias utilizadas na indústria do petróleo nos processos de separação, citam-se: destilação, absorção, adsorção, dentre outros. Dentre estes, o mais importante é o processo de destilação, que representa o coração da indústria petrolífera. Dada às características intrínsecas do petróleo pesado nacional (composição, presença de contaminantes, etc), este propicia condições favoráveis para aumento da cinética dos processos de corrosão. Este fator intervém diretamente na escolha dos materiais a serem instalados. No presente trabalho, foi estudada a influência do petróleo pesado nacional na corrosão do aço inoxidável AISI 444 e do AISI 304. Buscando entender o efeito da temperatura na corrosão do referido aço, foram realizados tratamentos térmicos em três níveis de temperatura (200, 300 e 400ºC) em períodos de 4 horas. Para a caracterização das amostras após os ensaios, foram utilizadas a microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e a análise de energia dispersiva de raios-X (EDAX). Os resultados evidenciaram a presença de trincas da camada de óxido superficial, o que ocasionou uma perda na resistência à corrosão do material

    Sistema Computacional para Determinação da Taxa de Diluição em Soldadura

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    Diluição da solda é a modificação da composição química do metal de adição, causada pela parcela do metal de base que sofreu fusão e passou a compor a zona fundida. Sendo dada pela percentagem do metal de base que participa na formação do cordão de solda. A sua medição, em geral, é obtida manualmente utilizando-se softwares genéricos de desenho ou de processamento e análise de imagem. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho teve como objectivo desenvolver e analisar um sistema computacional para determinar a taxa de diluição. Através dos resultados experimentais obtidos, pode-se concluir que o sistema proposto é rápido e preciso, além de eliminar a subjectividade do operador