588 research outputs found

    On the origin, development and sociolinguistic status of Scots

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Lingua e Literatura Inglesas. Curso 2021-2022Scots is a Germanic language whose origin is to be found in the variety of Old English spoken by the Angles in the Lowlands of Scotland about 1400 years ago. For a long time, Scots has been the subject of a great controversy among linguists. Many scholars have tried to provide an answer for a key question, whether the Scots is an independent language or a variety of English. The existence of a dialect continuum between broad Scots and Scottish Standard English (Maguire 2012: 53), which makes many Scots and English dialects mutually intelligible, is one of the main reasons why this issue is so difficult to solve. The study of Scots is very rewarding, due to this complex origin, its high degree of linguistic variation, the changes in prestige it has undergone over time (Millar 2016:49, 59) and its long history of contact with other languages. The aim of this dissertation is to offer an account of the history and evolution of Scots across centuries, as well as its most relevant linguistics features. The dissertation is divided into two parts. In the theoretical part, I will carry out a study of Scots, focusing on those aspects of the external history of Scotland which play an important role in its evolution and sociolinguistic status [among others, Union of the Crowns in 1603 and the vernacular revival of the 18th century]. Other important issues such as absence of standardization and predominance of oral transmission will also be addressed. Moreover, this part will include a description of the variety, paying attention to its main phonological, grammatical and lexical features, comparing them with English. The empirical part of the dissertation will be devoted to the analysis of a selection of texts belonging to different periods of Scots; early Scots (1350-1450), Middle Scots (1450-1700) and Modern Scots (1700-present day), where the relevant linguistic features will be identifie

    Coronal shear fractures of the capitellum and trochlea : interobserver variability in classifying the fracture and the need for a computed tomography scan for the correct surgical planning

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    To determine interobserver agreement in the classification by X-rays and by computed tomography (CT) scan of the coronal shear fractures of the capitellum and trochlea as well as the agreement between these two tests. Patients with coronal shear fractures of the capitellum who were managed at our center between January 2008 and December 2017 were included. This retrospective cohort study was carried out with the approval of the ethics committee of our institution (Nº: IIBSP-Cod-2019-02, Ref. 19/070). Clinical, radiographic, and elbow-specific outcomes, including the Mayo Elbow Performance Index, were evaluated. Three observers analyzed the preoperative X-rays from all the cases. Each one of them independently classified the fractures according to the Bryan and Morrey classification (with the modification of McKee et al). The interobserver agreement was calculated by Cohen kappa coefficient. The same methodology was used to analyze the CT scan. Thereafter, one single value was determined for each X-ray and CT scan, from the good interobserver agreements. Finally, the agreement between the global X-ray classification and the global CT scan classification was calculated using the agreement percentage and the Cohen kappa coefficient. There were 3 males and 6 females, with a mean age of 47 years (range, 18-83). The mean follow-up period was 18 months (12-40). The average Mayo Elbow Performance Index score was 85 (range, 65-100) points. The complications were nonunion in one patient (11 %), degenerative arthritis in 7 (78 %), joint step-off in 5 (55%), and heterotopic ossification in 7 (78%). The agreement analysis between the global X-ray classification and the global CT scan classification showed a 57.1% agreement, with a kappa coefficient of −0.167. These values imply the absence of agreement. Our results demostrated that simple X-rays do not allow for the adequate interpretation of distal humeral coronal plane fractures. Although an acceptable interobserver agreement was found, there is no agreement when the same fractures were analyzed by CT scan. The authors routinely recommend CT scan to assess the extent of the fracture and perform surgical planning

    Abdominal Actinomycosis misdiagnosed as liposarcoma

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    Actinomycosis is an uncommon, endogenous, and chronic infection with varied and nonspecific clinical features such as abdominal, pelvic or cervical masses, ulcerative lesions, abscesses, draining fistula, fibrosis, and constitutional symptoms. The disease ensues when the bacteria disrupt the mucosal barrier, invade, and spread throughout interfascial planes. Currently, the diagnosis of actinomycosis is challenging because of its very low frequency and depending on the clinical presentation it may masquerade malignancies. Therapy consists initially in intravenous penicillin, followed by an oral regimen that may be extended until a year of treatment. A timely diagnosis is crucial to avoid extensive therapeutic attempt as surgery. However, a biopsy or drainage of abscesses and fistula’s tract may be required not only as a diagnostic procedure as part of the therapy. We report the case of a 72-year-old woman with an abdominal mass initially misdiagnosed as a liposarcoma. A second biopsy of a skin lesion of the abdominal wall made the diagnosis of actinomycosis, avoiding a major surgical procedure. The patient was treated with a long-term course of antibiotics with favorable outcome. Liposarcoma was ruled out after the patient’s full recovery with antibiotics and the misdiagnosis was credit to the overconfidence on the immunohistochemical positivity to MDM2

    Cuidar a quien cuida

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    This Project of Participation-Action-Research is focused on the current situation of mothers who take their children for medical treatment to the Pediatric Hospital “Federico Falcon”, located in Pilar,Buenos Aires. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between the healthcare staffand those mothers who attend the hospital seeking for medical treatment for their children. We aim atevaluating how preconceived gender-related ideas on these mothers have an impact on this relationship.We assume the hypothesis that women who search for hospital treatment for their children areconsidered “care instruments” by hospital staff. In this sense, we consider that those mothers are notperceived as relational individuals who are enduring their children’s suffering in a pediatric unit. Weintend to clarify the influence of the vision of the motherly role conceived by both the healthcare staffand by mothers themselves in this scenery. As a consequence, we sought to implement institutionalconditions that higher regard parental needs and furthermore, to analyze the possibility of instrumentingactions to promote for the well-being of those families. Fostering awareness and in view of theparticipating nature of our project we organized a workshop on gender in order to promote acceptanceof ideas that contrast those related to the knowledge and experience of the hospital staff. In differentmeetings with the Mental Health staff, we encouraged dialogue and the spreading of learning on thissubject. However, the reflective nature of our praxis has given rise to new goals.85% of the mothers were ready to answer the questions made by the students and most of themshowed interest on being heard. 48% of the mothers made reference to feeling tired but not tellingabout this situation to anyone. 45% of those mothers are assisted by women relatives to take careof their children. A high percentage of the hospital staff regarded those mothers as “demanding”and considered them “tired” and expected that they should be both “responsible” and “caring” as well as “ideal” mothers.Este proyecto de investigación-acción-participativa está focalizado en la situación actual de madres que concurren con sus hijos al Hospital Pediátrico Federico Falcón de Pilar, Buenos Aires. El objeto de estudio es la relación entre los agentes de salud y las madres que concurren al hospital. Buscamos conocer de qué forma se ponen en juego ideas acerca de las madres, que responden a estereotipos de género. Partimos de la hipótesis de que las mujeres que buscan asistencia hospitalaria para sus hijos suelen ser consideradas “instrumento” de cuidado. En tanto, consideramos que las madres no son tomadas en cuenta como sujetos relacionales, que padecen por las dolencias de sus hijos, en el marco de la atención pediátrica. Buscamos esclarecer cómo influye la visión que los agentes de salud y las madres tienen acerca del rol materno. A partir de esta participación esperamos crear condiciones institucionales que promuevan un mayor registro de sus necesidades, con la posibilidad de implementar acciones que favorezcan el bienestar de las familias consultantes. Priorizamos el carácter participativo y la concientización para promover la asimilación de ideas que contrasten con el saber y la experiencia del personal hospitalario, presentando un taller de género. Se promovió la circulación de aprendizajes y el carácter dialógico participando de reuniones con el equipo de Salud Mental. El carácter reflexivo, asociado a la praxis, nos plantea nuevos objetivos.Un 85% de las madres se mostraron dispuestas a responder a las entrevistas tomadas por los estudiantes y la mayoría de las mismas mostró interés en ser escuchada. El 48% de las madres refiere sentirse cansada, pero no expresarlo y un 45% recibe ayuda para el cuidado de sus hijos de parte de sus familiares mujeres. Hallamos que casi todo el personal hospitalario encuentra a las madres demandantes y cansadas; y esperan de ellas que sean responsables y contenedoras, en tanto madres ideales

    El aprendizaje-servicio como pedagogía durante la pandemia. El proyecto “UCA te da la Mano”

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    One of the main objectives of Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA) is to articulate and complement the academic training provided to its students with an authentic lifestyle choice , that would encourage them to build a fairer world by responding to the specific social demands coming from vulnerable sectors of society. The university has thus worked to respond to some of the new problems that now affect us as a society due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, strategies have been developed to allow us to continue working with the community even during this period of social, preventive and compulsory isolation. Within the framework of the program ‘UCA + Comunidad en época de pandemia’ (UCA + Community in times of a pandemic), UCA has developed a project that we will discuss in this paper: ‘UCA te da la mano’ (UCA gives you a hand). The project, was jointly carried out by the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology and Psychopedagogy and the Directorate of Social Commitment and Outreach of the UCA, and it had a dual objective: providing a space for reflection and orientation for first-line response personnel and becoming a learning space for psychology students.La Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA) se ha propuesto articular y complementar la formación académica brindada a sus alumnos con una opción de vida auténtica, que los mueva a construir un mundo más justo dando respuestas a las demandas sociales de los sectores vulnerables de la sociedad. A partir de la pandemia ocasionada por el COVID-19, la UCA ha trabajado para dar respuesta a algunas de las nuevas problemáticas que hoy nos afectan. En esa línea se fueron desarrollando estrategias que nos permitieron continuar trabajando con la comunidad aún durante el período de aislamiento social, preventivo y obligatorio. En el marco del Programa ”UCA + Comunidad en época de pandemia” surge el proyecto “UCA te da la Mano”, realizado conjuntamente por el Departamento de Psicología de la Facultad de Psicología y Psicopedagogía y la Dirección de Compromiso Social y Extensión de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, el cual tiene el doble objetivo de brindar un espacio de reflexión y orientación para el personal de primera línea de respuesta y ser un espacio de aprendizaje para los alumnos de la carrera de psicología. Participan de ella, docentes, graduados y alumnos

    Uma Abordagem para Comparação de Mapas Conceituais utilizando Correspondência de Grafos

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    O problema de correspondência de grafos (PCG) consiste em um problema formulado em Otimização Combinatória para a comparação estrutural de grafos, a partir da identificação desimilaridades. Proposto inicialmente para aplicações em reconhecimento de imagens, pretende-se neste trabalho, adaptá-lo para uma aplicação em recuperação inteligente de informação, a saber, a comparação de mapas conceituais em representação de conhecimento, assim como investigar autilização de algoritmos heurísticos e exatos para a sua resolução

    Análisis del riesgo de Diabetes tipo 2 por medio de la aplicación móvil Diabetest en personas mayores de 18 años en el municipio de Fresnillo, Zacatecas, México

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    La diabetes tipo 2 es considerada por las autoridades de Salud de México como un problema de salud pública de alto riesgo. Este tipo de enfermedad puede prevenirse bajo ciertas situaciones y circunstancias y en determinados individuos. En el presente trabajo se muestra el resultado de la investigación sobre el nivel de riesgo detectado de contraer la enfermedad en personas mayores de 18 años, por medio de los datos recabados por la aplicación Diabetest

    Implementación de contenedores dockers en la enseñanza en línea de Ambientes virtualizados

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    La enseñanza de ambientes y escenarios virtualizados en las universidades, es un tema que se complica en la modalidad en línea por su naturaleza práctica, compleja y que requiere de ciertos requisitos de software y hardware para su implementación, los cuales la mayoría de las veces solo están disponibles en los centros de cómputo universitarios, ante la imposibilidad de utilizar estos espacios en tiempos de pandemia surge la necesidad de utilizar otras herramientas tecnológicas que proporcionen la misma experiencia de aprendizaje que una máquina virtual, en el presente trabajo se analiza la implementación de contenedores dockers y de sus principales características como herramienta esencial de integración y estandarización de escenarios y ambientes virtuales independientemente del equipo de cómputo con que cuente el alumno, los cuales son utilizados en tareas de testeo, ejecución y análisis de aplicaciones de software

    Secondary infections in a cohort of patients with COVID-19 admitted to an intensive care unit: impact of gram-negative bacterial resistance

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    Some studies have shown that secondary infections during the COVID-19 pandemic may have contributed to the high mortality. Our objective was to identify the frequency, types and etiology of bacterial infections in patients with COVID-19 admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) and to evaluate the results of ICU stay, duration of mechanical ventilation (MV) and in-hospital mortality. It was a single-center study with a retrospective cohort of patients admitted consecutively to the ICU for more than 48 h between March and May 2020. Comparisons of groups with and without ICU- acquired infection were performed. A total of 191 patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 were included and 57 patients had 97 secondary infectious events. The most frequent agents were Acinetobacter baumannii (28.9%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (22.7%) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (14.4%); multi-drug resistance was present in 96% of A. baumannii and in 57% of K. pneumoniae. The most prevalent infection was ventilator-associated pneumonia in 57.9% of patients with bacterial infections, or 17.3% of all COVID-19 patients admitted to the ICU, followed by tracheobronchitis (26.3%). Patients with secondary infections had a longer ICU stay (40.0 vs. 17 days; p < 0.001), as well as a longer duration of MV (24.0 vs 9.0 days; p= 0.003). There were 68 (35.6%) deaths overall, of which 27 (39.7%) patients had bacterial infections. Among the 123 survivors, 30 (24.4%) had a secondary infections (OR 2.041; 95% CI 1.080 - 3.859). A high incidence of secondary infections, mainly caused by gram-negative bacteria has been observed. Secondary infections were associated with longer ICU stay, MV use and higher mortality

    Statistical Evaluation of Metaproteomics and 16S rRNA Amplicon Sequencing Techniques for Study of Gut Microbiota Establishment in Infants with Cystic Fibrosis

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    Newborn screening for cystic fibrosis (CF) can identify affected but asymptomatic infants. The selection of omic technique for gut microbiota study is crucial due to both the small amount of feces available and the low microorganism load. Our aims were to compare the agreement between 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing and metaproteomics by a robust statistical analysis, including both presence and abundance of taxa, to describe the sequential establishment of the gut microbiota during the first year of life in a small size sample (8 infants and 28 fecal samples). The taxonomic assignations by the two techniques were similar, whereas certain discrepancies were observed in the abundance detection, mostly the lower predicted relative abundance of Bifidobacterium and the higher predicted relative abundance of certain Firmicutes and Proteobacteria by amplicon sequencing. During the first months of life, the CF gut microbiota is characterized by a significant enrichment of Ruminococcus gnavus, the expression of certain virulent bacterial traits, and the detection of human inflammation-related proteins. Metaproteomics provides information on composition and functionality, as well as data on host-microbiome interactions. Its strength is the identification and quantification of Actinobacteria and certain classes of Firmicutes, but alpha diversity indices are not comparable to those of amplicon sequencing. Both techniques detected an aberrant microbiota in our small cohort of infants with CF during their first year of life, dominated by the enrichment of R. gnavus within a human inflammatory environment. IMPORTANCE In recent years, some techniques have been incorporated for the study of microbial ecosystems, being 16S rRNA gene sequencing being the most widely used. Metaproteomics provides the advantage of identifying the interaction between microorganisms and human cells, but the available databases are less extensive as well as imprecise. Few studies compare the statistical differences between the two techniques to define the composition of an ecosystem. Our work shows that the two methods are comparable in terms of microorganism identification but provide different results in alpha diversity analysis. On the other hand, we have studied newborns with cystic fibrosis, for whom we have described the establishment of an intestinal ecosystem marked by the inflammatory response of the host and the enrichment of Ruminococcus gnavus