28 research outputs found

    Strategic research and innovation agenda on circular economy

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    CICERONE aims to bring national, regional and local governments together to jointly tackle the circular economy transition needed to reach net-zero carbon emissions and meet the targets set in the Paris Agreement and EU Green Deal. This document represents one of the key outcomes of the project: a Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for Europe, to support owners and funders of circular economy programmes in aligning priorities and approaching the circular economy transition in a systemic way

    Latitude dictates plant diversity effects on instream decomposition

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    Running waters contribute substantially to global carbon fluxes through decomposition of terrestrial plant litter by aquatic microorganisms and detritivores. Diversity of this litter may influence instream decomposition globally in ways that are not yet understood. We investigated latitudinal differences in decomposition of litter mixtures of low and high functional diversity in 40 streams on 6 continents and spanning 113 degrees of latitude. Despite important variability in our dataset, we found latitudinal differences in the effect of litter functional diversity on decomposition, which we explained as evolutionary adaptations of litter-consuming detritivores to resource availability. Specifically, a balanced diet effect appears to operate at lower latitudes versus a resource concentration effect at higher latitudes. The latitudinal pattern indicates that loss of plant functional diversity will have different consequences on carbon fluxes across the globe, with greater repercussions likely at low latitudes

    Stratégies environnementales et pharmacologiques du traitement de la rechute à la cocaïne (du comportement à la neurobiologie)

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    L'addiction est une maladie psychiatrique chronique caractérisée par des comportements répétitifs et compulsifs plus ou moins nuisibles pour la santé. L'une des caractéristiques fondamentales à prendre en considération est la rechute, c'est-à-dire la reprise de la consommation de drogue, pouvant survenir après des années d'abstinence. Etudier les déterminants favorisant l'abstinence et diminuant la rechute est indispensable non seulement pour mieux comprendre la toxicomanie mais aussi pour développer des modalités thérapeutiques centrées sur la prévention à long terme. Dans cette optique, l'objectif principal de ma thèse a été l'étude de l'influence de l'environnement enrichi (EE) sur la rechute à la cocaïne. L'EE consiste à fournir aux animaux de laboratoire une stimulation des fonctions sensorielles, cognitives et motrices. Ainsi, l'EE est considéré comme un modèle animal pour étudier les conséquences des conditions de vie positives sur les maladies du cerveau. Par l'utilisation de différents modèles animaux d'addiction à la cocaïne, nous avons mis en évidence que l'EE possède des propriétés curatives, une fois les comportements relatifs à l'addiction installés. Nous avons démontré que l'EE est capable d'éliminer les conséquences comportementales induites par des injections répétées de drogue chez la souris par l'utilisation du modèle animal de sensibilisation comportementale. Nous avons mis en évidence le rôle curatif de l'EE sur la rechute à la cocaïne et sur le comportement de recherche de drogue en général par l'utilisation du modèle animal de préférence conditionnée (PPC). Nous avons ensuite confirmé ensuite le rôle curatif de l'EE chez le rat par l'utilisation du modèle animal de référence pour étudier l'addiction, qui est l'auto-administration de drogue (AA). Ainsi nous avons mis en évidence que l'EE est capable de réduire significativement la rechute induite par les stimuli environnementaux associés à la drogue, la rechute induite par le stress ainsi que de manière plus générale le comportement de recherche de cocaïne après une période de sevrage. Par l'utilisation de la technique d'immunohistochimie de c-Fos, utilisée comme marqueur d'activation neuronale, nous avons amorcé l'étude de la compréhension des mécanismes neurobiologiques qui sous-tendraient les effets bénéfiques de l'EE et nous avons mis en évidence que le rôle curatif de l'EE est parallèle à une inhibition de l'activation des régions cérébrales impliquées dans la rechute. Nous avons mis en avant l'hypothèse selon laquelle les effets anti-stress de l'EE représenteraitent un mécanisme clef dans l'établissement de ses propriétés curatives. Selon cette hypothèse, l'EE réduirait l'état émotionnel négatif des individus et les rendrait moins sensibles aux stimuli environnementaux associés à la drogue et réduirait de manière significative la rechute. Mes travaux de thèse ont donc permis de mettre en évidence le rôle curatif de l'EE, en plus de son rôle préventif déjà décrit, en démontrant qu'il diminue le risque de rechute après une période de sevrage. De plus, mes travaux représentent le premier pas vers la compréhension des mécanismes neurobiologiques impliqués dans les effets de l'EE sur la rechute. Ainsi ces travaux ouvrent la voie vers de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques, comportementales et pharmacologiques pour le traitement de l'addiction, centrées sur la prévention à long terme des risques de rechute.Addiction is a chronic psychiatric disorder caracterised by compulsive and repetitive behaviours, which can have negative influences on health. One of the main characteristic of addiction is relapse even after a long period of withdrawal. Studying factors that can have positive effects on withdrawal and consequently can reduce relapse is of an urgent necessity in order to better understand the phenomenon of addiction but also to develop therapeutic strategies based on long term prevention. In this view, the main goal of my thesis was the study of the influence of environmental enrichment (EE) on relapse to cocaine seeking. EE consists to provide to laboratory animals stimulations of sensory, cognitive and motor functions. With this in mind, EE is considered as a positive animal model to study consequences of positive way of live on brain disorders. By the use of different animal models of addiction, we have shown that EE has curative properties, once related-addiction behaviours are developed. We have demonstrated that EE is able to eliminate behavioural consequences induced by repeated drug injections in mice in an animal model of behavioural sensitization. Moreover, we have shown that EE is also curative in an animal model of conditioned place preference (CPP), as we have demonstrated that EE eliminate the reinstatement of cocaine seeking after exctinction and cocaine seeking behaviour. We have confirmed the curative effects of EE in rats by the use of the animal model of reference to study addiction, self-administration paradigm. With this animal model, we have demonstrated that EE is able to significantly reduced cues- and stress-induced relapse to cocaine seeking and more generally is able to reduce cocaine seeking behaviour after a withdrawal period. By the use of immunohistochemistry technique of c-Fos, a marquor of neuronal activation, we have initiated the understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of EE and we have shown that the curative effect of EE is paralleled to an inhibition of activation of brain areas involved in relapse. We hypothesised that the anti-stress effects of EE would represent a pivotal mechanism concerning the curative properties of EE. In this view, EE would reduce the negative emotional state of people rendering them less vulnerable to environmental stimuli associated with drugs et would significantly reduce relapse. In addition to the preventive effect of EE previously described, these works of thesis have higtlighed the curative effect of EE, by demonstrating that EE reduces the risk of relapse after a period of withdrawal. Moreover, my works represent the first step in the understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms involved in the beneficial effect of EE on relapse. In conclusion, these works open the way to new therapeutic, behavioural and pharmacologic therapeutics focused on the long term prevention of risk of relapse.POITIERS-BU Sciences (861942102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Environmental enrichment-inspired pharmacological tools for the treatment of addiction

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    International audienceEnvironmental enrichment (EE) has been shown to produce powerful beneficial effects in animal models of addiction. In particular, the ability of EE to promote abstinence and prevent relapse may allow for the identification of brain mechanisms responsible for the recovery from addiction. Indeed, the effects of EE on specific brain mechanisms could be mimicked by old or new molecules, which may become novel medications, called enviromimetics. Here, we review the best known enviromimetics for the treatment of addiction and suggest that, whereas these compounds may be relatively ineffective by themselves, they may be useful complements for existing therapeutic approaches to manage addiction which includes behavioural, environmental and pharmacological interventions

    Cue-Induced Drug Seeking and Its Association with Craving and Dependence in Cigarette Smokers

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    Abstract Increased salience of drug-related cues over non-drug reinforcers can drive drug use behaviors and contribute to tobacco use disorder (TUD). An important scientific and clinical goal is to effectively measure this elevated drug-seeking behavior in TUD. However, most TUD assessments rely on self-reported cravings and cigarette consumption, not providing an objective measure of cue-induced drug seeking. The probabilistic image choice (PIC) task, initially developed and validated for cocaine use disorder (and since validated in users of methamphetamine and opioids), investigates the choice of viewing drug-related pictures as compared to other salient pictures (e.g., pleasant and unpleasant cues). This study aimed to develop and validate the PIC task for TUD and evaluate the associations between behavioral choice and tobacco craving, daily cigarette consumption, and nicotine dependence (the Fagerström score). We recruited 468 smokers and 121 nonsmokers using the Prolific online platform. Participants performed the PIC task twice (at a one-month interval) and completed other measures relevant to TUD. As expected, compared to nonsmokers, tobacco smokers selected to view significantly more tobacco images and less pleasant (non-drug reinforcer) images, a profile that remained stable at retest. Drug seeking on the PIC task was associated with craving but not with the other tobacco dependence measures, suggesting that the task is better at modeling current drug “wanting” rather than cumulative nicotine exposure or physical dependence. In conclusion, these results suggest that the PIC task can be a valuable tool for objectively assessing craving-associated tobacco seeking in TUD. Implications Current measures of tobacco use disorder (TUD) rely on self-reports of consumption, dependence and craving and do not take into consideration the role of drug-related cues in driving tobacco seeking. This study shows that the probabilistic image choice (PIC) task provides an objective, reliable proxy measure of drug-seeking behavior in cigarette smokers that is linked to craving and desire for smoking but not to other measures of TUD. Therefore, the PIC task may be a useful complementary tool for the classification, diagnosis, and prognosis of TUD

    Functional Cerebral MRI Evaluation of Integration of Breast Reconstruction into the Body Schema

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    International audienceBackground: The objective of breast reconstruction (BR) is to erase the after-effects of total mastectomy by allowing patients to restore their breast shape. The aim of our study was to investigate the body map integration of different types of BR using functional magnetic resonance (fMRI). Patients and Methods: We prospectively enrolled all women undergoing BR for breast cancer to the Remasco study (NCT02553967). Participants were categorized into four groups according to the standard of care they required: immediate BR (IBR), delayed BR (DBR), flap (autologous), or implant BR. Each patient performed sensorimotor tasks during the fMRI acquisition. Results: Data of 38 patients were analyzed. We identified the cingulate region as the area of interest in the brain. In the case of DBR, the brain area activated during palpation of the total mastectomy scar (before BR) was different from the brain area activated during palpation of the reconstructed breast (Brodmann areas 31 versus 32). Palpation of the native breast and reconstructed breast activated the same Brodmann area 32. Comparing the brain activation signal during palpation of the native breast and the reconstructed breast did not reveal any significant difference in the overall population (P = 0.41) or in the groups: autologous (P = 0.32), implant (P = 0.10), IBR (P = 0.72), or DBR (P = 0.10). Conclusions: This experimental study allowed us to describe and understand the brain plasticity processes that accompany BR. The results suggest that the reconstructed breast is integrated into the body schema, regardless of the type of BR or the timing