1,166 research outputs found

    How to tell a happy from an unhappy schizotype:Personality factors and mental health outcomes in individuals with psychotic experiences

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    Objective: It is unclear why some individuals reporting psychotic experiences have balanced lives while others go on to develop mental health problems. The objective of this study was to test if the personality traits of harm avoidance, self-directedness, and self-transcendence can be used as criteria to differentiate healthy from unhealthy schizotypal individuals. Methods: We interviewed 115 participants who reported a high frequency of psychotic experiences. The instruments used were the Temperament and Character Inventory (140), Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV, and the Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences. Results: Harm avoidance predicted cognitive disorganization (β = 0.319; t = 2.94), while novelty seeking predicted bipolar disorder (β = 0.136, Exp [β] = 1.146) and impulsive non-conformity (β = 0.322; t = 3.55). Self-directedness predicted an overall decrease in schizotypy, most of all in cognitive disorganization (β = -0.356; t = -2.95) and in impulsive non-conformity (β = -0.313; t = -2.83). Finally, self-transcendence predicted unusual experiences (β = 0.256; t = 2.32). Conclusion: Personality features are important criteria to distinguish between pathology and mental health in individuals presenting high levels of anomalous experiences (AEs). While self-directedness is a protective factor, both harm avoidance and novelty seeking were predictors of negative mental health outcomes. We suggest that the impact of AEs on mental health is moderated by personality factors

    A model-driven traceability framework for software product lines

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    International audienceSoftware product line (SPL) engineering is a recent approach to software development where a set of software products are derived for a well defined target application domain, from a common set of core assets using analogous means of production (for instance, through Model Driven Engineering). Therefore, such family of products are built from reuse, instead of developed individually from scratch. SPL promise to lower the costs of development, increase the quality of software, give clients more flexibility and reduce time to market. These benefits come with a set of new problems and turn some older problems possibly more complex. One of these problems is traceability management. In the Europe an AMPLE project we are creating a common traceability framework across the various activities of the SPL development. We identified four orthogonal traceability dimensions in SPL development, one of which is an extension of what is often considered as "traceability of variability". This constitutes one of the two contributions of this paper. The second contribution is the specification of a metamodel for a repository of traceability links in the context of SPL and the implementation of a respective traceability framework. This framework enables fundamental traceability management operations, such as trace import and export, modification, query and visualization. The power of our framework is highlighted with an example scenari

    Specialized odorant receptors in social insects that detect cuticular hydrocarbon cues and candidate pheromones.

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    Eusocial insects use cuticular hydrocarbons as components of pheromones that mediate social behaviours, such as caste and nestmate recognition, and regulation of reproduction. In ants such as Harpegnathos saltator, the queen produces a pheromone which suppresses the development of workers' ovaries and if she is removed, workers can transition to a reproductive state known as gamergate. Here we functionally characterize a subfamily of odorant receptors (Ors) with a nine-exon gene structure that have undergone a massive expansion in ants and other eusocial insects. We deorphanize 22 representative members and find they can detect cuticular hydrocarbons from different ant castes, with one (HsOr263) that responds strongly to gamergate extract and a candidate queen pheromone component. After systematic testing with a diverse panel of hydrocarbons, we find that most Harpegnathos saltator Ors are narrowly tuned, suggesting that several receptors must contribute to detection and discrimination of different cuticular hydrocarbons important in mediating eusocial behaviour.Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) mediate the interactions between individuals in eusocial insects, but the sensory receptors for CHCs are unclear. Here the authors show that in ants such as H. saltator, the 9-exon subfamily of odorant receptors (HsOrs) responds to CHCs, and ectopic expression of HsOrs in Drosophila neurons imparts responsiveness to CHCs

    Participacao crescente de produtos ultraprocessados na dieta brasileira (1987-2009)

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    OBJETIVO Estimar tendências temporais do consumo domiciliar de itens alimentícios no Brasil, levando em conta a extensão e o propósito do seu processamento industrial. MÉTODOS Os dados analisados são provenientes de Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares realizadas no Brasil em 1987-1988, 1995-1996, 2002-2003 e 2008-2009. Foram analisadas amostras probabilísticas dos domicílios das áreas metropolitanas em todos os períodos mencionados e, nas duas amostras mais recentes, a abrangência foi nacional. As unidades de análise foram registros de aquisições de agregados de domicílios. Os itens alimentícios foram divididos segundo extensão e propósito de seu processamento industrial em: alimentos in natura ou minimamente processados, ingredientes culinários processados e produtos alimentícios prontos para consumo, processados ou ultraprocessados. A quantidade adquirida de cada item foi convertida em energia. Estimaram-se a disponibilidade diária total per capita de calorias e a contribuição dos grupos de alimentos em cada pesquisa. Calcularam-se estimativas por quintos de renda para as pesquisas nacionais. Variações temporais foram testadas por teste de diferença de médias e modelos de regressão linear. RESULTADOS Houve aumento significativo da participação de produtos prontos para o consumo (de 23,0% para 27,8% das calorias), graças ao aumento no consumo de produtos ultraprocessados (de 20,8% para 25,4%) entre 2002-2003 e 2008-2009. Houve redução significativa na participação de alimentos e de ingredientes culinários nesse período. O aumento da participação de produtos ultraprocessados ocorreu em todos os estratos de renda. Observou-se aumento uniforme da participação calórica de produtos prontos para o consumo em áreas metropolitanas, novamente à custa de produtos ultraprocessados e acompanhada por reduções na participação de alimentos in natura ou minimamente processados quanto de ingredientes culinários. CONCLUSÕES Produtos ultraprocessados apresentam participação crescente na dieta brasileira, evidenciada desde a década de 1980 nas áreas metropolitanas e confirmada para todo o País na década de 2000.OBJETIVO Estimar tendencias temporales del consumo domiciliar de ítems alimenticios en Brasil, tomando en cuenta la extensión y el propósito del procesamiento industrial. MÉTODOS Los datos analizados provienen de la Investigación de Presupuestos Familiares realizada en Brasil en 1987-8, 1995-6, 2002-3 y 2008-9. Se analizaron muestras probabilísticas de los domicilios de las áreas metropolitanas en todos los períodos mencionados y, en las dos más recientes, la amplitud fue nacional. Las unidades de análisis fueron registros de adquisiciones de agregados de domicilios. Los ítems alimenticios fueron divididos según extensión y propósito del procesamiento industrial en: alimentos in natura o muy poco procesados, ingredientes culinarios procesados y productos alimenticios listos para consumo, procesados o ultra procesados. La cantidad adquirida de cada ítem fue convertida en energía. Se estimaron la disponibilidad diaria total per capita de calorías y la contribución de los grupos alimenticios en cada investigación. Se calcularon estimativas por quintos de renta para las investigaciones nacionales. Variaciones temporales fueron evaluadas usando la prueba de diferencia de medias y modelos de regresión linear. RESULTADOS Hubo aumento significativo de la participación de productos listos para el consumo (de 23,0% a 27,8% de las calorías), gracias al aumento en el consumo de productos ultra procesados (de 20,8% a 25,4%) entre 2002-3 y 2008-9. Hubo reducción significativa en la participación de alimentos y de ingredientes culinarios en ese período. El aumento de la participación de productos ultra procesados ocurrió en todos los estratos de renta. Se observó aumento uniforme en la participación calórica de productos listos para el consumo en áreas metropolitanas, nuevamente a costa de productos ultra procesados y acompañada por reducciones en la participación de alimentos in natura o muy poco procesados con respecto a los ingredientes culinarios. CONCLUSIONES Productos ultra procesados presentan participación creciente en la dieta brasileña, evidenciada desde la década de 1980 en las áreas metropolitanas, y confirmada para todo el País en la década de 2000.OBJECTIVE To establish temporal trends in household food and drink consumption in Brazil, taking into account the extent and purpose of its industrial processing. METHODS Data was obtained from Household Budget Surveys conducted in Brazil in 1987-1988, 1995-1996, 2002-2003 and 2008-2009. In all surveys, probabilistic samples of households in the metropolitan areas were studied and, for the last two surveys, the scope was national. The units of analysis were food purchases records of clusters of households. The purchased food items were divided according to the extent and purpose of their industrial processing into: ‘in natura’ or minimally processed foods, processed culinary ingredients and ready-to-consume, processed and ultra-processed food and drink products. The quantity of each item was converted into energy. For each survey, the daily availability of calories per capita and the caloric share of the food groups were estimated. For the national surveys, estimates were calculated by income quintiles. Temporal trends were assessed using linear regression models and difference of means tests. RESULTS The caloric share of ready-to-consume products significantly increased between 2002-2003 and 2008-2009 (from 23.0% to 27.8% of total calories), mainly because of the increase in the consumption of ultra-processed products (20.8% to 25.4%). In the same period, there was a significant reduction in the caloric share of foods and culinary ingredients. The increase in the ultra-processed products caloric share occurred across all income quintiles. There was an uniform increase in the caloric share of ready-to-consume products in the metropolitan areas, mostly in place of ultra-processed products, accompanied by a decrease in the share of ‘in natura’ or minimally processed foods and culinary ingredients. CONCLUSIONS The share of ultra-processed products significantly increased in the Brazilian diet, as seen in the metropolitan areas since the 1980s, and confirmed at a national level in the 2000s

    Perspetiva europeia de melhoramento e propagação de macieira em agricultura biológica no âmbito do projeto LIVESEED

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    A maçã é um dos frutos de maior destaque na fruticultura europeia. No entanto, a sua produção em Agricultura Biológica (AB) é um desafio constante, dada a problemática associada à proteção das culturas, num quadro de forte limitação à aplicação de produtos fitossanitários. Deste modo, torna-se necessária a produção de material vegetal melhor adaptado às condições edafoclimáticas e ao modo de produção biológica. O objetivo do LIVESEED é melhorar o desempenho e a sustentabilidade em AB, impulsionando os esforços de produção de diásporos e de melhoramento de plantas em modo de produção biológica

    Para a noção de transformação curricular

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    Neste artigo é evidenciada a relação entre currículo e conhecimento, abordando-se o conhecimento escolar na sua seleção, organização e transformação, a partir de uma revisão do conceito de transposição didática e da proposição dos conceitos de transformação curricular e transformação didática. Qualquer debate sobre o currículo exige a dilucidação do conhecimento e uma reflexão sobre os seus diversos significados, sobretudo quando a educação se torna num projeto amplo de questionamento da realidade social. Para além de várias questões colocadas acerca do conhecimento escolar e do modo como a sua organização pode ser realizada, procura-se centrar o debate numa reflexão sobre as fronteiras entre conhecimentos e esclarecer que, sobre essa temática, jamais poderão existir respostas fechadas.This article highlights the link between curriculum and knowledge, the approach of school knowledge’s selection, organization and transformation is based on a revision of the concept of didactic transposition and on the proposal of the concepts of curriculum and didactic transformation. Debates on curriculum demand an explanation and a reflection on the multiple meanings of knowledge mainly when education aims to be a broad project to contest social reality. It aims to focus the discussion on a reflection regarding the borders between knowledges and to show that in this subject there are never closed answers.Dans cet article est mis en évidence le rapport entre le curriculum et la connaissance, en abordant la connaissance scolaire dans sa sélection, son organisation et sa transformation à partir d’une révision du concept de transposition didactique et de la proposition des concepts de transformation du curriculum et de transformation didactique. Toute discussion sur le curriculum exige la dilucidation de la connaissance et une réflexion sur ses plusieurs signifiés, surtout quand l’éducation devient un projet plus large de mise en question de la réalité sociale. Au delà des plusieurs questions posées autour de la connaissance scolaire et de la manière comme son organisation peut être réalisée, on cherche á fixer le débat dans une réflexion sur les frontières entre connaissances et éclaircir que, sur cette thématique jamais ne pourront exister des réponses absolues.En este trabajo se pone en evidencia la relación entre el currículum y el conocimiento, abordándose el conocimiento escolar en su selección, organización y transformación desde una revisión del concepto de transposición didáctica y de la proposición de los conceptos de transformación curricular y transformación didáctica. Cualquier discusión sobre el currículum requiere la aclaración del conocimiento y una reflexión sobre sus diversos significados, especialmente cuando la educación se convierte en un proyecto más amplio de cuestionamiento de la realidad social. Además de varias preguntas sobre el conocimiento escolar y el modo en el que su organización puede tener lugar, se intenta centrar el debate en una reflexión sobre las fronteras entre conocimientos y aclarar que en esta temática jamás podrán existir respuestas cerradas.(undefined

    Modelling and simulating change in reforesting mountain landscapes using a social-ecological framework

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    Natural reforestation of European mountain landscapes raises major environmental and societal issues. With local stakeholders in the Pyrenees National Park area (France), we studied agricultural landscape colonisation by ash (Fraxinus excelsior) to enlighten its impacts on biodiversity and other landscape functions of importance for the valley socio-economics. The study comprised an integrated assessment of land-use and land-cover change (LUCC) since the 1950s, and a scenario analysis of alternative future policy. We combined knowledge and methods from landscape ecology, land change and agricultural sciences, and a set of coordinated field studies to capture interactions and feedback in the local landscape/land-use system. Our results elicited the hierarchically-nested relationships between social and ecological processes. Agricultural change played a preeminent role in the spatial and temporal patterns of LUCC. Landscape colonisation by ash at the parcel level of organisation was merely controlled by grassland management, and in fact depended on the farmer's land management at the whole-farm level. LUCC patterns at the landscape level depended to a great extent on interactions between farm household behaviours and the spatial arrangement of landholdings within the landscape mosaic. Our results stressed the need to represent the local SES function at a fine scale to adequately capture scenarios of change in landscape functions. These findings orientated our modelling choices in the building an agent-based model for LUCC simulation (SMASH - Spatialized Multi-Agent System of landscape colonization by ASH). We discuss our method and results with reference to topical issues in interdisciplinary research into the sustainability of multifunctional landscapes

    Effects of reducing processed culinary ingredients and ultra-processed foods in the Brazilian diet: a cardiovascular modelling study

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    AbstractObjectiveTo estimate the impact of reducing saturated fat, trans-fat, salt and added sugar from processed culinary ingredients and ultra-processed foods in the Brazilian diet on preventing cardiovascular deaths by 2030.DesignA modelling study.SettingData were obtained from the Brazilian Household Budget Survey 2008/2009. All food items purchased were categorized into food groups according to the NOVA classification. We estimated the energy and nutrient profile of foods then used the IMPACT Food Policy model to estimate the reduction in deaths from CVD up to 2030 in three scenarios. In Scenario A, we assumed that the intakes of saturated fat, trans-fat, salt and added sugar from ultra-processed foods and processed culinary ingredients were reduced by a quarter. In Scenario B, we assumed a reduction of 50 % of the same nutrients in ultra-processed foods and processed culinary ingredients. In Scenario C, we reduced the same nutrients in ultra-processed foods by 75 % and in processed culinary ingredients by 50 %.ResultsApproximately 390 400 CVD deaths might be expected in 2030 if current mortality patterns persist. Under Scenarios A, B and C, CVD mortality can be reduced by 5·5, 11·0 and 29·0 %, respectively. The main impact is on stroke with a reduction of approximately 6·0, 12·6 and 32·0 %, respectively.ConclusionsSubstantial potential exists for reducing the CVD burden through overall improvements of the Brazilian diet. This might require reducing the penetration of ultra-processed foods by means of regulatory policies, as well as improving the access to and promotion of fresh and minimally processed foods.</jats:sec