8 research outputs found

    Children’s Quantification with Every Over Time

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    This article looks closely at two types of errors children have been shown to make with universal quantification—Exhaustive Pairing (EP) errors and Underexhaustive errors—and asks whether they reflect the same underlying phenomenon. In a large-scale, longitudinal study, 140 children were tested 4 times from ages 4 to 7 on sentences involving the universal quantifier every. We find an interesting inverse relationship between EP errors and Underexhaustive errors over development: the point at which children stop making Underexhaustive errors is also when they begin making EP errors. Underexhaustive errors, common at early stages in our study, may be indicative of a non-adult, non-exhaustive semantics for every. EP errors, which emerge later, and remain frequent even at age 7, are progressive in nature and were also found with adults in a control study. Following recent developmental work (Drozd and van Loosbroek 2006; Smits 2010), we suggest that these errors do not signal lack of knowledge, but may stem from independent difficulties appropriately restricting the quantifier domain in the presence of a salient, but irrelevant, extra object

    Lead-Time Trajectory of CA19-9 as an Anchor Marker for Pancreatic Cancer Early Detection

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    Background & Aims There is substantial interest in liquid biopsy approaches for cancer early detection among subjects at risk, using multi-marker panels. CA19-9 is an established circulating biomarker for pancreatic cancer; however, its relevance for pancreatic cancer early detection or for monitoring subjects at risk has not been established. Methods CA19-9 levels were assessed in blinded sera from 175 subjects collected up to 5 years before diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and from 875 matched controls from the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial. For comparison of performance, CA19-9 was assayed in blinded independent sets of samples collected at diagnosis from 129 subjects with resectable pancreatic cancer and 275 controls (100 healthy subjects; 50 with chronic pancreatitis; and 125 with noncancerous pancreatic cysts). The complementary value of 2 additional protein markers, TIMP1 and LRG1, was determined. Results In the PLCO cohort, levels of CA19-9 increased exponentially starting at 2 years before diagnosis with sensitivities reaching 60% at 99% specificity within 0 to 6 months before diagnosis for all cases and 50% at 99% specificity for cases diagnosed with early-stage disease. Performance was comparable for distinguishing newly diagnosed cases with resectable pancreatic cancer from healthy controls (64% sensitivity at 99% specificity). Comparison of resectable pancreatic cancer cases to subjects with chronic pancreatitis yielded 46% sensitivity at 99% specificity and for subjects with noncancerous cysts, 30% sensitivity at 99% specificity. For prediagnostic cases below cutoff value for CA19-9, the combination with LRG1 and TIMP1 yielded an increment of 13.2% in sensitivity at 99% specificity ( P = .031) in identifying cases diagnosed within 1 year of blood collection. Conclusion CA19-9 can serve as an anchor marker for pancreatic cancer early detection applications