302 research outputs found

    Monitoring and modelling of membrane bioreactors for wastewater treatment incorporating 2D fluorescence spectroscopy

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica, Especialidade em Engenharia BioquímicaOs biorreactores de membranas (MBRs, ‘membrane bioreactors’) para o tratamento de águas residuais combinam o processo de lamas activadas com um passo de filtração para obtenção de um efluente limpo, livre de sólidos. Os MBRs representam uma tecnologia em expansão no tratamento de águas residuais sobretudo devido ao reduzido espaço que requerem e à elevada qualidade do efluente obtido. No entanto, a colmatação das membranas pode reduzir o desempenho do MBR. Por este motivo, no presente trabalho, pretendeu-se estudar a monitorização dos MBRs, com o objectivo de minimizar o número de parâmetros de monitorização necessários para descrever o desempenho do processo e obter uma monitorização em tempo real com recurso mínimo a técnicas laboratoriais demoradas. Para este fim, estudou-se a aplicabilidade da fluorescência bidimensional em meios biológicos complexos, tais como as lamas activadas utilizadas para o tratamento de águas residuais. A fluorescência bidimensional mostrou ser uma técnica abrangente, capaz de recolher informação relevante sobre o estado do sistema em tempo real. Devido à complexidade da informação contida nos espectros de fluorescência, usaram-se técnicas de estatística multivariada, tais como análise de componentes principais e projecção de estruturas latentes (PLS, ‘projection to latent structures’), para extrair a informação dos espectros e correlacioná-la com parâmetros de operação e de desempenho do MBR. O uso de modelos estatísticos permitiu a previsão de parâmetros chave para o desempenho do MBR usando somente dados de processo impostos ou facilmente adquiríveis em tempo real. Adicionalmente, a modelação estatística foi combinada com um modelo mecanístico, numa estrutura híbrida, de forma a melhorar a previsão mecanística. Este estudo demonstrou ser possível usar modelos PLS para incorporar dados de fluorescência obtidos em tempo real, de modo a melhorar a previsão mecanística sem requerer análises laboratoriais adicionais

    Competence development for the educational integration of digital resources

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    In previous research work [1] where we studied the conceptions of teacher training defended in six references of digital competences for teachers, we recognized that the integration of digital technologies in the context of learning has been attempted since the last decades of the twentieth century. In fact, the central axis of the references was based on the development of digital skills for pedagogical integration. Moreover, we also know that the innovative potential of digital technologies can have a relevant role in transforming and enriching pedagogy and we are also aware that considerable effort in teacher training/education has been centred on the pedagogical exploitation of ICT in learning contexts. Aiming to ensure innovation in pedagogical practices, concerns with continuous transformation of technology-based learning seem necessary. In addition, research also points to the need to improve conditions for teacher educators’ development with digital technology and professional digital competence [2]. In this context, the digital skills of teachers play a fundamental role in the students' learning process, but also in the development of skills related to critical thinking, innovation, collaboration, problem solving and others that are emerging, related to a society increasingly supported by artificial intelligence applications and services [3]. Training and professional development is something that must be continuously monitored in order to be able to react with the urgency necessary to fill any gap that may condition the preparation of students for the digital society. That bearing in mind, we designed a survey with the following objectives: (i) to verify and analyse the digital skills of Basic Education teachers in Portugal (1st to 3rd Cycles); (ii) to categorize the levels of teachers' digital competence; (iii) to assess the level of influence of digital competence in innovative learning practices in educational contexts. The survey was finished by 242 teachers who completed an online questionnaire asking for an individual self-evaluation of DigCompEdu [4] area 2 (digital resources) competencies: (i) selection; (ii) creation and modification; (iii) management, protection and sharing of ICT. Subjects were asked about their level of experience in the daily and professional use of ICT. As a first study that will serve as a basis for other more extensive studies in order to regularly monitor the evolution of Basic Education teachers’ pedagogical integration skills with ICT, provisional findings show that teachers seem to feel able to: (i) use advanced strategies and resources comprehensively; (ii) adapt digital resources to the learning context; (iii) use interactive resources strategically. In this paper, we aim to fully present the collected data as well as to share the analysis we will be conducting, bearing in mind that teachers who participated in the survey have shown high awareness of the importance of their continuous professional development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adolescent hope in the context of nursing care: a scoping review

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    Problem: Hope is a multidimensional concept with a multidisciplinary approach in different areas of health intervention. From the perspective of the discipline of nursing, the concept of hope in the adolescent has been defined. However, its characterization is not consensually established but is necessary for nurses to be able to plan interventions aimed at its promotion. This scoping review aims at mapping the existing knowledge about adolescent's hope in the context of nursing care and contributing to the improvement of nursing interventions.Eligibility criteria: The review was conducted using Joanna Biggs Institute methodology, and was conducted in Pubmed, Cinahl, Scielo, Ebscohost, Open Grey, Mednar, Worldwidescience, and Science Direct. Inclusion criteria included quantitative, qualitative, or mixed studies as well as systematic reviews and opinion articles, published in Portuguese or English, without publication date limitation, with “adolescents” as the population, “hope” as a concept, and “nursing” as context. Overall studies quality was quite high. The extraction of relevant information from each selected article was summarized in a table that is publicly available at Open Science Framework. Sample: A total of 1259 articles were identified by title and 1220 were excluded by abstract.25 empirical articles met the inclusion criteria. Results: The concept of hope in this population was associated with other concepts such as resilience or well-being. Nursing interventions increase hope with positive outcomes in healthy or with chronic/complex diseases adolescents. Conclusion: Hope is an essential component of nursing care for healthy, with chronic or complex disease adolescents with increased interest in the scientific community. Implications:This review recommends orientations for the nursing process with a central focus in address human responses, nursing interventions, and the results of those interventions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Os desvios das obras públicas em Portugal : reflexão sobre alguns dos seus determinantes

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    Mestrado em Ciências EmpresariaisNo âmbito do investimento público, tem-se observado ineficiências na estimação de custos em projetos, existindo a necessidade de melhorar a qualidade e eficiência dos recursos públicos. Este trabalho realiza uma análise econométrica para se estudar o comportamento de variáveis explicativas dos desvios em obras públicas. Quatro variáveis foram consideradas para explicar os desvios (quanto à dimensão do projeto, divisão dos projetos em subsectores, projetos referentes a anos eleitorais, e projetos concluídos após 2006, ano de mudança legislativa). A amostra consiste em 174 projetos públicos em Portugal, compreendidos entre 1999 e 2012, tendo sido obtidos através da recolha de dados nos relatórios de auditoria do Tribunal de Contas e da Inspeção Geral de Finanças. Foram submetidos os dados para a elaboração de modelos econométricos,com a avaliação de critérios quanto à homocedasticidade, independência dos resíduos, normalidade dos resíduos, ausência de multicolinariedade, validade do modelo e dos parâmetros. Com um nível de significância 5%, as variáveis que correspondem à dimensão de projetos, anos eleitorais e projetos concluídos após 2006 são significativas para explicar os desvios. Existe maior probabilidade de desvios em grandes projetos e que correspondem a anos eleitorais. A probabilidade de desvio diminui com os projetos concluídos a partir de 2006. A variável que corresponde a projetos divididos em subsectores não é significativa para o modelo econométrico e mostra um impacto contraditório com os dados observados. Conclui-se, portanto, que tem havido melhorias ao longo do tempo, mas que 8 em cada 10 projetos apresentam derrapagens de custos.Within the scope of public investment, inaccuracies in cost estimations for projects have been observed, identifying a need to improve the quality and efficiency of public resources. This paper conducts an econometric analysis, to study the behavior of independent variables within the deviations in public constructions. Four variables were considered to explain such deviations (as to the projects dimension, the division of subsectors of the projects, the relation of the projects with election years and concluded projects after 2006, year of legislative change). The sample consists of 174 public projects in Portugal, comprised between 1999 and 2012, having seen obtained through a collection of data from the audit reports of the Tribunal de Contas and the Inspeção Geral de Finanças. This data was submitted for the formulation of the econometric models, with the evaluations of the criteria as to the homocedasticity, the residual independence, the residual normality, the absence of multicollinearity, the validity of the model and its parameters. With a significance level of 5%, the variables corresponding to the project dimension, election years and projects after 2006 are significant for explaining the inaccuracies in cost estimation. There is a higher probability in deviations of large projects that correlate with election years. The probability decreases with the projects that were concluded past 2006. The variable, which corresponds to projects divided into subsections, is not significant for the econometric model and shows a contradictory impact on observed data. Therefore, it is concluded that over time there have been improvements, but that 8 in every 10 projects present cost overruns

    Interações ecológicas em populações sujeitas a stress ambiental

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    Moutoramento em BiologiaO zooplâncton, particularmente os cladóceros, são organismos de água doce importantes na regulação da produção primária dos ecossistemas de água doce. No entanto, também podem adaptar-se a condições salobras. Tendo em conta as previsões no âmbito das alterações climáticas, a intrusão salina pode ocorrer a par com a subida de temperatura. As populações de água doce podem ficar vulneráveis aos efeitos interativos da salinidade e da temperatura, de acordo com os seus limites de tolerância e capacidade de adaptação ao stress ambiental. Assim, a presente tese analisou as interações resultantes das alterações destes agentes de stress em populações de cladóceros de água doce. Primeiro, comparou-se a halotolerância de diferentes genótipos de Simocephalus vetulus provenientes de populações de água doce e de água salobra de modo a avaliar a existência de uma componente genética de resistência à salinidade. A sensibilidade aguda dos genótipos variou na mesma gama de concentrações; todavia, todos os genótipos da população salobra, exceto um, foram mais tolerantes do que os de água doce, em termos de tempo à imobilização. Contudo, não foi possível estabelecer uma relação entre a performance reprodutiva em condições salobras e o contexto ambiental de origem destes genótipos. Mais, estes ensaios mostraram que as populações de água doce têm potencial para tolerar incrementos de salinidade. Como tal, pode-se concluir que a seleção a que os genótipos estão sujeitos no seu local de origem foi mais fraca do que o esperado. Segundo, investigou-se a capacidade de aclimatação de Daphnia galeata à salinidade e temperatura, de modo a avaliar a halotolerância de Daphnia a duas temperaturas num cenário de aclimatação multigeracional. O objetivo foi compreender se a pré-adaptação ao stress ambiental (20ºC e 25ºC versus 0 g/L e 1 g/L de NaCl) influenciou posteriormente as respostas a estes agentes de stress. Verificou-se uma tendência para um aumento de sensibilidade ao NaCl, a temperaturas mais elevadas. No entanto, este efeito foi anulado após nove gerações, mas apenas quando os organismos foram aclimatados aos dois agentes de stress em simultâneo (salinidade e temperatura elevada). Terceiro, demonstrou-se experimentalmente que a salinidade interferiu com a competição interespecífica, alterando a composição das comunidades zooplanctónicas. Este conjunto de evidências permitiu-nos refletir nos múltiplos impactos de agentes de stress, particularmente os relacionados com as previsões de alterações climáticas. Em paralelo aos estudos de natureza experimental, e numa perspetiva de Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (EDS), importa também promover o desenvolvimento de competências necessárias à compreensão de mudanças ambientais globais (e.g., o impacto da salinidade e da temperatura) para implementar estratégias de mitigação e adaptação. Neste contexto, foi realizada uma atividade com estudantes do ensino secundário, que se tornou uma boa oportunidade para a sua aprendizagem e aquisição de competências de interpretação de dados experimentais, assim como de sensibilização para as questões ambientais.Zooplankton, namely cladocerans, are important regulators of primary production in freshwater ecosystems. However, these filter-feeders can also be found in brackish waters and can therefore adapt to this stressful condition. Bearing in mind climate change predictions, saline intrusion can occur in coastal freshwater systems, accompanied by increasing temperatures. Freshwater populations can thus become vulnerable to the interactive effect of salinity and temperature, framed within their tolerance limits and adaptation ability to environmental stress. Taking this into consideration, the present thesis aimed at addressing the complex interactions resulting from the challenge of these environmental stressors on freshwater cladoceran populations. First, the halotolerance of different Simocephalus vetulus genotypes from two freshwater and one brackish population (salinity 2.3) was explored. The goal was to determine whether there was a genetic component of salinity resistance. Clone acute sensitivity was comparable among populations. However, all brackish clones, except one, were more halotolerant than freshwater genotypes, in terms of survival time. Life history assays, carried out with extreme genotypes (from previous experiment) revealed no relationship between fitness and the original environmental context of genotypes. Also, these experiments showed that freshwater populations do have the potential to tolerate salinity increases. As such, we can conclude that the local selective pressure caused by salinity was weaker than expected. Second, the acclimation ability of Daphnia galeata to salinity and temperature was investigated in this study, by evaluating Daphnia’s sensitivity to salinity, at two different temperatures, along a multigenerational acclimation scenario. The objective was to understand whether pre-adaptation to environmental stress (20ºC and 25ºC versus 0 g/L and 1 g/L of added NaCl) influenced the response to the latter exposure to these stressors. A tendency towards the increase of sensitivity to NaCl was observed, at higher temperature. However, this temperature-dependent effect was nullified after nine generations, but only when animals had been acclimated to both stressors (salinity and higher temperature). Third, we experimentally demonstrated that salinity interfered with inter-specific competition, altering the community composition of zooplankton communities. This body of evidence allowed us to reflect on the impacts of multiple stressors, particularly those related to climate change predictions. In parallel with experimental studies, within the framework of Education for Sustainable Development, it is also important to promote the development of the necessary competences towards the comprehension of global environmental change (e.g. the impact of salinity and temperature), in order to implement adequate mitigation and adaptation strategies. Hence, an activity with secondary school students was conducted, providing a good opportunity towards learning and competence acquisition in the interpretation of experimental data, as well as increasing awareness towards environmental issues

    Experiência Profissionalizante na vertente de Farmácia Comunitária, Farmácia Hospitalar e Investigação

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    O presente documento encontra-se dividido em 3 capítulos que correspondem à vertente de investigação, vertente de farmácia hospitalar e vertente de farmácia comunitária. No capítulo I é realizada uma revisão crítica sobre a eficácia da mirtazapina no tratamento da dependência de substâncias, ansiedade e distúrbios relacionados, a fim de ser um guia prático para ajudar médicos, farmacêuticos bem como outros profissionais de saúde. A mirtazapina é um fármaco aprovado para o tratamento da depressão que demonstrou ter um início de ação mais rápido e maior eficácia do que os restantes antidepressivos. O seu mecanismo de ação difere dos demais antidepressivos, dado que é um potente antagonista dos recetores de serotonina 5-HT2 e 5-HT3 e dos recetores adrenérgicos a2 ao nível central, sem envolver a inibição do transportador de serotonina. Também bloqueia o recetor histaminérgico 1 e esta propriedade, conjuntamente com o antagonismo do recetor 5-HT2A, melhora o sono e torna-o mais restaurador, existindo ainda um aumento do apetite relacionado com o bloqueio do recetor 5-HT2C. Devido a esse mecanismo de ação, o uso da mirtazapina vai além de sua ação antidepressiva. De facto, é eficaz em subgrupos específicos de pacientes deprimidos, particularmente pacientes ansiosos e com depressão melancólica. No entanto, a gama de aplicações clinicamente úteis da mirtazapina inclui melhoria do sono, benefícios antieméticos, aumento do apetite e ganho de peso, e é eficaz no tratamento da depressão e ansiedade associadas à dependência do álcool, em pacientes idosos agitados e controlo da dor, entre outros. O farmacêutico é um profissional de saúde capaz de prestar cuidados de saúde diferenciados e de promover o uso responsável do medicamento. Deste modo ajuda a potenciar os ganhos na saúde o que leva a uma melhoria da qualidade de vida na população. Quer seja dentro ou fora de um hospital, o farmacêutico possui diferentes capacidades técnico-científicas que lhe permitem atuar em várias áreas. No capítulo II são descritas as atividades desenvolvidas, relacionadas com farmácia hospitalar, no Centro Hospitalar Tondela-Viseu E.P.E. no distrito de Viseu, entre 22 de janeiro e 8 de março de 2019. O capítulo III diz respeito ao estágio realizado em farmácia comunitária, na farmácia Oliveira, no distrito de Viseu, entre 11 de março e 2 de junho de 2019.The present dissertation represents the end of the Integrated Master's Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Beira Interior. The first chapter, which refers to the investigation section, consists in a bibliographic review about the use of mirtazapine, namely in drug of abuse dependence (Chapter I). A professional report regarding the internship on the hospital and community pharmacy are the chapter II and III, respectively. This chapter will aim to perform a critical review about the efficacy of mirtazapine in the treatment of substance dependence and anxiety and related disorders in order to be a practical guide to help clinicians, pharmacists and other healthcare workers as well. Mirtazapine is an approved drug for the treatment of depression that has been shown to have a faster onset of action and greater effectiveness than various other antidepressants. Its mechanism of action is distinctive, as it is a potent antagonist of 5-HT2 and 5-HT3 receptors of serotonin, and a2 adrenergic receptors at the central level, without involving the inhibition of the serotonin transporter. It also blocks the histamine receptor 1, and this property together with the antagonism of the 5-HT2A receptor can improve sleep and make it restorative, as well as increase appetite in conjunction with the blockage of the 5-HT2C receptor. Due to this mechanism of action, the use of mirtazapine goes beyond its antidepressant action. Indeed, it is effective in subgroups of depressed patients, particularly anxious patients and those with melancholic depression. However, the range of clinically useful applications of mirtazapine includes improved sleep, antiemetic benefits, improved appetite, and weight gain, and it is effective in dealing with depression and anxiety associated to alcohol dependence, agitated elderly patients and pain management, among others. The pharmacist is a health professional capable of providing differentiated health care and promoting the responsible use of the medication. In this way, it helps to boost health gains, which leads to an improvement in the quality of life in the population. Whether inside or outside a hospital, the pharmacist has different technical and scientific skills that allow him to work in several areas. Chapter II describes the activities developed, related to hospital pharmacy, at the Centro Hospitalar Tondela-Viseu E.P.E. in Viseu, between January 22 and March 8, 2019. Chapter III concerns the internship carried out in community pharmacy, at Oliveira pharmacy, in Viseu, between March 11 and June 2, 2019

    El pensamiento computacional en los marcos de competencia digital docente

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    Several western countries have introduced educational policies to keep up with needs and demands of the digital society. Digital competence frameworks, particularly for the teaching profession, may fit into this context, which also includes the development of computational thinking, a competency construct that many consider necessary for the empowerment of citizens. The analysis of the approach to computational thinking in these references provides information on competences that need to be contextualised in the framing of the concept, to ensure conditions for its integration in the educational environment. This analysis is the aim of this study, focusing on four frameworks guiding teacher education policies: Standards of ICT competence for teachers (UNESCO), Common Framework for Teaching Digital Competence (INTEF, Spain), European framework for the digital competence of educators: DigCompEdu (EU) and ISTE Standards for Educators: A Guide for Teachers and Other Professionals (ISTE, USA). Content analysis was used as methodology. Results show that there is no consensus on the definition of computational thinking, although the frameworks, implicitly or explicitly, recognize the importance of integrating computational thinking in teaching practice. However, there is no evidence of methodological guidelines for the operationalization of digital teaching skills that can ensure the promotion of computational thinking.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A participação dos Pais/Encarregados de Educação na escola pública do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico: interseções teóricas e empíricas

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    O presente Relatório Final de Estágio surge no âmbito da unidade curricular de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES) que integra o plano de estudos do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB) e Matemática e Ciências Naturais no 2.º CEB. Este é constituído por duas partes, sendo que a primeira contempla a caraterização dos contextos e a análise e reflexão crítica das práticas de ensino ao longo do 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico. A segunda parte destina-se ao trabalho de investigação empírica de modo a compreender qual a relevância da participação dos pais para o sucesso escolar dos alunos. A primeira parte do trabalho resultou no culminar do percurso trilhado ao longo das nossas intervenções, das experiências e vivências daí adquiridas, das planificações de aulas elaboradas semanalmente e ainda das reflexões realizadas colaborativamente com os supervisores e orientadores cooperantes, que constituem, no nosso entendimento, um ponto crucial de todo este trajeto. A segunda parte contempla o enquadramento teórico e o quadro teórico metodológico evocando, sempre que possível e necessário, autores de referência da presente temática. Começamos por abordar a relação educativa na perspetiva de contrato social, no que concerne às possíveis relações estabelecidas entre a escola e a sociedade, às influências dos modelos culturais e da estrutura social. Fazemos ainda referência ao papel dos pais, dos professores e dos alunos na vida escolar e às conceções e fatores de (in)sucesso escolar. Do ponto de vista teórico metodológico, o trabalho insere-se num modelo de investigação empírica enquadrado no paradigma quantitativo. Os pais e os professores surgem como principais participantes, aos quais optámos por administrar inquéritos por questionário de modo a responder à questão central da nossa investigação. Os dados obtidos permitiram concluir que ambos os intervenientes educativos reconhecem a relevância da participação dos pais para o sucesso escolar dos alunos. Os professores pertencentes ao agrupamento garantem que adotam estratégias de modo a aproximar os pais da escola. Também os pais afirmam ter conhecimento de estratégias de envolvimento parental propostos pela escola e de formas de colaborar em casa com os seus filhos. Contudo, continuamos a ter pais que não participam na vida escolar dos seus filhos. A incompatibilidade de horário e o desinteresse foram apontados, por ambos, como os principais condicionalismos à participação dos pais.This Final Internship Report is part of the Supervised Teaching Practice unit that integrates the Master’s program in the First Cycle of Basic Education and Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Second Cycle of Basic Education. It consists of two parts, the first of which contemplates the characterization of contexts and analysis and critical reflection of teaching practices throughout the first and second Cycle of Basic Education. The second part is devoted to the work of empirical research in order to understand the relevance of parental participation for the student’s school success. The first part of the work resulted in the culmination of the journey through our interventions, the experience and perceptions acquired therefrom, the weekly lesson plans and the reflections carried out collaboratively with the tutors and co-workers, who, in our opinion, a crucial point of this whole journey. The second part contemplates the theoretical methodological framework evoking, whenever possible and necessary, authors of reference of the present theme. We begin by approaching the educational relationship in the perspective of social contract, regarding the possible relations established between school and society, the influences of cultural models and social structure. We also refer to the role of parents, teachers and students in school life and conceptions and factors of school success or failure. From the theoretical and methodological point of view, the work is part of a model of empirical research framed in the quantitative paradigm. The parents and the teachers appear as the main participants, to whom we chose to administer questionnaires in order to answer the central question of our investigation. The data obtained allow us to conclude that both educational stakeholders recognize the revelation of parental participation for the students ‘school success. The teachers belonging to the grouping ensure that they adopt strategies in order to bring the parents closer to the school. The parents also claim to have knowledge of parental involvement strategies proposed by the school and ways to collaborate at home with their children. However, we continued to have parents who do not participate in the school life of their children. The incompatibility of schedule and disinterest were pointed out, by both, as the main constraints to parental participation

    Equity in healthcare accessibility: a purpose of urbanity

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    The study-area of the present study is the local council of Coimbra, located in the center of Mainland Portugal. It is intended to demonstrate how GIS tools provide an adequate framework in the process of spatial reorganization of the Health centres system/network in the local council of Coimbra. More precisely, it is intended to: i) analyze the characteristics of supply within the existing health units; ii) quantify and understand the differences between potential, expressed and effective demand; iii) adjust the location of HCs in order to answer the needs of resident population and individuals actually registered in the health units; iv) build analytical mathematical models which quantify gains in terms of geographical accessibility, paying particular attention to soft and public means of transportation.Peer Reviewe