888 research outputs found

    "Полицейское право" свободного города Краков в 1815-1846 годах

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    The aim of the article is to describe, on the one hand, the police authorities and, on the other hand, to present the tasks and competences implemented by these authorities in the field of public order and security in the Free City of Cracow (1815-1846). The legal bases defining the broad spectrum of police tasks were mentioned. These included the fight against begging, vagrancy, passport policy, population registration, protection of con-sumer interests and rights, building, sanitary and fire safety, maintenance of peace, cleanliness and order in Cracow and the fight against crime. Attention was also drawn to the reasons for issuing such rules of legal relations. In conclusion, the common features of "police law" acts and the meaning of the word "police" used in the Free City of Cracow were pointed out. The article was written using a formal-dogmatic method and a chron-ological-subject structure. It is the first and so far, the only scientific study presenting legal regulations concerning the title subject.Celem artykułu jest scharakteryzowanie z jednej strony organów policyjnych, z drugiej zaś przedstawienie zadań i kompetencji realizowanych przez te organy w sferze porządku i bezpieczeństwa publicznego w Wolnym Mieście Krakowie (1815-1846). Wymieniono podstawy prawne określające szerokie spektrum zadań policji. Dotyczyły one zwalczania żebractwa, włóczęgostwa, polityki paszportowej, ewidencji ludności, ochrony interesów i praw konsumentów, dbania o bezpieczeństwo budowlane, sanitarne, przeciwpożarowe, o utrzymanie spokoju, czystości i porządku w Krakowie oraz zwalczania przestępczości. Zwrócono też uwagę na przyczyny wydawania takich regulacji prawnych. W podsumowaniu wskazano na wspólne cechy aktów „prawo policyjnego” oraz znaczenie słowa „policja” używanego w Wolnym Mieście Krakowie. Artykuł został napisany przy zastosowaniu metody formalno-dogmatycznej oraz konstrukcji chronologiczno-rzeczowej. Jest to pierwsze i jak dotąd jedyne opracowanie naukowe przedstawiające regulacje prawne dotyczące tytułowego zagadnienia.Цель статьи - описать, с одной стороны, органы полиции, а с другой стороны - представить задачи и компетенции, осуществляемые этими органами в области общественного порядка и безопасности в Свободном городе Кракове (1815 -1846 гг.). Были упомянуты правовые основы, определяющие широкий спектр полицейских задач. К ним относятся: борьба с попрошайничеством, бродяжничеством, паспортная политика, регистрация населения, защита интересов и прав потребителей, строительство, санитарная и пожарная безопасность, поддержание мира, чистоты и порядка в Кракове, а также борьба с преступностью. Кроме того, было уделено внимание причинам возникновения таких правовых норм. В заключение были указаны общие черты «полицейского права» и определен смысл слова «полиция», используемого в Свободном городе Кракове. Статья была написана с использованием формально-догматического метода и предметно-хронологической структуры. Это первое и пока единственное научное исследование правовых норм, охваченных проблематикой данной статьи

    The Picture of Misery in a Wedding Song – Dracontius’ Epithalamia as an Example of His Innovation

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    In this paper I examine Dracontius’ distinctiveness from other Latin and Greek poets writing epithalamia. He is not just another author of original wedding songs but surprises in many ways and can be found unusual even exploring a genre that did not have one well-defined model. To prove his unconventionality and uniqueness I firstly give a detailed analysis of both wedding songs by Dracontius I demonstrate the poet’s dependence upon earlier literature, explain the metaphors he used and discuss his reinterpretations of different themes introduced already by the poets before him. Then I add all my conclusions concerning Dracontius’ originality in comparison with his predecessors

    Present-day changes in the morphology of the shore zone in the conditions of heavy tourist use: the case of Lake Czarne (upper Parsęta catchment)

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    So far, works on the effect of tourist use on relief have usually focused on mountain areas. Research confirms that changes in montane geoecosystems are not always a natural manifestation of landscape evolution, but often result from poorer resistance to degradation caused by heavy tourist traffic. In spite of a great number of studies concerning this problem, few address the effect of tourists on the geographical environment of lakeland areas. Hence, Lake Czarne was selected to determine the dynamics of morphogenetic changes in its shore area, especially in the scarp zone, with the help of geodetic surveys and studies of tourist capacity conducted in the years 2006–2009. On the basis of observations and the research, four stages in the evolution of the shore zone of Lake Czarne were distinguished that were correlated with specific meteorological and hydrological conditions affecting the number of recreationists on the beach

    Trichotomy and bounded solutions of nonlinear differential equations

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    summary:The existence of bounded solutions for equations x=A(t)x+f(t,x)x'=A(t)x+f(t,x) in Banach spaces is proved. We assume that the linear part is trichotomic and the perturbation ff satisfies some conditions expressed in terms of measures of noncompactness

    Precalibre pairs of measure algebras

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    AbstractWe consider Radon measures μ and pairs (κ,λ) of cardinals such that among every κ many positive measure sets there are λ many whose intersection is nonempty. Such families are connected with the cardinal invariants of the ideal of μ-null sets and have found applications in various subjects of topological measure theory. We survey many of such connections and applications and give some new ones. In particular we show that it is consistent to have a Corson compact space carrying a Radon measure of type c>ℵ1 and we partially answer a question of Haydon about measure precalibres

    Znaczenie funduszy Unii Europejskiej w finansowaniu zadań gminy na przykładzie gmin województwa podkarpackiego

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    Communities are the beneficiaries of the union funds within the framework of particular aims, priorities and programmes. The character of development policy pursued by self-governments still makes use of appearing possibilities in insignificant degree. It is necessary to innovate the local financial management policy and indicate the targets and tools ensuring their realisation. The ability of gaining financial means from all possible resources, especially in the field of technical and social infrastructure, environmental protection and fighting unemployment decides about development of the community