11 research outputs found

    Blood-brain barrier-associated pericytes internalize and clear aggregated amyloid-β42 by LRP1-dependent apolipoprotein E isoform-specific mechanism

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    Table S1. Demographic and clinical features of human subjects used in this study. Figure S1. Aβ deposition in microvessels in AD patients and APPSw/0 mice. Figure S2. Biochemical analysis of Aβ42 aggregates. Figure S3. Cy3-Aβ42 cellular uptake in wild type mouse brain slices within 30 min. Figure S4. Pericyte coverages in Lrp1lox/lox and Lrp1lox/lox; Cspg4-Cre mice. Figure S5.. LRP1 and apoE suppression with siRNA. (DOCX 1454 kb


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    EnglishEvanta (Galipea longiflora) is a medicinal specie used as antiparasitic agent by the Tacana Amazonian community. The total alkaloids of this plant have showed interesting results in clinical studies for the treatment of cutaneous Leishmaniasis. During the alkaloids isolation and purification processes, chlorophylls, together with non-useful fractions, are eliminated. Chlorophylls represent an important natural source of porphyrins, which have huge potential applications in many fields (materials, catalysis, nanotechnology, diagnostic and photo- and sono-dynamic therapy). They also possess biological and pharmacological activity (antitumoral, antioxidant and antifungal properties). This work is aimed to isolate, purify and characterize chlorophylls contained in evanta leaves.Italiano L’evanta (Galipea longiflora) è una specie medicinale utilizzata come agente antiparassitario dalla comunità amazzonica tacana. Gli alcaloidi di questa pianta hanno mostrato risultati interessanti negli studi clinici per il trattamento della leishmaniosi cutanea. Durante i processi di isolamento e purificazione degli alcaloidi, le clorofille, insieme alle frazioni non utili, vengono eliminate. Le clorofille potrebbero costituire un'importante fonte naturale di porfirine, le quali hanno potenziali applicazioni in molti campi (materiali, catalisi, nanotecnologie, diagnostica e terapia foto- e sono-dinamica). Posseggono inoltre attività biologica e farmacologica (antitumorali, antiossidanti e antifungini). Questo lavoro è volto ad isolare, purificare e caratterizzare le clorofille presenti nelle foglie di evanta

    Wind speed and mesoscale features drive net autotrophy in the South Atlantic Ocean

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordA comprehensive in situ dataset of chlorophyll a (Chl a; N = 18,001), net primary production (NPP; N = 165) and net community production (NCP; N = 95), were used to evaluate the performance of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer on Aqua (MODIS-A) algorithms for these parameters, in the South Atlantic Ocean, to facilitate the accurate generation of satellite NCP time series. For Chl a, five algorithms were tested using MODIS-A data, and OC3-CI performed best, which was subsequently used to compute NPP. Of three NPP algorithms tested, a Wavelength Resolved Model (WRM) was the most accurate, and was therefore used to estimate NCP with an empirical relationship between NCP with NPP and sea surface temperature (SST). A perturbation analysis was deployed to quantify the range of uncertainties introduced in satellite NCP from input parameters. The largest reductions in the uncertainty of satellite NCP came from MODIS-A derived NPP using the WRM (40%) and MODIS-A Chl a using OC3-CI (22%). The most accurate NCP algorithm, was used to generate a 16 year time series (2002 to 2018) from MODIS-A to assess climate and environmental drivers of NCP across the South Atlantic basin. Positive correlations between wind speed anomalies and NCP anomalies were observed in the central South Atlantic Gyre (SATL), and the Benguela Upwelling (BENG), indicating that autotrophic conditions may be fuelled by local wind-induced nutrient inputs to the mixed layer. Sea Level Height Anomalies (SLHA), used as an indicator of mesoscale eddies, were negatively correlated with NCP anomalies offshore of the BENG upwelling fronts into the SATL, suggesting autotrophic conditions are driven by mesoscale features. The Agulhas bank and Brazil-Malvinas confluence regions also had a strong negative correlation between SLHA and NCP anomalies, similarly indicating that NCP is forced by mesoscale eddy generation in this region. Positive correlations between SST anomalies and the Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI) in the SATL, indicated the influence of El Niño events on the South Atlantic Ocean, however the plankton community response was less clear.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)European Space Agency (ESA)P&D ANP/BRASOILOceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo (IOUSP

    Efecto del Intestino del Cerdo en la Coloración y Consistencia de la Mortadela Corriente

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    En la Facultad de Ciencias Pecuarias de la (ESPOCH), se evaluó diferentes niveles de intestino de cerdo 0, 5, 10, 15 y 20 por ciento en reenplazo de la carne de res en la elavoración de mortadela, utilizando 20 unidades experimentales de 20 kg de masa cada una, distribuidos bajo un Diseño completamente al azar, determinándose que la calidad nutritiva y organol éptica no se vió afectada estadísticamente, registrándose el contenido de humedad de 61.85 a 62.15 por ciento, la proteína 13.45 a 13.73 por ciento y la grasa de 13.25 a 13.68 por ciento el contenido de cenizas numéricamente se incrementó de acuerdo a los niveles de intestino de cerdo utilizado, presentando 3.38 por ciento el grupo control a 3.53 por ciento el nivel 20 por ciento. No se afectaron estadísticamente las caracteristicas de apariencia del producto, aroma y sabor, numéricamente se mejoró el color y la concistencia. Los análisis microbiológicos presentaron presencia de enterobacterias pero en cantidades inferiores hasta 20.000 UFC/g a los límites tolerables establecidos en la norma INEN 1347 50.000 UFC/g. Con el nivel 20 por ciento, se registró el menor costo de producción $ 1.54/kg y se alcanzó la mayor rentabilidad 43 por ciento, por lo que se recomienda emplear este nivel

    Impacto de la economía popular y solidaria en el sector cooperativo ecuatoriano

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    The popular and solidarity economic sector is organized in such a way that it includes the organizations of the Popular and Solidarity Economy (EPS) and the Popular and Solidarity Financial Sector (SFPS). The economy is the plurality of actors that make it up, including the cooperative, associative and community sectors. These institutions focus their activities on the basis of a relationship of solidarity, cooperation and reciprocity, placing the human being as the subject and purpose of all economic activity over profit, competition and capital accumulation. The cooperative is a society of legally constituted people who come together in order to solve common needs; They are self-managed associations, even in cooperatives the decision-making process and property ownership belong to all the associates in an equitable way. It differs from traditional organizations because instead of being private, it is collectively owned. This article describes and compares different literatures on the Impact of the popular and solidarity economy in the Ecuadorian cooperative sector. To do this, this information is collected from different bibliographic sources acquired from databases (SCOPUS, PubMed, Cochrane Library, Google Scholar), assessing the quality and veracity of the information collected, as well as the timeliness of the content. Talking about the impact of the popular and solidarity economy can have several nuances, if we analyze it in the aspect of stimulating the most disadvantaged sectors, of course it has had a positive impact, since when the Organic Law of Popular and Solidarity Economy was created (LOEPS ), paved the way for many Ecuadorians to dare to organize themselves in order to generate more income for them in a more organized way and in turn offer goods and services to society. In the cases of transport cooperatives mentioned in this research, it could be concluded that the popular and solidarity economy has had a positive impact on the sector, since the income of the members and consequently of their families has increased, as well as the investment for its own cooperative, and good financial management, thanks to the training plans of the Ecuadorian State for cooperative members.O setor econômico popular e solidário está organizado de tal forma que inclui as organizações da Economia Popular e Solidária (EPS) e do Setor Financeiro Popular e Solidário (SFPS). A economia é a pluralidade de atores que a compõem, incluindo os setores cooperativo, associativo e comunitário. Estas instituições concentram suas atividades na base de uma relação de solidariedade, cooperação e reci-procidade, colocando o ser humano como sujeito e objetivo de toda atividade econômica sobre o lucro, a concorrência e a acumulação de capital. A cooperativa é uma sociedade de pessoas legalmente constituídas que se reúnem para resolver necessidades comuns; são associações autogeridas, mesmo nas cooperativas o processo decisório e a propriedade pertencem a todos os associados de forma eqüitativa. Ela difere das organizações tradicionais porque, em vez de ser privada, ela é de propriedade coletiva. Este artigo descreve e compara diferentes literaturas sobre o Impacto da economia popular e solidária no setor cooperativo equatoriano. Para isso, estas infor-mações são coletadas de diferentes fontes bibliográficas adquiridas de bancos de dados (SCOPUS, PubMed, Cochrane Library, Google Scholar), avaliando a qualidade e a veracidade das informações coletadas, bem como a atualidade do conteúdo. Falar sobre o impacto da economia popular e solidária pode ter várias nuances, se a analisarmos no aspecto de estimular os setores mais desfavorecidos, claro que teve um impacto positivo, desde quando a Lei Orgânica de Economia Popular e Solidária (LOEPS ) foi criada, abriu o caminho para que muitos equatorianos ousassem se organizar para gerar mais renda para eles de forma mais organizada e, por sua vez, oferecer bens e serviços à sociedade. Nos casos das cooperativas de transporte mencionados nesta pesquisa, pode-se concluir que a economia popular e solidária teve um impacto positivo no setor, já que a renda dos membros e conseqüentemente de suas famílias aumentou, assim como o investimento para sua própria cooperativa, e uma boa gestão financeira, graças aos planos de treinamento do Estado equatoriano para os membros da cooperativa.El sector económico popular y solidario se encuentra organizado de tal forma que en el mismo se integran las organizaciones de la Economía Popular y Solidaria (EPS) y del Sector Financiero Popular y Solidario (SFPS).Entre las principales características que presenta en este sector de la economía es la pluralidad de actores que la conforman entre los que se encuentran el sector cooperativo, asociativo y comunitario. Estas instituciones centran sus actividades en base a una relación de solidaridad, cooperación y reciprocidad, ubicando al ser humano como sujeto y fin de toda actividad económica por sobre el lucro, la competencia y la acumulación de capital. La cooperativa es una sociedad de personas legalmente constituidas que se unen con la finalidad de resolver necesidades comunes; son asociaciones autogestionarias, incluso en las cooperativas el proceso de toma de decisiones y la propiedad de los bienes pertenecen a todos los asociados en forma equitativa. Se diferencia de las organizaciones tradicionales porque en lugar de ser privada, es de propiedad colectiva. El presente artículo describe y compara diferentes literaturas sobre Impacto de la economía popular y solidaria en el sector cooperativo Ecuatoriano. Para ello, se recolecta esta información de diferentes fuentes bibliográficas adquiridas de bases de datos (SCOPUS, PubMed, Biblioteca Cochrane, Google Scholar) valorando la calidad y veracidad de la información recopilada, así como la actualidad del contenido. Hablar del impacto de la economía popular y solidaria puede tener varios matices, si lo analizamos en el aspecto del estimulo a los sectores mas desfavorecidos, por supuesto que ha tenido un impacto positivo, ya que al crearse Ley Orgánica de Economía Popular y Solidaria (LOEPS), abrió el camino para que muchos Ecuatorianos se atrevieran a organizarse para poder de una forma mas organizada generar mayores ingresos para ellos y a su vez ofrecer productos de bienes y servicios a la sociedad. En los casos de cooperativas de transportes mencionados en esta investigación, se podría concluir que la economía popular y solidaria si ha tenido un impacto positivo en el sector, ya que los ingresos de los socios y por consiguiente de sus familiares ha aumentado, así como la inversión para su misma cooperativa, y el buen manejo financiero, gracias a los planes formativos del Estado Ecuatoriano para los socios de las cooperativas

    Regional development in Amazonas, Peru : science-society interactions for sustainability

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    Scientific-technological knowledge maintains the anthropocentric power-pattern and exploitive attitude with regard to nature, but sustainability science asks for an integration of territorial and decontextualized knowledge systems. Visual participatory methodologies involving diverse local stakeholder facilitate dialogue on environmental and sustainability issues. Inspired by visual ethnography and mediated discourse analysis, the present article uses semiological analysis to reconstruct the depicted narratives on the nature-society system in drawings representing "regional development". The drawings were elaborated in a series of participatory workshops involving university faculty and students, regional government and non-governmental organizations and farmers from local communities in the northern Amazonian region of Peru. The analysis reveals a prevailing anthropo and technology centered, "colonial" conception of the nature-society system, and a marginalization of alternative narratives. Beyond confirming the potential for visual participatory methods to enhance multi-stakeholder dialogue, it demonstrates how semiological analysis can be used to deepen an understanding of the cultural, organizational and technological constraints facing critical, trans-disciplinary efforts to decolonize the technology-centered, anthropocentric mainstream worldview of nature and society

    Pericyte loss leads to circulatory failure and pleiotrophin depletion causing neuron loss.

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    Pericytes are positioned between brain capillary endothelial cells, astrocytes and neurons. They degenerate in multiple neurological disorders. However, their role in the pathogenesis of these disorders remains debatable. Here we generate an inducible pericyte-specific Cre line and cross pericyte-specific Cre mice with iDTR mice carrying Cre-dependent human diphtheria toxin receptor. After pericyte ablation with diphtheria toxin, mice showed acute blood-brain barrier breakdown, severe loss of blood flow, and a rapid neuron loss that was associated with loss of pericyte-derived pleiotrophin (PTN), a neurotrophic growth factor. Intracerebroventricular PTN infusions prevented neuron loss in pericyte-ablated mice despite persistent circulatory changes. Silencing of pericyte-derived Ptn rendered neurons vulnerable to ischemic and excitotoxic injury. Our data demonstrate a rapid neurodegeneration cascade that links pericyte loss to acute circulatory collapse and loss of PTN neurotrophic support. These findings may have implications for the pathogenesis and treatment of neurological disorders that are associated with pericyte loss and/or neurovascular dysfunction