10 research outputs found

    Exploring bacterial pathogen community dynamics in freshwater beach sediments: A tale of two lakes

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154434/1/emi14860.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154434/2/emi14860_am.pd

    Biogeochemical Characterization of Metal Behavior from Novel Mussel Shell Bioreactor Sludge Residues

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    Acid mine drainage (AMD) remediation commonly produces byproducts which must be stored or utilized to reduce the risk of further contamination. A mussel shell bioreactor has been implemented at a coal mine in New Zealand, which is an effective remediation option, although an accumulated sludge layer decreased efficiency which was then removed and requires storage. To understand associated risks related to storage or use of the AMD sludge material, a laboratory mesocosm study investigated the physio-chemical and biological influence in two conditions: anoxic storage (burial deep within a waste rock dump) or exposure to oxic environments (use of sludge on the surface of the mine). Solid phase characterization by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and selective extraction was completed to compare two environmental conditions (oxic and anoxic) under biologically active and abiotic systems (achieved by gamma irradiation). Changes in microbial community structure were monitored using 16s rDNA amplification and next-generation sequencing. The results indicate that microbes in an oxic environment increase the formation of oxyhydroxides and acidic conditions increase metal mobility. In an oxic and circumneutral environment, the AMD sludge may be repurposed to act as an oxygen barrier for mine tailings or soil amendment. Anoxic conditions would likely promote the biomineralization of sulfide minerals in the AMD sludge by sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB), which were abundant in the system. The anoxic conditions reduced the risk of trace metals (Zn) associated with oxides, but increased Fe associated with organic material. In summary, fewer risks are associated with anoxic burial but repurposing in an oxic condition may be appropriate under favorable conditions

    Microcosm assessment of the biogeochemical development of sulfur and oxygen in oil sands fluid fine tailings

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    Bitumen recovery from Alberta oil sands generates fluid fine tailings, which are retained in tailings ponds where solids settle and release process water. The recovered water is recycled for bitumen extraction, while the resulting tailings are incorporated into various landforms for reclamation, with one option being conversion of tailings basins to viable end pit lakes. Tailings ponds commonly host diverse microbial communities, including SO4-reducing prokaryotes. The highly reducing nature of the hydrogen sulfide produced by these prokaryotes may impact the biogeochemical cycling of key nutrients. However, the behavioral dynamics of hydrogen sulfide production in ponds containing fluid fine tailings remain to be clearly explained. In this study, microcosms are used as analogues of the sediment–water interface of a tailings pond undergoing reclamation to determine sulfide generation patterns and the behavior of O2. In the microcosms, hydrogen sulfide fluxes correlated positively with biotic activity, reaching levels of over 2 × 103 nmol cm−2 s−1, leading to Fe sulfide formation. Depth-related hydrogen sulfide profiles in the microcosms were comparable to those encountered in situ, in Syncrude’s West In-Pit, an active tailing pond. Oxygen diffusion across the fluid fine tailing sediment–water interface was controlled to different degrees by both biotic and abiotic processes. The results have implications for quantitatively estimating the impact of hydrogen sulfide production, O2 availability, and biogeochemical cycling of key nutrients important for the success of life in fluid fine tailings-affected ecosystems. This paper shows that this production of hydrogen sulfide may be a self-limiting process, which will begin to decrease after a period of time

    Biogeochemical Characterization of Metal Behavior from Novel Mussel Shell Bioreactor Sludge Residues

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    Acid mine drainage (AMD) remediation commonly produces byproducts which must be stored or utilized to reduce the risk of further contamination. A mussel shell bioreactor has been implemented at a coal mine in New Zealand, which is an effective remediation option, although an accumulated sludge layer decreased efficiency which was then removed and requires storage. To understand associated risks related to storage or use of the AMD sludge material, a laboratory mesocosm study investigated the physio-chemical and biological influence in two conditions: anoxic storage (burial deep within a waste rock dump) or exposure to oxic environments (use of sludge on the surface of the mine). Solid phase characterization by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and selective extraction was completed to compare two environmental conditions (oxic and anoxic) under biologically active and abiotic systems (achieved by gamma irradiation). Changes in microbial community structure were monitored using 16s rDNA amplification and next-generation sequencing. The results indicate that microbes in an oxic environment increase the formation of oxyhydroxides and acidic conditions increase metal mobility. In an oxic and circumneutral environment, the AMD sludge may be repurposed to act as an oxygen barrier for mine tailings or soil amendment. Anoxic conditions would likely promote the biomineralization of sulfide minerals in the AMD sludge by sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB), which were abundant in the system. The anoxic conditions reduced the risk of trace metals (Zn) associated with oxides, but increased Fe associated with organic material. In summary, fewer risks are associated with anoxic burial but repurposing in an oxic condition may be appropriate under favorable conditions

    Reductive Dissolution of Tl(I)–Jarosite by <i>Shewanella putrefaciens</i>: Providing New Insights into Tl Biogeochemistry

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    Thallium (Tl) is emerging as a metal of concern in countries such as China due to its release during the natural weathering of Tl-bearing ore deposits and mining activities. Despite the high toxicity of Tl, few studies have examined the reductive dissolution of Tl mineral phases by microbial populations. In this study we examined the dissolution of synthetic Tl­(I)–jarosite, (H<sub>3</sub>O)<sub>0.29</sub>Tl<sub>0.71</sub>Fe<sub>2.74</sub>(SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub>(OH)<sub>5.22</sub>(H<sub>2</sub>O)<sub>0.78</sub>, by <i>Shewanella putrefaciens</i> CN32 using batch experiments under anaerobic circumneutral conditions. Fe­(II) concentrations were measured over time and showed Fe­(II) production (4.6 mM) in inoculated samples by 893 h not seen in mineral and dead cell controls. Release of aqueous Tl was enhanced in inoculated samples whereby maximum concentrations in inoculated and cell-free samples reached 3.2 and 2.1 mM, respectively, by termination of the experiment. Complementary batch Tl/<i>S. putrefaciens</i> sorption experiments were conducted under experimentally relevant pH (5 and 6.3) at a Tl concentration of 35 μM and did not show significant Tl accumulation by either live or dead cells. Therefore, in contrast to many metals such as Pb and Cd, <i>S. putrefaciens</i> does not represent a sink for Tl in the environment and Tl is readily released from Tl–jarosite during both abiotic and biotic dissolution

    Simultaneous Release of Fe and As during the Reductive Dissolution of Pb–As Jarosite by <i>Shewanella putrefaciens</i> CN32

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    Jarosites are produced during metallurgical processing, on oxidized sulfide deposits, and in acid mine drainage environments. Despite the environmental relevance of jarosites, few studies have examined their biogeochemical stability. This study demonstrates the simultaneous reduction of structural Fe­(III) and aqueous As­(V) during the dissolution of synthetic Pb–As jarosite (PbFe<sub>3</sub>(SO<sub>4</sub>,AsO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub>(OH)<sub>6</sub>) by <i>Shewanella putrefaciens</i> using batch experiments under anaerobic circumneutral conditions. Fe­(III) reduction occurred immediately in inoculated samples while As­(V) reduction was observed after 72 h. XANES spectra showed As­(III) (14.7%) in the solid phase at 168 h coincident with decreased aqueous As­(V). At 336 h, XANES spectra and aqueous speciation analysis demonstrated 20.2% and 3.0% of total As was present as As­(III) in the solid and aqueous phase, respectively. In contrast, 12.4% of total Fe was present as aqueous Fe­(II) and was below the detection limits of XANES in the solid phase. TEM-EDS analysis at 336 h showed secondary precipitates enriched in Fe and O with minor amounts of As and Pb. Based on experimental data and thermodynamic modeling, we suggest that structural Fe­(III) reduction was thermodynamically driven while aqueous As­(V) reduction was triggered by detoxification induced to offset the high As­(V) (328 μM) concentrations released during dissolution

    Averting an outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 in a university residence hall through wastewater surveillance

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    A wastewater surveillance program targeting a university residence hall was implemented during the spring semester 2021 as a proactive measure to avoid an outbreak of COVID-19 on campus. Over a period of 7 weeks from early February through late March 2021, wastewater originating from the residence hall was collected as grab samples 3 times per week. During this time, there was no detection of SARS-CoV-2 by reverse transcriptase quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) in the residence hall wastewater stream. Aiming to obtain a sample more representative of the residence hall community, a decision was made to use passive samplers beginning in late March onwards. Adopting a Moore swab approach, SARS-CoV-2 was detected in wastewater samples just 2 days after passive samplers were deployed. These samples also tested positive for the B.1.1.7 (Alpha) variant of concern (VOC) using RT-qPCR. The positive result triggered a public health case-finding response, including a mobile testing unit deployed to the residence hall the following day, with testing of nearly 200 students and staff, which identified two laboratory-confirmed cases of Alpha variant COVID-19. These individuals were relocated to a separate quarantine facility, averting an outbreak on campus. Aggregating wastewater and clinical data, the campus wastewater surveillance program has yielded the first estimates of fecal shedding rates of the Alpha VOC of SARS-CoV-2 in individuals from a nonclinical setting. IMPORTANCE Among early adopters of wastewater monitoring for SARS-CoV-2 have been colleges and universities throughout North America, many of whom are using this approach to monitor congregate living facilities for early evidence of COVID-19 infection as an integral component of campus screening programs. Yet, while there have been numerous examples where wastewater monitoring on a university campus has detected evidence for infection among community members, there are few examples where this monitoring triggered a public health response that may have averted an actual outbreak. This report details a wastewater-testing program targeting a residence hall on a university campus during spring 2021, when there was mounting concern globally over the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern, reported to be more transmissible than the wild-type Wuhan strain. In this communication, we present a clear example of how wastewater monitoring resulted in actionable responses by university administration and public health, which averted an outbreak of COVID-19 on a university campus