56 research outputs found

    A cloritização na Mina Uruguai, Minas do Camaquã, RS, Brasil

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    The area of Camaquã Mines is part of the camaquã basin, which has NE-NW directions and is filled out by silliciclastics sediments interbedded with volcanic rocks. Chlorite is the most abundant clay mineral in the area and appears in high amount in the halos of hydrothermal alteration present in the host's mineralization rocks. This work consists on the chlorite's petrologic, chemical and structural characterization, supplying important information on different processes and formation conditions of the hydrothermal environment. The following procedures were made: optical petrography, X-ray diffraction, difractograms modeling through the Reynolds Newmod© program, and scanning electron microscopy ( secondary electrons and microanalysis - EDS) in representative samples of the different identified hydrothermal alteration zones. Chlorites are present under three different tendencies: Chlorite I takes place with a pervasive aspect over the matrix rocks located near the mineralized veins; it is classified as Fe-chlinoclore, presents fraction ˂1 µm predominance of plytype IIb and a Mg2+  enrichment in the fraction of  ˂10 µm predominance of polytype Ib (90°) and Fetotal enrichment. Chlorite II occurs as veins filling out small fractures; it is classified as Chamosite and presents structural polytype IIb. Chlorite III occurs altering detrital minerals; it is classified as Mg-chamosite. The variation on the amount of Fe of the chlorites generated over the hydrothermal processes ( Chlorite I ˂10 µm and Chlorite II) indicates the occurrence of at least two pulses in the process of the hydrothermal alteration: one is responsible for the great matrix and clasts alternation and the other one for the generation of the late veins. The variation in the amount of Fetotal of the two different responsible fluids for the crystallization of the chlorites is was quite more enriched in iron than the early fluid that crystallized Chlorite I ˂10 µm.A região das Minas do Camaquã é a parte constituinte da Bacia do Camaquã, a qual possui direção NE-NW e é preenchida por sedimentos siliciclásticos intercalados com rochas vulcânicas. A clorita é o argilomineral mais abundante da área, ocorrendo em grande quantidade nos halos de alteração hidrotermal presentes nas rochas encaixantes nas mineralizações na Mina Uruguai. Este trabalho consiste na caracterização petrológica, química e estrutural das cloritas, que fornece importante informações sobre diferentes processos e condições de formação do ambiente hidrotermal. Para isso se realizou petrografia óptica, difratometria de raios X, modelamento dos difratogramas através do programa Reynolds Newmod © e  microscopia eletrônica de varredura (elétrons secundários e micro-análises por EDS) em amostras representativas de diferentes zonas de alteração hidrotermal identificadas. As cloritas se apresentam com três diferentes tendências: a Clorita I ocorre com aspecto pervasivo sobre matriz das rochas localizadas próximos aos filões mineralizados; é classificada como Fe-clinocloro, apresenta na fração ˂1 µm predominância do politipo IIb e um enriquecimento em Mg2+  e na fração ˂10 µm predominância do politipo Ib (90°) e enriquecimento em Fetotal .  A Clorita II ocorre com veios preenchendo pequenas fraturas; é classificada como Chamosita e apresenta politipo estrutural IIb. A Clorita III ocorre alterando minerais detríticos sendo classificada como Mg-Chamosita. A variação na quantidade de ferro das cloritas geradas por processos hidrotermais ( Clorita I ˂10 µm e Clorita II) fornece indícios da ocorrência de pelo menos dois pulsos no processo de alteração hidrotermal: um responsável pela intensa alteração da matriz e dos clastos das rochas e outro responsável pela geração de veios tardios. A variação na quantidade Fetotal  dos dois diferentes fluidos responsáveis pela cristalização das cloritas fica evidenciada pela associação de co-genecidade da Clorita II com a hematita, mostrando que o fluido final foi muito mais enriquecido em ferro que o fluido precoce cristalizou a Clorita I ˂10 µm

    Petrographic and geochemical characterization of the magmatic sequence of Seival Mine, Hilario Formation (Neoproterozoic Camaquã Basin), Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    A Mina do Seival é constituída por rochas vulcânicas e diques de composição andesítica e traqui-andesítica, dispostas em duas sequências. A sequência I inclui rochas piroclásticas e efusivas, e a sequência II é representada pelos diques de composição andesítica. Ambas são incluídas na Associação Shoshonítica de Lavras do Sul. Este magmatismo é relacionado ao estágio pós-colisional do ciclo Brasiliano/Pan-Africano, situando-se estratigraficamente no Alogrupo Bom Jardim, pertencendo à Formação Hilário na Bacia do Camaquã (Neoproterozoico). A área possui intensa alteração hidrotermal e mineralizações de Cu. A mineralização e o magmatismo da Sequência II são controlados por estruturas tectônicas orientadas segundo N/NE e NO, que são relacionadas à distensão regional no período pós-colisional da Orogênese Brasiliano/Pan-Africana. Processos hidrotermais em diferentes temperaturas atuaram sobre estas rochas originando produtos de alteração pervasiva, principalmente clorita, corrensita e esmectita, com veios preenchidos por quartzo, carbonato, barita e minerais de cobre. Em ambas as sequências encaixantes da Mina do Seival é possível identificar a afinidade shoshonítica das rochas. Os elevados teores de Cu, Zn e Ni nos diques em relação às rochas piroclásticas e às efusivas, mesmo nas mais hidrotermalizadas, sugerem que as principais ocorrências de mineralização de Cu têm origem magmática. Os dados químicos de rocha total indicam que o enriquecimento dos elementos componentes da mineralização, Ag, Au, Cu e Zn, está relacionado aos diques da Sequência II. Os teores de Au e Cu são mais elevados nas amostras com menores concentrações de carbonatos, sugerindo que a carbonatação não tem relação com a deposição dos minérios.The Seival Mine consists of andesitic volcanic and trachy-andesitic volcanic and hipabissal rocks grouped into two volcanic sequences. The Sequence I is composed of pyroclastic rocks and effusive rocks, and sequence II by andesite dikes. The area shows intense hydrothermal alteration and Cu mineralization. This magmatism is related to the post-collisional stage of the cycle Brasiliano/Pan-African, and it is stratigraphically positioned in the Bom Jardim Allogroup, Hilário Formation, which is part of the Neoproterozoic Camaquã Basin. Sequence II magmatism and mineralization are controlled by tectonic structures with N/NE and NW orientation, which are related to regional extension during the post-collisional stage of Brasiliano/Pan-African Orogeny. Processes involving different temperatures caused pervasive alteration products, with generation of chlorite, corrensite and smectite, with veins filled by quartz, carbonate, barite and copper minerals. In both sequences of Seival Mine is possible to identify the shoshonitic affinity of host sequences, as pointed out by geochemical data. The higher contents of Cu, Zn, and Ni in andesite dikes in relation to pyroclastic and effusive rocks, even in the hydrothermally altered types, suggest that the main Cu mineralizations have magmatic origin. The Au and Cu contents are higher in samples with lower carbonate concentrations, which suggests than carbonate alteration have no relation with ore deposition

    Estudo da evolução dos processos de alteração supergênica de rocha granítica - Granito Independência - Morro do IPA, Porto Alegre, RS

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    The rocks of the earth's surface are constantly exposed to the action of natural agents such as water, temperature variations, atmospheric gases and the action of living beings. Among the action of living beings, in the urban centers highlight the anthropogenic, which often ends up by degrading natural resources. In this context, understanding the processes of transformation of the rocks, you can understand the genesis and evolution of soils, and improve methods for their recovery. This study was conducted in a profile altered granitic rock located in the urban area of Porto Alegre, where eight samples were collected representing different levels, from rock to soil. The samples were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, by the powder method on whole rock and in the fraction <4 micrometers. The composition was determined by X-ray fluorescence. Fragments of the samples were observed by scanning electron microscopy (secondary electrons). Petrographic and mineralogical studies showed that there is little variation in the mineralogical composition of the vertical profiles, mainly composed of quartz, feldspar, and kaolinite, identified in all horizons, and illite/biotite, identified in saprolitic horizons. Analyzes whit secondary electron images allowed to identify even the presence of halloysite. The exudation of the iron plates of biotite observed in the optical microscope marking the beginning of supergene alteration in granite. X-ray fluorescence data show that the choice of the reference element property to check whether or not the enrichment of elements along the profile is very important since this paper was verified that Aluminum has a movable behavior probably associated with conditions soil acidity.As rochas da superfície terrestre estão permanentemente expostas à ação de agentes naturais, como a água, as variações de temperatura, os gases atmosféricos e a ação dos seres vivos. Dentre a ação dos seres vivos, nos centros urbanos destaca-se a ação antrópica, que por vezes acaba por degradar os recursos naturais. Nesse contexto, entender os processos de transformação das rochas, para que se possa compreender a gênese e evolução dos solos, e assim, aperfeiçoar métodos para sua recuperação, torna-se imprescindível. Este estudo foi desenvolvido em um perfil de alteração de rocha granítica localizado na área urbana de Porto Alegre, onde foram coletadas oito amostras representativas dos diferentes níveis, da rocha ao solo. As amostras foram analisadas por difratometria de raios X (DRX), pelo método do pó na rocha total e na fração < 4 μm. A composição química foi determinada por fluorescência de raios X (FRX). Fragmentos das amostras foram observados no microscópio eletrônico de varredura (elétrons secundários) e no microscópio ótico. Os estudos mineralógicos e petrográficos mostraram a existência de pequena variação composicional vertical no perfil, essencialmente composto por quartzo, feldspato alcalino e caolinita, identificados em todos os horizontes, e ilita/biotita identificadas nos horizontes saprolíticos. As análises através de imagens de elétrons secundários permitiram identificar ainda a presença de haloisita. A exsudação de ferro pelas lamelas da biotita observada no microscópio óptico marca o início da alteração supergênica no granito. Os dados de FRX mostram que a escolha do elemento imóvel de referência para verificar a existência ou não de enriquecimento dos elementos ao longo do perfil é muito importante, pois neste trabalho verificou-se que o alumínio tem um comportamento móvel, provavelmente associado às condições de acidez do solo

    Role of compressive tectonics on gas charging into the Ordovician sandstone reservoirs in the Sbaa, Algeria : constrained by fluid inclusions and mineralogical data

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    International audienceStructure- and tectonic-related gas migration into Ordovician sandstone reservoirs and its impact on diagenesis history were reconstructed in two fields in the Sbaa Basin, in SW Algeria. This was accomplished by petrographical observations, fluid inclusion microthermometry and stable isotope geochemistry on quartz, dickite and carbonate cements and veins. Two successive phases of quartz cementation (CQ1 and CQ2) occurred in the reservoirs. Two- phase aqueous inclusions show an increase in temperatures and salinities from the first CQ1 diagenetic phase toward CQ2 in both fields. Microthermometric data on gas inclusions in quartz veins reveal the presence of an average of 92 ± 5 mole% of CH4 considering a CH4-CO2 system, which is similar to the present-day gas composition in the reservoirs. The presence of primary methane inclusions in early quartz overgrowths and in quartz and calcite veins suggests that hydrocarbon migration into the reservoir occurred synchronically with early quartz cementation in the sandstones located near the contact with the Silurian gas source rock at 100-140°C during the Late Carboniferous period and the late Hercynian episode fracturing at temperatures between 117 and 185°C, which increased in the NW-direction of the basin. During the fracture filling, three main types of fluids were identified with different salinities and formation temperatures. A supplementary phase of higher fluid temperature (up to 226°C) recorded in late quartz, and calcite veins is related to a Jurassic thermal event. The occurrence of dickite cements close to the Silurian base near the main fault areas in both fields is mainly correlated with the sandstones where the early gas was charged. It implies that dickite precipitation is related to acidic influx. Late carbonate cements and veins (calcite - siderite - ankerite and strontianite) occurred at the same depths resulting from the same groundwater precipitation. The absence

    Intracontinental Miocene: Climate and paleolake volumes in the Forez Basin, France (Part I),

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    International audienceEuropean Tertiary sedimentary basins as the Forez Graben, France, are potential records of continental paleoclimates. The Forez Basin hosts deposited and precipitated sediments of Oligocene to Miocene age. Geochemical data of carbonates indicate strictly continental origin starting at Eocene-Oligocene with tropical to temperate climate conditions, then during the Middle Miocene a temperate continental climate prevails. Combining volume of calcite deposits and their geochemical data, volumes of large lakes and evaporation/inflow ratios were reconstructed. The Late Miocene in the Forez Graben has been affected by dissolution and secondary precipitation of calcite, barite, which is the result of wetter and colder climate conditions. These lake volume calculations represent the first estimation of large lakes volumes in Western Europe during the Miocene

    Reconstruction of groundwater flows and chemical water evolution in an amagmatic hydrothermal system (La Léchère, French Alps)

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    International audienceA detailed picture of the hydrogeochemistry of an alpine thermal area (La Léchère, French Alps) was drawn up from new and complete analyses of shallow and deep groundwater, including major and trace elements, gases, and stable (δ18O, δD, δ13C, δ34S) and radiogenic isotopes (14C), combined with data on the trace and stable isotope (δ18O, δ34S) contents of the aquifer rocks. Three different groundwater facies were recognized: (1) the shallow groundwater in the carbonate and crystalline rocks presents a poorly mineralized Ca–HCO3 facies; (2) the shallow groundwater from the evaporitic fault zone presents a mineralized Ca–Mg–SO4 facies; (3) and the deep thermal water presents a highly-mineralized Ca–Na–SO4 facies. The evolution from facies 2 to facies 3 is controlled by three phenomena: (i) the presence or absence of evaporitic deposits along the fault, which governs whether or not the water can interact with carbonates and dolomites, (ii) interactions with micaschists and Permo-Carboniferous rocks, which lead to Ca–Na exchanges and enrichment in some trace elements and gases (CO2, CH4 and H2S), and (iii) the long residence time (several thousand years) and high temperature (90 °C) of the thermal water