127 research outputs found

    Host specialization of parasitoids and their hyperparasitoids on a pair of syntopic aphid species

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    Parasitoids of herbivorous insects have frequently evolved specialized lineages exploiting hosts occurring on different plants. This study investigated whether host specialization is also observed when closely related parasitoids exploit herbivorous hosts sharing the same host plant. The question was addressed in economically relevant aphid parasitoids of the Lysiphlebus fabarum group. They exploit two aphid species (Aphis fabae cirsiiacanthoides and Brachycaudus cardui), co-occurring in mixed colonies (syntopy) on the spear thistle (Cirsium vulgare). Two morphologically distinguishable parasitoid lineages of the genus Lysiphlebus were observed and each showed virtually perfect host specialization on one of the two aphid species in this system. From A. f. cirsiiacanthoides, only females emerged that morphologically belonged to Lysiphlebus cardui, while males and females belonging to L. fabarum hatched from B. cardui. Microsatellite analyses indicated clear genetic differentiation of L. fabarum and L. cardui. L. cardui comprised only two distinct asexual lineages, one of which predominated throughout the area investigated. Population genetic analysis of sexual L. fabarum showed evidence for relatively strong spatial structuring and limited dispersal ability. Hyperparasitoids emerged from a large proportion of aphid mummies. One species, Pachyneuron aphidis, was significantly associated with B. cardui/L. fabarum mummies, indicating that host specialization may even extend to the trophic level above parasitoid

    Phylogeography and cryptic species structure of a locally adapted parasite in New Zealand

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    The phylogeographic patterns of many taxa on New Zealand's South Island are characterized by disjunct distributions that have been attributed to Pleistocene climatic cycles and the formation of the Southern Alps. Pleistocene glaciation has been implicated in shaping the contemporary genetic differentiation between populations of the aquatic snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum. We investigated whether similar phylogeographic patterns exist for the snail's locally adapted trematode parasite, Atriophallophorus winterbourni. We found evidence for a barrier to gene-flow in sympatry between cryptic, but ecologically divergent species. When focusing on the most common of these species, disjunct geographic distributions are found for mitochondrial lineages that diverged during the Pleistocene. The boundary between these distributions is found in the central part of the South Island and is reinforced by low cross-alpine migration. Further support for a vicariant origin of the phylogeographic pattern was found when assessing nuclear multilocus SNP data. Nuclear and mitochondrial population differentiation was concordant in pattern, except for populations in a potential secondary contact zone. Additionally, we found larger than expected differentiation between nuclear- and mitochondrial-based empirical Bayes F>sub>ST estimates (global FST: 0.02 vs. 0.39 for nuclear and mitochondrial data, respectively). Population subdivision is theoretically expected to be stronger for mitochondrial genomes due to a smaller effective population size, but the strong difference here, together with mitonuclear discordance in a putative contact zone, is potentially indicative of divergent gene flow of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes

    Bending the curve: Simple but massive conservation action leads to landscape-scale recovery of amphibians

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    Success stories are rare in conservation science, hindered also by the research-implementation gap, where scientific insights rarely inform practice and practical implementation is rarely evaluated scientifically. Amphibian population declines, driven by multiple stressors, are emblematic of the freshwater biodiversity crisis. Habitat creation is a straightforward conservation action that has been shown to locally benefit amphibians, as well as other taxa, but does it benefit entire amphibian communities at large spatial scales? Here, we evaluate a landscape-scale pond-construction program by fitting dynamic occupancy models to 20 y of monitoring data for 12 pond-breeding amphibian species in the Swiss state Aargau, a densely populated area of the Swiss lowlands with intensive land use. After decades of population declines, the number of occupied ponds increased statewide for 10 out of 12 species, while one species remained stable and one species further declined between 1999 and 2019. Despite regional differences, in 77% of all 43 regional metapopulations, the colonization and subsequent occupation of new ponds stabilized (14%) or increased (63%) metapopulation size. Likely mechanisms include increased habitat availability, restoration of habitat dynamics, and increased connectivity between ponds. Colonization probabilities reflected species-specific preferences for characteristics of ponds and their surroundings, which provides evidence-based information for future pond construction targeting specific species. The relatively simple but landscape-scale and persistent conservation action of constructing hundreds of new ponds halted declines and stabilized or increased the state-wide population size of all but one species, despite ongoing pressures from other stressors in a human-dominated landscape

    Lysiphlebus orientalis (Hymenoptera, Braconidae), a new invasive aphid parasitoid in Europe - evidence from molecular markers

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    We report the occurrence of Lysiphlebus orientalis in Serbia, an aphid parasitoid from the Far East that is new to Europe and has the potential to become invasive. Our finding based on morphological characters is confirmed by analyses of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I sequences. An increase in number and an expansion of the host range were observed during field studies over the past two years, and it is determined that the current host range encompasses nine aphid hosts on 12 different host plants, forming 13 tri-trophic associations. A host range determined for European populations of L. orientalis appears wider compared with that in its Far Eastern native habitats where Aphis glycines Mats. is the sole known host. Moreover, it overlaps considerably with the host ranges of European parasitoids that play an important role in the natural control of pest aphid

    Identification of Two Cryptic Species within the Praon abjectum Group (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) Using Molecular Markers and Geometric Morphometrics

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    The genus Praon represents a large group of aphid endoparasitoids and is exemplary for the problems encountered in their taxonomy because of a great variability of morphological characters. To investigate the intraspecific variability and to ascertain cryptic speciation within the Praon abjectum Haliday group, biotypes in association with the aphid hosts Aphis sambuci L., Longicaudus trirhodus Walker, and Rhopalosiphum spp. were examined. We combined molecular and geometric morphometric analyses, that is, partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I and nuclear 28SD2 genes and the shape of the forewing. Low variation of 28SD2 sequences confirmed the close relatedness of species from the genus Praon. Analysis of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I sequences however identified three separate taxa within the P. abjectum group with substantial genetic divergence. The biotype of P. abjectum associated with L. trirhodus differed from those associated with Rhopalosiphum sp. and A. sambuci by 5.4-6.5% and 7.7% sequence divergence, respectively, while the genetic distance between the latter two biotypes ranged from 9.5 to 10%. The main changes in the forewing shape that discriminate these three biotypes as revealed by geometric morphometrics are related to the stigma shape and the position of the radial nerve. Based on the differences determined in mitochondrial sequences and in the shape of the wing, we describe two new cryptic species within the P. abjectum group as follows: P. sambuci sp. n. in association with A. sambuci/S. nigra and P. longicaudus sp. n. in association with L. trirhodus/T. aquilegifoliu

    Parasite DNA detection in water samples enhances crayfish plague monitoring in asymptomatic invasive populations

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    Invasive species can facilitate the spread of pathogens by first providing asymptomatic host reservoirs, and then driving disease outbreaks in native populations through pathogen spillover. An example of this are invasive crayfish species in Europe (Faxonius limosus, Pacifastacus leniusculus, Procambarus clarkii), which carry the deadly plague agent (Aphanomyces astaci). Effective disease management requires comprehensive monitoring, however, pathogen detection in carrier populations with low pathogen prevalence and intensities is challenging. We simultaneously collected and analysed crayfish tissue samples of invasive crayfish populations and water samples to compare A. astaci detection in different sample types using quantitative PCR. Combined, the two sampling methods revealed A. astaci presence with DNA concentrations above limit of detection (LOD; the lowest concentration which can be detected with reasonable certainty) in 13 of 23 invasive crayfish populations. In four additional sites, A. astaci DNA concentrations below LOD were found in water. In four populations only were A. astaci concentrations above LOD detected in both sample types and in three populations in concentrations above LOD in tissue but below LOD in water. The likely reason for these discrepancies is the low A. astaci prevalence and concentration in resistant invasive crayfish, which limit detection reliability. Consistency may be improved by timing surveys with seasonal periods of high A. astaci abundance and by increasing water sampling effort. Considering the ease of collecting eDNA samples, compared to crayfish tissue sampling, eDNA methods would facilitate frequent and comprehensive surveys. However, remaining uncertainties in eDNA-based detection reveal the relevance of combining monitoring tools to improve detection of invasive pathogens and their management

    Genetic and morphological variation in sexual and asexual parasitoids of the genus Lysiphlebus - an apparent link between wing shape and reproductive mode

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    Background: Morphological divergence often increases with phylogenetic distance, thus making morphology taxonomically informative. However, transitions to asexual reproduction may complicate this relationship because asexual lineages capture and freeze parts of the phenotypic variation of the sexual populations from which they derive. Parasitoid wasps belonging to the genus Lysiphlebus Foerster (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) are composed of over 20 species that exploit over a hundred species of aphid hosts, including many important agricultural pests. Within Lysiphlebus, two genetically and morphologically well- defined species groups are recognised: the "fabarum" and the "testaceipes" groups. Yet within each group, sexual as well as asexual lineages occur, and in L. fabarum different morphs of unknown origin and status have been recognised. In this study, we selected a broad sample of specimens from the genus Lysiphlebus to explore the relationship between genetic divergence, reproductive mode and morphological variation in wing size and shape (quantified by geometric morphometrics). Results: The analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences revealed a clear separation between the "testaceipes" and "fabarum" groups of Lysiphlebus, as well as three well-defined phylogenetic lineages within the "fabarum" species group and two lineages within the "testaceipes" group. Divergence in wing shape was concordant with the deep split between the "testaceipes" and "fabarum" species groups, but within groups no clear association between genetic divergence and wing shape variation was observed. On the other hand, we found significant and consistent differences in the shape of the wing between sexual and asexual lineages, even when they were closely related. Conclusions: Mapping wing shape data onto an independently derived molecular phylogeny of Lysiphlebus revealed an association between genetic and morphological divergence only for the deepest phylogenetic split. In more recently diverged taxa, much of the variation in wing shape was explained by differences between sexual and asexual lineages, suggesting a mechanistic link between wing shape and reproductive mode in these parasitoid wasps

    Brain areas with normatively greater cerebral perfusion in early life may be more susceptible to beta amyloid deposition in late life

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    Background: The amyloid cascade hypothesis characterizes the stereotyped progression of pathological changes in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) beginning with beta amyloid deposition, but does not address the reasons for amyloid deposition. Brain areas with relatively higher neuronal activity, metabolic demand, and production of reactive oxygen species in earlier life may have higher beta amyloid deposition in later life. The aim of this study was to investigate early life patterns of perfusion and late life patterns of amyloid deposition to determine the extent to which normative cerebral perfusion predisposes specific regions to future beta amyloid deposition. Materials and Methods: One hundred twenty-eight healthy, older human subjects (age: 56–87 years old; 44% women) underwent positron emission tomography (PET) imaging with [ 11 C]PiB for measures of amyloid burden. Cerebral perfusion maps derived from 47 healthy younger adults (age: 22–49; 47%) who had undergone single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging, were averaged to create a normative template, repre- sentative of young, healthy adults. Perfusion and amyloid measures were investigated in 31 cortical regions from the Hammers atlas. We examined the spatial relationship between normative perfusion patterns and amyloid pathophysiology. Results: The pattern of increasing perfusion (temporal lobe < parietal lobe < frontal lobe < insula/cingulate gyrus < occipital lobe; F(4,26) = 7.8, p = 0.0003) in young, healthy adults was not exactly identical to but approximated the pattern of increasing amyloid burden (temporal lobe < occipital lobe < frontal lobe < parietal lobe < insula/cingulate gyrus; F(4,26) = 5.0, p = 0.004) in older adults. However, investigating subregions within cortical lobes provided consistent agreement between ranked normative perfusion patterns and expected Thal staging of amyloid progression in AD (Spearman r = 0.39, p = 0.03). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that brain areas with normatively greater perfusion may be more susceptible to amyloid deposition in later life, possibly due to higher metabolic demand, and associated levels of oxidative stress and inflammation
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