39 research outputs found

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    Weiterbildung - Kein Benachteiligtenprogramm: Verteilungsprinzipien in der öffentlichen Weiterbildungsfinanzierung 1949-2010

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    Öffentlich finanzierte Erwachsenenbildung hat nur selten zur Mehrung von Bildungsgerechtigkeit beigetragen. Oft genug profitierten jene, die ohnehin schon breit an Bildung und Beruf teilhatten. Dies zeigt der Autor in einem Durchgriff durch die deutsche Nachkriegsgeschichte der Weiterbildung, innerhalb derer er mehrere Konjunkturen der Mittelverteilung identifiziert. Zunächst adressierte die Erwachsenenbildung Bildungsbeflissene, bevor im Zuge der "realistischen Wende" sozialpolitisch motiviert das Lernen der Arbeitnehmer in den Blick geriet. Die Förderung durch die Arbeitsagentur wird auf der Folie bildungsökonomischen Nutzenkalküls vorgestellt. Dass sich kein Bundesrahmengesetz zur Weiterbildung durchsetzen konnte, wird im Blick auf die Gerechtigkeitsfrage als endgültiger Gestaltungsverzicht gewertet

    Blind Knowledge Distillation for Robust Image Classification

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    Optimizing neural networks with noisy labels is a challenging task, especially if the label set contains real-world noise. Networks tend to generalize to reasonable patterns in the early training stages and overfit to specific details of noisy samples in the latter ones. We introduce Blind Knowledge Distillation - a novel teacher-student approach for learning with noisy labels by masking the ground truth related teacher output to filter out potentially corrupted knowledge and to estimate the tipping point from generalizing to overfitting. Based on this, we enable the estimation of noise in the training data with Otsus algorithm. With this estimation, we train the network with a modified weighted cross-entropy loss function. We show in our experiments that Blind Knowledge Distillation detects overfitting effectively during training and improves the detection of clean and noisy labels on the recently published CIFAR-N dataset. Code is available at GitHub.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Submitted to the 1st Learning and Mining with Noisy Labels Challenge on IJCAI22, see http://competition.noisylabels.com/. Code is available https://github.com/TimoK93/blind_knowledge_distillatio

    The Karlsruhe temperature time series since 1779

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    This paper presents the long-term Karlsruhe temperature series re-digitized and reconstructed from handwritten manuscripts from 1779 to 1875 archived in various libraries. Despite great efforts, data from some periods remained missing in the manuscript departments so that the main Karlsruhe series remained partially fragmented. Combined with historic climate records available in the archive of German Weather Service (DWD), the entire series until 2008, when the official Karlsruhe station was relocated to Rheinstetten, is one of the longest climate series available for Germany. The series includes various observational parameters on a daily or even sub-daily basis converted into SI units or contemporary units. The focus of this paper is on the temperature series and presents some first statistical analyses to demonstrate the additional benefit of possessing unique long-term instrumental climate data on a sub-daily basis. The entire temperature series was homogenized with respect to consistent observation times and to an urban boundary site. It is shown that the width of the distribution function quantified from constructed daily maximum and minimum temperature has substantially broadened in the summer months, but not during winter or the entire year. The number of summer and hot days has substantially increased in the last 30–50 years, while the number of frost and ice days has decreased. Summer or hot days as well as heat waves were very rare before 1920, being unrepresentative of a period mainly unaffected by climate change. Singularities of the climate system, such as the (cold) Schafskälte in June or the (warm) Hundstage in July/August, are clearly shown in most periods. The (cold) Ice Saints in May, however, have a high frequency only in the coldest period between 1870 and 1960; they are hardly detectable in most of the preceding years. Temperature statistics show that the severity of late spring frosts has gradually increased during the entire record mainly as a result of later frost occurrences

    Palliative chemotherapy for pancreatic adenocarcinoma: a retrospective cohort analysis of efficacy and toxicity of the FOLFIRINOX regimen focusing on the older patient

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    Background: Pancreatic cancer occurs more frequently in older patients, but these are underrepresented in the phase III clinical studies that established the current treatment standards. This leads to uncertainty regarding the treatment of older patients with potentially toxic but active regimens like FOLFIRINOX. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of patients treated according to the FOLFIRINOX protocol at our institution between 2010 and 2014 with a focus on older patients. Results: Overall survival in our cohort was 10.2 months. Only 43% of patients did not need dose adaptations, but dose reductions did not lead to an inferior survival. We did not find evidence that patients aged 65 years and older deemed fit enough for palliative treatment had more toxicities or a worse outcome than younger patients. Conclusion: We conclude that treatment with the FOLFIRINOX protocol in patients with pancreatic cancer should not be withhold from patients solely based on their chronological age but rather be based on the patient’s performance status and comorbidities

    Linezolid Concentrations in Plasma and Subcutaneous Tissue are Reduced in Obese Patients, Resulting in a Higher Risk of Underdosing in Critically Ill Patients: A Controlled Clinical Pharmacokinetic Study

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    Background: Linezolid is used for the treatment of soft tissue infections in critically ill patients. However, data for characterizing the pharmacokinetics (PK) and assessing whether effective concentrations are reached at the target site are lacking. We hypothesized that current dosing regimens do not lead to effective concentrations in the plasma and interstitial fluid (ISF) of subcutaneous tissue in obese patients. Methods: As a controlled clinical model, critically ill obese and non-obese patients undergoing intra-abdominal surgery received 600 mg linezolid as a single infusion. Concentrations in the plasma and microdialysate from the ISF of subcutaneous tissue were determined up to 8 h after dosing. Pharmacokinetic analysis was performed by non-compartmental methods. As a therapeutic target, we used fAUC/MIC > 80. Results: Fifteen obese (BMI: 48.7 +/- 11.2 kg/m(2)) and 15 non-obese (23.9 +/- 2.1 kg/m(2)) patients were analyzed. AUC(0-8) in ISF decreased by -1.69 mg*h/L (95% CI: -2.59 to -0.79, p = 1 mg/L in ISF and >= 2 mg/L in plasma. Conclusions: Increasing the weight led to a decrease of linezolid concentrations in the plasma and subcutaneous tissue. The current dosing regimen does not seem to produce sufficient concentrations to kill bacteria with MIC >= 2 mg/L, especially as empirical antimicrobial therapy in critically ill obese patients

    Unscheduled DNA synthesis after partial UV irradiation of the cell nucleus

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    Cells of an euploid strain of the Chinese hamster synchronized in the G1 phase were microirradiated in the nucleus with a laser UV microbeam (λ = 257 nm) and pulse-labelled with [3H]thymidine. In autoradiographs of cells fixed immediately after the pulse unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) was found restricted to the microirradiated part of the nucleus. The rate of UDS varied with the UV energy applied and the post-irradiation incubation time. In other experiments chromosome preparations were established after an additional chase and a subsequent growth period. In 28 mitotic cells autoradiographic label was found concentrated on a few chromosomes which lay adjacent to each other in one part of the metaphase plate. The distribution of label on the chromosomes could clearly be distinguished from patterns which originate from semi-conservative DNA synthesis within S phase. The label on chromosomes of microirradiated cells thus represents UDS. Our findings support the following ideas on the arrangement of interphase chromosomes: (1) Decondensed interphase chromosomes may occupy rather compact territories. (2) Chromosomes do not necessarily exhibit a close and permanent association with their respective homologues


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    Rezension zu: 1) Arnold, Rolf; Gieseke, Wiltrud; Zeuner, Christine (Hrsg.): Bildungsberatung im Dialog. Bd. 1, Theorie - Empirie – Reflexion. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verl. Hohengehren 2009. ISBN 978-3-8340-0556-4. 2) Knoll, Jörg: Lern- und Bildungsberatung: professionell beraten in der Weiterbildung. Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verl. 2008. ISBN 978-3-7639-1956-7. 3) Schiersmann, Christiane; Bachmann, Miriam; Dauner, Alexander; Weber, Peter: Qualität und Professionalität in Bildungs- und Berufsberatung. Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verl. 2009. ISBN 978-3-7639-4200-8. 4) Alheit, Peter; Felden, Heide von (Hrsg.): Lebenslanges Lernen und erziehungswissenschaftliche Biographieforschung: Konzepte und Forschung im europäischen Diskurs. Wiesbaden: VS Verl. f. Sozialwissenschaften 2009. ISBN 978-3-531-15600-2. 5) Dehnbostel, Peter: Berufliche Weiterbildung - Grundlagen aus arbeitnehmerorientierter Sicht. Berlin: Ed. Sigma 2008. ISBN 978-3-89404-562-3. 6) Kortendieck, Georg; Summen, Frank (Hrsg.): Betriebswirtschaftliche Kompetenz in der Erwachsenenbildung. Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verl. 2008. ISBN 978-3-7639-3652-6. 7) Müller-Commichau, Wolfgang: Identitätslernen: jüdische Erwachsenenbildung in Deutschland vom Kaiserreich bis zur Berliner Republik. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verl. Hohengehren 2009. ISBN 978-3-8340-0583-0. 8) Müller-Ruckwitt, Anne: „Kompetenz“ - Bildungstheoretische Untersuchungen zu einem aktuellen Begriff. Würzburg: Ergon Verl. 2008. ISBN 978-3-89913-615-9. 9) Salman, Yvonne: Bildungseffekte durch Lernen im Arbeitsprozess: Verzahnung von Lern- und Arbeitsprozessen zwischen ökonomischer Verwertbarkeit und individueller Entfaltung am Beispiel des IT-Weiterbildungssystems. Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verl. 2009. ISBN 3-7639-1123-5. 10) Schmidt-Lauff, Sabine: Zeit für Bildung im Erwachsenenalter: interdisziplinäre und empirische Zugänge. Münster: Waxmann 2008. ISBN 978-3-8309-2020-5. 11) Strauch, Anne: Kompetenzbilanzierung im Betriebskontext - eine Fallstudie. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verl. Hohengehren 2008. ISBN 978-3-8340-0468-0. 12) Wolf, Frieder: Bildungsfinanzierung in Deutschland. Wiesbaden: VS Verl. f. Sozialwissenschaften 2008. ISBN 978-3-531-16055-9

    Human neutrophil kinetics: modeling of stable isotope labeling data supports short blood neutrophil half-lives.

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    Human neutrophils have traditionally been thought to have a short half-life in blood; estimates vary from 4-18 hours. This dogma was recently challenged by stable isotope labeling studies with heavy water which yielded estimates in excess of 3 days. To investigate this disparity we generated new stable isotope labeling data in healthy adult subjects using both heavy water (n=4) and deuterium-labeled glucose (n=9), a compound with more rapid labeling kinetics. To interpret results we developed a novel mechanistic model. We applied this model to both previously-published (n=5) and newly-generated data. We initially constrained the ratio of the blood neutrophil pool to the marrow precursor pool (R=0.26, from published values). Analysis of heavy water datasets yielded turnover rates consistent with a short blood half-life, but parameters, particularly marrow transit-time, were poorly-defined. Analysis of glucose-labeling data yielded more precise estimates of half-life, 0.79 ± 0.25 days (19 hours), and marrow transit-time, 5.80 ± 0.42 days. Substitution of this marrow transit-time in the heavy water analysis gave a better-defined blood half-life, 0.77 ± 0.14 days (18.5 hours), close to glucose-derived values. Allowing R to vary yielded a best-fit value, R=0.19. Reanalysis of the previously-published model and data also revealed the origin of their long estimates for neutrophil half-life, an implicit assumption that R is very large, which is physiologically untenable. We conclude that stable isotope labeling in healthy humans is consistent with a blood neutrophil half-life of less than one day