89 research outputs found

    Surface proteins of Finegoldia magna interacting with the human host

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    Finegoldia magna is a Gram-positive anaerobe and a member of the normal human microflora. This bacterium is also an opportunistic pathogen and isolated from ~10% of all anaerobic infections. Reoccurring taxonomical changes and the anaerobic growth have contributed to the neglect of F. magna. The present thesis describes the identification and characterization of two novel surface proteins of F. magna. One of the identified proteins, SufA, is a protease belonging to the subtilase family. This protease cleaves and inactivates the antimicrobial peptide LL-37 and the antibacterial chemokine MIG/CXCL9. Furthermore, the protease cleaves fibrinogen and thereby inhibits fibrin network formation. To our knowledge, the first example of directed mutagenesis of F. magna is presented with the disruption of the sufA gene. The other identified protein is FAF. This is a cell wall attached α-helical protein that forms hair-like projections on the bacterial surface. FAF is self-associating and contributes to bacterial clumping. FAF also mediates adhesion of the bacterium to basement membranes of human skin by interacting with BM-40. A further function of FAF is blocking of the activity of antimicrobial peptides. The genes encoding faf and sufA are present in a majority of investigated isolates indicating that the proteins have important functions. In conclusion, the findings presented in this thesis may help explain how F. magna colonizes the human host and causes opportunistic infections

    Coastal evolution at Macaneta spit, Mozambique - an analysis of longshore and cross-shore processes

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    Macaneta spit is located about 30km north of Maputo, Mozambique, with the Indian Ocean on the east side and IncomĂĄti River on the west side of the spit, composing an interesting and vulnerable area from a hydrodynamic point of view. Few studies regarding coastal processes are done in the area and changes of the morphology could result in breaching of the spit and thereby affect both accessibility to the spit and the water supply for irrigation in the region. This master thesis was conducted as a minor field study in collaboration between Lund University, Sweden, and Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique. The study investigates the coastal evolution of the Macaneta spit, with hope to provide an understanding of the hydrodynamic conditions present at Macaneta and thereby assist policy makers in setting up priorities and taking preventive measures to for example avoid breaching of the spit. The investigation includes field studies at Macaneta together with modeling of cross-shore and longshore processes for the period 2005-2015. Modeling wave propagation from offshore in EBED generated a local nearshore wave condition used as input to the cross-shore and the longshore simulations. Result from the simulations was analyzed together with historical images of Macaneta to quantify the risk of overwashing and breaching of the spit at critical sections along the spit. The result obtained indicates that there is a stable condition in the northern part of the spit, although overwash events seem to occur often. In the southern part of the spit an eastern migration is observed. Moreover, ongoing erosion at the narrow isthmus in this region can be seen from satellite images. Further studies of the area are highly recommended, in particular for coastal sections evidently more prone to the risk of breaching

    Perspektiv pÄ evidensbaserad praktik - En analys av debatten kring evidensbaserat socialt arbete i Sverige

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    The aim of this study was to examine and analyze the ongoing Swedish debate on the evidence- based practice (EBP), and thereby be able to present an idea of why the debate arose and continues. We used perspective analysis to analyze debate articles published in two of Swedens leading journals within the subject of social work, Socionomen and Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift. The articles where published between 2005-2014 and mainly written by university researchers and representatives from the Swedish authority Socialstyrelsen. Three main themes were identified: EBP as an idea (including sub-themes as the impact on the profession and client, and discussions regarding the definition of EBP), how EBP should be implemented and by whom, and discussions regarding whether EBP causes medicalization of social work or not. The analysis was based on social constructivism and new institutionalism. The results show contradictions between the perspectives in their views on who should lead and develop the social work practice, and how. Furthermore differed the perspectives approach to quantitatively and qualitatively based knowledge. The results also showed that the debate is part of a translation of the idea of EBP, and that it’s inevitable when the idea taken from the medical field is going to be implemented within social work practice

    ReporÀntans pÄverkan pÄ svenska branschindex

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    Examensarbetets titel: ReporĂ€ntans pĂ„verkan pĂ„ svenska branschindex Seminariedatum: 2015-01-15 Ämne/kurs: FEKH89 Examensarbete i finansiering pĂ„ kandidatnivĂ„, 15 HP Författare: Richard Eek, Martin Klarin, Christofer Karlsson Handledare: Erling Green Fem nyckelord: ReporĂ€nta, onormal avkastning, hĂ€ndelsestudie, branschindex, rĂ€nteförĂ€ndring. Syfte: Syftet med den hĂ€r uppsatsen Ă€r att utreda marknadseffektiviteten samt vilken inverkan en justering av reporĂ€ntan har pĂ„ olika branschindex pĂ„ den svenska aktiemarknaden. Metod: Vi har genomfört en kvantitativ studie och genom en hĂ€ndelsestudie undersökt den onormala avkastningen för 8 olika branschindex pĂ„ Nasdaq Stockholm. Teoretiska perspektiv: Uppsatsen utgĂ„r frĂ„n tidigare forskning om hur en rĂ€nteförĂ€ndring pĂ„verkar aktiemarknaden. Vi har utgĂ„tt frĂ„n studier som har gjorts pĂ„ den svenska och amerikanska aktiemarknaden. Empiri: Vi har valt ut 8 olika branschindex pĂ„ Nasdaq Stockholm. De indexen vi har valt ger ett bra urval av olika delar av aktiemarknaden. Indexen Ă€r Oil & gas, Basic materials, Industrials, Consumer goods, Consumer service, Health care, Technology och Financials. Resultat: VĂ„ra resultat visar att marknaden Ă€r inte Ă€r effektiv. Marknaden prisar inte in en rĂ€nteförĂ€ndring direkt, utan det finns tecken bĂ„de pĂ„ att det sker en fördröjd reaktion frĂ„n marknaden och att marknaden prisar in rĂ€nteförĂ€ndringen redan innan den har skett. Vi har Ă€ven sett att det förekommer skillnader i den kumulativa avkastningen mellan olika branschindex

    Identification of two abundant Aerococcus urinae cell wall-anchored proteins

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    Aerococcus urinae is an emerging pathogen that causes urinary tract infections, bacteremia and infective endocarditis. The mechanisms through which A. urinae cause infection are largely unknown. The aims of this study were to describe the surface proteome of A. urinae and to analyse A. urinae genomes in search for genes encoding surface proteins. Two proteins, denoted Aerococcal surface protein (Asp) 1 and 2, were through the use of mass spectrometry based proteomics found to quantitatively dominate the aerococcal surface. The presence of these proteins on the surface was also shown using ELISA with serum from rabbits immunized with the recombinant Asp. These proteins had a signal sequence in the amino-terminal end and a cell wall-sorting region in the carboxy-terminal end, which contained an LPATG-motif, a hydrophobic domain and a positively charged tail. Twenty-three additional A. urinae genomes were sequenced using Illumina HiSeq technology. Six different variants of asp genes were found (denoted asp1-6). All isolates had either one or two of these asp-genes located in a conserved locus, designated Locus encoding Aerococcal Surface Proteins (LASP). The 25 genomes had in median 13 genes encoding LPXTG-proteins (range 6-24). For other Gram-positive bacteria, cell wall-anchored surface proteins with an LPXTG-motif play a key role for virulence. Thus, it will be of great interest to explore the function of the Asp proteins of A. urinae to establish a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms by which A. urinae cause disease

    Quantitative proteogenomics of human pathogens using DIA-MS.

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    The increasing number of bacterial genomes in combination with reproducible quantitative proteome measurements provides new opportunities to explore how genetic differences modulate proteome composition and virulence. It is challenging to combine genome and proteome data as the underlying genome influences the proteome. We present a strategy to facilitate the integration of genome data from several genetically similar bacterial strains with data-independent analysis mass spectrometry (DIA-MS) for rapid interrogation of the combined data sets. The strategy relies on the construction of a composite genome combining all genetic data in a compact format, which can accommodate the fusion with quantitative peptide and protein information determined via DIA-MS. We demonstrate the method by combining data sets from whole genome sequencing, shotgun MS and DIA-MS from 34 clinical isolates of Streptococcus pyogenes. The data structure allows for fast exploration of the data showing that undetected proteins are on average more amenable to amino acid substitution than expressed proteins. We identified several significantly differentially expressed proteins between invasive and non-invasive strains. The work underlines how integration of whole genome sequencing with accurately quantified proteomes can further advance the interpretation of the relationship between genomes, proteomes and virulence
