842 research outputs found

    A simple conceptual model of abrupt glacial climate events

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    Here we use a very simple conceptual model in an attempt to reduce essential parts of the complex nonlinearity of abrupt glacial climate changes (the so-called Dansgaard-Oeschger events) to a few simple principles, namely (i) a threshold process, (ii) an overshooting in the stability of the system and (iii) a millennial-scale relaxation. By comparison with a so-called Earth system model of intermediate complexity (CLIMBER-2), in which the events represent oscillations between two climate states corresponding to two fundamentally different modes of deep-water formation in the North Atlantic, we demonstrate that the conceptual model captures fundamental aspects of the nonlinearity of the events in that model. We use the conceptual model in order to reproduce and reanalyse nonlinear resonance mechanisms that were already suggested in order to explain the characteristic time scale of Dansgaard-Oeschger events. In doing so we identify a new form of stochastic resonance (i.e. an overshooting stochastic resonance) and provide the first explicitly reported manifestation of ghost resonance in a geosystem, i.e. of a mechanism which could be relevant for other systems with thresholds and with multiple states of operation. Our work enables us to explicitly simulate realistic probability measures of Dansgaard-Oeschger events (e.g. waiting time distributions, which are a prerequisite for statistical analyses on the regularity of the events by means of Monte-Carlo simulations). We thus think that our study is an important advance in order to develop more adequate methods to test the statistical significance and the origin of the proposed glacial 1470-year climate cycle

    Testing of Large Diameter Fresnel Optics for Space Based Observations of Extensive Air Showers

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    The JEM-EUSO mission will detect extensive air showers produced by extreme energy cosmic rays. It operates from the ISS looking down on Earth's night time atmosphere to detect the nitrogen fluorescence and Cherenkov produce by the charged particles in the EAS. The JEM-EUSO science objectives require a large field of view, sensitivity to energies below 50 EeV, and must fit within available ISS resources. The JEM-EUSO optic module uses three large diameter, thin plastic lenses with Fresnel surfaces to meet the instrument requirements. A bread-board model of the optic has been manufactured and has undergone preliminary tests. We report the results of optical performance tests and evaluate the present capability to manufacture these optical elements

    Migration and public finances in the EU

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    We provide novel and comprehensive evidence on the net fiscal contributions of natives and migrants to the governmental budgets of EU countries. We account for income taxes and cash benefits, along with indirect taxes and in-kind benefits, which are often missing in standard datasets. We find that on average, migrants were net contributors to public finances over the period of 2014–2018 in the EU and, moreover, that they contribute approximately €1.5 thousand more per capita each year than natives. We also show that this difference is partly due to the selection on characteristics that make migrants net fiscal contributors, such as demographic factors and employment probability

    Speciation and Bioavailability Measurements of Environmental Plutonium Using Diffusion in Thin Films.

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    The biological uptake of plutonium (Pu) in aquatic ecosystems is of particular concern since it is an alpha-particle emitter with long half-life which can potentially contribute to the exposure of biota and humans. The diffusive gradients in thin films technique is introduced here for in-situ measurements of Pu bioavailability and speciation. A diffusion cell constructed for laboratory experiments with Pu and the newly developed protocol make it possible to simulate the environmental behavior of Pu in model solutions of various chemical compositions. Adjustment of the oxidation states to Pu(IV) and Pu(V) described in this protocol is essential in order to investigate the complex redox chemistry of plutonium in the environment. The calibration of this technique and the results obtained in the laboratory experiments enable to develop a specific DGT device for in-situ Pu measurements in freshwaters. Accelerator-based mass-spectrometry measurements of Pu accumulated by DGTs in a karst spring allowed determining the bioavailability of Pu in a mineral freshwater environment. Application of this protocol for Pu measurements using DGT devices has a large potential to improve our understanding of the speciation and the biological transfer of Pu in aquatic ecosystems

    Continuous 25-yr aerosol records at coastal Antarctica: Part 2: Variability of the radionuclides 7Be, 10Be 210Pb

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    We investigated the variability of210Pb,7Be10Be in coastal Antarctic aerosol samples based on continuous, monthly annually resolved time series obtained from Neumayer Station over the period 1983 to 2008. Clear seasonal cycles peaking in the local summe

    10Be in Ice Cores and 14C in Tree Rings: Separation of Production and Climate Effects

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    Cosmogenic radionuclides are more and more used in solar activity reconstructions. However, the cosmogenic radionuclide signal also contains a climate component. It is therefore crucial to eliminate the climate information to allow a better interpretation of the reconstructed solar activity indices. In this paper the method of principal components is applied to 10Be data from two ice cores from opposite hemispheres as well as to 14C data from tree rings. The analysis shows that these records are dominated by a common signal which explains about 80% of the variance on multi decadal to multi millennial time scales, reflecting their common production rate. The second and third components are significantly different for 14C and 10Be. They are interpreted as system effects introduced by the transport of 10Be and 14C from the atmosphere where they are produced to the respective natural archives where they are stored. Principal component analysis improves significantly extraction of the production signal from the cosmogenic isotope data series, which is more appropriate for astrophysical and terrestrial studie

    A "nova" literatura feminina alemã através de sucessos

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    A "nova " literatura alemã escrita por mulheres após a revolta estudantil de 1968 distingue-se por uma serie de sucessos tanto de público leitor quanto de crítica literária. As razões para esses acontecimentos são várias , como a novidade de mulheres escreverem sobre si mesmas ou os temas por elas escolhidos que tratam da sexualidade, homossexualidade feminina, troca de papéis e agressão contra o status quo de um a sociedade patriarcal. Examinaremos nesse artigo dez desses sucessos da "nova” literatura feminina alemã, começando com o romance “ Amo r de classes, de Karin Struck, de 1973, e concluindo com o de Elfried e Jelinek , chamado O desejo, de 1989The "new" German literature written by women has had a lot of success both among the critics and the common reader. This is due to a number of factors such as the novelty of women writing about themsclves or about special themes which deal with sexuality, female homosexuality, changes of social roles and chalenges to the status quo of a patriarchal society. In this articles we shall examine ten successful examples of this "new" feminine German literature beginning with the novel A love of classes by Karin Struck (1973) and ending with a novel by Elfriede Jelinck, Desire (1989