47 research outputs found


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    A arboriza\ue7\ue3o tem um papel importante nas cidades. Ela fornece sombra, traz bem-estar aos seres humanos e d\ue1 suporte para a fauna urbana. Mas o cultivo de plantas ex\uf3ticas tamb\ue9m pode ser uma via de dissemina\ue7\ue3o de esp\ue9cies invasoras. A arboriza\ue7\ue3o da cidade de Fortaleza, estado do Cear\ue1, foi avaliada. Este trabalho se baseou em observa\ue7\uf5es qualitativas da arboriza\ue7\ue3o da cidade de 2005 at\ue9 2009 e no invent\ue1rio da arboriza\ue7\ue3o de dois bairros em 2006. Estes, juntos, possu\uedam 2.075 \ue1rvores ou arbustos, dos quais a maioria das esp\ue9cies e dos esp\ue9cimes era ex\uf3tica (alguns tamb\ue9m invasores). O cultivo excessivo de ex\uf3ticas na arboriza\ue7\ue3o tem como consequ\ueancia a desvaloriza\ue7\ue3o da flora nativa. A despeito da grande diversidade de esp\ue9cies nativas dispon\uedveis para cultivo ornamental na flora brasileira, a arboriza\ue7\ue3o de Fortaleza \ue9 essencialmente ex\uf3tica.Public tree planting is important for cities. It produces shadow, brings well-being for humans, and supports the urban fauna. But the cultivation of exotic plants can also be responsible for dissemination of invasive species. This paper aims to evaluate public tree planting in Fortaleza, Cear\ue1 state, in northeastern Brazil. From 2005 to 2009, qualitative observations on tree composition in the city were made. In 2006, a detailed inventory of all public trees was carried out in two districts of Fortaleza. Jointly, 2075 individuals grew here. Most of the tree species planted in Fortaleza are aliens, some are even invasive. The massive use of exotic plants in Fortaleza has negative consequences for the environmental education. People do not know the regional native trees, and thus are not concerned about the local biodiversity conservation. In spite of the huge amounts of native species available for ornamental purposes in the Brazilian flora, the street trees of Fortaleza are overwhelmingly aliens

    A arborização alienígena de Fortaleza (nordeste do Brasil): observações qualitativas e um levantamento em dois bairros

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    Public tree planting is important for cities. It produces shadow, brings well-being for humans, and supports the urban fauna. But the cultivation of alien plants can also be responsible for the dissemination of exotic species. This paper aims to evaluate public tree planting in Fortaleza, Ceará state, in northeastern Brazil. From 2005 to 2009, qualitative observations on tree compositions were made. In 2006, a detailed inventory of all trees was carried out in two districts of Fortaleza. Jointly, 2075 individuals grew here. Most of the tree species planted in Fortaleza are aliens, some are even invasive. The massive use of exotic plants in Fortaleza has negative consequences for the environmental education. People do not know the regional native trees, and thus are not concerned about the local biodiversity conservation. In spite of the huge amounts of native species available for ornamental purposes in the Brazilian flora, the street trees of Fortaleza are overwhelmingly aliens.A arborização tem um papel importante nas cidades. Ela fornece sombra, traz bem-estar aos seres humanos e dá suporte para a fauna urbana. Mas o cultivo de plantas alienígenas também pode ser uma via de disseminação de espécies exóticas. A arborização da cidade de Fortaleza, estado do Ceará, foi avaliada. Este trabalho se baseou em observações qualitativas da arborização da cidade de 2005 até 2009 e no inventário da arborização de dois bairros em 2006. Estes, juntos, possuíam 2.075 árvores ou arbustos, dos quais a maioria das espécies e dos espécimes era exótica (alguns também invasores). O cultivo excessivo de exóticas na arborização tem como conseqüência, a desvalorização da flora nativa. A despeito da grande diversidade de espécies nativas disponíveis para cultivo ornamental na flora brasileira, a arborização de Fortaleza é essencialmente exótica. 

    Технологические решения для строительства разведочной вертикальной скважины глубиной 2800 метров на нефтяном месторождении (Томская область)

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    Цель работы – проектирование строительства разведочной вертикальной скважины глубиной 2800 метров на Лесмуровском нефтяном месторождении Томской области. В работе содержатся данные о геолого-геофизических данных Лесмуровского месторождения, технологических параметрах сооружения скважины, процессах бурения и заканчивания скважин, выбранном оборудовании, вопросы охраны окружающей среды и оценка экономической эффективности строительства скважины. Дипломная работа выполнена, опираясь на современные достижения техники и технологии в области строительства нефтяных и газовых скважин.The aim of the work is the design of the construction of an exploratory vertical well with a depth of 2,800 meters at the Lesmurovskoye oil field in the Tomsk Region. The work contains data on the geological and geophysical data of the Lesmurovskoye oil field, the technological parameters of the well construction, the drilling and completion processes, the selected equipment, environmental issues and the economic evaluation of well construction. The thesis is executed, relying on modern achievements of technology and technology in the field of oil and gas well construction


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    A arborização tem um papel importante nas cidades. Ela fornece sombra, traz bem-estar aos seres humanos e dá suporte para a fauna urbana. Mas o cultivo de plantas exóticas também pode ser uma via de disseminação de espécies invasoras. A arborização da cidade de Fortaleza, estado do Ceará, foi avaliada. Este trabalho se baseou em observações qualitativas da arborização da cidade de 2005 até 2009 e no inventário da arborização de dois bairros em 2006. Estes, juntos, possuíam 2.075 árvores ou arbustos, dos quais a maioria das espécies e dos espécimes era exótica (alguns também invasores). O cultivo excessivo de exóticas na arborização tem como consequência a desvalorização da flora nativa. A despeito da grande diversidade de espécies nativas disponíveis para cultivo ornamental na flora brasileira, a arborização de Fortaleza é essencialmente exótica.Public tree planting is important for cities. It produces shadow, brings well-being for humans, and supports the urban fauna. But the cultivation of exotic plants can also be responsible for dissemination of invasive species. This paper aims to evaluate public tree planting in Fortaleza, Ceará state, in northeastern Brazil. From 2005 to 2009, qualitative observations on tree composition in the city were made. In 2006, a detailed inventory of all public trees was carried out in two districts of Fortaleza. Jointly, 2075 individuals grew here. Most of the tree species planted in Fortaleza are aliens, some are even invasive. The massive use of exotic plants in Fortaleza has negative consequences for the environmental education. People do not know the regional native trees, and thus are not concerned about the local biodiversity conservation. In spite of the huge amounts of native species available for ornamental purposes in the Brazilian flora, the street trees of Fortaleza are overwhelmingly aliens

    Naturalization and potential impact of the exotic tree Azadirachta indica A.Juss. in Northeastern Brazil

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    Invasive species are among the leading causes of biodiversity loss on the planet, and some species that have become invasive were intentionally introduced for ornamental or commercial purposes. Azadirachta indica A.Juss. (Indian neem) is an exotic species that is widely cultivated in the northeastern region of Brazil, both in plantations and as an ornamental or shade tree, where it has reached reproductive phase in recent years. In order to assess its level of naturalization and the geographic range where this species has reproductive capacity, we observed A. indica specimens cultivated in Fortaleza (Ceará) since 2006 and performed field observations in several other localities in Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba and Piauí states. Currently, the species reproduces near the coast as well as in the semiarid interior of the Northeast, and is able to establish regenerating populations. Thus, the species is naturalized in Brazil with the potential to become invasive in the near future

    Polarization-induced confinement of continuous hole-states in highly pumped, industrial-grade, green InGaN quantum wells

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    We investigate industrial-grade InGaN/GaN quantum wells (QWs) emitting in the green spectral region under high, resonant pumping conditions. Consequently, an ubiquitous high energy luminescence is observed that we assign to a polarization field Confined Hole Continuum (CHC). Our finding is supported by a unique combination of experimental techniques, including transmission electron microscopy, (time-resolved) photoluminescence under various excitation conditions, and electroluminescence, which confirm an extended out-of-plane localization of the CHC-states. The larger width of this localization volume surpasses the QW thickness, yielding enhanced non-radiative losses due to point defects and interfaces, whereas the energetic proximity to the bulk valence band states promotes carrier leakage