23 research outputs found

    Industrial Policy in Chile

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    This paper studies three horizontal policy instruments and two vertical ones in Chilean industrial policy, particularly regarding small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The horizontal instruments are (1) a guarantee program for borrowing by SMEs (FOGAPE), (2) a small subsidy to new exports that was applied from 1985 through 2003, and (3) the innovation subsidies provided by the Corporación de Fomento de la Producción (CORFO). The vertical policy instruments are the activities of Fundación Chile (FCh), a semi-public entrepreneur cum venture capitalist, and a CORFO program to attract foreign direct investment in information technology. Although most programs are well designed, they are numerous and insufficiently funded; Chile could benefit from a prioritization of needs and consolidation of these programs. Moreover, the instruments for making strategic bets on new sectors are particularly weak. In particular, FCh needs to refocus its activities on high-risk projects with long payoffs, something it cannot do with its small endowment.Industrial policy, Small and medium enterprises, Chile

    Concurso de anteproyectos: Aula Magna Helen Lee Lassen: Aula Magna Helen Lee Lassen

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    Premio concurso, primer premio arquitectosArturo Urzúa A., Federica Frank S.; segundo premio arquitectos Alberto Piwonka O, Carlos Aguirre M.; segundo premio Crhistian De Groote y Eliana Wachholtz; tercer premio Hernán Riesco y Jorge Larraín


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    Our SOFC stack development technology is based on the unique SOFConnexTM concept, using flexible gas distribution layers between metal sheet interconnect and thin ASE cells. Flexibility is given both in material and design. This ensures proper electrical contact over the whole cell (50 cm2 active), without necessitating restrictive cell fabrication tolerances, and allows easy adaptation and evolution of the flowfields. With the presently used configuration, several multiple cell stacks were assembled and tested. Reproducible stack power density (H2 fuel, λ = 1.5-2, 800°C maximum local temperature) is 0.5 W/cm2 at 0.7 V average cell voltage (1.5 kWe/L), for 67% fuel utilisation (35% LHV electrical efficiency). Performance with simulated POX-syngas (H2/CO/N2) was close to that with H2. Degradation is the focus of attention now that adequate power density and efficiency using the SOFConnex™ approach have been established and reproduced

    Gestión del cuerpo y control social

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    En nuestra sociedad de Post Dictadura, la temática del cuerpo, su expresión y exploración más allá de los cánones impuestos por la normatividad, constituyen un tema pendiente que -cuando emerge- genera des-orden, instalando la pregunta por los límites y consensos sobre nuestro orden social y cultural. Es así como las experiencias que incorporan la dimensión subjetiva del cuerpo como son el uso de drogas y la sexualidad entre otras, y que se sitúan desde lo orgiástico y festivo, son negadas, reprimidas y estigmatizadas como fuente de desorden y potencial amenaza al “contrato social”