44 research outputs found

    Study of the Earth’s short-scale gravity field using the ERTM2160 gravity model

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    This paper describes the computation and analysis of the Earth’s short-scale gravity field through high-resolution gravity forward modelling using the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) global topography model. We use the established residual terrain modelling technique along with advanced computational resources and massive parallelisation to convert the high-pass filtered SRTM topography – complemented with bathymetric information in coastal zones – to implied short-scale gravity effects. The result is the ERTM2160 model (Earth Residual Terrain Modelled-gravity field with the spatial scales equivalent to spherical-harmonic coefficients up to degree 2160 removed). ERTM2160, used successfully for the construction of the GGMplus gravity maps, approximates the short-scale (i.e., ~10 km down to ~250 m) gravity field in terms of gravity disturbances, quasi/geoid heights and vertical deflections at ~3 billion gridded points within ±60 latitude. ERTM2160 reaches maximum values for the quasi/geoid height of ~30 cm, gravity disturbance in excess of 100 mGal, and vertical deflections of ~30 arc-seconds over the Himalaya mountains.Analysis of the ERTM2160 field as a function of terrain roughness shows in good approximation a linear relationship between terrain roughness and gravity effects, with values of ~1.7 cm (quasi/geoid heights), ~11 mGal (gravity disturbances) and 1.5 arc-seconds (vertical deflections) signal strength per 100 m standard deviation of the terrain. These statistics can be used to assess the magnitude of omitted gravity signals over various types of terrain when using degree-2160 gravity models such as EGM2008. Applications for ERTM2160 are outlined including its use in gravity smoothing procedures, augmentation of EGM2008, fill-in for future ultra-high resolution gravity models in spherical harmonics, or calculation of localised or global power spectra of Earth’s short-scale gravity field. ERTM2160 is freely available via http://ddfe.curtin.edu.au/gravitymodels/ERTM2160

    Accuracy analysis of vertical deflection data observed with the Hannover Digital Zenith Camera System TZK2-D

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    This paper analyses the accuracy of vertical deflection measurements carried out with the Digital Zenith Camera System TZK2-D, an astrogeodetic state-of-the-art instrumentation developed at the University of Hannover. During 107 nights over a period of 3.5 years, the system was used for repeated vertical deflection observations at a selected station in Hannover. The acquired data set consists of about 27,300 single measurements and covers 276 h of observation time, respectively. For the data collected at an earlier stage of development (2003 to 2004), the accuracy of the nightly mean values has been found to be about 0".10-0".12. Due to applying a refined observation strategy since 2005, the accuracy of the vertical deflection measurements was enhanced into the unprecedented range of 0".05-0".08. Accessing the accuracy level of 0".05 requires usually 1 h of observational data, while the 0".08 accuracy level is attained after 20 min measurement time. In comparison to the analogue era of geodetic astronomy, the accuracy of vertical deflection observations is significantly improved by about one order of magnitude

    Expected accuracy of tilt measurements on a novel hexapod-based Digital zenith camera system: A Monte-Carlo simulation study

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    Digital zenith camera systems (DZCS) are dedicated astronomical-geodetic measurement systems for the observation of the direction of the plumb line. A DZCS key component is a pair of tilt meters for the determination of the instrumental tilt with respect to the plumb line. Highest accuracy (i.e., 0.1 arc-seconds or better) is achieved in practice through observation with precision tilt meters in opposite faces (180° instrumental rotation), and application of rigorous tilt reduction models. A novel concept proposes the development of a hexapod (Stewart platform)-based DZCS. However, hexapod-based total rotations are limited to about 30°–60° in azimuth (equivalent to ±15° to ±30° yaw rotation), which raises the question of the impact of the rotation angle between the two faces on the accuracy of the tilt measurement. The goal of the present study is the investigation of the expected accuracy of tilt measurements to be carried out on future hexapod-based DZCS, with special focus placed on the role of the limited rotation angle. A Monte-Carlo simulation study is carried out in order to derive accuracy estimates for the tilt determination as a function of several input parameters, and the results are validated against analytical error propagation.As the main result of the study, limitation of the instrumental rotation to 60° (30°) deteriorates the tilt accuracy by a factor of about 2 (4) compared to a 180° rotation between the faces. Nonetheless, a tilt accuracy at the 0.1 arc-second level is expected when the rotation is at least 45°, and 0.05 arc-second (about 0.25 microradian) accurate tilt meters are deployed. As such, a hexapod-based DZCS can be expected to allow sufficiently accurate determination of the instrumental tilt. This provides supporting evidence for the feasibility of such a novel instrumentation. The outcomes of our study are not only relevant to the field of DZCS, but also to all other types of instruments where the instrumental tilt must be corrected. Examples include electronic theodolites or total stations, gravity meters, and other hexapod-based telescopes

    Indirect evaluation of Mars Gravity Model 2011 using a replication experiment on Earth

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    Curtin University’s Mars Gravity Model 2011 (MGM2011) is a high-resolution composite set of gravity field functionals that uses topography-implied gravity effects at medium- and short-scales (~125 km to ~3 km) to augment the space-collected MRO110B2 gravity model. Ground-truth gravity observations that could be used for direct validation of MGM2011 are not available on Mars’s surface. To indirectly evaluate MGM2011 and its modelling principles, an as-close-as-possible replication of the MGM2011 modelling approach was performed on Earth as the planetary body with most detailed gravity field knowledge available. Comparisons among six ground-truth data sets (gravity disturbances, quasigeoid undulations and vertical deflections) and the MGM2011-replication over Europe and North America show unanimously that topography-implied gravity information improves upon space-collected gravity models over areas with rugged terrain. The improvements are ~55% and ~67% for gravity disturbances, ~12% and ~47% for quasigeoid undulations, and ~30% to ~50% for vertical deflections. Given that the correlation between space-collected gravity and topography is higher for Mars than Earth at spatial scales of a few 100 km, topography-implied gravity effects are more dominant on Mars. It is therefore reasonable to infer that the MGM2011 modelling approach is suitable, offering an improvement over space-collected Martian gravity field models

    Error sources and data limitations for the prediction ofsurface gravity: a case study using benchmarks

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    Gravity-based heights require gravity values at levelled benchmarks (BMs), whichsometimes have to be predicted from surrounding observations. We use EGM2008 andthe Australian National Gravity Database (ANGD) as examples of model and terrestrialobserved data respectively to predict gravity at Australian national levelling network(ANLN) BMs. The aim is to quantify errors that may propagate into the predicted BMgravity values and then into gravimetric height corrections (HCs). Our results indicatethat an approximate ±1 arc-minute horizontal position error of the BMs causesmaximum errors in EGM2008 BM gravity of ~ 22 mGal (~55 mm in the HC at ~2200 melevation) and ~18 mGal for ANGD BM gravity because the values are not computed atthe true location of the BM. We use RTM (residual terrain modelling) techniques toshow that ~50% of EGM2008 BM gravity error in a moderately mountainous regioncan be accounted for by signal omission. Non-representative sampling of ANGDgravity in this region may cause errors of up to 50 mGals (~120 mm for the Helmertorthometric correction at ~2200 m elevation). For modelled gravity at BMs to beviable, levelling networks need horizontal BM positions accurate to a few metres, whileRTM techniques can be used to reduce signal omission error. Unrepresentative gravitysampling in mountains can be remedied by denser and more representative re-surveys,and/or gravity can be forward modelled into regions of sparser gravity

    Tn1546 is part of a larger plasmid-encoded genetic unit horizontally disseminated among clonal Enterococcus faecium lineages

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    o determine the genetic composition of the first VanA-type plasmid (pIP816) reported, which was isolated from a clinical Enterococcus faecium (BM4147) strain in France in 1986, and to reveal the genetic units responsible for the dissemination of the vanA gene cluster by comparisons with current, published and additionally generated vanA-spanning plasmid sequences obtained from a heterogeneous E. faecium strain collection (n = 28).Plasmid sequences were produced by shotgun sequencing using ABI dye chemistry and primer walking, and were subsequently annotated. Comparative sequence analysis of the vanA region was done with published plasmids, with a partial vanA plasmid (pVEF4) reported here and to >140 kb of sequence obtained from a collection of vanA-harbouring plasmid fragments. Bioinformatic analyses revealed that pIP816 from 1986 and contemporary vanA plasmids shared a conserved genetic fragment of 25 kb, spanning the 10.85 kb vanA cluster encoded by Tn1546, and that the larger unit is present in both clinical and animal complexes of E. faecium. A new group II intron in pVEF4 was characterized. Comparative DNA analyses suggest that Tn1546 disseminates in and between clonal complexes of E. faecium as part of a larger genetic unit, possibly as a composite transposon flanked by IS1216 elements

    Introducing a unique animal ID and digital life history museum for wildlife metadata

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    Funding: C.R. acknowledges funding from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (GBMF9881) and the National Geographic Society (NGS-82515R-20). G.B., R.K., S.C.D. and D.E.-S. acknowledge funding from NASA. A.S. and F.I. acknowledge support from the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships (grant no. 101027534 and no. 101107666, respectively). S.C.D. acknowledges funding from NASA Ecological Forecasting Program Grant 80NSSC21K1182. A.M.M.S. was supported by an ARC DP DP210103091. This project is funded in part by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation through Grant GBMF10539 to M.W., as well as the Academy for the Protection of Zoo Animals and Wildlife e.V., Germany.1. Over the past five decades, a large number of wild animals have been individually identified by various observation systems and/or temporary tracking methods, providing unparalleled insights into their lives over both time and space. However, so far there is no comprehensive record of uniquely individually identified animals nor where their data and metadata are stored, for example photos, physiological and genetic samples, disease screens, information on social relationships. 2. Databases currently do not offer unique identifiers for living, individual wild animals, similar to the permanent ID labelling for deceased museum specimens. 3. To address this problem, we introduce two new concepts: (1) a globally unique animal ID (UAID) available to define uniquely and individually identified animals archived in any database, including metadata archived at the time of publication; and (2) the digital ‘home’ for UAIDs, the Movebank Life History Museum (MoMu), storing and linking metadata, media, communications and other files associated with animals individually identified in the wild. MoMu will ensure that metadata are available for future generations, allowing permanent linkages to information in other databases. 4. MoMu allows researchers to collect and store photos, behavioural records, genome data and/or resightings of UAIDed animals, encompassing information not easily included in structured datasets supported by existing databases. Metadata is uploaded through the Animal Tracker app, the MoMu website, by email from registered users or through an Application Programming Interface (API) from any database. Initially, records can be stored in a temporary folder similar to a field drawer, as naturalists routinely do. Later, researchers and specialists can curate these materials for individual animals, manage the secure sharing of sensitive information and, where appropriate, publish individual life histories with DOIs. The storage of such synthesized lifetime stories of wild animals under a UAID (unique identifier or ‘animal passport’) will support basic science, conservation efforts and public participation.Peer reviewe

    Challenging cases of follicular lymphoma diagnosed by core needle biopsy incorporating proliferation index and cytogenetics

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    Follicular lymphoma (FL) of B cell type is a common mature B cell neoplasm of germinal center origin that effaces the nodal architecture usually by back to back follicles. These are usually composed of an admixed population of small centrocytes with cleaved and angulated nuclei and centroblasts which are larger cells with dispersed chromatin and variably prominent peripheral nucleoli. While the proliferation index using Ki-67 (MIB1) is not used to grade follicular lymphomas, studies have shown that FL with a higher proliferation index may behave differently and more aggressively than FL with lower proliferation index. In addition, it has been repeatedly recognized that additional chromosomal aberrations affect the biologic and clinical behavior of FL. In this manuscript, we report four different cases of FL diagnosed from small core needle biopsies and discuss the challenges faced interpreting limited biopsies, significance of incorporating the proliferation fraction, and additional chromosomal or gene aberrations from concurrent cytogenetic studies