174 research outputs found

    An 11-year-old boy with Down syndrome phenotype and partial duplication in 21q11.2-q21 region

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    Opis przypadku 11-letniego chłopca z zespołem Downa ze stwierdzoną de novo częściową duplikacją chromosomu 21. pary. W pracy dokonano prezentacji algorytmu diagnostycznego, jak również skrótowego przeglądu literaturowego.We report a clinical case of an 11-year-old boy with de novo partial duplication of chromosome 21st pair and some clinical features of Down syndrome. Using hr-CGH method (high resolution Comparative Genomic Hybridization) we detected a quantitative change (a duplication) in 21q21-q11.2 region. To confirmed the results of hr-CGH analysis we used Quantitative Fluorescent Real Time PCR method with four primers for two different genes located in duplication region

    Omówienie problemu właściwej interpretacji kariotypu molekularnego przy próbie identyfikacji obserwowanych niezrównoważonych aberracji chromosomowych u pacjentów z niespecyficzną niepełnosprawnością intelektualną oraz zespołem mnogich wad wrodzonych

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    Ocena kariotypu pacjenta stanowi podstawę prawidłowej porady genetycznej mającej związek z podjętym leczeniem i/lub prewencją. W chwili obecnej laboratoria cytogenetyczne mają do dyspozycji ogromną liczbę metod diagnostycznych, w tym analizy kariotypu molekularnego oparteb na metodach CGH. Metody CGH pozwalają na wykrywanie zmian zdecydowanie mniejszych, w porównaniu z klasycznymi technikami cytogenetycznymi takimi jak metoda GTG. Niestety, brak możliwości bezpośredniej analizy chromosomów pacjenta może prowadzić do przekłamania podczas interpretacji wyniku. W poniższym opracowaniu przedstawiono dwa przypadki obrazujące najczęstsze problemy pojawiające się podczas i nterpretacji wyników kariotypu molekularnego metodą CGH.Evaluation of the patient's karyotype is the basis for proper genetic counseling, and thus also for a treatment or prevention to be taken. At present, cytogenetic laboratories have at their disposal a large number of diagnostic methods, including molecular karyotype analysis based on CGH procedures. The CGH methods allow to detect much smaller changes than conventional cytogenetic techniques such as a GTG method. Unfortunately, lack of direct analysis of patient's chromosomes may lead to a distortion in interpreting the result. The following paper presents two cases illustrating the most common problems in interpreting the results of molecular karyotyping using the CGH procedure

    Altering the trajectory of early postnatal cortical development can lead to structural and behavioural features of autism

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Autism is a behaviourally defined neurodevelopmental disorder with unknown etiology. Recent studies in autistic children consistently point to neuropathological and functional abnormalities in the temporal association cortex (TeA) and its associated structures. It has been proposed that the trajectory of postnatal development in these regions may undergo accelerated maturational alterations that predominantly affect sensory recognition and social interaction. Indeed, the temporal association regions that are important for sensory recognition and social interaction are one of the last regions to mature suggesting a potential vulnerability to early maturation. However, direct evaluation of the emerging hypothesis that an altered time course of early postnatal development can lead to an ASD phenotype remains lacking.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We used electrophysiological, histological, and behavioural techniques to investigate if the known neuronal maturational promoter valproate, similar to that in culture systems, can influence the normal developmental trajectory of TeA <it>in vivo</it>. Brain sections obtained from postnatal rat pups treated with VPA <it>in vivo </it>revealed that almost 40% of cortical cells in TeA prematurely exhibited adult-like intrinsic electrophysiological properties and that this was often associated with gross cortical hypertrophy and a reduced predisposition for social play behaviour.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The co-manifestation of these functional, structural and behavioural features suggests that alteration of the developmental time course in certain high-order cortical networks may play an important role in the neurophysiological basis of autism.</p

    Complete genomic sequence analysis of infectious bronchitis virus Ark DPI strain and its evolution by recombination

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    An infectious bronchitis virus Arkansas DPI (Ark DPI) virulent strain was sequenced, analyzed and compared with many different IBV strains and coronaviruses. The genome of Ark DPI consists of 27,620 nucleotides, excluding poly (A) tail, and comprises ten open reading frames. Comparative sequence analysis of Ark DPI with other IBV strains shows striking similarity to the Conn, Gray, JMK, and Ark 99, which were circulating during that time period. Furthermore, comparison of the Ark genome with other coronaviruses demonstrates a close relationship to turkey coronavirus. Among non-structural genes, the 5'untranslated region (UTR), 3C-like proteinase (3CLpro) and the polymerase (RdRp) sequences are 100% identical to the Gray strain. Among structural genes, S1 has 97% identity with Ark 99; S2 has 100% identity with JMK and 96% to Conn; 3b 99%, and 3C to N is 100% identical to Conn strain. Possible recombination sites were found at the intergenic region of spike gene, 3'end of S1 and 3a gene. Independent recombination events may have occurred in the entire genome of Ark DPI, involving four different IBV strains, suggesting that genomic RNA recombination may occur in any part of the genome at number of sites. Hence, we speculate that the Ark DPI strain originated from the Conn strain, but diverged and evolved independently by point mutations and recombination between field strains

    Can the natural turf pitch be viewed as a risk factor for injury within Association Football?

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    OBJECTIVES: A review of the current literature is used to propose a 'conceptual model for relative pitch hardness' and how this may affect incidence of injury within Association Football. Based upon the injury risk and causation model of Meeuwisse et al. (Clin J Sport Med 2007; 17(3):215), it may provide researchers a necessary framework to guide future research investigations. DESIGN: A literature review. METHODS: A comprehensive search of electronic databases available until October 2014, and supplemental hand searching was conducted to identify relevant studies. Studies were deemed relevant if they met the following criteria: published in English, presented or referenced in an epidemiological study or provided data directly and/or related to the surface of the football pitch, ball or boot to surface interaction and injury. Further information was sourced on surface hardness, players' movement patterns and physiological demands within football. RESULTS: Papers varied in methodological quality, with comparative studies examining injury rates on artificial versus natural turf pitches being most prevalent. No prospective studies were found that objectively measured the relationship between hardness of natural turf and injury risk within football. CONCLUSIONS: The literature review into natural turf pitches and injury within football has largely been unable to confirm that pitch hardness can be viewed as a significant extrinsic risk factor. Methodological concerns, including objectivity in pitch assessment and uniformity in defining injuries undermine the efficacy of available work. Future studies are needed utilising objective assessment tools to draw more definitive conclusions regarding pitch hardness as an extrinsic factor for injury within football

    Music Attenuates Excessive Visual Guidance of Skilled Reaching in Advanced but Not Mild Parkinson's Disease

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) results in movement and sensory impairments that can be reduced by familiar music. At present, it is unclear whether the beneficial effects of music are limited to lessening the bradykinesia of whole body movement or whether beneficial effects also extend to skilled movements of PD subjects. This question was addressed in the present study in which control and PD subjects were given a skilled reaching task that was performed with and without accompanying preferred musical pieces. Eye movements and limb use were monitored with biomechanical measures and limb movements were additionally assessed using a previously described movement element scoring system. Preferred musical pieces did not lessen limb and hand movement impairments as assessed with either the biomechanical measures or movement element scoring. Nevertheless, the PD patients with more severe motor symptoms as assessed by Hoehn and Yahr (HY) scores displayed enhanced visual engagement of the target and this impairment was reduced during trials performed in association with accompanying preferred musical pieces. The results are discussed in relation to the idea that preferred musical pieces, although not generally beneficial in lessening skilled reaching impairments, may normalize the balance between visual and proprioceptive guidance of skilled reaching

    Early structural and functional defects in synapses and myelinated axons in stratum lacunosum moleculare in two preclinical models for tauopaty

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    The stratum lacunosum moleculare (SLM) is the connection hub between entorhinal cortex and hippocampus, two brain regions that are most vulnerable in Alzheimer’s disease. We recently identified a specific synaptic deficit of Nectin-3 in transgenic models for tauopathy. Here we defined cognitive impairment and electrophysiological problems in the SLM of Tau.P301L mice, which corroborated the structural defects in synapses and dendritic spines. Reduced diffusion of DiI from the ERC to the hippocampus indicated defective myelinated axonal pathways. Ultrastructurally, myelinated axons in the temporoammonic pathway (TA) that connects ERC to CA1 were damaged in Tau.P301L mice at young age. Unexpectedly, the myelin defects were even more severe in bigenic biGT mice that co-express GSK3β with Tau.P301L in neurons. Combined, our data demonstrate that neuronal expression of protein Tau profoundly affected the functional and structural organization of the entorhinal-hippocampal complex, in particular synapses and myelinated axons in the SLM. White matter pathology deserves further attention in patients suffering from tauopathy and Alzheimer’s disease