662 research outputs found

    Crevasse splays within a lignite seam at the Tomisławice opencast mine near Konin, central Poland: architecture, sedimentology and depositional model

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    The present article focuses predominantly on sandy deposits that occur within the Middle Miocene lignite seam at the Tomisławice opencast mine, owned by the Konin Lignite Mine. As a result of mining activity, these siliciclastics were available for direct observation in 2015–2016. They are situated between two lignite benches over a distance of ~500 m in the lower part and ~200 m in the higher part of the exploitation levels. The maximum thickness of these sandy sediments, of a lenticular structure in a S–N cross section, is up to 1.8 m. With the exception of a thin lignite intercalation, these siliciclastics comprise mainly by fine-grained and well-sorted sands, and only their basal and top layers are enriched with silt particles and organic matter. Based on a detailed analysis of the sediments studied (i.e., their architecture and textural-structural features), I present a discussion of their genesis and then propose a model of their formation. These siliciclastics most likely formed during at least two flood events in the overbank area of a Middle Miocene meandering or anastomosing river. Following breaching of the natural river levee, the sandy particles (derived mainly from the main river channel and levees) were deposited on the mire (backswamp) surface in the form of crevasse splays. After each flooding event, vegetation developed on the top of these siliciclastics; hence, two crevasse-splay bodies (here referred to as the older and younger) came into existence. As a result, the first Mid-Polish lignite seam at the Tomisławice opencast mine is currently divided in two by relatively thick siliciclastics, which prevents a significant portion of this seam from being used for industrial purposes

    Variation of lignite ash in vertical and horizontal sections of mining wallsin the Konin Lignite Mine, central Poland

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    This paper focuses on the variations of lignite ash along selected sections and mining walls from three lignite opencast mines in central Poland. They are owned by the Konin Lignite Mine, where the first Mid-Polish lignite seam is being mined to produce electricity. Ash content in lignite is important because ash lowers the calorific value of the lignite. The results obtained are based on 266 samples of lignite collected from the Drzewce, Tomisławice, and Jóźwin IIB opencasts. All samples were tested according to ISO 1171 standard procedures, that is, they were first burned at a temperature of 850°C, then the ash content was determined on a dry basis (Ad), be-fore the basic statistical parameters were calculated. The studied lignite seam is characterised by a variable distribution pattern of ash both along selected vertical sections and lignite walls, as well as between the three open-casts. The ash content of individual samples ranged from 6.5 to 69.8 wt%, while the average content in opencast mines varied from 9.7 to 17.6 wt%. The coefficient of variation is large (80.23–96.33%) in the case of the Drzewce and Tomisławice, and low to average (14.53–37.75%) in the case of Jóźwin IIB. Significant ash enrichment of some beds is interpreted in this article as a consequence of floods occurring in a Mid-Miocene mire (backswamp), but also of chemical precipitation. When lignite is burned to generate electricity, a relatively large amount of ash is produced. Therefore, recognition of ash content in lignite, in addition to the chemical composition and phase of ash, is recommended to better protect the environment. At the first stage of protection, it can be best achieved by analysing field samples for ash content

    What Is the Optimal Value of the g-Ratio for Myelinated Fibers in the Rat CNS? A Theoretical Approach

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    BACKGROUND:The biological process underlying axonal myelination is complex and often prone to injury and disease. The ratio of the inner axonal diameter to the total outer diameter or g-ratio is widely utilized as a functional and structural index of optimal axonal myelination. Based on the speed of fiber conduction, Rushton was the first to derive a theoretical estimate of the optimal g-ratio of 0.6 [1]. This theoretical limit nicely explains the experimental data for myelinated axons obtained for some peripheral fibers but appears significantly lower than that found for CNS fibers. This is, however, hardly surprising given that in the CNS, axonal myelination must achieve multiple goals including reducing conduction delays, promoting conduction fidelity, lowering energy costs, and saving space. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:In this study we explore the notion that a balanced set-point can be achieved at a functional level as the micro-structure of individual axons becomes optimized, particularly for the central system where axons tend to be smaller and their myelin sheath thinner. We used an intuitive yet novel theoretical approach based on the fundamental biophysical properties describing axonal structure and function to show that an optimal g-ratio can be defined for the central nervous system (approximately 0.77). Furthermore, by reducing the influence of volume constraints on structural design by about 40%, this approach can also predict the g-ratio observed in some peripheral fibers (approximately 0.6). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:These results support the notion of optimization theory in nervous system design and construction and may also help explain why the central and peripheral systems have evolved different g-ratios as a result of volume constraints

    An 11-year-old boy with Down syndrome phenotype and partial duplication in 21q11.2-q21 region

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    Opis przypadku 11-letniego chłopca z zespołem Downa ze stwierdzoną de novo częściową duplikacją chromosomu 21. pary. W pracy dokonano prezentacji algorytmu diagnostycznego, jak również skrótowego przeglądu literaturowego.We report a clinical case of an 11-year-old boy with de novo partial duplication of chromosome 21st pair and some clinical features of Down syndrome. Using hr-CGH method (high resolution Comparative Genomic Hybridization) we detected a quantitative change (a duplication) in 21q21-q11.2 region. To confirmed the results of hr-CGH analysis we used Quantitative Fluorescent Real Time PCR method with four primers for two different genes located in duplication region

    Omówienie problemu właściwej interpretacji kariotypu molekularnego przy próbie identyfikacji obserwowanych niezrównoważonych aberracji chromosomowych u pacjentów z niespecyficzną niepełnosprawnością intelektualną oraz zespołem mnogich wad wrodzonych

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    Ocena kariotypu pacjenta stanowi podstawę prawidłowej porady genetycznej mającej związek z podjętym leczeniem i/lub prewencją. W chwili obecnej laboratoria cytogenetyczne mają do dyspozycji ogromną liczbę metod diagnostycznych, w tym analizy kariotypu molekularnego oparteb na metodach CGH. Metody CGH pozwalają na wykrywanie zmian zdecydowanie mniejszych, w porównaniu z klasycznymi technikami cytogenetycznymi takimi jak metoda GTG. Niestety, brak możliwości bezpośredniej analizy chromosomów pacjenta może prowadzić do przekłamania podczas interpretacji wyniku. W poniższym opracowaniu przedstawiono dwa przypadki obrazujące najczęstsze problemy pojawiające się podczas i nterpretacji wyników kariotypu molekularnego metodą CGH.Evaluation of the patient's karyotype is the basis for proper genetic counseling, and thus also for a treatment or prevention to be taken. At present, cytogenetic laboratories have at their disposal a large number of diagnostic methods, including molecular karyotype analysis based on CGH procedures. The CGH methods allow to detect much smaller changes than conventional cytogenetic techniques such as a GTG method. Unfortunately, lack of direct analysis of patient's chromosomes may lead to a distortion in interpreting the result. The following paper presents two cases illustrating the most common problems in interpreting the results of molecular karyotyping using the CGH procedure

    The interior spreading story of Labrador Sea Water

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    The unique convective anomalies of Labrador Sea Water (LSW) can be used as advective tracers when assessing equatorward spreading pathways and timescales of LSW. In this study, we explore advective pathways of two LSW classes formed in the 1990s and early 2000s, respectively, along constant neutral density planes. Hydrographic observations showcase the prevalence of both LSW classes within the Atlantic interior, supporting a recirculation feature that branches from the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) at 36°N among other pathways. Spreading characteristics of both LSW classes from the Labrador Sea to the subtropics are reinforced through a spatial pattern analysis of salinity anomalies and geostrophic velocities along the characteristic neutral density planes of each respective LSW class. We observe both classes to advect out of the Labrador Sea to (i) the eastern subpolar region and down the eastern boundary towards the Atlantic interior, (ii) directly into the Atlantic interior likely from an injection by recirculations from the subpolar gyre and DWBC leakage, and (iii) equatorward along the western boundary via the DWBC. Findings highlight the abundance of LSW within the Atlantic interior, not just along the western boundary, suggesting that interior pathways play an influential role on the export of these subpolar climate signals

    Clastic interbeddings and ash within lignite mined in the Konin vicinity, central Poland

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    Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i GeologicznychMoja rozprawa doktorska, przedstawiona Radzie Naukowej dyscypliny nauki o Ziemi i środowisku na stopień doktorski na Wydziale Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza) składa się z czterech wybranych publikacji. Mój udział w ich przygotowaniu mieści się w przedziale 35–100%, co zostało poświadczone przez współautorów (oświadczenia współautorów). Dwie publikacje (pierwsza i druga) poświęcone są osadom klastycznym, które tworzą przewarstwienia w pokładzie węglowym. Natomiast dwie kolejne publikacje (trzecia i czwarta) obejmują badania popiołu występującego w węglu. Tak się składa, że w okolicach Konina eksploatowany jest aktualnie (lata 2015–2021, czas realizacji badań) wyłącznie 1. środkowopolski pokład węgla brunatnego. Jego eksploatacja odbywa się w trzech odkrywkach: Jóźwin IIB, Drzewce i Tomisławice. Ważną część badań stanowiły prace terenowe, w tym sedymentologiczne. Ponadto, z każdej odkrywki pobrano liczne próbki zarówno z osadów klastycznych, jak i z pokładu węglowego. Posłużyły one do następujących badań laboratoryjnych: uziarnienia klastyków, zawartości popiołu w węglu i określenia składu chemicznego popiołu, tj. składu pierwiastkowego i tlenkowego. W wyniku działalności Kopalni Węgla Brunatnego Konin (KWB Konin) w latach 2015–2016, między dwoma ławami węgla, odsłonięte zostały osady klastyczne w odkrywce Tomisławice. Miały one kształt soczewy o długości ok. 500 m i miąższości do 1,8 m, z warstwą węgla do 20 cm w części północnej odsłonięcia. Składały się one z głównie drobnoziarnistych i dobrze wysortowanych piasków, z wyjątkiem osadów znajdujących się w stropowej oraz spągowej części, które były wzbogacone w materię organiczną. Na podstawie analizy sedymentologicznej tych osadów klastycznych (tj. ich architektury i cech teksturalno- strukturalnych) zaproponowano model ich powstania. Osady te powstały, najprawdopodobniej w wyniku dwóch powodzi, na terenie zalewowym środkowowmioceńskiej rzeki meandrującej lub anastomozyjącej. Po przerwaniu wału brzegowego przez wody powodziowe osady piaszczyste, pochodzące głównie z koryta rzeki oraz wałów brzegowych były deponowane na obszarze torfowiska w postaci stożków krewasowych. W efekcie, w pokładzie węgla brunatnego z odkrywki Tomisławice występują przewarstwienia klastyczne, co uniemożliwiało wykorzystanie znacznej jego części do celów energetycznych – zbyt wiele popiołu.My PhD thesis, submitted to the Scientific Council of the study of the Earth and the environment in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Geographic and Geological Sciences (Adam Mickiewicz University), consists of four selected publications. My participation in their preparation is in the range of 35–100%, which was confirmed by the co- authors (statements of the co-authors). Two publications (the first and the second) are devoted to clastic sediments that form interbeds in the lignite seam. On the other hand, two subsequent publications (the third and the fourth) include studies of ash present within lignite. It just so happens that in the vicinity of Konin, only the first Mid-Polish lignite seam is currently exploited (2015– 2021, research period). It is mined from three opencasts: Jóźwin IIB, Drzewce and Tomisławice. An important part of the research was fieldwork, including sedimentological studies. Moreover, numerous samples were taken from each opencast, both from clastic sediments and from the lignite seam. They were used for the following laboratory tests: grain-size analysis, ash content within lignite and determination of the chemical composition of the ash, that is, its elemental and oxide composition. As a result of mining activity of the Konin Lignite Mine (KWB Konin) in 2015–2016, between two lignite benches, siliciclastic sediments were uncovered in the Tomisławice opencast. They were lens-shaped, about 500 m long and up to 1.8 m thick, with a lignite layer up to 20 cm in the northern part of the exposure. They consisted mainly of fine-grained and well-sorted sands, with the exception of sediments in the top and basal parts, which were enriched with organic matter

    Study of Autocorrelations for Performance Conststency

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    Idiographic Analysis of Production Behavior

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