56 research outputs found

    Update of the review: Cultivation of energy crops in Poland against socio-demographic factors

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    The article presents some of the socio-demographic factors conditioning the production of biomass in Poland. It considers urban-rural and rural gminas that grew energy crops for biomass production in the years 2007-2009 (836 gminas in 2007, 756 in 2008 and 618 in 2009). The article tries to answer the question whether there is a relation between the age of the inhabitants, their opinion on Poland's accession to the European Union and the education level of the local authorities and the area of energy crops in a given gmina. The research uses the correlation coefficient and the analysis of segmented regression

    The role of participation in the development of the smart city idea: frameworks, opportunities, mechanisms

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    The progressing urbanisation process and its visible effects are prompting local authorities to seek new solutions to contemporary development challenges, especially those identified in post-socialist cities, including in Poland. Nowadays, the smart city concept is becoming widely popular. This idea is grounded in the principles of sustainable development in all spheres of socio-economic life. However, in a comprehensive approach, it moves away from its strictly technological definition towards the social context and local conditions. Nowadays, there are more and more instruments supporting social and civic activity of the inhabitants of Polish cities. One extremely popular mechanism is the participatory budget. In order to trace its importance in the implementation of the smart city concept, an empirical analysis was undertaken in Bydgoszcz (a medium-sized city in Poland). According to the research, the participatory budget is asymmetrical, with infrastructure investments dominating. Support is needed for pro-social activities and those activating residents. Therefore, the diversification of projects in the budget, including setting aside a pool of funds for pro-social and cross-district projects, should be viewed in a positive light

    Wybrane zagadnienia związane z rozwojem energetyki odnawialnej na obszarach wiejskich w Polsce

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    The article presents the issues related to human factor and its quality as endogenous resources conditions the rural areas developments in the context of the renewable energy production. In the light of the obtained results is concluded that young people are more creative; they are leaders in innovation implementation. The study included communes, in which energy crops has been grown (as a source for biomass production) and those where power plants based on renewable energy sources are situated. In particular human factor, as a one of the endogenous resources, was analysed. The importance of the European Union funds as a source of finance investments connected with renewable energy sector was stressed. Moreover EU funds might be source of an additional income for rural people. For instance, increased biomass production from agricultural sources (energy crops) in Poland was motivated by the economic factors, namely a desire to increase income by receive energy crops funding (in the beginning from the state budget, and later the European Union structural funds). The consequence of taking action related to renewable energy is the implementation of sustainable development objectives.Artykuł dotyczy analizy i oceny wybranych elementów związanych z kapitałem ludzkim i jego jakością jako zasobem endogenicznym wpływającym na rozwój i aktywizację gospodarczą obszarów wiejskich w Polsce w kontekście produkcji energii odnawialnej. Badaniem objęto gminy, w których uprawiano rośliny do celów energetycznych, i gminy, w których są elektrownie bazujące na odnawialnych źródłach energii. Podkreślono znaczenie środków pochodzących z funduszy unijnych pozwalających finansować inwestycje związane z rozwojem energetyki alternatywnej. Zwrócono uwagę na zależności między rozwojem energetyki odnawialnej a absorpcją środków unijnych. Ponadto wskazano, że rozwój energii odnawialnej generuje dodatkowe dochody mieszkańców obszarów wiejskich, przez co wspomaga realizację założeń zrównoważonego rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego danych regionów i kraju

    Obszar turystyczny Dolina Zielawy w kontekście wykorzystania energii słonecznej

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    Celem artykułu jest analiza i ocena „obszaru turystycznego Dolina Zielawy” w kontekście wykorzystania instalacji słonecznych, jako nowego elementu przestrzeni turystycznej. Wykazano, że pojawianie się nowych komponentów w przestrzeni turystycznej związanych z produkcją energii ze źródeł odnawialnych, w tym energii słonecznej, warunkuje kreowanie tej przestrzeni, bowiem obecność tego typu instalacji, tak w gospodarstwach domowych, jak i na budynkach użyteczności publicznej, wpływa także na prestiż danej gminy, regionu, buduje wizerunek miejsca, a tworząc swoisty certyfikat jakości, stanowi reklamę obszaru. W artykule zwrócono uwagę na istotną rolę kapitału ludzkiego (jednego z zasobów endogenicznych) we wdrażaniu rozwiązań innowacyjnych (w tym tych odnoszących się do pozyskiwania energii ze źródeł odnawialnych) w gminach. Ponadto wskazano na znaczenie lokalnych władz samorządowych w inicjowaniu przedsięwzięć innowacyjnych, gdyż to właśnie od ich kompetencji i umiejętności zależy czy i w jaki sposób zostaną pokonane bariery rozwojowe i wykorzystane wszelkie zasoby endogeniczne, tak ludzkie, jak i naturalne, w tym te związane z rozwojem energetyki alternatywnej w aspekcie tworzenia przestrzeni turystycznej.The study analyzes the solar energy utilization as a new element of the tourist area in the “Zielawa Valley tourist area”counties. The appearance of instalations for renewable energy generation on resdential housing and public buildings influences the reputation of a county and the region creating an image of locality and promotes an areas a special type of quality certifiicate. The discussions stresses the key role of human capital (an endogenous resource) in the implementation of innovative solutions (including renewable energy generation) in a county. In additoin, the importance of local governments in initiating innovations is discussed because their competencies and abilities determine the extent to which the development barriers are conquered, and whether all local resources are utilized (both human capital and natural resources) including those associated with alternative energy development within the context of creating a tourist area

    Educational tourist route based on renewable energy sources as a manifestation of sustainable tourism

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    The aim of the study is to present an educational tourist route using renewable energy sources in the context of the idea of sustainable tourism. The research area is the Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodeship, more specifically the route leading from the dam in Włocławek through the photovoltaic farm i n Czernikowo to the ecological landfill site in Toruń. The study has both practical and social implications. In pursuing its objective, a field query was conducted. Conceptual work on the tourist and educational path was preceded by diagnosing the needs and expectations of potential young tourists, i.e. students of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (NCU). The students – representatives of generation Y – are familiar with renewable energy sources and they have a positive attitude towards them. In addition, most respondents showed that they had been to an educational route before

    Modernisation of public buildings in Polish towns and the concept of sustainable building

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    This article aims to identify the scale of energy efficiency improvements in public buildings in Polish towns as representative of sustainable building. The study area is investigated from the perspective of challenges arising from the current policy in the EU. The article indicates that, given the age of public buildings in Poland, the best way to implement the concept of sustainable building is to improve their present stock. The modernisation of public buildings is discussed in terms of project location, project value, sources of funding (including EU funds), and the use of buildings undergoing modernisation. According to the research findings, the implementation of the sustainable building concept is determined by both, exogenous factors (EU directives and domestic laws, etc.) and endogenous ones (e.g. human resources and their quality)

    Odnawialne źródła energii w rozwoju turystyki na obszarach chronionych w Polsce na przykładzie ośrodka turystyki religijnej w Kodniu

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    The aim of the article is to determine the role of renewable energy sources (RES) in the development of tourism in the areas which are famous for their natural and cultural values (protected areas). The example discussed in the article is the center of religious and pilgrimage tourism in Kodeń (Lubelskie voivodship, bialski poviat). The analyzed tourism center is located in the Bug River Protected Landscape Area and the area of the Natura 2000, the Middle Bug River Valley. It seems very significant to point out: (1) the role of RES in the development of tourism in the areas, which are famous for their natural and cultural values; (2) whether or not the production of energy in small-scale RES installations (up to about 200 kW) improves the quality of tourist services in protected areas and allows the creation of ecological quality of these services and (3) which RES are the most appropriate for use in the tourist facilities located in protected areas

    Agricultural biogas plants – a chance for diversification of agriculture in Poland

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    The aim of the analysis is to present the implementation and development of agricultural biogas plants as a chance for diversification of agriculture in Poland. The main exogenous and endogenous determinants of the development of agriculture biogas plants in Poland were indicated. It is an attempt to present agricultural biogas plants in terms of their spatial distribution as well as the installed capacity and efficiency of agricultural biogas installations. Moreover, the feedstock structure for agricultural biogas production is also analysed

    Endogenous resources utilization of rural areas in shaping sustainable development in Poland

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    The article presents rural areas in Poland in the context of endogenous resources utilization and functional diversification in 2007 and 2008. One of the directions of multifunctional rural development is renewable energy production based on local resources. Effective utilization of both environmental and technological resources for agricultural production was discussed by the reference to the energy crops production. Energy crops pose an alternative source of energy (biomass) and are based on local energy resources. Moreover, the energy crops production is also an example of diffusion of both technological and technical innovation. An important rural endogenous resource is a human factor. On the basis of the obtained results it has been concluded that young people are more creative; they are leaders in innovation implementation

    The role of energy policy in agricultural biogas energy production in Visegrad countries

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    Energy production by agricultural biogas plants has recently recorded considerable growth in Visegrad countries. The development was enhanced by European Union's efforts to increase the proportion of energy produced from renewable sources. The paper aims to assess the role of energy policy in the development of agricultural biogas energy production in Visegrad region. Conducted studies have shown that among various forms of support for energy production from renewable energy sources, the price system prevails, including the support by feed in tariffs and bonuses. Feed in tariffs were adopted in Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia. Another kind of support system - a quota system - was adopted in Poland, what includes tendering and certificate systems. The results confirm the adoption of legal framework was necessary step to enable agricultural biogas energy production in Visegrad countries, but itself it was not enough to stimulate development of agricultural biogas energy production significantly. Rapid development in each country was recorded only after the certain financial support systems took effect, what made production of agricultural biogas energy economically efficient for investors. The production of energy from agricultural biogas grew the most in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, where the financial support was the highest. Nevertheless, the protracted process of changes in legal framework and transformation of energy policy, certain measures including state-controlled price-making systems, risk regarding with auction system might hamper agricultural biogas energy production further development