189 research outputs found

    Volatility and co-movements of the equity markets in Central Europe – evidence from Poland and Hungary

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    This article aims at verifying if there has been a structural change in the co-movement pattern of selected Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) over the ten-year period following the financial crisis. The empirical results confirmed that such a change was observed both in the correlation and volatility levels for specific market segments, as well as in the market dynamics. These findings provide a new insight into understanding the shock resilience, which consequently can supplement a wider assessment of the systemic risk in the financial markets. The key results point towards a decreased uncertainty in estimated correlation levels during the post-crisis period. Such findings are consistent with the hypothesis that intermarket linkages are currently better reflected in market prices when compared to the pre-crisis period. While this is clearly a positive signal for future system stability, it also evidences that the widely used GARCH and DCC specifications turn to be relatively narrow and therefore greater caution is highly recommended when interpreting estimation results


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    Literature and real life shows different approaches towards preparation of selection and recruitment process of an employee in a company. The present paper attempts to establish a framework for a comprehensive compare to recruitment and selection process in applying for a job in Poland and Lithuania. The research relies on two approaches, theoretical, on the level of international theory of human resource management and essential of practical use of recruitment and selection approach. The results indicate that both countries should adjust the diversity of the application documents depending on specific requirements of a free job position. Throughout the analyzed period all team members of the case studies claimed that neither summary of the interview was made nor a job interview was properly closed. To sum up, recruiters and recruiting agencies in Poland and Lithuania should attempt to improve the proper job interview process by implementing information concerning further recruitment stages for job candidates. Further research has been carried out in the area of recruitment and assessment of recruitment process. JEL Codes: J21, J24, M5, O15Literatūroje ir realiame gyvenime pateikiami skirtingi pasirengimo kandidatų atrankos ir samdos procesams įmonėje metodai. Praktikoje taikomų metodų tinkamumo ir samdos proceso efektyvumo nustatymui reikalingi moksliniai tyrimai bei palyginimas tarptautiniu mastu. Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti ir palyginti tarpusavyje kandidatų atrankos procesus ir metodus. Tyrimui atlikti panaudoti literatūros analizės ir sintezės, pirminių ir antrinių duomenų analizės, dedukcijos, projektavimo ir ekspertinio vertinimo metodai. Kandidatų atrankos metodų vertinime dalyvavo 84 Poznanės ekonomikos ir vadybos universiteto (Lenkija) ir 25 Aleksandro Stulginskio universiteto (Lietuva) studentai. Tyrimo rezultatas - sukurta sistema, kuri leidžianti išsamiai palyginti atrankos ir samdos procesą bei pasirinkti vertinimo metodą, kuris užtikrintų optimalų samdos proceso užtikrinimą. Tyrimo teorinė nauda – atskleisti tarptautinės žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo teorijų ir apibrėžčių ypatumai; praktinė nauda - atrankos darbuotojai ir įdarbinimo agentūros Lenkijoje ir Lietuvoje naudodamos tyrimo rezultatais galės pagerinti informacijos rinkimo apie kandidatą procedūras ir užtikrinti darbo pokalbio kokybę atsižvelgiant į sekantį, kandidato samdos į darbą, etapą. Tolesni moksliniai tyrimai bus sietini su darbuotojų įdarbinimo proceso gerinimo ir jo vertinimo metodikos kūrimu. JEL kodai: J21, J24, M5, O15 &nbsp

    Blood serum calorimetry indicates the chemotherapeutic efficacy in lung cancer treatment

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    Chemotherapy is a primary treatment for the metastatic lung cancer patients. To select the most effective combination of drugs, we need an efficient way of assessing tumor response. Here, we showed that differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis of blood serum proteins could reveal the patient response to the treatment. If chemotherapy is effective, serum proteins DSC curve of non-small cellular lung cancer (NSCLC) case is similar to the those of the healthy individuals. If treatment fails, notable changes occur in the DSC profile of NSCLC patient's blood serum. Our preliminary work illustrates how thermal analysis of changes in the heat capacity of blood serum proteins can provide an insight into patient response to chemotherapy - the essential information for any successive lung cancer treatment

    Sexual behavior of nurses

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    Wstęp. Zachowania seksualne pielęgniarek nie były do tej pory przedmiotem badań. Stereotyp pielęgniarki, jako osoby o szczególnym temperamencie seksualnym, jest znany w społeczeństwie. Nie został jednak do tej pory potwierdzony przez same pielęgniarki. Celem pracy było sprawdzenie, czy pielęgniarki różnią się pod względem zachowań seksualnych od populacji kobiet. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto 317 pielęgniarek aktywnych zawodowo, w różnych grupach wiekowych. W badaniu wykorzystano ankietę personalną. Wyniki. Pielęgniarki nie mają większej liczby stosunków niż kobiety niepracujące w tym zawodzie. Częściej jednak zdradzają swoich partnerów (25%), uprawiają seks w zamian za dobra materialne (9%), częściej niż inne kobiety odbywają stosunki oralne (70% v. 50%) i analne (31% v. 18%), a także bardziej preferują seks w miejscach, w których łatwo mogą być nakryte, na przykład miejsce pracy, winda, toaleta. Wnioski: 1. Pielęgniarki różnią się zachowaniami seksualnymi od kobiet niewykonujących tego zawodu. Są bardziej otwarte na różnego rodzaju seks i używanie akcesoriów seksualnych. 2. Pielęgniarki 7 razy częściej niż kobiety niepracujące w tym zawodzie uprawiają seks za pieniądze lub inne dobra materialne. 3. Prawie wszystkie pielęgniarki są zadowolone z życia seksualnego. 4. 7% pielęgniarek w Polsce doświadczyło molestowania seksualnego w miejscu pracy.  Introduction. Sexual behavior of nurses was not so far studied. The stereotype of nurse as a person of a particular sexual temperament is well known in the community. However not yet been confirmed in scientific studies concerning sexual behavior in nurses population. The aim of this study was to verify whether nurses differ in terms of sexual behavior compare to standardized female population. Material and methods. The study included 317 nursing professionals active in different age groups. The study used a individual sexual behavior survey. Results. Nurses do not have more sexual contacts than women not working in this profession. But more often betray their partners (25%), have sex in exchange for tangible goods (9%), more often than other women have oral sex (70% vs. 50%) and anal sex (31% vs 18%) as well as more often have sex in places where they can easily be covered for example: workplace, lift, toilet. Conclusions: 1. Nurses do not differ in sexual behavior compare to women that don’t work in this profession Nurses are more open to all kinds of sex including the use of sexual gadgets. 2. Nurses 7 times are more likely than non-working women in this profession to have sex for money or other material goods. 3. Almost all the nurses are satisfied with their sex life. 4. 7% of nurses in Poland had experienced sexual harassment in the workplace.

    Cutaneous recurrence of long term pulmonary sarcoidosis - literature review and case report

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    Sarcoidosis is a systemic granulomatous disease, the exact etiology of which is unknown. This paper presents a case of a patient with a long course of pulmonary sarcoidosis with exacerbation of the disease in the form of skin lesions.                A 50-year-old female patient was admitted to the Department of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases, Medical University of Lublin, because of cervical lymphadenopathy. Based on the histopathological examination, she was diagnosed with sarcoidosis. The patient reported constant fatigue, throat tightness and difficulty swallowing, as well as decreased exercise tolerance. Computed tomography studies revealed small nodular changes in both lungs and mediastinal lymphadenopathy. The patient was actively monitored. The results of spirometry tests improved spontaneously and remained at a satisfactory level for years. After 15 years of follow-up, the patient reported skin lesions that are constantly progressing. Examination of the cut from the skin lesion confirmed skin sarcoidosis. This case report highlights the varied course of sarcoidosis, which, as a multi-system disease, may show various manifestations. In clinical practice, therefore, one should consider the possibility of disease progression and transmission to multiple organs. It is important that the patient is under constant observation and that new lesions undergo differential diagnosis and histopathological examination

    The role of focal infections in the pathogenesis of psoriasis and chronic urticaria

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    Introduction: The Focal Infection Theory, originally presented at the beginning of the 20th century, postulates that systemic diseases can be caused by microorganisms that arise from the focus of infection. Foci of infections have been described as sinuses, adenoids, tonsils, teeth, genitourinary tract, gall bladder and kidneys. A focus of infection is defined as the area that can occur in any part of the body, contains a pathogen (microorganism) and is usually asymptomatic. There are discordant opinions about the role of focal infections in the pathogenesis of psoriasis and urticaria. Aim: To establish whether there is a higher incidence of focal infections in patients with chronic urticaria and psoriasis. Material and methods: We retrospectively reviewed 129 patients with a history of psoriasis and chronic urticaria: 58 women and 71 men treated in the Department of Dermatology of the Jagiellonian University Medical College in Krakow. Results: In the analyzed group, 11 patients had a dental consultation, 58 - laryngological consultation and 29 women had a gynecological consultation. The most common examples of focal infection were tonsillitis, upper respiratory tract infections, sinusitis, dental caries and genitourinary tract infections. Aggravating factors were similar to previously described. Conclusions: A high incidence of focal infections in patients with psoriasis and urticaria suggests that infections may play a significant role in the pathogenesis of these skin disorders. Treatment of infection foci may play the key role in the remission of skin changes

    Warunki Prozdrowotne U Pacjentów Z Chorobą Niedokrwienną Serca

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    Introduction. Man, undertaking specific prohealth activities, resisting other, anti-health behavior, can not only avoid deterioration of health, but also improve psychophysical condition.Puprose of the study. The purpose of this study is description of prophylactic activities undertaken by patients with ischemic heart disease, focused on maintaining good health and prevention of its deterioration and establishing if social factors and lifestyle influence pro-health activities in theres patients.Material and methods. The study encomapssed 100 patients (55 men and 45 women) aged between 40 and 70 (aver. Age 58.3±6.3 years) with ischemic heart disease, qualified to operation within the range of the cardiac muscle. Material was collected with the use of the questionnaire, containing „open” questions, which were easily answered by participants and „closed” questions, requiring selection of one or several answers from possibilities given by the authors. Participants described activities within fields mentioned in the questionnaire: eating habits (regularity and quality of meals), physical activity (movement and sports), sleep hygiene, avoiding stimulants, managing stress and taking advantage of medical counseling.Results. 66.7% of women and 61.9% of men seem to be consistent when it applies to reduction of fats of animal origin in diet, unfortunately only 27.8% of women and 24.4% of men responed that fruits and vegetables are an inseparable element of their daily diet. 87% of patients living in villages eat regular breakfast, and only 18.2% of those livin in towns; frequency of eating the remaining meals is the same and amounts to 38.2% and 58.2%, respectively. Unfortunately, only 11.1% of women and 14.5% of men reported that they are systematically involved in some form of activity, whereas 24.4% of women and 25.5% of men do not exercise at all. From among participants, 49% do not smoke, although only 9% have never smoked. The highest percentage of habitual smokers, amounting to as much as 17.4%, was reported among residents of villages. In big cities and small towns it amounted to, respectively, 6.8% and 6.1%. 13% of patients see alcohol drinking as the solution for their problems and 11% in taking antidepressants. Men (20%) reach for alcohol more often than women (4.4%), whereas women (20%) more frequently take antidepressants than men (3.6%). Regular thythm of sleep and activity is maintained by 31% of participants; 33% state that they undergo systematic medical examinations, although the largest group is the oldest patients, between 60 and 70 years of age.Conclusions. 1. People from the oldest age group are most concerned for their health; they more often undergo medical examinations, abide by sleep hygiene and avoid bad habits. 2. People with ischemic heart disease do not take advantage of an opportunity for improvement of their health, a significant percentage of them get involved in anti-health activities.Człowiek, podejmując szczególne działania prozdrowotne, pokonując inne, antyzdrowotne zachowania, może nie tylko zapobiec pogarszaniu się stanu zdrowia, ale także poprawić kondycję psychofizyczną.Celem niniejszego opracowania jest opis działań profilaktycznych podejmowanych przez pacjentów z chorobą niedokrwienną serca, ukierunkowanych na utrzymanie dobrego stanu zdrowia i zapobieganie jego degradacji oraz ustalenie, czy czynniki społeczne i styl życia wpływają na prozdrowotne działania tych pacjentów.Materiał i metody. Badanie obejmowało 100 pacjentów (55 mężczyzn i 45 kobiet) w wieku od 40 do 70 (średnia wieku 58,3±6,3 roku) z chorobą niedokrwienną serca, zakwalifikowanych do operacji w zakresie mięśnia sercowego. Materiał zebrano przy użyciu kwestionariusza zawierającego pytania „otwarte”, na które było łatwo odpowiedzieć uczestnikom, i pytania „zamknięte”, wymagające wyboru jednej lub kilku odpowiedzi podanych przez autorów. Uczestnicy opisali działalność w dziedzinach wymienionych w kwestionariuszu: nawyki żywieniowe (regularność i jakość posiłków), aktywność fizyczna (ruch i sport), higiena snu, unikanie używek, zarządzanie stresem i korzystanie z poradnictwa medycznego.Wyniki. 66,7% kobiet i 61,9% mężczyzn wydaje się zgodne w odniesieniu do redukcji tłuszczów pochodzenia zwierzęcego w diecie. Niestety, tylko 27,8% kobiet i 24,4% odpowiedziało, że owoce i warzywa są nieodłącznym elementem ich codziennej diety. 87% pacjentów mieszkających na wsi je regularne śniadanie, a tylko 18,2% osób mieszkających w miastach; częstotliwość jedzenia posiłków pozostałych jest taka sama i wynosi odpowiednio 38,2% i 58,2%. Niestety, tylko 11,1% kobiet i 14,5% mężczyzn stwierdziło, że systematycznie uczestniczy w jakiejś formie aktywności, podczas gdy 24,4% kobiet i 25,5% mężczyzn nie ćwiczy w ogóle. Spośród uczestników 49% nie pali, ale tylko 9% nigdy nie paliło. Najwyższy odsetek nałogowych palaczy, nawet do 17,4%, odnotowano wśród mieszkańców wsi. W dużych miastach i małych miasteczkach wynosił on odpowiednio 6,8% i 6,1%. 13% pacjentów podało picie alkoholu jako rozwiązanie dla swoich problemów, a 11% przyjmowanie leków przeciwdepresyjnych. Mężczyźni (20%) sięgają po alkohol częściej niż kobiety (4,4%), natomiast kobiety (20%) częściej biorą leki przeciwdepresyjne niż mężczyźni (3,6%). Regularny rytm snu snu i aktywności jest utrzymywany przez 31% uczestników, 33% deklaruje, że poddaje się systematycznym badaniom lekarskim, największa grupa to najstarsi z pacjentów - między 60. a 70. rokiem życia

    Pro-Health Conditions in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease

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    Introduction. Man, undertaking specific prohealth activities, resisting other, anti-health behavior, can not only avoid deterioration of health, but also improve psychophysical condition. Puprose of the study. The purpose of this study is description of prophylactic activities undertaken by patients with ischemic heart disease, focused on maintaining good health and prevention of its deterioration and establishing if social factors and lifestyle influence pro-health activities in theres patients. Material and methods. The study encomapssed 100 patients (55 men and 45 women) aged between 40 and 70 (aver. Age 58.3±6.3 years) with ischemic heart disease, qualified to operation within the range of the cardiac muscle. Material was collected with the use of the questionnaire, containing „open” questions, which were easily answered by participants and „closed” questions, requiring selection of one or several answers from possibilities given by the authors. Participants described activities within fields mentioned in the questionnaire: eating habits (regularity and quality of meals), physical activity (movement and sports), sleep hygiene, avoiding stimulants, managing stress and taking advantage of medical counseling. Results. 66.7% of women and 61.9% of men seem to be consistent when it applies to reduction of fats of animal origin in diet, unfortunately only 27.8% of women and 24.4% of men responed that fruits and vegetables are an inseparable element of their daily diet. 87% of patients living in villages eat regular breakfast, and only 18.2% of those livin in towns; frequency of eating the remaining meals is the same and amounts to 38.2% and 58.2%, respectively. Unfortunately, only 11.1% of women and 14.5% of men reported that they are systematically involved in some form of activity, whereas 24.4% of women and 25.5% of men do not exercise at all. From among participants, 49% do not smoke, although only 9% have never smoked. The highest percentage of habitual smokers, amounting to as much as 17.4%, was reported among residents of villages. In big cities and small towns it amounted to, respectively, 6.8% and 6.1%. 13% of patients see alcohol drinking as the solution for their problems and 11% in taking antidepressants. Men (20%) reach for alcohol more often than women (4.4%), whereas women (20%) more frequently take antidepressants than men (3.6%). Regular thythm of sleep and activity is maintained by 31% of participants; 33% state that they undergo systematic medical examinations, although the largest group is the oldest patients, between 60 and 70 years of age. Conclusions. 1. People from the oldest age group are most concerned for their health; they more often undergo medical examinations, abide by sleep hygiene and avoid bad habits. 2. People with ischemic heart disease do not take advantage of an opportunity for improvement of their health, a significant percentage of them get involved in anti-health activities.Człowiek, podejmując szczególne działania prozdrowotne, pokonując inne, antyzdrowotne zachowania, może nie tylko zapobiec pogarszaniu się stanu zdrowia, ale także poprawić kondycję psychofizyczną. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest opis działań profilaktycznych podejmowanych przez pacjentów z chorobą niedokrwienną serca, ukierunkowanych na utrzymanie dobrego stanu zdrowia i zapobieganie jego degradacji oraz ustalenie, czy czynniki społeczne i styl życia wpływają na prozdrowotne działania tych pacjentów. Materiał i metody. Badanie obejmowało 100 pacjentów (55 mężczyzn i 45 kobiet) w wieku od 40 do 70 (średnia wieku 58,3±6,3 roku) z chorobą niedokrwienną serca, zakwalifikowanych do operacji w zakresie mięśnia sercowego. Materiał zebrano przy użyciu kwestionariusza zawierającego pytania „otwarte”, na które było łatwo odpowiedzieć uczestnikom, i pytania „zamknięte”, wymagające wyboru jednej lub kilku odpowiedzi podanych przez autorów. Uczestnicy opisali działalność w dziedzinach wymienionych w kwestionariuszu: nawyki żywieniowe (regularność i jakość posiłków), aktywność fizyczna (ruch i sport), higiena snu, unikanie używek, zarządzanie stresem i korzystanie z poradnictwa medycznego. Wyniki. 66,7% kobiet i 61,9% mężczyzn wydaje się zgodne w odniesieniu do redukcji tłuszczów pochodzenia zwierzęcego w diecie. Niestety, tylko 27,8% kobiet i 24,4% odpowiedziało, że owoce i warzywa są nieodłącznym elementem ich codziennej diety. 87% pacjentów mieszkających na wsi je regularne śniadanie, a tylko 18,2% osób mieszkających w miastach; częstotliwość jedzenia posiłków pozostałych jest taka sama i wynosi odpowiednio 38,2% i 58,2%. Niestety, tylko 11,1% kobiet i 14,5% mężczyzn stwierdziło, że systematycznie uczestniczy w jakiejś formie aktywności, podczas gdy 24,4% kobiet i 25,5% mężczyzn nie ćwiczy w ogóle. Spośród uczestników 49% nie pali, ale tylko 9% nigdy nie paliło. Najwyższy odsetek nałogowych palaczy, nawet do 17,4%, odnotowano wśród mieszkańców wsi. W dużych miastach i małych miasteczkach wynosił on odpowiednio 6,8% i 6,1%. 13% pacjentów podało picie alkoholu jako rozwiązanie dla swoich problemów, a 11% przyjmowanie leków przeciwdepresyjnych. Mężczyźni (20%) sięgają po alkohol częściej niż kobiety (4,4%), natomiast kobiety (20%) częściej biorą leki przeciwdepresyjne niż mężczyźni (3,6%). Regularny rytm snu snu i aktywności jest utrzymywany przez 31% uczestników, 33% deklaruje, że poddaje się systematycznym badaniom lekarskim, największa grupa to najstarsi z pacjentów - między 60. a 70. rokiem życia

    Immunotherapy with pembrolizumab in a patient with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer with high PD-L1 expression and MET exon 14 splice site mutation: a case report

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    Lung cancer is one of the major oncological problems in Poland. Pembrolizumab monotherapy can be applied as first-line treatment in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with the expression of programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) in ≥ 50% of tumor cells. The article presents a case report of a female patient with advanced lung adenocarcinoma and high PD-L1 expression and an additional MET exon 14 skipping mutation. Despite the advanced stage of the disease, the patient benefited spectacularly from pembrolizumab administered following stereotactic radiotherapy for central nervous system (CNS) metastases. Partial remission followed by long-term stabilization of the disease was achieved. Unfortunately, the therapy was discontinued due to grade-3 pulmonary toxicity observed after 3 years of treatment. Despite the discontinuation of the pembrolizumab therapy, the disease has currently been stabilized and inflammatory changes have slowly resolved upon administration of corticosteroid

    Commercially important properties of plants of the genus Plantago

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    The centuries-old experience of folk medicine, nutritional traditions, and the results of numerous research studies show that plants of the genus Plantago can be used for medicinal, cosmetic, dietetic, and ritual purposes. In the phytochemical composition of Plantago, there is an abundance of biologically active substances (among others, glycosides, flavonoids, polysaccharides, and vitamins) exhibiting beneficial effects and, simultaneously, there is a low content of compounds that may exert a toxic effect. Scientific research has confirmed that Plantago plants have antioxidative, apoptosis-inhibiting, protective, healing-enhancing, spasmolytic, anthelmintic, and antimicrobial properties; they inhibit the development of some tumours, reduce the level of lipids in blood and inhibit tissue glycation. In phytotherapy, leaves, stems, and/or seeds of different plantain species are used. Plantago leaves and seeds are also used to manufacture creams, lotions, and face masks. Different parts of these plants (fresh plant material, extracts, or isolated substances) are also used in human and animal nutrition. Plantain leaves can be eaten like lettuce or added to salads, fried in pastry, used to prepare a tea, juice, or wine. Its seeds are added to cakes, bread, breakfast cereals, ice cream, and drinks, or they are cooked like groats. Animals fed with plantain can live longer and are healthier, while meat derived from such animals is tastier and healthier to humans. Plantago seeds are readily eaten by cage birds. Plantain pollen, produced in large amounts (up to 20,000 pollen grains per 1 stamen of P. lancolata), can cause allergies in sensitive people. Due to a long flowering period of plants of the genus Plantago, the effect of the allergenic factor persists for many weeks. In Poland days with the maximum concentration of airborne plantain pollen most often occur in July