35 research outputs found

    El estudio del m茅todo de la ponderaci贸n en la colisi贸n entre los principios constitucionales pro homini y pro ambiente establecidos en la Constituci贸n de la Rep煤blica del Ecuador y en la declaraci贸n de R铆o de Janeiro de 1992 sobre el medio ambiente y el desarrollo

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    El maestrante entrega tres ejemplares empastados de la tesis y tres CD con el contenido de la misma en Word y en formato PDFDurante todo el siglo XX, por la visi贸n de una concepci贸n antropoc茅ntrica y por el desarrollo de las actividades productivas realizadas por el ser humano, hemos degradado y contaminado al planeta, poniendo en peligro a todas las especies existentes. El actual estado de cosas no puede seguir as铆. Para el siglo XXI, se requiere la construcci贸n de un nuevo sujeto 茅tico, que desarrolle otras dimensiones, que mire al ambiente con responsabilidad hacia ella, que construya nuevas formas de sentir, pensar y actuar en verde, mediante la utilizaci贸n racional de los recursos naturales finitos, mediante modalidades sostenibles de producci贸n, comercio y consumo, para la consecuci贸n del desarrollo humano sostenible y sustentable, y poder, de esta manera, proteger al ambiente y satisfacer las necesidades de las actuales y futuras generaciones que esperan responsabilidad de nosotros. En un modelo de Estado Constitucional, los principios establecidos en la Constituci贸n tienen el car谩cter de normas abiertas e indeterminadas, raz贸n por la cual, es muy com煤n, que dichos principios establecidos en la Constituci贸n, entren en un determinado momento, en colisi贸n unos con otros, en el tratamiento de un caso concreto, en el desarrollo de actividades productivas, como ser铆a el caso en la colisi贸n de los principios pro homini y pro ambiente, en el desarrollo de actividades productivas. En tal virtud, se torna imperiosa la necesidad que los operadores jur铆dicos encuentren la soluci贸n correcta para los casos conflictivos, mediante la ponderaci贸n de los principios que se encuentran en pugna, utilizando el juicio o test de proporcionalidad, que deber谩n de incluir, los subprincipios de idoneidad y de necesidad, y tomando en consideraci贸n los principios de la Declaraci贸n de R铆o de Janeiro de 1992. Mediante la utilizaci贸n de estos procedimientos, se podr谩 llevar a la pr谩ctica los postulados constitucionales relacionados con el derecho a la propiedad, en tanto y en cuanto, cumplan con su funci贸n ambiental.During the century XX, in the vision of the anthropocentric conception and the productive activities development doing from humans, the contamination and the degraded around the planet make a big problem for our own life, all the animals and plants. The human should take a minute to think and stop doing these actions, because it麓s damage causes by us. By the century XXI, it should be in practice a new ethic construction, improving other dimension trying to help the environment with responsibility, obviously building new customs, thinks and do positive activities trying to help the humans to pay more attention to the environment, using natural resources that now all of them have a limited scope, productions and businesses. Therefore, development must be based on the concept of world heritage, especially taking care of the environment but help with the human necessities. The Constitutional model State has some opens rules e undetermined, that鈥檚 why the necessity that lawyers help to find the correct solution to conflictive cases, through the principle that are in battle, using the lawsuit or proportional test. The sub principle of suitability and necessity should be included, taking in thoughtfulness the Declaration of Rio de Janeiro in 1992, too. Specially using legal procedures that is going to be practice by the Constitutional Candidates, because they know and practice the laws, words in the correct way and going to help to accomplish with the environment function.Universidad de Guayaquil; Instituto Superior de Posr-Grado en Ciencias Internacionales "Dr. Antonio Parra Velasco

    Estudio del marketing estrat茅gico para el emprendimiento. El caso de estudio de la zona rural de Manta en Ecuador

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    La presente investigaci贸n se enfoca en un estudio de marketing para favorecer el emprendimiento rural en el Ecuador, desde el enfoque del marketing estrat茅gico que desarrolla actividades asociadas con las necesidades del mercado, los segmentos, la competencia interna y externa, la innovaci贸n y la mejora continua, y desde el entorno de las competencias emprendedoras, direccionadas a la formaci贸n y el uso de ambientes digitales para la generaci贸n de emprendimiento productivo y sostenible en el territorio rural. Se ha determinado que Ecuador es uno de los pa铆ses latinoamericanos con la Tasa de Actividad Emprendedora Temprana m谩s alta (36,2%), tan solo superado por Chile. De la misma forma, es notable que el 42,4% de los emprendimientos se generen en las zonas rurales del pa铆s. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral consiste en establecer un an谩lisis propositivo del emprendimiento rural, desde el enfoque del marketing estrat茅gico, que fomente el desarrollo sostenible de los emprendedores de las zonas rurales de Manta en Ecuador. En este sentido, la investigaci贸n se desarroll贸 mediante una metodolog铆a con enfoque mixto, que consisti贸 en la aplicaci贸n de entrevistas dirigidas a los emprendedores rurales de la ciudad de Manta (Oferta). Asimismo, se realizaron encuestas dirigidas a los consumidores para analizar su comportamiento (Demanda) y tendencias respecto a los productos ofertados por los emprendimientos rurales. A partir del estudio metodol贸gico realizado, se pudo generar una propuesta de planificaci贸n, desarrollo, aplicaci贸n y evaluaci贸n de un programa de marketing estrat茅gico digital para el crecimiento sostenible del emprendimiento rural en el Ecuador

    La divulgaci贸n de la producci贸n cient铆fica de la Editorial Uleam por medio de plataformas digitales

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    Within the framework of scientific and academic activities carried out by higher education institutions, scientific publications play an important role as a means of disseminating the research carried out by the university. According to new trends in information and communication technologies, the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manab铆 (ULEAM) has implemented continuous improvement processes to diversify the catalog of scientific publications in digital media; thus, the Editorial Uleam has digital media to disseminate the publication of scientific journals, books, book chapters and scientific events. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to determine the impact of digital platforms in the dissemination of the scientific production of the Editorial-Uleam. To develop the proposed objective, an exploratory cross-sectional research with a quantitative approach was applied, because surveys were conducted among the university community of the Uleam, in order to know the impact generated by the digital means of scientific dissemination in the university population. It is concluded that the university community that publishes in the institutional scientific dissemination media uses the digital systems that are available, showing that 91% of the participants consider that the digital platforms implemented by the Editorial-Uleam have promoted the publication and dissemination of scientific research developed in this institution. Keywords: scientific publishing, dissemination, Uleam, Editorial, digital tools.En el marco de las actividades cient铆ficas y acad茅micas que realizan las instituciones de educaci贸n superior, la publicaci贸n cient铆fica adquiere un rol preponderante como medio de divulgaci贸n de las investigaciones que realiza la universidad. Acorde a las nuevas tendencias de las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y comunicaci贸n, la Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manab铆 (ULEAM) ha implementado procesos de mejora continua para diversificar el cat谩logo de publicaciones cient铆ficas en medios digitales; de esta forma la Editorial Uleam, cuenta con medios digitales para difundir la publicaci贸n de revistas cient铆ficas, libros, cap铆tulos de libros y eventos cient铆ficos. Por consiguiente, la presente investigaci贸n tiene como objetivo principal determinar el impacto de las plataformas digitales en la divulgaci贸n de la producci贸n cient铆fica de la Editorial-Uleam. Para desarrollar el objetivo propuesto se aplic贸 una investigaci贸n de tipo exploratorio de corte transversal con enfoque cuantitativo, debido a que se realizaron encuestas dirigidas a la comunidad universitaria de la Uleam, con la finalidad de conocer el impacto que generan los medios digitales de difusi贸n cient铆fica en la poblaci贸n universitaria. Se concluye que la comunidad universitaria que publica en los medios de difusi贸n cient铆fica institucional emplea los sistemas digitales que se encuentran a disposici贸n, demostr谩ndose que el 91% de los participantes considera que las plataformas digitales implementadas por la Editorial-Uleam han promovido la publicaci贸n y difusi贸n de las investigaciones cient铆ficas desarrolladas en esta instituci贸n. Palabras claves: publicaci贸n cient铆fica, difusi贸n, Uleam, Editorial, herramientas digitales. ABSTRACT Within the framework of scientific and academic activities carried out by higher education institutions, scientific publications play an important role as a means of disseminating the research carried out by the university. According to new trends in information and communication technologies, the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manab铆 (ULEAM) has implemented continuous improvement processes to diversify the catalog of scientific publications in digital media; thus, the Editorial Uleam has digital media to disseminate the publication of scientific journals, books, book chapters and scientific events. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to determine the impact of digital platforms in the dissemination of the scientific production of the Editorial-Uleam. To develop the proposed objective, an exploratory cross-sectional research with a quantitative approach was applied, because surveys were conducted among the university community of the Uleam, in order to know the impact generated by the digital means of scientific dissemination in the university population. It is concluded that the university community that publishes in the institutional scientific dissemination media uses the digital systems that are available, showing that 91% of the participants consider that the digital platforms implemented by the Editorial-Uleam have promoted the publication and dissemination of scientific research developed in this institution. Keywords: scientific publishing, dissemination, Uleam, Editorial, digital tools. Informaci贸n del manuscrito:Fecha de recepci贸n: 06 de septiembre de 2021.Fecha de aceptaci贸n: 04 de octubre de 2021.Fecha de publicaci贸n: 09 de noviembre de 2021

    Comunicaci贸n digital y fomento del emprendimiento rural femenino en Manab铆, Ecuador

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    Traditionally, entrepreneurship has had shortcomings in terms of the application of digital communication as a low-cost strategy for the dissemination of business models, as well as the products and services offered by rural female entrepreneurship. Although it has been established that, in the province of Manab铆, rural entrepreneurship in general occupies an important segment within economic activities, it is notable that a percentage of these businesses are not sustainable over time, which is associated with the lack of an organizational culture of business administration, including in this topic the absence of digital communication strategies, which are currently the most opportune way to connect entrepreneurs and clients. Therefore, the present degree work aims to establish the effect of digital communication in the promotion of rural female entrepreneurship in Manab铆, Ecuador. Regarding the methodological design, the descriptive method will be used with a quantitative approach; To do this, surveys will be applied to rural entrepreneurs in the province of Manab铆. The purpose of the survey is to find out if these enterprises use digital communication media to promote and disseminate their businesses. The results generated in the research instrument will make it possible to know if rural female entrepreneurs in the province use digital media to promote and disseminate their business models. In addition, it will be possible to identify the role of digital communication media as strategies for promoting rural female entrepreneurship. Keywords: Digital communication, rural entrepreneurship, strategy, business.Tradicionalmente, el emprendimiento ha tenido falencias en cuanto a la aplicaci贸n de la comunicaci贸n digital como estrategia de bajo costo para la difusi贸n de los modelos de negocios, as铆 como los productos y servicios ofertados por el emprendimiento rural femenino. Si bien se ha establecido que, en la provincia de Manab铆, el emprendimiento rural en general ocupa un segmento importante dentro de las actividades econ贸micas, es notable que un porcentaje de estos negocios no son sostenibles en el tiempo, lo cual se asocia a la falta de una cultura organizacional de administraci贸n de negocios, incluyendo en este t贸pico la ausencia de estrategias de comunicaci贸n digital, que en la actualidad son la v铆a m谩s oportuna para conectar a las emprendedoras y clientes. Por ende, el presente trabajo de titulaci贸n tiene como objetivo establecer el efecto de comunicaci贸n digital en el fomento del emprendimiento rural femenino en Manab铆, Ecuador. En cuanto al dise帽o metodol贸gico, se utilizar谩 el m茅todo descriptivo con un enfoque cuantitativo; para ello, se aplicar谩n encuestas dirigidas a las emprendedoras rurales de la provincia de Manab铆. La encuesta tendr谩 como finalidad conocer si estos emprendimientos utilizan los medios de comunicaci贸n digital para promocionar y difundir sus negocios. Los resultados generados en el instrumento de investigaci贸n permitir谩n conocer si los emprendimientos rurales femeninos de la provincia utilizan los medios de comunicaci贸n digital para promocionar y difundir sus modelos de negocios. Adem谩s, ser谩 posible identificar el rol que ocupan los medios de comunicaci贸n digital como estrategias de promoci贸n del emprendimiento rural femenino. Palabras claves: Comunicaci贸n digital, emprendimiento rural, estrategia, negocio. ABSTRACT Traditionally, entrepreneurship has had shortcomings in terms of the application of digital communication as a low-cost strategy for the dissemination of business models, as well as the products and services offered by rural female entrepreneurship. Although it has been established that, in the province of Manab铆, rural entrepreneurship in general occupies an important segment within economic activities, it is notable that a percentage of these businesses are not sustainable over time, which is associated with the lack of an organizational culture of business administration, including in this topic the absence of digital communication strategies, which are currently the most opportune way to connect entrepreneurs and clients. Therefore, the present degree work aims to establish the effect of digital communication in the promotion of rural female entrepreneurship in Manab铆, Ecuador. Regarding the methodological design, the descriptive method will be used with a quantitative approach; To do this, surveys will be applied to rural entrepreneurs in the province of Manab铆. The purpose of the survey is to find out if these enterprises use digital communication media to promote and disseminate their businesses. The results generated in the research instrument will make it possible to know if rural female entrepreneurs in the province use digital media to promote and disseminate their business models. In addition, it will be possible to identify the role of digital communication media as strategies for promoting rural female entrepreneurship. Keywords: Digital communication, rural entrepreneurship, strategy, business. Informaci贸n del manuscrito:Fecha de recepci贸n: 06 de septiembre de 2021.Fecha de aceptaci贸n: 04 de octubre de 2021.Fecha de publicaci贸n: 09 de noviembre de 2021

    Big data y marketing de experiencias

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    Today, with the rise of the internet and the digital age, companies have the duty to adapt their strategies and methodological trading systems to create and maintain competitiveness in existing markets. In this contextual framework, experience marketing is one of the forms of contemporary marketing that seeks to create dependence through a certain product or service in consumers, offering empirical resources to create preferences in consumers of a brand with respect to another brand. Experience marketing, being one of the many existing forms of relationship marketing, has been modified by companies to be easily transmitted to consumers through digital communication strategies in digital environments, as in the case of websites, networks social etc. This process of retrieving, classifying and detailing the information collected is known as "big data analysis" and consists of the adaptation of a conglomerate of information that has a complex integrated data structure with the notorious difficulties to search, store, analyze, protect, transfer and view the collected data. In particular, big data analytics is very important for companies with e-commerce and digital commerce foundation, which can study consumer behavior, then perform detailed analysis and finally obtain significant benefits in competition in a given market. Keywords: Big data, marketing, social media, business, consumer.Hoy por hoy, con el auge del internet y de la era digital, las empresas tienen el deber de adaptar sus estrategias y sistemas metodol贸gicos de comercio para lograr crear y mantener la competitividad en los mercados existentes. En este marco contextual, el marketing de experiencias es una de las formas del marketing contempor谩neo que busca crear dependencia a trav茅s de determinado producto o servicio en los consumidores, ofreciendo recursos emp铆ricos para crear preferencias en los consumidores de una marca con respecto a otra marca. El marketing de experiencias, siendo una de las tantas formas existentes del marketing relacional, ha sido modificado por las empresas para ser f谩cilmente transmitido a los consumidores a trav茅s de estrategias de comunicaci贸n digital en entornos digitales, como en el caso de los sitios web, redes sociales etc. Este proceso de recuperar, clasificar y detallar la informaci贸n recopilada se conoce como "an谩lisis de big data" y consiste en la adaptaci贸n de un conglomerado de informaci贸n que tiene una estructura de datos integrada compleja con las notorias dificultades para buscar, almacenar, analizar, proteger, transferir y visualizar los datos recopilados. En particular, el an谩lisis de big data es muy importante para las empresas con la base del comercio electr贸nico y el comercio digital, que pueden estudiar el comportamiento del consumidor, luego realizar un an谩lisis detallado y finalmente obtener importantes beneficios en la competencia en un mercado determinado. Palabras claves: Big data, marketing, redes sociales, empresa, consumidor. ABSTRACT Today, with the rise of the internet and the digital age, companies have the duty to adapt their strategies and methodological trading systems to create and maintain competitiveness in existing markets. In this contextual framework, experience marketing is one of the forms of contemporary marketing that seeks to create dependence through a certain product or service in consumers, offering empirical resources to create preferences in consumers of a brand with respect to another brand. Experience marketing, being one of the many existing forms of relationship marketing, has been modified by companies to be easily transmitted to consumers through digital communication strategies in digital environments, as in the case of websites, networks social etc. This process of retrieving, classifying and detailing the information collected is known as "big data analysis" and consists of the adaptation of a conglomerate of information that has a complex integrated data structure with the notorious difficulties to search, store, analyze, protect, transfer and view the collected data. In particular, big data analytics is very important for companies with e-commerce and digital commerce foundation, which can study consumer behavior, then perform detailed analysis and finally obtain significant benefits in competition in a given market. Keywords: Big data, marketing, social media, business, consumer. Informaci贸n del manuscrito:Fecha de recepci贸n: 15 de noviembre de 2018.Fecha de aceptaci贸n: 09 de enero de 2019.Fecha de publicaci贸n: 10 de enero de 2019

    Marketing digital y redes de investigaci贸n

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    Today, the invention of new information and communication technologies (ICT) in conjunction with increasing globalization, have made it easier for companies to implement marketing strategies in the predominant digitized environment, thus streamlining the trade process. Despite this, companies must take into account ethical leadership resulting in an effective strategy that generates competitiveness in contemporary markets. In this context, they opt for the implementation of digital marketing strategies, considered the main reference regarding contemporary forms of marketing. In the first instance, to understand the existing nexus between research networks and its implications in the contextual framework of digital marketing, it is essential to clarify and define the terms of Marketing and digital communication, as well as to contextualize in what framework they can be implemented by the companies in a global environment through research networks. Keywords: marketing, digital communication, strategies, research.Hoy por hoy, la invenci贸n de nuevas tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y la comunicaci贸n (TIC) en conjunto con la creciente globalizaci贸n, han facilitado que las empresas implementen estrategias de marketing en el predominante entorno digitalizado, agilizando de esta forma el proceso de comercio. A pesar de esto, las empresas deben tener en cuenta el liderazgo 茅tico resulta en una estrategia eficaz que genera competitividad en los mercados contempor谩neos. En este contexto, las mismas optan por la implementaci贸n de estrategias de mercadotecnia digital, consideradas el principal referente con respecto a las formas de mercadotecnia contempor谩neas. En primera instancia, para comprender el nexo existente entre las redes de investigaci贸n y sus implicaciones en el marco contextual del marketing digital, resulta indispensable clarificar y definir los t茅rminos de Marketing y comunicaci贸n digital, as铆 tambi茅n como contextualizar en que marco pueden ser implementados por las empresas en un ambiente global a trav茅s de redes de investigaci贸n. Palabras claves: marketing, comunicaci贸n digital, estrategias, investigaci贸n. ABSTRACT Today, the invention of new information and communication technologies (ICT) in conjunction with increasing globalization, have made it easier for companies to implement marketing strategies in the predominant digitized environment, thus streamlining the trade process. Despite this, companies must take into account ethical leadership resulting in an effective strategy that generates competitiveness in contemporary markets. In this context, they opt for the implementation of digital marketing strategies, considered the main reference regarding contemporary forms of marketing. In the first instance, to understand the existing nexus between research networks and its implications in the contextual framework of digital marketing, it is essential to clarify and define the terms of Marketing and digital communication, as well as to contextualize in what framework they can be implemented by the companies in a global environment through research networks. Keywords: marketing, digital communication, strategies, research. Informaci贸n del manuscrito:Fecha de recepci贸n: 13 de mayo de 2019.Fecha de aceptaci贸n: 09 de julio de 2019.Fecha de publicaci贸n: 10 de julio de 2019

    Econom铆a naranja y habilidades digitales

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    Nowdays, the global economic system of a linear nature is overshadowed by other types of resource production systems, which are based on sustainable initiatives that promote development, systems such as The Orange Economy better known as the creative economy, focused on the use of culture and creativity as an infinite source of resources. This initiative has recently been considered suitable and optimal to be applied in the Latin American context, given the fruitful success it has obtained in the European countries that have adopted it, which is why it is considered an economic system that promotes innovation. Keywords: economy, global economic system, innovation.En la actualidad, el sistema econ贸mico global de car谩cter lineal se encuentra opacado por otros tipos de sistemas de producci贸n de recursos, mismos que se basan en iniciativas sostenibles promotoras del desarrollo, sistemas tales como la econom铆a naranja mejor conocida como econom铆a creativa, enfocada en la utilizaci贸n de la cultura y la creatividad como una fuente infinita de recursos. Recientemente Esta iniciativa ha sido considerada id贸nea y 贸ptima para ser aplicada en el contexto latinoamericano, dado el fruct铆fero 茅xito que ha obtenido en los pa铆ses de Europa que la han adoptado, por lo que se considera un sistema econ贸mico promotor de la innovaci贸n. Palabras claves: econom铆a, sistema econ贸mico global, innovaci贸n.   ABSTRACT Nowdays, the global economic system of a linear nature is overshadowed by other types of resource production systems, which are based on sustainable initiatives that promote development, systems such as The Orange Economy better known as the creative economy, focused on the use of culture and creativity as an infinite source of resources. This initiative has recently been considered suitable and optimal to be applied in the Latin American context, given the fruitful success it has obtained in the European countries that have adopted it, which is why it is considered an economic system that promotes innovation. Keywords: economy, global economic system, innovation. Informaci贸n del manuscrito:Fecha de recepci贸n:  09 de noviembre de 2020.Fecha de aceptaci贸n: 04 de enero de 2021.Fecha de publicaci贸n: 11 de enero de 2021

    Competitividad empresarial y desarrollo de mercado tur铆stico

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    Business success is motivated by the combination of internal factors, such as leadership, strategy and external, related to the motivation of the industry, national elements and the global context, the decision on the development of the market. Travel, to combine the optimal results of these results leads to a prosperous business. Modern integration processes on the transformation of the economy cause the use of modern business management methods. One of the main management tools for tourism development is based mainly on strategic management. Strategic management activities aimed at providing a solid strategic line that provides long-term durability of companies in unstable conditions. To increase the competitiveness of national tourism agencies in the international tourism market, a proposal for associations of tourism organizations should be developed, as well as proposals and recommendations for cooperation in the field of tourism. Keywords: tourism, business, development, competitiveness, industry.El 茅xito empresarial est谩 motivado por la combinaci贸n de factores internos, como el liderazgo, la estrategia y el exterior, relacionados con la motivaci贸n de la industria, los elementos nacionales y el contexto global, la decisi贸n sobre el desarrollo del mercado. Los viajes, para combinar los resultados 贸ptimos de estos resultados conduce a un negocio pr贸spero. Los procesos de integraci贸n moderna sobre la transformaci贸n de la econom铆a causan el uso de m茅todos de gesti贸n empresarial modernos. Una de las principales herramientas de gesti贸n del desarrollo tur铆stico se basa principalmente en la gesti贸n estrat茅gica. Actividades de gesti贸n estrat茅gica destinadas a proporcionar una l铆nea estrat茅gica s贸lida que proporciona una durabilidad a largo plazo de las empresas en condiciones inestables. Para aumentar la competitividad de las agencias nacionales de turismo en el mercado internacional de turismo, se debe desarrollar una propuesta de asociaciones de organizaciones tur铆sticas, as铆 como propuestas y recomendaciones para la cooperaci贸n en el campo del turismo. Palabras claves: turismo, empresa, desarrollo, competitividad, industria. ABSTRACT Business success is motivated by the combination of internal factors, such as leadership, strategy and external, related to the motivation of the industry, national elements and the global context, the decision on the development of the market. Travel, to combine the optimal results of these results leads to a prosperous business. Modern integration processes on the transformation of the economy cause the use of modern business management methods. One of the main management tools for tourism development is based mainly on strategic management. Strategic management activities aimed at providing a solid strategic line that provides long-term durability of companies in unstable conditions. To increase the competitiveness of national tourism agencies in the international tourism market, a proposal for associations of tourism organizations should be developed, as well as proposals and recommendations for cooperation in the field of tourism. Keywords: tourism, business, development, competitiveness, industry. Informaci贸n del manuscrito:Fecha de recepci贸n: 05 de noviembre de 2021.Fecha de aceptaci贸n: 27 de diciembre de 2021.Fecha de publicaci贸n: 06 de enero de 2022

    Econometr铆a tur铆stica y gesti贸n social

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    Social tourism takes place in a specific context and is presented as the main economic unit of the social economy. Social enterprises are between the traditional public and private sectors. The main characteristics are the social objectives together with the entrepreneurial potential of the private sector. In this context, the social enterprise guides its activities and reinvests its profits in the realization of social goals, for the benefit of both its members and the population on a larger scale. However, the majority of social enterprises are small and medium-sized companies, which is why they are protected by the Law of SMEs, and therefore the development of the socio-economic tourism industry is one of the priority tasks. By travel agencies and regional authorities. Therefore, it is very appropriate to model the impact of tourist flows on the sustainability of a diverse tourist destination. Keywords: econometrics, social tourism, tourist flow.El turismo social tiene lugar en un contexto espec铆fico y se presenta como la principal unidad econ贸mica de la econom铆a social. Las empresas sociales se encuentran entre los sectores p煤blico y privado tradicionales. Las principales caracter铆sticas son los objetivos sociales junto con el potencial empresarial del sector privado. En este contexto, la empresa social orienta sus actividades y reinvierte sus ganancias en la realizaci贸n de metas sociales, en beneficio tanto de sus miembros como de la poblaci贸n en mayor escala. Sin embargo, la mayor铆a de las empresas sociales son peque帽as y medianas empresas, por lo que est谩n amparadas por la Ley de las PYMES, y por eso el desarrollo de la industria del turismo socioecon贸mico es una de las tareas prioritarias. Por agencias de viajes y autoridades regionales. Por tanto, es muy apropiado modelar el impacto de los flujos tur铆sticos en la sostenibilidad de un destino tur铆stico diverso. Palabras clave: econometr铆a, turismo social, flujo tur铆stico. Abstract Social tourism takes place in a specific context and is presented as the main economic unit of the social economy. Social enterprises are between the traditional public and private sectors. The main characteristics are the social objectives together with the entrepreneurial potential of the private sector. In this context, the social enterprise guides its activities and reinvests its profits in the realization of social goals, for the benefit of both its members and the population on a larger scale. However, the majority of social enterprises are small and medium-sized companies, which is why they are protected by the Law of SMEs, and therefore the development of the socio-economic tourism industry is one of the priority tasks. By travel agencies and regional authorities. Therefore, it is very appropriate to model the impact of tourist flows on the sustainability of a diverse tourist destination. Keywords: econometrics, social tourism, tourist flow. Informaci贸n del manuscrito:Fecha de recepci贸n: 26 de octubre de 2021.Fecha de aceptaci贸n: 28 de diciembre de 2021.Fecha de publicaci贸n: 06 de enero de 2022