253 research outputs found

    Mathematical Services Composition

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    AbstractThis paper describes the definition and the use of a plan language in the context of mathematical web services. A plan is a document intended to describe how to use different mathematical web services to solve a particular problem. A plan is like a program in which most of the function calls have to be handled by web services. A plan is a multiple-state choreography document which could be either abstract, unresolved or resolved, depending on how much of the web services involved in the choreography is known. Such a plan can be instantiated into a composition language such as BPEL or to a mathematical routine (like a Maple routine) for execution

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Solving pada Pembelajaran IPA Siswa Kelas IV SD

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    This study aims to determine the completeness of science learning outcomes after the problem solving model is applied to fourth grade students at SD Negeri 40 Lubuklinggau. This research method is quasi-experimental with the Pretest and Posttest Group research design. The population is all student classes consisting of one class with a sample of 25 students. The data collection technique used a multiple choice test with 20 questions, the data analysis technique obtained using the z test obtained zcount = 3.21 and ztable = 1.71 then Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that there is an influence of the Problem Solving learning model on the science learning outcomes of students at SD Negeri 40 Lubuklinggau   Keywords: Learning Outcomes, Natural Science, and Problem Solvin

    Moderasi Teologi Balā’ Dalam Tafsir Al-Amtsal Nashir Makarim Shiraz: Respon Atas Fatalisme Dan Eskapisme

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    Fatalism and escapism are two human responses to the occurrence of balā' from two conflicting theological perspectives, namely the Ash'ariyah who view balā' as an absolute power of God, and the Mu'tazilah who view it as stemming from the absolute freedom of human action. Therefore, there is a need for a moderate mediating attitude between the two. This research aims to uncover the meaning of bala' in a moderate manner so as to provide a solution between fatalism and escapism. This research is a qualitative research with a thematic method and using a theological approach. The primary source of this article is the interpretation of the verses of balā' from Nasir Makarim Shirazi's perspective in Tafsir Al-Amthal, which tends to be moderate and tries to compromise the fatalist and escapist attitudes in responding to bala'. The research findings are that balā' in Nasir Makarim Shirazi's perspective is a means towards human development and perfection through efforts in his life so that his potentials will be seen and his abilities will be actualised. Balā' in the form of bad and good is a test of Allah. Nasir Makarim Shirazi divides the causes of balā' in humans into two. Firstly, because of God's will (irādah takwīniyah), which is based on the natural system he created. Secondly, it occurs due to the effects of man's actions on nature and his life, because balā' does not occur without man's own will and endeavours. From there, it can be concluded that humans are in a moderate and proportional position by not being fatalistic or escapist in their attitude when facing balā


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    Pandemi Covid 19 menjadi tatangan berat bagi kehidupan manusia, termasuk dalam pelaksanaan kontrak internasional. Hal yang menjadi perhatian adalah peran UNIDROIT dalam pengaturan kontrak internasional di masa pandemi COVID-19 dan prinsip hardship UNIDROIT dalam kontrak internasional di masa pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian yuridis normative dengan data hukum sekunder. UNIDROIT sebagai harmonisasi hukum kontrak internasional berperan penting dalam pemberian kepastian hukum bagi para pihak, sehingga UNIDROIT berupaya aktif untuk memberikan jalan keluar dari permasalahan akibat pandemic tersebut. Prinsip hardship yang menjadikan landasan umum dalam kontrak internasional adalah solusi terbaik untuk bertahan di masa pandemic ini dengan melakukan renegosiasi.The Covid 19 pandemic is a tough challenge for human life, including in the implementation of international contracts. What is of concern is UNIDROIT's role in arranging international contracts during the COVID-19 pandemic and UNIDROIT's arduous principle in international contracts during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study uses normative juridical research with secondary legal data. UNIDROIT as a harmonization of international contract law plays an important role in providing legal certainty for the parties, so that UNIDROIT is actively trying to provide a way out of the problems caused by the pandemic. The principle of hardship which forms the general foundation in international contracts is the best solution to survive this pandemic by renegotiatin

    Pengaruh Harga, Kualitas Produk, Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada E-Commerce Shopee (Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Islam Malang)

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    Abstract This study aims to analyze and describe the effect of price, product quality, and service quality on purchasing decisions on e-commerce shopee (study of 2018 class of economic and business faculty students). The population in this study were undergraduate students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Islamic University of Malang Batch 2018 both from the Management study program as many as 518 students, Accounting as many as 275 students, and Sharia Banking as many as 106 with a total of 899 people. Then 90 people were taken from this number using the slovin formula. The variables used in this research are purchasing decision variables (dependent variable), while the independent variables are price, product quality, and service quality.The results of this study conclude that there is a positive and significant influence between price, product quality, and service quality variables on purchasing decisions and simultaneously concludes that there is an influence between price, product quality, and service quality variables on purchasing decisions. Keywords: Purchase Decision, Price, Product Quality, Service Qualit

    Design and Development an Ergonomic Transfer Lifter Assistor From Wheelchair To Bed Transfer For Patients Under 50kg

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    Moving a patient from their bed to some other places for daily routine is such hard work. Caregiver usually using a wheelchair to move a patient from place to place. Nevertheless, they are facing a problem in lifting the patient from bed to wheelchair. The caregiver needs to use lots of energy to lift the patient into a wheelchair, and it may take a long time. This study focuses on design and develop a transfer lifter assistor to assist the caregiver move the patient from bed to another place. It was flexible and easy to conduct. This innovation's advantages are that the height could be adjusted, making the patient more comfortable to sit on from a bed. The size could be adjusted up to 3 and a half feet. The structure mostly from steel and can be disassembled for storage purposes. The result shows that Transfer Lifter Assistor can perform effectively to lift patients with a maximum weight of 50 kilograms. It can support one patient at a time. This innovation has been successfully produced with cost-effective and can be owned by everyone

    Pembuatan material fotokatalis Carbon Dots (CDs) dari limbah bulu ayam menggunakan metode hidrotermal

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    INDONESIA: Limbah bulu ayam merupakan salah satu limbah biomassa di Indonesia yang sulit untuk terurai dan pengolahan yang masih kurang. Kandungan protein atau keratin bulu ayam berpotensi untuk pembuatan material baru, seperti carbon dots (CDs). CDs adalah karbon berdimensi nol yang sebagian besar terdiri dari karbon dengan ukuran di bawah 10nm. CDs sangat menarik perhatian karena perluasan diberbagai aplikasi salah satunya fotokatalis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi waktu dan temperatur hidrotermal terhadap sifat fisis dan aktivitas fotokatalis. Metode hidrotermal digunakan untuk membuat CDs dari bahan limbah bulu ayam. Variasi waktu dan temperatur hidrotermal yang digunakan yaitu 160℃, 180℃, 200℃ selama 5 jam dan 7 jam. Karakteristik hasil sintesis diketahui melalui analisis spektroskopi inframerah (FTIR) untuk mengetahui gugus fungsi, lampu UV untuk mengetahui warna fluoresensi sampel, dan spektrofotometri Ultraviolet Visible (UV-Vis) untuk mengetahui panjang gelombang absorbansi dan energi gap. Hasil proses fotokatalis menunjukkan bahwa sampel CDs dapat menurunkan konsentrsi methylene blue (MB). Persentase efisiensi fotokatalis tertinggi dalam keadaan gelap sebesar 5%, sedangkan dalam keadaan terang memiliki nilai efisiensi sebesar 12,3%. ENGLISH: In Indonesia, one of the biomass wastes is chicken feather waste, which has undergone minimal processing. Chicken feathers' protein or keratin content has the potential to be used to create novel materials, such carbon dots (CDs). CDs are zero-dimensional carbon materials that mostly contain 10nm-sized carbon. Due to its proliferation in numerous applications, including photocatalyst, CDs are of tremendous interest. The purpose of this study is to ascertain how changes in hydrothermal time and temperature affect the photocatalyst's physical characteristics and activity. Chicken feather waste is used to create CDs using the hydrothermal process. 160°C, 180°C, and 200°C for 5 hours and 7 hours are the different hydrothermal time and temperature variations. Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis is used to identify the functional groups of the synthesized products, UV light is used to identify the sample's fluorescence color, and ultraviolet visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometry is used to identify the absorbance wavelength and energy gap. The photocatalyst method' results demonstrate that the CDs sample can lower the concentration of methylene blue (MB). The photocatalyst's efficiency is at its highest in the dark, when it is 5%, and at its highest in the light, where it is 12.3%. ARABIC: نفايات ريش الدجاج هي من إحدى نفايات الكتلة الحيوية في إندونيسيا التي يصعب تحللها ولا تزال الاستفادة منها غير متوفرة. كانا محتوى البروتين أو الكيراتين في ريش الدجاج لديه القدرة على صنع مواد جديدة، مثل نقاط الكربون (CDs). وهي عبارة عن كربون صفري الأبعاد يتكون في الغالب من الكربون بأحجام أقل من ١٠ نانومتر. تجذب نقاط الكربون الانتباه بسبب توسعها في تطبيقات مختلفة، أحدها المحفزات الضوئية. يهدف هذا البحث إلى معرفة تأثير اختلافات الوقت ودرجة الحرارة للحرارية المائية على الخصائص الفيزيائية ونشاط المحفز الضوئي. تستخدم الطريقة الحرارية المائية لصنع نقاط الكربون من نفايات ريش الدجاج. الاختلافات المستخدمة في الوقت ودرجة الحرارة للحرارية المائية هي ١٦٠℃، ١٨٠℃،٢٠٠ ℃ لمدة ٥ ساعات و٧ ساعات. تعرف خصائص نتائج التوليف من خلال تحليل التحليل الطيفي بالأشعة تحت الحمراء (FTIR) لمعرفة المجموعة الوظيفية، ومصباح الأشعة فوق البنفسجية لمعرفة لون التألق للعينة، وقياس الطيف الضوئي المرئي بالأشعة فوق البنفسجية (UV-Vis) لمعرفة الطول الموجي للامتصاص وفجوة الطاقة. أظهرت نتائج عملية المحفز الضوئي أن عينات نقاط الكربون يمكن أن تقلل من تركيز الميثيلين الأزرق (methylene blue). أعلى قيمة كفاءة المحفز الضوئي في الحالة المظلمة هي ٥%، بينما في الحالة المضيئة لها قيمة الكفاءة تبلغ ١٢.٣%


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang dan mengembangkan media pembelajaran “BUMKAR” atau Buku Album Kartu Bergambar untuk mempermudah siswa kelas 1 SD dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca permulaan. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dari hasil observasi dan identifikasi masalah yang dilakukan peneliti yaitu (1) Rendahnya kemampuan membaca permulaan siswa, dan (2) Minimnya penggunaan media pembelajaran yang digunakan guru dalam pembelajaran membaca permulaan serta kurang bervariatif. Media pembelajaran “BUMKAR” atau Buku Album Kartu Bergambar ini dikembangkan melalui metode Design and Development (D&D) dengan model penelitian Peffers dkk. yang meliputi enam fase, yaitu: (1) Mengidentifikasi Masalah, (2) Mendeskripsikan Tujuan, (3) Desain dan Pengembangan Produk, (4) Uji Coba Produk, (5) Evaluasi Hasil Uji Coba, dan (6) Mengkomunikasikan Hasil Uji Coba. Media pembelajaran “BUMKAR” atau Buku Album Kartu Bergambar ini divalidasi oleh para ahli menggunakan angket. Hasil validasi ahli materi memperoleh persentase sebesar 76% dengan kategori “Baik”, ahli media memperoleh persentase sebesar 94% dengan kategori “Sangat Baik”, dan penilaian guru kelas 1 SD memperoleh persentase sebesar 98% dengan kategori “Sangat Baik” sehingga diperoleh rata-rata hasil persentase dari ketiga ahli sebesar 89,3% dengan kategori “Sangat Baik”. Respon siswa terhadap media pembelajaran “BUMKAR” atau Buku Album Kartu Bergambar juga sangat baik dan positif. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran “BUMKAR” atau Buku Album Kartu Bergambar ini sangat baik dan sangat layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas 1 SD untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca permulaan. The purpose of this research is to design and develop learning media "BUMKAR" or Picture Card Album Book for make it easier for grade 1 elementary school students to improve reading skills beginning. This research is based on the results of observation and identification the problems that the researchers did were (1) the low reading ability the beginning of students, and (2) The lack of use of learning media that used by teachers in learning to read the beginning and less varied. Learning media "BUMKAR" or this Picture Card Album Book developed through the Design and Development (D&D) method with the Peffers et al. which includes six phases, namely: (1) Identify the Problem, (2) Describe the Objectives, (3) Design and Develop the Artifact, (4) Test the Artifact, (5) Evaluate the Testing Result, and (6) Communicating the Testing Result. Learning media "BUMKAR" or this Picture Card Album Book was validated by experts using a questionnaire. Material expert validation results obtained a percentage of 76% in the "Good" category, media expert obtained a percentage of 94% in the "Very Good" category, and the assessment of grade 1 elementary school teachers obtained a percentage of 98% in the "Very Good" category so that the average percentage of the three experts is 89.3% in the "Very Good" category. Student response to learning media "BUMKAR" or Picture Card Album Book is also very good and positive. It can be concluded that the learning media "BUMKAR" or Picture Card Album Book is very good and worth using in the process learning in grade 1 elementary school to improve early reading skills

    Christiane Baumgartner à l’Institut

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    L’Académie des beaux-arts expose les œuvres de Christiane Baumgartner, lauréate de la 2e édition du prix de gravure Mario Avati. Attribué pour la première fois en 2013 à Jean-Baptiste Sécheret, ce prix a été créé en hommage au graveur Mario Avati, grâce à la donation consentie par l’artiste et sa femme Helen, sous l’égide de l’Académie des beaux-arts et le parrainage de CAFAmerica. Il récompense un artiste confirmé, de toute nationalité, pour son œuvre gravé. Nous avions découvert les oeuvres..