285 research outputs found

    Comprendere e essere: lo sviluppo della questione ermeneutica nel pensiero di Bernard Lonergan

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    La complessit\ue0 delle articolazioni, e soprattutto il tentativo di ricomprendere i diversi momenti dell\u2019esperienza umana all\u2019interno di una visione unitaria, pu\uf2 forse suscitare in chi si accosti per la prima volta ai testi di Bernard Lonergan una sorta di sconcerto e di disorientamento, soprattutto quando tali testi si diffondono in modo analitico nelle pur doverose distinzioni che i singoli argomenti di volta in volta richiedono. A uno sguardo complessivo, sembra prevalere l\u2019interesse metodologico, che suggerisce modalit\ue0 diverse e distinzioni sempre pi\uf9 articolate, sia pure nel sostanziale impianto unitario che va oltre il campo specifico dell\u2019approfondimento teologico, per indicare uno stile di ricerca in grado di esprimere in modo significativo la specificit\ue0 dei diversi ambiti. L\u2019impressione che si ricava da questo primo approccio \ue8 destinata tuttavia ben presto a lasciare spazio all\u2019emergere progressivo di una visione unitaria e coerente, che pu\uf2 essere indicata, cos\uec come si \ue8 cercato in questo lavoro di suggerire, in una sorta di cammino a ritroso che da Method in Theology ritorni alle pagine decisive di Insight e, ancora pi\uf9 indietro, agli studi sul verbum mentis nel pensiero di san Tommaso. In tale cammino occupa un ruolo particolarmente significativo proprio l\u2019approfondimento della prospettiva ermeneutica, che va in qualche modo sottratta alla frammentariet\ue0 delle distinzioni e all\u2019aridit\ue0 del metodo, per acquisire pregnanza filosofica in riferimento alla visione d\u2019insieme che lo sguardo dell\u2019interprete riesce a cogliere in virt\uf9 del ruolo imprescindibile svolto dall\u2019interiorit\ue0 del soggetto. Sia pure all\u2019interno di una visione complessiva di realismo metafisico, che viene a distinguere la prospettiva di Lonergan rispetto agli sviluppi dell\u2019ermeneutica di derivazione heideggeriana, non va comunque dimenticato il ruolo centrale che il soggetto svolge nella ricostruzione delle pi\uf9 diverse articolazioni del sapere. Di qui la centralit\ue0 del problema ermeneutico, che trova nell\u2019insight, ossia nella visione d\u2019insieme con cui il soggetto si pone di fronte alla realt\ue0 e al mondo della cultura, il proprio nucleo essenziale, in forza di un legame imprescindibile tra ogni interpretazione e l\u2019interiorit\ue0 del soggetto.The aim of this study is to convey the thrust of Bernard Lonergan\u2019s method in terms of a hermeneutics of interiority as cognitive and as existential. But method has not conventionally been conceived of as hermeneutical. It might help to reduce the novelty of this idea if we recall that neither had philosophy commonly been thought to be hermeneutical; nor had hermeneutics been traditionally thought of as anything more than the art of interpretation. The genesis of philosophical hermeneutics is rather similar to the rise of method in Lonergan\u2019s perhaps unusual sense. Besides the hermeneutical nature of basic method, Lonergan\u2019s work has also been hermeneutical in the sense of his unique realization of the Leonine program of vetera novis augere et perficere. Finally, philosophy as hermeneutical is not simply the serious reading of classical texts of philosophy; but it is also and integrally the lifting up into fullest possible luminosity of just what is going on when one does this \u201creading\u201d authentically: What I do as a matter of fact when I read, understand, interpret, translate is intimately bound up with what I am. Meeting this issue squarely means crossing over the threshold into the hermeneutics of interiority as cognitive and existential. And that is basic method in Lonergan\u2019s sense


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    L’articolo presenta un ricordo a due voci della personalità umana e scientifica di Fabrizio Fransedi, ricostruendo in particolare il suo impegno come formatore di insegnanti a partire dagli anni Ottanta e il suo contributo alla nascita e allo sviluppo della disciplina universitaria denominata Didattica dell’italiano, nell’ottica di un fertile e originale intreccio di saperi.   The gaze and the voice. Focusing lessons The article presents a two-part recollection of Fabrizio Fransedi’s human and scientific personality, focusing both on his commitment as a teacher trainer starting in the 1980s and on his contribution to the birth and development of the discipline known as Didattica dell’italiano, in view of its fertile and original interweaving of knowledge

    Seasonal variation of nutrients and hydrological conditions in the State Marine Park of Laje de Santos (SMPLS) and adjacent continental shelf areas (South Atlantic Ocean - Brazil)

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    Parques marinhos constituem áreas importantes para a conservação da vida marinha e do patrimônio genético em todo o mundo. A criação de tais parques deve ser acompanhada de medidas cuidadosas para garantir a coexistência de biota natural e de atividades humanas nestes sistemas. O Parque Estadual Marinho da Laje de Santos (PEMLS) situa-se próximo de um pólo industrial e uma área urbana, e sua criação e manutenção é um exemplo para a humanidade. No entanto, nenhum programa ainda não foi instalado para o acompanhamento dos parâmetros bióticos e abióticos da água. Assim, este estudo tem como objetivo fornecer parâmetros hidrológicos e hidroquímicos, com ênfase em nutrientes dissolvidos, para estabelecer um ponto de partida para o monitoramento dessas águas. A presença da Água Central do Antlântico Sul (ACAS) no parque marinho durante os períodos de amostragem de primavera e verão foi evidenciada pela observação de baixas temperaturas (; 7,00 µmol L-1), enquanto as concentrações de N-amoniacal (; 7.00 µmol L-1), while the concentration of N-ammonium (maximum 9.86 µmol L-1) demonstrated a rapid regeneration of the organic matter, mainly in the euphotic zone. Analysis of the data from summer periods revealed an annual difference, showing January 2014 to be drier than January 2015, which influenced the availability of some nutrients and the standard distribution of hydrochemical parameters in this region. The results of the distribution of hydrochemical parameters in the marine park confirms the preserved conditions of the seawater around the Laje de Santos, demonstrated by the excellent water quality, concluding the need to implant monitoring actions based on these reference data to preserve this important reserve of marine life

    Decentralized Voltage Optimization Based on the Auxiliary Problem Principle in Distribution Networks with DERs

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    This paper addresses the problem of optimizing the voltage profile of radially-operated distribution systems by acting on the active and reactive powers provided by distributed energy resources (DERs). A novel voltage optimization procedure is proposed by adopting a decentralized control strategy. To this aim, a centralized voltage optimization problem (VOP), minimizing the distance of all the nodal voltages from their reference values, is firstly formulated as a strictly-convex quadratic program. Then, the centralized VOP is rewritten by partitioning the network into voltage control zones (VCZs) with pilot nodes. To overcome the lack of strictly convexity determined by the reduction to the pilot nodes, the dual centralized VOP working on the augmented Lagrangian function is reformulated and iteratively solved by the method of multipliers. Finally, a fully-distributed VOP solution is obtained by applying a distributed algorithm based on the auxiliary problem principle, which allows for solving in each VCZ a quadratic programming problem of small dimension and to drive the VCZ solutions toward the overall optimum by an iterative coordination process that requires to exchange among the VCZs only scalar values. The effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method have been demonstrated via numerical tests on the IEEE 123-bus system

    Density Distribution Maps: A Novel Tool for Subcellular Distribution Analysis and Quantitative Biomedical Imaging

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    open5noSubcellular spatial location is an essential descriptor of molecules biological function. Presently, super-resolution microscopy techniques enable quantification of subcellular objects distribution in fluorescence images, but they rely on instrumentation, tools and expertise not constituting a default for most of laboratories. We propose a method that allows resolving subcellular structures location by reinforcing each single pixel position with the information from surroundings. Although designed for entry-level laboratory equipment with common resolution powers, our method is independent from imaging device resolution, and thus can benefit also super-resolution microscopy. The approach permits to generate density distribution maps (DDMs) informative of both objects’ absolute location and self-relative displacement, thus practically reducing location uncertainty and increasing the accuracy of signal mapping. This work proves the capability of the DDMs to: (a) improve the informativeness of spatial distributions; (b) empower subcellular molecules distributions analysis; (c) extend their applicability beyond mere spatial object mapping. Finally, the possibility of enhancing or even disclosing latent distributions can concretely speed-up routine, large-scale and follow-up experiments, besides representing a benefit for all spatial distribution studies, independently of the image acquisition resolution. DDMaker, a Software endowed with a user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI), is also provided to support users in DDMs creation.openIlaria De Santis; Michele Zanoni; Chiara Arienti; Alessandro Bevilacqua; Anna TeseiIlaria De Santis; Michele Zanoni; Chiara Arienti; Alessandro Bevilacqua; Anna Tese

    Effect of Interlayer and Inclined Screw Arrangements on the Load-Bearing Capacity of Timber-Concrete Composite Connections

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    The solution of timber-to-concrete composite (TCC) floors represents a well-established construction technique, which is consistently used for both the retrofitting of existing timber floors and the realization of new diaphragms. The success of TCC floors relies on the intrinsic effectiveness in increasing both the in-plane (for lateral loads) and the out-of-plane (for gravity loads) performance of existing timber floors. As a widespread retrofit intervention, it is common to use existing floorboards as a permanent formwork for the concrete pouring. Rather few research studies of literature, in this regard, highlighted an overall reduction of load capacity and slip modulus due to the presence of such an interposed interlayer. In this regard, the present paper focuses on the use of screws as efficient mechanical connectors and analyses different configurations and inclination angles for their arrangement. This main goal is achieved by performing parametric Finite Element (FE) numerical analyses, validated on previous experimental tests, in order to specifically investigate the influence of the in-between interlayer, as well as the role of friction phenomena and the influence of the test setup and experimental protocol to achieve the basic mechanical performance indicators

    PI3K Signaling in Tissue Hyper-Proliferation: From Overgrowth Syndromes to Kidney Cysts

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    The members of the PhosphoInositide-3 Kinase (PI3K) protein family are well-known regulators of proliferative signals. By the generation of lipid second messengers, they mediate the activation of AKT/PKB (AKT) and mammalian Target Of Rapamycin (mTOR) pathways. Although mutations in the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway are highly characterized in cancer, recent evidence indicates that alterations in the proliferative signals are major drivers of other diseases such as overgrowth disorders and polycystic kidney disease. In this review, we briefly summarize the role of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway in cell proliferation by comparing the effect of alterations in PI3K enzymes in different tissues. In particular, we discuss the most recent findings on how the same pathway may lead to different biological effects, due to the convergence and cooperation of different signaling cascades

    L’Arte dell’osservazione, dall’opera artistica alla diagnosi Le prime esperienze in Sapienza Università di Roma, a Medicina e Chirurgia

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    This study describes how Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) as a methodological practice can help medical students learn and acquire analytical ability. This ability, capable of improving observational acumen and generally acquired only after years of clinical experience, may be achieved also by recourse to the systematic and reasoned examination of the visual arts, in particular paintings. Students attending the third year Medicine and Surgery degree-course, within the ambit of the faculty’s integrated medical-scientific and humanities teaching-learning activities, followed an elective course which began with a preparatory-explanatory lecture on the analytical methodologies applied to the study of art, followed by a practical workshop held at Rome’s Galleria Borghese and ended with a third and final lecture where the students themselves provided the teachers who conducted the course with direct feedback regarding the three phases of the course. The students’ appraisal of the experiences was positive; the experiment is on-going and has been extended to embrace other courses held by the Sapienza University. Further observations are needed at present to validate the effectiveness to medical training of this kind of course in the long term, even though the limited number of experiments carried out in other countries, whose historical and artistic heritages are undoubtedly not so rich as Italy’s, attest to their undeniable usefulness to students of medicine and surgery at both analytical and, no less important, humanistic-educational level