2,941 research outputs found

    Generation of circularly polarized photons for a linear collider polarized positron source

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    Various methods of obtaining longitudinally polarized positrons for future linear colliders are reviewed. Special attention is paid to the schemes using circularly polarized high-energy photons for positron production. Most effectively such photons are obtained from electrons passing through a helical undulator or colliding with a circularly polarized laser wave. Spectrum and polarization of radiation emitted during helical motion of electrons are considered in detail. A new simple presentation of known formulas is used to account for the influence of the wave intensity, of the electron-beam angular divergence, of the collimation of radiation, and of the lateral and temporal profiles of the laser bunch on the radiation properties.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    The Greco-Roman Conception of the North from Pytheas to Tacitus

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    In this attempt to outline the main phases in the unveiling of the north in terms of present-day research, we define 'North' as all the regions bordering the Atlantic Ocean which Strabo contains in his expression 'Paroceanitide', i.e. northwest Gaul (including the province of Belgium), the Britannic Isles, Lower Germany, and the Scandinavian peninsula. ... [The article summarizes Greek and Roman knowledge of the farthest northern frontiers by providing a survey of principal sources for the researcher of classical antiquity, and the archaeologist.

    Constraints on Oscillating Quintom from Supernova, Microwave Background and Galaxy Clustering

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    We consider in this paper a simple oscillating Quintom model of dark energy which has two free parameters and an equation of state oscillating and crossing -1. For low redshifts the equation of state of this model resembles itself similar to the linearly parameterized dark energy, however differ substantially at large redshifts. We fit our model to the observational data separately from the new high redshift supernova observations from the HST/GOODS program and previous supernova, CMB and galaxy clustering. Our results show that because of the oscillating feature of our model the constraints from observations at large redshifts such as CMB become less stringent.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures Revtex

    The puzzle of the soft X-ray excess in AGN: absorption or reflection?

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    The 2-10 keV continuum of AGN is generally well represented by a single power law. However, at smaller energies the continuum displays an excess with respect to the extrapolation of this power law, called the ''soft X-ray excess''. Until now this soft X-ray excess was attributed, either to reflection of the hard X-ray source by the accretion disk, or to the presence of an additional comptonizing medium, giving a steep spectrum. An alternative solution proposed by Gierlinski and Done (2004) is that a single power law well represents both the soft and the hard X-ray emission and the impression of the soft X-ray excess is due to absorption of a primary power law by a relativistic wind. We examine the advantages and drawbacks of reflection versus absorption models, and we conclude that the observed spectra can be well modeled, either by absorption (for a strong excess), or by reflection (for a weak excess). However the physical conditions required by the absorption models do not seem very realistic: we would prefer an ''hybrid model''.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, abstracts SF2A-2005, published by EDP-Sciences Conference Serie

    Off-diagonal long-range order, cycle probabilities, and condensate fraction in the ideal Bose gas

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    We discuss the relationship between the cycle probabilities in the path-integral representation of the ideal Bose gas, off-diagonal long-range order, and Bose--Einstein condensation. Starting from the Landsberg recursion relation for the canonic partition function, we use elementary considerations to show that in a box of size L^3 the sum of the cycle probabilities of length k >> L^2 equals the off-diagonal long-range order parameter in the thermodynamic limit. For arbitrary systems of ideal bosons, the integer derivative of the cycle probabilities is related to the probability of condensing k bosons. We use this relation to derive the precise form of the \pi_k in the thermodynamic limit. We also determine the function \pi_k for arbitrary systems. Furthermore we use the cycle probabilities to compute the probability distribution of the maximum-length cycles both at T=0, where the ideal Bose gas reduces to the study of random permutations, and at finite temperature. We close with comments on the cycle probabilities in interacting Bose gases.Comment: 6 pages, extensive rewriting, new section on maximum-length cycle

    Bilan hydrologique d'un marais littoral à vocation agricole : Le marais de Moëze (Charente-Maritime, France)

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    En France, les sécheresses consécutives des années 1985, 1986, 1989 et 1990 ont mis en lumière les problèmes relatifs à l'alimentation en eau potable, l'irrigation des terres agricoles et la préservation des écosystèmes aquatiques. Dans le cas des zones humides, continentales et littorales, caractérisées par une compartimentation hydraulique souvent complexe, le manque de connaissance se fait particulièrement sentir. Bien que de nombreux travaux aient permis d'évaluer l'évaporation des masses d'eau et l'évapotranspiration de certaines espèces d'hydrophytes et d'hélophytes, les études débouchant sur des bilans quantitatifs restent peu fréquentes. Le bilan hydrologique du marais de Moëze (2250 ha) a été calculé par décade entre le 11/06/89 et le 31/08/89. Il prend en compte le débit au droit de l'ouvrage d'alimentation, les volumes prélevés pour l'irrigation hors marais, les infiltrations et l'évapotransplration sur les 318 km de canaux. L'estimation de la consommation d'eau des parcelles est globalisée au niveau des mesures d'infiltration.Les pertes par infiltration sont secondaires (9,4 %) au regard des volumes prélevés pour l'irrigation (38,0 %) et évapotransplrés par les canaux (43,7 %) dont 51,1 % uniquement par les 28,6 % des plans d'eau colonisés par Typha latifolia.L'optimisation de la gestion estivale de l'eau d'un marais littoral agricole nécessite dans un premier temps de minimiser les pertes. C'est essentiellement sur la consommation d'eau des canaux colonisés par les hélophytes que l'on peut intervenir. Nous proposons un abaque qui permet d'évaluer l'importance des économies d'eau réalisées en fonction de plusieurs scénarios d'aménagement du réseau hydraulique.In France, the drought that occurred during the years 1985, 1986, 1989 and 1990 have emphazised the problems of freshwater supplies for human consumption, for irrigation and for the conservation of aquatic systems. Today the water has to be economized through a rationalized management. Water balance must be evaluated in order to compare supply an demand. Hydrological functioning is particularly badly known as far as continental and coastal wetlands are concerned, probably because of a generally very complex hydrological partition. Many papers deal with the evaporation rate from a clear water surface or the evapotranspiration rate from several species of hydrophytes and halophytes. However studies of quantitative water budgets of wetlands remain few in number.This paper reports an analysis of the budget summer water in that was a salt marsh now containing freshwater. The 25 km2 marsh of Moëze is located on the French Atlantic coast; it has been progressively constituted by filling up a tidal bay since the flandrien period. The soils correspond to fluvio-marine silts, locally called « bri » accumulated over several tens of meters thick. The marsh is bounded on the North by the ancient limestone coast, on the South by the Arnoult River, and on the West by the coastline. Its drainage network includes permanently flowing main canals and also small silted-up ditches which sometimes dry up in summer and are largely colonized by aquatic plants, particularly Typha latifolia. The channels network is very dense (144 meters of ditches per hectare) and complex because of a close connection between all the canals and ditches. The regional oceanic climate is characterized by a surplus water balance from October to April (+ 315 mm) and quite a short one tram May to September (-338 mm).The important terms of the water budget equation in this study were : the quantity of water pumped from the Arnoult River through the inflow sluicegate (Qa), the precipitations (P), the irrigation out of the marsh (lr), the evapotranspiration of water bodies (Epo), the seepage through canals and ditches (ls), and the change in water soil strorage (Vs). These terms are not equally susceptible to be measured. Groundwater seepage and evapotranspiration are difficult to measure and they are often determined by difference, but, they contain the residual error of ail the terms. The methods to evaluate each term of water budget were carried as follows :1. As the inflow gate functions as a siphon, the flow rate (Qa) was calculated with the drowned orifice formula (LENCASTRE, 1984). The upstream and downstream water levels were permanently recorded by 2 limnigraphs. The upstream and downstream water velocities were measured every 2 days with a micro-currentmeter.2. The precipitation values (P) used in the water budget equation correspond to the average of 4 rain gauges placed around the marsh.3. The evapotranspiration of the channel network (Epo) was directly estimated through 4 experimental floating tanks (0.50 x 0.55 x 1.05 m size) previously used by GIRAUD (1985). One of the tanks was placed in clear water, the others was planted the typical aquatic vegetation of the marsh (Lemna sp., Ceratophyllum sp., and Typhia latifolia). The drop the water levels in the tanks corresponded to the loss of water due tou evapotranspiration. All the tanks were filled up to a fixed level, and the amount of water added, measured every 2 days.4. The outputs for irrigation (Ir) concern 298 ha of maïze out of the marsh, and 23 farmers. The water amounts taken off were estimated form an inquiry of irrigation practices associated to a field control.5. The water losses by seepage (ls) through canals and ditches were directly measured on the field by using the closed basin method. A length of canal was closed by 2 watertight bulkheads. The fall of water level was recorded and the amount of water added to maintain a fixed level was measured. This method is considered by KRAATZ (1977) as being the most accurate specially for low seepage. The fall of water level never exceeds 10 % of the water depth in the basin. 34 canals and ditches in the marsh were sampled. According to CHEVALLIER et al. (1984), 3 parameters influencing the soil permeability were measured : granulometry, CaC03 content and sodicity. After the sampling plan we have retained 4 experimental canals (average length =47 m, average water surface = 135 m2, average depth = 0.44 m).6. The water strorage in the soil (Vs) was evaluated by analyzing the groundwater table fluctuations and moisture changes.The water budget calculated for 10-day periods depending on the climatology calculations, from 10th June 1989 to 31st August 1989. The water losses due to seepage were secondary (9.4 %) compared to the amounts of water taken off by irrigation (38.0 %) and channel network evapotranspiration (43.7 %). The water consumption of helophytes such as Typhia latifolia was 2 to 3 times higher than the evaporation of a clear surface water body as shown in figure 3. In the marsh of Moëze, 51.1 % of channel evapotranspiration was due to the colonization by Typhia latifolia of the canals and ditches although they represent only 28.6 % of the channel network surface.This study shows that is possible to quantify a water budget for a large scale wetland from field measurements associated to experimental approaches, with a satisfactory accuracy : less than 10 %. To reduce the water consumption of the marsh of Moëze, three essential recommendations may be given : the reduction of the global channel network surface, the cleaning of a part of ditches colonized by Typhia latifolia, or the combination of both techniques. According to the different management schemes, it is possible to predict the amounts of freshwater saved (fig. 5)

    Bilan hydrologique d'un marais littoral à vocation agricole : Le marais de Moëze (Charente-Maritime, France)

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    En France, les sécheresses consécutives des années 1985, 1986, 1989 et 1990 ont mis en lumière les problèmes relatifs à l'alimentation en eau potable, l'irrigation des terres agricoles et la préservation des écosystèmes aquatiques. Dans le cas des zones humides, continentales et littorales, caractérisées par une compartimentation hydraulique souvent complexe, le manque de connaissance se fait particulièrement sentir. Bien que de nombreux travaux aient permis d'évaluer l'évaporation des masses d'eau et l'évapotranspiration de certaines espèces d'hydrophytes et d'hélophytes, les études débouchant sur des bilans quantitatifs restent peu fréquentes. Le bilan hydrologique du marais de Moëze (2250 ha) a été calculé par décade entre le 11/06/89 et le 31/08/89. Il prend en compte le débit au droit de l'ouvrage d'alimentation, les volumes prélevés pour l'irrigation hors marais, les infiltrations et l'évapotransplration sur les 318 km de canaux. L'estimation de la consommation d'eau des parcelles est globalisée au niveau des mesures d'infiltration.Les pertes par infiltration sont secondaires (9,4 %) au regard des volumes prélevés pour l'irrigation (38,0 %) et évapotransplrés par les canaux (43,7 %) dont 51,1 % uniquement par les 28,6 % des plans d'eau colonisés par Typha latifolia.L'optimisation de la gestion estivale de l'eau d'un marais littoral agricole nécessite dans un premier temps de minimiser les pertes. C'est essentiellement sur la consommation d'eau des canaux colonisés par les hélophytes que l'on peut intervenir. Nous proposons un abaque qui permet d'évaluer l'importance des économies d'eau réalisées en fonction de plusieurs scénarios d'aménagement du réseau hydraulique.In France, the drought that occurred during the years 1985, 1986, 1989 and 1990 have emphazised the problems of freshwater supplies for human consumption, for irrigation and for the conservation of aquatic systems. Today the water has to be economized through a rationalized management. Water balance must be evaluated in order to compare supply an demand. Hydrological functioning is particularly badly known as far as continental and coastal wetlands are concerned, probably because of a generally very complex hydrological partition. Many papers deal with the evaporation rate from a clear water surface or the evapotranspiration rate from several species of hydrophytes and halophytes. However studies of quantitative water budgets of wetlands remain few in number.This paper reports an analysis of the budget summer water in that was a salt marsh now containing freshwater. The 25 km2 marsh of Moëze is located on the French Atlantic coast; it has been progressively constituted by filling up a tidal bay since the flandrien period. The soils correspond to fluvio-marine silts, locally called « bri » accumulated over several tens of meters thick. The marsh is bounded on the North by the ancient limestone coast, on the South by the Arnoult River, and on the West by the coastline. Its drainage network includes permanently flowing main canals and also small silted-up ditches which sometimes dry up in summer and are largely colonized by aquatic plants, particularly Typha latifolia. The channels network is very dense (144 meters of ditches per hectare) and complex because of a close connection between all the canals and ditches. The regional oceanic climate is characterized by a surplus water balance from October to April (+ 315 mm) and quite a short one tram May to September (-338 mm).The important terms of the water budget equation in this study were : the quantity of water pumped from the Arnoult River through the inflow sluicegate (Qa), the precipitations (P), the irrigation out of the marsh (lr), the evapotranspiration of water bodies (Epo), the seepage through canals and ditches (ls), and the change in water soil strorage (Vs). These terms are not equally susceptible to be measured. Groundwater seepage and evapotranspiration are difficult to measure and they are often determined by difference, but, they contain the residual error of ail the terms. The methods to evaluate each term of water budget were carried as follows :1. As the inflow gate functions as a siphon, the flow rate (Qa) was calculated with the drowned orifice formula (LENCASTRE, 1984). The upstream and downstream water levels were permanently recorded by 2 limnigraphs. The upstream and downstream water velocities were measured every 2 days with a micro-currentmeter.2. The precipitation values (P) used in the water budget equation correspond to the average of 4 rain gauges placed around the marsh.3. The evapotranspiration of the channel network (Epo) was directly estimated through 4 experimental floating tanks (0.50 x 0.55 x 1.05 m size) previously used by GIRAUD (1985). One of the tanks was placed in clear water, the others was planted the typical aquatic vegetation of the marsh (Lemna sp., Ceratophyllum sp., and Typhia latifolia). The drop the water levels in the tanks corresponded to the loss of water due tou evapotranspiration. All the tanks were filled up to a fixed level, and the amount of water added, measured every 2 days.4. The outputs for irrigation (Ir) concern 298 ha of maïze out of the marsh, and 23 farmers. The water amounts taken off were estimated form an inquiry of irrigation practices associated to a field control.5. The water losses by seepage (ls) through canals and ditches were directly measured on the field by using the closed basin method. A length of canal was closed by 2 watertight bulkheads. The fall of water level was recorded and the amount of water added to maintain a fixed level was measured. This method is considered by KRAATZ (1977) as being the most accurate specially for low seepage. The fall of water level never exceeds 10 % of the water depth in the basin. 34 canals and ditches in the marsh were sampled. According to CHEVALLIER et al. (1984), 3 parameters influencing the soil permeability were measured : granulometry, CaC03 content and sodicity. After the sampling plan we have retained 4 experimental canals (average length =47 m, average water surface = 135 m2, average depth = 0.44 m).6. The water strorage in the soil (Vs) was evaluated by analyzing the groundwater table fluctuations and moisture changes.The water budget calculated for 10-day periods depending on the climatology calculations, from 10th June 1989 to 31st August 1989. The water losses due to seepage were secondary (9.4 %) compared to the amounts of water taken off by irrigation (38.0 %) and channel network evapotranspiration (43.7 %). The water consumption of helophytes such as Typhia latifolia was 2 to 3 times higher than the evaporation of a clear surface water body as shown in figure 3. In the marsh of Moëze, 51.1 % of channel evapotranspiration was due to the colonization by Typhia latifolia of the canals and ditches although they represent only 28.6 % of the channel network surface.This study shows that is possible to quantify a water budget for a large scale wetland from field measurements associated to experimental approaches, with a satisfactory accuracy : less than 10 %. To reduce the water consumption of the marsh of Moëze, three essential recommendations may be given : the reduction of the global channel network surface, the cleaning of a part of ditches colonized by Typhia latifolia, or the combination of both techniques. According to the different management schemes, it is possible to predict the amounts of freshwater saved (fig. 5)

    The importance of transport model uncertainties for the estimation of CO2 sources and sinks using satellite measurements

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    This study presents a synthetic model intercomparison to investigate the importance of transport model errors for estimating the sources and sinks of CO2 using satellite measurements. The experiments were designed for testing the potential performance of the proposed CO2 lidar A-SCOPE, but also apply to other space borne missions that monitor total column CO2. The participating transport models IFS, LMDZ, TM3, and TM5 were run in forward and inverse mode using common a priori CO2 fluxes and initial concentrations. Forward simulations of column averaged CO2 (xCO2) mixing ratios vary between the models by s=0.5 ppm over the continents and s=0.27 ppm over the oceans. Despite the fact that the models agree on average on the sub-ppm level, these modest differences nevertheless lead to significant discrepancies in the inverted fluxes of 0.1 PgC/yr per 106 km2 over land and 0.03 PgC/yr per 106 km2 over the ocean. These transport model induced flux uncertainties exceed the target requirement that was formulated for the A-SCOPE mission of 0.02 PgC/yr per 106 km2, and could also limit the overall performance of other CO2 missions such as GOSAT. A variable, but overall encouraging agreement is found in comparison with FTS measurements at Park Falls, Darwin, Spitsbergen, and Bremen, although systematic differences are found exceeding the 0.5 ppm level. Because of this, our estimate of the impact of transport model uncerainty is likely to be conservative. It is concluded that to make use of the remote sensing technique for quantifying the sources and sinks of CO2 not only requires highly accurate satellite instruments, but also puts stringent requirements on the performance of atmospheric transport models. Improving the accuracy of these models should receive high priority, which calls for a closer collaboration between experts in atmospheric dynamics and tracer transpor

    Attempts to eradicate two Pelargonium viruses (PFBV and PLPV) by meristem culture and shoot-tip cryotherapy

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    Attempts to eradicate the Pelargonium flower break virus (PFBV) and Pelargonium line pattern virus (PLPV) by meristem culture and apex “droplet-vitrification” cryopreservation was carried out using 5 different cultivars. A simple meristem culture did not permit to eliminate PFBV and only 15% of Pelargonium x hortorum ‘Stellar Artic’ plants regenerated from meristems was PLPV-ELISA-negative. Plants regenerated from cryopreserved apices were tested by DAS-ELISA after a 3-month growing period. Viruses were not detected in 25 and 50% of the tested plants for PFBV and PLPV respectively. Immunolocalisations were carried out for virus localisation in apices from greenhouse plants (control) and vitroplants regenerated after meristem culture or cryopreservation. Immunolocalisations realised on control explants excised from DAS-ELISA positive plants showed that PFBV and PLPV were present in the apices, even in the meristematic dome. However, viral particles were more numerous in the cells of the basal zone than in the more meristematic ones. Immunolocalisations realised on apices from the DAS-ELISA negative cryoregenerated plants showed the viruses were still present. Our results firstly demonstrated that PFBV and PLPV are even present inside meristematic cells and secondly that cryopreservation could decrease their amount in Pelargonium plants but without eliminating them totally. More knowledge on virus behaviour during cryopreservation processes could optimize the management of genetic resources using this conservation method